The archaic, original, scriptural and true Hebrew Name of the Creator: YAOHU UL (top) and of His Messiah: YAOHUSHUA (bottom), written and read from right to left in archaic Hebrew alef-bets (alphabets).



    Financial Freedom Means -

Realizing That Prosperity Proceeds From
Harmony In Marriage And Family Life

Part 3

What really happens when you pray for a 'hedge of thorns' on your unfaithful partner?

There are basically three things that will begin occurring in the life of your unfaithful partner, which are -


He or she will become confused, losing his or her sense of direction.

'....I will hedge up your way with thorns, and make a wall, that she will not be able to find her directions.' - Hoshúa 2:6


Any other seducers will lose desire and eagerness, leaving your partner forlorn.

'....She shall follow after her lovers, but she shall not overtake them; and she will look for them but will not find them....' - Hoshúa 2:7a


Difficulties and afflictions will lead your unfaithful partner to return back to you.

'....Then shall she say: I will go and return to my first husband, for then it was better with me than now.' - Hoshúa 2:7b

What is covered and up to where is this prayer effectual?


This prayer obliterates the power of ha-satán and renders wicked influences and seductions of no effect on your unfaithful partner.


Although the prayer works to stop the wicked works of ha-satán and his wrong influences, it may also occur that your partner's stubborn self-will may somewhat delay the process of returning, as this will be dependent upon what pressures it would take to bend his or her will.


Steps must be taken, after praying, to practically support your partner renew his or her devotion and faithfulness to you once YÁOHU UL gives you the opportunity.

Your Scriptural Guidelines -

YÁOHU UL gave these messages to Hoshúa son of Beeri during the years when Uzzi-YÁOHU, YÁOHU-tham, Ahaz, and Kozoq-YÁOHU were kings of YAOHÚ-dah, and Yaorobóam, son of Yaohúsh, was king of Yaoshorúl.

When YÁOHU UL first began speaking to Yaoshorúl through Hoshúa, He said to him, 'Go and marry a prostitute, and some of her children will be born to you from other men. This will exemplify the way My people have been untrue to Me, openly committing adultery against YÁOHU UL by worshiping other idols.'

Therefore Hoshúa married Gomer, the daughter of Diblaim, and she became pregnant and gave Hoshúa a son. And YÁOHU UL said, 'Name the child Yaozoro-Úl, for I am about to punish King Yaohu's dynasty to avenge the murders he committed at Yaozoro-Úl. In fact, I will put an end to Yaoshorúl's independence by breaking its military power in the Yaozoro-Úl Valley.'

Soon Gomer became pregnant again and gave birth to a daughter. And YÁOHU UL said to Hoshúa, 'Name your daughter Lo-Rukhamah - 'Not Shown Mercy' - for I will no longer show mercy to the people of Yaoshorúl nor forgive them.

But I, YÁOHU their UL, will show love to the people of YAOHÚ-dah. I will personally free them from their enemies without any support from weapons or armies.'

After Gomer had weaned Lo-Rukhamah, she again became pregnant and gave birth to a second son. And YÁOHU UL said, 'Name him Lo-Ammi - 'Not My People' - for Yaoshorúl is no longer My people and I am no longer their YÁOHU UL.

Yet the time will come when Yaoshorúl will prosper and become a great nation. In that day its people will be like the sands on the shore - too many to count! Then, at the place where they were told, 'You are not My people,' it will be said, 'You are the children of the living YÁOHU UL.'

Then the people of YAOHÚ-dah and Yaoshorúl will unite under one leader, and they will return from exile together. What a day that will be - the day of Yaozoro-Úl - when YÁOHU UL will again plant His people in his land.

In that day you will call your brothers Ammi - 'My people.' And you will call your female siblings 'Rukhamah' - 'The ones I pity.'

But now, call Yaoshorúl to account, for she is no longer My wife, and I am no longer her Husband. Tell her to take off her garish makeup and suggestive clothing and to stop playing the prostitute!

If she doesn't, I will disrobe her as naked as she was on the day she was born. I will leave her to die of thirst, as in a desert or a dry and barren wilderness. And I will not love her children as I would My own because they are not My children! They were conceived in adultery. For their mother is a shameless prostitute and became pregnant in a shameful way!

