Please honestly answer the following queries and find out to what level are you financially free or in bondage.

Please select either true or false; when you are finished, please click on the 'Ready' button.

May you get all the answers correctly!

1. Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, you can achieve.
true false

2. The more financially wealthy a person is, the more successful he is.
true false

3. Do you sometimes spend sleepless nights worrying about unpaid bills and business or job incomes?
true false

4. Do you make it a habit to always find out through consumer reports or guides before you buy?
true false

5. It is all right to enter into a partnership business agreement as long as it is with fellow believers.
true false

6. Working mothers really contribute positively to the family's overall well being.
true false

7. Before you make major financial decisions, you always check with your wife or parents and seek their advice.
true false

8. During a financial crisis, do you increase your prayer, devotional and Word reading times?
true false

9. There is absolutely no excuse for poverty.
true false

10. Poor people are in poverty because they violate the commands of the Holy Scriptures.
true false

11. Upon waking up, did you pray and ask YÁOHU UL to provide for and supply all your needs for the day?
true false

12. If we really, sincerely pray for money, YÁOHU UL surely will always give it.
true false

13. Do you make it a practice to give to those who ask and others who are in need?
true false

14. If you think, act and look successful, you will become successful!
true false

15. Effective advertising is a sure guarantee of business success and huge profits.
true false

16. Do you enjoy watching or reading newspaper, magazine, television ads and sales catalogs?
true false

17. You have suffered and endured much loss, hurt and persecution in the past because you refused to do that which you know was against the written Word of YÁOHU UL.
true false

18. Do you know the real purposes of money, according to YÁOHU UL's Word in the Holy Scriptures?
true false

19. You can borrow your way to financial success and riches!
true false

20. Are there people who are bitter against you because they have suffered financial loss because of you?
true false

21. YÁOHU UL allows people to become financially rich even though they violate His Words that are written the Holy Scriptures.
true false

22. You have the right to determine and decide how you spend your money.
true false

23. It is YÁOHU UL's will, according to His written Word, that the elderly should retire and be given their monthly pensions.
true false

24. Acquiring wealth and riches needs more than human ability, planning and diligent work.
true false

25. You are a person of your word, and so you fulfill your promises to everyone even if it means enduring hardships and losses.
true false

26. You maintain fairly accurate records of all your incomes and expenses.
true false

27. Do you still have debts and bills which are unpaid?
true false

28. You surely pity those who seek your help even if it means guaranteeing their loans.
true false

29. Living in poverty is a sure sign that one is spiritually bereft and ignorant.
true false

30. You received an offer to legally earn a large sum of money in a quick way, will you refuse it?
true false

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2 Corinthians 8:9, Holy Scriptures