She said, 'I'll run after other lovers and sell myself to them for food and drink, for clothing of wool and linen, and for olive oil.'

But I will fence her in with thornbushes. I will block the road to make her lose her way. When she runs after her lovers, she won't be able to catch up with them. She will search for them but not find them. Then she will think, 'I might as well return to my Husband because I was better off with him than I am now.'

She doesn't realize that it was I Who gave her everything she has - the grain, the wine, the olive oil. Even the gold and silver she used in worshiping the idol Baal (Lord) were gifts from Me!

But now I will take back the wine and ripened grain I generously provided each harvest season. I will take away the linen and wool clothing I gave her to cover her nakedness. I will disrobe her naked in public, while all her lovers look on. No one will be able to rescue her from My hands.

I will put an end to her annual feasts, her new moon celebrations, and her Shábbos days - all her appointed feasts. I will ruin her vineyards and orchards, things she claims her lovers gave her.

I will let them grow into tangled thickets, where only wild animals will eat the fruit. I will punish her for all the times she deserted Me, when she burned incense to her images of Baal, put on her earrings and jewels, and went out looking for her lovers,' says YÁOHU UL.

But then I will win her back once again. I will lead her out into the desert and speak tenderly to her there. I will return her vineyards to her and transform the Valley of Trouble into a gateway of hope. She will give herself to Me there, as she did long ago when she was young, when I freed her from her captivity in Egypt.

In that coming day,' says YÁOHU UL, 'you will call Me 'my Husband' in place of 'my Baal (Lord).' O Yaoshorúl, I will cause you to forget your images of Baal; even their names will no longer be spoken!

At that time I will make a covenant with all the wild animals and the birds and the animals that scurry along the ground so they will not harm you. I will remove all weapons of war from the land, all swords and bows, so you can live unafraid in peace and safety.

I will make you My wife forever, showing you uprightness and justice, unfailing love and compassion. I will be faithful to you and make you Mine, and you will finally know Me as YÁOHU UL.

In that day, says YÁOHU UL, I will answer the pleading of the sky for clouds, which will pour down water on the earth in answer to its cries for rain. Then the earth will answer the thirsty cries of the grain, the grapes and the olive trees for water. And the whole grand chorus will sing together, 'Yaozoro-Úl' - 'YÁOHU UL plants!'

At that time I will plant a crop of Yaosharúlítes and raise them for Myself! I will show love to those I called 'Not loved.' And to those I called 'Not My people,' I will say, 'Now you are My people.' Then they will reply, 'You are our YÁOHU UL!'

Then YÁOHU UL said to me, 'Go and get your wife again. Bring her back to you and love her, even though she loves adultery. For YÁOHU UL still loves Yaoshorúl even though the people have turned to idols, offering them choice gifts.'

So I bought her back for fifteen pieces of silver and about five bushels of barley and a measure of wine. Then I said to her, 'You must live in my house for many days and stop your prostitution. During this time, you will not have sexual intercourse with anyone, not even with me.'

This exemplifies that Yaoshorúl will be a long time without a king or prince, and without sacrifices, temple, priests, or even idols! But afterward the people will return to YÁOHU UL their Creator and to Dáoud's offspring, their king.

They will come trembling in awe to YÁOHU UL, and they will receive His fine gifts in the last days. Hear the word of YÁOHU UL, O people of Yaoshorúl!

YÁOHU UL has filed a lawsuit against you, saying: 'There is no faithfulness, no kindness, no knowledge of YÁOHU UL in your land. You curse and lie and kill and rob and commit adultery. There is violence everywhere, with one murder after another.

That is why your land is not producing. It is filled with gloom, and all living things are becoming sick and dying. Even the animals, birds and fish have begun to disappear!

Don't point your finger at someone else and try to pass the blame! Look, you priests, My complaint is against you! As a punishment for your crimes, you will stumble in broad daylight, just as you might at night, and so will your false prophets. And I will ruin your mother, Yaoshorúl.

My people are being ruined because they don't know Me! It is all your fault, you priests, for you yourselves refuse to know Me!

Now I refuse to recognize you as My priests. Since you have neglected the laws of your YÁOHU UL, I will forget to favor your children. The more priests there are, the more they sin against Me. They have exchanged the glory of YÁOHU UL for the disgrace of idols.

'The priests get fed when the people sin and bring their sin offerings to them. So the priests are delightful when the people sin!

'Like priests, like people' - since the priests are wicked, the people are wicked, too. So now I will punish both priests and people for all their wicked deeds. They will eat and still be hungry. Though they do a big business as prostitutes, they will have no children, for they have abandoned YÁOHU UL to worship idols.

Alcohol and prostitution have robbed My people of their brains! They are asking a piece of wood to tell them what to do! They think a stick can tell them the future! Longing after idols has made them stupid. They have played the prostitute, serving other idols and forsaking their YÁOHU UL.

They offer sacrifices to idols on the tops of mountains. They go up into the hills to burn incense in the pleasant shade of oaks, poplars, and other trees.

That is why your daughters turn to prostitution, and your daughters- in-law commit adultery. Why should I punish them? For you men are doing the same thing, committing sins with whores and shrine prostitutes. O foolish people! You will be ruined, for you refuse to comprehend.

Though Yaoshorúl is a prostitute, may YAOHÚ-dah avoid such guilt. O YAOHÚ-dah, do not unite with those who worship Me dishonestly at Gilgal and at Beth-Aven. Their worship is mere pretense even when they take oaths in YÁOHU UL's Shúam (Name).

Yaoshorúl is as stubborn as a heifer, so YÁOHU UL will put her out to find meadows. She will remain alone and unprotected, like a helpless lamb in an open field. Leave her alone because she is married to idolatry.

The men of Yaoshorúl finish up their drinking bouts and off they go to find some prostitutes. Their love for shame is greater than their love for honor. So a mighty wind will sweep them away. They will die in shame because they offer sacrifices to idols.

Hear this, you priests and all of Yaoshorúl's leaders! Hearken, all you men of the royal family! These words of judgment are for you: You are doomed! For you have led the people into a trap by worshiping the idols at Mizpah and Tabor. You have dug a deep pit to trap them at Acacia.

But never forget - I will require all of you to account for what you have done. I know what you are like, O Yaoshorúl! You have left Me as a prostitute leaves her husband; you are utterly defiled.

Your deeds won't let you return to your YÁOHU UL. You are a prostitute right through the core, and you cannot know YÁOHU UL.

The arrogance of Yaoshorúl testifies against her; she will stumble under her load of guilt. YAOHÚ-dah, too, will fall with her.

Then at last, they will come with their flocks and herds to offer sacrifices to YÁOHU UL. But it will be too late! They will not find Him, because He has withdrawn from them, and they are now alone.

For they have betrayed the honor of YÁOHU UL, bearing children that aren't His. Now their false religion will devour them, along with their wealth.

Blow the ram's horn in Gibeah! Sound the alarm in Ramah! Raise the battle cry in Beth-Aven! Lead on into battle, O warriors of Benyamin! One thing is sure, Yaoshorúl: When your day of punishment comes, you will become a heap of rubble.

The leaders of YAOHÚ-dah have become as bad as thieves. So I will pour My anger down on them like a waterfall. The people of Yaoshorúl will be crushed and broken by My judgment because they are determined to worship idols. I will ruin Yaoshorúl as a moth consumes wool.

I will sap YAOHÚ-dah's energy as dry rot weakens wood. When Yaoshorúl and YAOHÚ-dah saw how sick they were, Yaoshorúl turned to Assyria, to the great king there, but he could neither support nor cure them. I will tear at Yaoshorúl and YAOHÚ-dah as a lion rips apart its prey. I will carry them off, and there will be no one left to rescue them. Then I will return to My place until they admit their guilt and look to Me for support. For as soon as trouble comes, they will search for Me.

Come, let us return to YÁOHU UL! He has torn us in pieces; now He will heal us. He has injured us; now He will bandage our wounds. In just a short time, He will revive us so we can live in His presence. Oh, that we might know YÁOHU UL!

Let us press on to know Him! Then He will respond to us as surely as the arrival of dawn or the coming of rains in early spring.

'O Yaoshorúl and YAOHÚ-dah, what should I do with you?' asks YÁOHU UL. 'For your love vanishes like the morning mist, quickly disappearing like dew in the sunlight. I sent my prophets to cut you to pieces. I have slaughtered you with My words, threatening you with death. My judgment will hit you as surely as day follows night. I want you to be merciful; I don't want your sacrifices. I want you to know YÁOHU UL; that's more important than burnt offerings.

But like Adam, you broke My covenant and rebelled against Me. Gilead is a city of sinners, tracked with footprints of blood. Its citizens are bands of robbers, lying in ambush for their victims. Gangs of priests murder travelers along the road to Shechem and practice every kind of sin. Yes, I have seen a horrible thing in Yaoshorúl: My people have defiled themselves by chasing after other idols!

O YAOHÚ-dah, a harvest of punishment is also waiting for you, though I wanted so much to revive the fortunes of My people! I wanted to heal Yaoshorúl, but its sins were far too great. Shuamór-YÁOHU is filled with liars, thieves, and bandits! Its people don't realize I am watching them. Their sinful deeds are all around them; I see them all!

The people make the king delightful with their wickedness. The princes laugh about the people's many lies. They are all adulterers, always aflame with lust. They are like an oven that is kept hot even while the baker is still kneading the dough.

On royal holidays, the princes get drunk. The king makes a fool of himself and drinks with those who are making fun of him. Their hearts blaze like a furnace with intrigue. Their plot smolders through the night, and in the morning it flames forth like a raging fire. They kill their kings one after another, and no one cries out to Me for support.

My people of Yaoshorúl mingle with pagan foreigners, picking up their evil ways. Now they have become as worthless as a half-baked cake! Worshiping foreign idols has sapped their vitality, but they don't even know it. Yaoshorúl is like an old man with graying hair, unaware of how weak and old he has become. His arrogance testifies against him, yet he doesn't return to YÁOHU UL his Creator or even try to find Him.

The people of Yaoshorúl have become like silly, witless doves, first calling to Egypt, then flying to Assyria. But as they fly about, I will throw My net over them and bring them down like a bird from the sky. I will punish them for all their evil ways.

How terrible it will be for My people who have abandoned Me! Let them die, for they have rebelled against Me. I wanted to redeem them, but they have only spoken lies about Me. They do not cry out to Me with honest hearts.

On the contrary, they sit upon their couches and wail. They cut themselves, begging foreign idols for crops and prosperity.

I trained them and made them powerful, yet now they plot evil against Me. They look everywhere except to heaven, to the Most High. They are like a crooked bow that always misses its target. Their leaders will be killed by their enemies because of their insolence toward Me. Then the people of Egypt will laugh at them.'

Hoshúa 1-7, Holy Scriptures

To be continued....

YAOHÚSHUA told them, 'Whoever divorces his wife and marries someone else commits adultery against her. And if a woman divorces her husband and remarries, she commits adultery.' - Mark 10:11-12

Given to you in true love and deep humility, 'Ol Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám!

Your Scripture Engrafting Passages for Today -

'I will betroth you to Me forever;
      I will betroth you in uprightness and justice,
      in love and compassion.
I will betroth you in faithfulness,
      and you will acknowledge YÁOHU UL.' - Hoshúa 2:19-20

'I will plant her for Myself in the land;
      I will show My love to the one I called 'Not My loved one.'
I will say to those called 'Not My people,' 'You are My people';
      and they will say, 'You are my YÁOHU UL.'' - Hoshúa 2:23

'My people are ruined from lack of knowledge.

Because you have rejected knowledge,
      I also reject you as My priests;
because you have ignored the law of your YÁOHU UL,
      I also will ignore your children.' - Hoshúa 4:6

'Come, let us return to YÁOHU UL.
      He has previously torn us to pieces
      but He will heal us.
He has injured us
      but He will bind up our wounds.
After two days He will revive us;
      on the third day He will regenerate us,
      that we may live in His presence.

Let us acknowledge YÁOHU UL;
      let us press on to acknowledge Him.
As surely as the sun rises,
      He will appear;
He will come to us like the winter rains,
      like the spring rains that water the earth.' - Hoshúa 6:1-3

Your Character Trait for Today -

Faithfulness which is the opposite of Falseness


Being faithfully devoted to YÁOHU UL and my scripturally legitimate marriage partner, especially so when facing temptations and seductions to commit adulteries.

'For the fruit of the 'RÚKHA' is....FAITHFULNESS.' - Gal. 5:22

Your Faith Assignment for Today -

You will humbly pray the Sinner's Prayer of Repentance, if you haven't done so, and also the prayer for a 'hedge of thorns' on those whom you want to be set free from wicked influences, bondages and seductions. In other words, you will, from now on, begin a prayerful life!

Your Nuggets of Wisdom for Today -

He is a sinner who does not pray for his fellowmen.

He who prays first for others, while he himself is in the same need, will be answered first.

You shall serve YÁOHU UL and He will favor your bread.

In prayer, always associate yourself with the Congregation, and say: Our YÁOHU Abihúl, lead us, forgive us, favor us and so on.

Praying in Yaohúshua-oléym (Jerusalem) is like praying before the Throne of Glory, for the gate of heaven is located there.

With a pure mind and will, you may approach YÁOHU UL anywhere.

There was no one greater in noble deeds than Mehushúa (Moses), yet he was answered only after he prayed.

Whoever praises and glorifies YÁOHU UL in adversity will have his prosperity doubled!

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my mind be acceptable before You, O YÁOHU UL, my Rock and my Redeemer!

May it be Your will, O YÁOHU UL, to remove all barriers between You and us, to endow us with the vision to see in everyone his fine qualities and to overlook his defects. Then will our prayers raise us to even higher levels, and bring us closer to You.

Unite our hearts, O YÁOHU UL, to reverentially fear your holy Shúam (Name). Keep us far from what You hate, and bring us closer to what You love, and deal mercifully with us for Your Shúam's (Name's) sake.

Help us, O YÁOHU Abihúl, to break all bonds which imprison our souls. Help us to set our hearts free from selfishness, hatred, jealousy and envy, and please always enable us to do only that which is pleasing in Your sight.

'Ol Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám!

Anecdote for Today - Serving Two Husbands

Someone has exemplified love as the fulfilling of the law in this way: A woman was married to a man whom she did not love. He made her get up every morning at five o'clock, cook his breakfast, and serve it at six o'clock sharp. He made her wait on him, and was severe in his demands on her time. Her life was made miserable trying to satisfy the requests of her husband. Finally he died.

After a few years she married again. This time she married a man whom she really loved. One day while clearing out some old papers, she came to see the harsh set of rules her former husband had written out for her to obey. Carefully she read them over. 'Get up at five. Serve breakfast at six sharp.' On and on she read.

Then she stopped and thought, and realized that she was fulfilling every single one of his demands, but she had not realized it because this time she was doing it for love's sake. So it is not difficult to serve Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA when we really love Him!

Seven Vital Steps to Take After Praying for a 'Hedge of Thorns' -


Designate regular special times to be together with your partner and really see to it that you be in fellowship with him/her.

'Therefore, behold, I will allure her, and bring her into the wilderness....' - Hoshúa 2:14


You must speak gentle, loving and reassuring words of acceptance and delight.

'And I will speak pleasantly to her....' - Hoshúa 2:14


Point out basic needs and discuss how you intend to meet them.

'And I will give her vineyards from then on....' - Hoshúa 2:15


Use the scars of defeat and failures in the past as your life message to give hope and inspiration to others.

'And I will give the valley of Achor (affliction) for a door of hope....'


Reaffirm your commitment and fidelity to your marriage vows and covenant.

'And I will betroth you to Me forever; I will betroth you to Me in uprightness and in justice, and in lovingkindness and in mercies.' - Hoshúa 2:19


Begin to demolish fortifications made by the enemy on her mind.

'....And you shall know YÁOHU UL.' - Hoshúa 2:20


Teach and explain the important truths in YÁOHU UL's Word in order that the enemy may no longer have a chance to sow false reasonings in the future.

'At that time I will plant a crop of Yaosharúlítes and raise them for Myself! I will show love to those I called 'Not loved.' And to those I called 'Not My people,' I will say, 'Now you are My people.'

Then they will reply, 'You are our YÁOHU Ulhím!' - Hoshúa 2:23

Your Scriptural Guidelines -

'Sound the alarm! The enemy swoops like an eagle on the people of YÁOHU Ulhím, for they have broken My covenant and revolted against My law.

Now Yaoshorúl pleads with Me, 'Help us, for You are our YÁOHU Ulhím!' But it is too late! The people of Yaoshorúl have rejected what is right, and now their enemies will chase after them. The people have elected kings and princes, but not with My consent!

By making idols for themselves from their silver and gold, they have brought about their own ruin. 'O Shuamór-YÁOHU, I reject this calf - this idol you have made. My fury burns against you! How long will you be incapable of innocence?

This calf you worship was crafted by your own hands! It is not the Eternal Creator! Therefore, it must be smashed to bits.

'They have planted the wind and will harvest the whirlwind. The stalks of wheat wither, producing no grain. And if there is any grain, foreigners will eat it. The people of Yaoshorúl have been swallowed up; they lie among the nations like an old pot that no one wants.

Like a wild donkey looking for a mate, they have gone up to Assyria. The people of Yaoshorúl have sold themselves to many lovers. But though they have sold themselves to many lands, I will now gather them together. Then they will writhe under the burden of the great king!

Yaoshorúl has built many altars to take away sin, but these very altars became places for sin! Even though I gave them all My laws, they behave as if those laws don't apply to them!

The people of Yaoshorúl love their rituals of sacrifice, but to Me their sacrifices are all meaningless! I will call My people to account for their sins, and I will punish them. They will go back down to Egypt.

Yaoshorúl has built great palaces, and YAOHÚ-dah has fortified its cities. But they have both neglected their Maker. Therefore, I will send down fire on their palaces and burn their fortresses.'

O people of Yaoshorúl, do not exult as others do. For you have been unfaithful to your YÁOHU Ulhím, hiring yourselves out like prostitutes, offering sacrifices to other idols on every threshing floor. So now your harvests will be too small to feed you.

The grapes you gather will not quench your thirst. You may no longer remain here in this land of YÁOHU Ulhím. You will be carried off to Egypt and Assyria, where you will live on food that is ceremonially unclean.

There, far from home, you will not be allowed to pour out wine as a sacrifice to YÁOHU Ulhím. None of the sacrifices you offer there will please Him. Such sacrifices will be unclean, just as food touched by a person in mourning is unclean.

All who present such sacrifices will be defiled. They may eat this food to feed themselves, but they may not offer it to YÁOHU Ulhím. What then will you do on celebration days? What will you do on days of feasts in YÁOHU Ulhím's presence? Even if you escape ruin from Assyria, you will be conquered by Egypt. Memphis will bury you.

Briers will take over your treasures of silver; brambles will fill your homes. The time of Yaoshorúl's punishment has come; the day of payment is almost here. Soon Yaoshorúl will know this all too well.

'The prophets are crazy!' the people shout. 'The inspired men are insane!' So they taunt, for the nation is burdened with sin and shows only hatred for those who love YÁOHU Ulhím. The prophet is a watchman for my YÁOHU Ulhím over Yaoshorúl, yet traps are laid in front of him wherever he goes. He faces hostility even in the house of YÁOHU Ulhím. The things My people do are as depraved as what they did in Gibeah long ago.

YÁOHU Ulhím will not forget. He will surely punish them for their sins. YÁOHU Ulhím says, 'O Yaoshorúl, when I first found you, it was like finding fresh grapes in the desert! When I saw your forefathers, it was like seeing the first ripe figs of the year!

But then they deserted Me for Baal-peor, giving themselves to that shameful idol. Soon they became as vile as the idol they worshiped. The glory of Yaoshorúl will fly away like a bird, for your children will die at birth or perish in the womb or never even be conceived.

Even if your children do survive to grow up, I will take them from you. It will be a terrible day when I turn away and leave you alone. I have watched Yaoshorúl become as beautiful and pleasant as Tyre. But now Yaoshorúl will bring out her children to be slaughtered.'

O YÁOHU Ulhím, what should I request for your people? I will ask for wombs that don't give birth and breasts that give no milk.

YÁOHU Ulhím says, 'All their wickedness began at Gilgal; there I began to hate them. I will drive them from my land because of their evil actions. I will love them no more because all their leaders are rebels. The people of Yaoshorúl are hit. Their roots are dried up; they will bear no more fruit. And if they give birth, I will slaughter their beloved children.'

My YÁOHU Ulhím will reject the people of Yaoshorúl because they will not hearken or obey. They will be wanderers, homeless among the nations.

How prosperous Yaoshorúl is - a luxuriant vine loaded with fruit! But the more wealth the people acquired, the more they poured it on the altars of their foreign idols. The richer the harvests they brought in, the more beautiful the statues and idols they built.

The hearts of the people are fickle; they are guilty and must be punished. YÁOHU Ulhím will break down their foreign altars and smash their many idols. Then they will say, 'We have no king because we didn't fear YÁOHU Ulhím. But what's the difference? What could a king do for us anyway?'

They spout empty words and make promises they don't intend to keep. So perverted justice springs up among them like poisonous weeds in a farmer's field. The people of Shuamór-YÁOHU tremble for their calf idol at Beth-Aven. The people mourn over it, and the priests wail for it, because its glory will be taken away.

This idol they love so much will be carted away with them when they go as captives to Assyria, a gift to the great king there. Yaoshorúl will be laughed at and shamed because its people have relied upon this idol. Shuamór-YÁOHU will be cut off, and its king will disappear like a chip of wood on an ocean wave.

And the pagan shrines of Aven, the place of Yaoshorúl's sin, will crumble. Thorns and thistles will grow up around them. They will beg the mountains to bury them and the hills to fall on them.

YÁOHU Ulhím says, 'O Yaoshorúl, ever since that awful night in Gibeah, there has been only sin and more sin! You have made no progress whatsoever. Was it not right that the wicked men of Gibeah were attacked? Now I will attack you, too, for your rebellion and disobedience!

I will call out the armies of the nations to punish you for your multiplied sins. Yaoshorúl is like a trained heifer accustomed to treading out the grain - an easy job that she loves. Now I will put a heavy yoke on her tender neck. I will drive her in front of the plow. Yaoshorúl and YAOHÚ-dah must now break up the hard ground; their days of ease are gone.

I said, 'Plant the fine seeds of uprightness, and you will harvest a crop of My love. Plow up the hard ground of your hearts, for now is the time to seek YÁOHU Ulhím, that He may come and shower uprightness upon you.'

But you have cultivated wickedness and raised a thriving crop of sins. You have eaten the fruit of lies - relying upon your military might, believing that great armies could make your nation safe!

Now the terrors of war will rise among your people. All your fortifications will fall, just as they did when Shalman ruined Beth-Arbel. Even mothers and children were dashed to death there. You will share that fate, Bethul, because of your great wickedness. When the day of judgment dawns, the king of Yaoshorúl will be completely ruined.

'When Yaoshorúl was a child, I loved him as a son, and I called My son out of Egypt. But the more I called to him, the more he rebelled, offering sacrifices to the images of Baal and burning incense to idols.

It was I who taught Yaoshorúl how to walk, leading him along by the hand. But he doesn't know or even care that it was I Who took care of him. I led Yaoshorúl along with My ropes of kindness and love. I lifted the yoke from his neck, and I myself stooped to feed him.

But since My people refuse to return to Me, they will go back to Egypt and will be forced to serve Assyria. War will swirl through their cities; their enemies will crash through their gates and ruin them, trapping them in their own evil plans.

For My people are determined to desert Me. They call Me the Most High, but they don't truly honor Me.

'Oh, how can I give you up, Yaoshorúl? How can I let you go? How can I ruin you like Admah and Zeboiim? My heart is broken within Me, and My compassion overflows. No, I will not punish you as much as My burning anger tells Me to. I will not completely ruin Yaoshorúl, for I am YÁOHU Ulhím and not a mere mortal.

I am the Holy One living among you, and I will not come to ruin. 'For someday the people will follow YÁOHU Ulhím. I will roar like a lion, and My people will return trembling from the west. Like a flock of birds, they will come from Egypt. Flying like doves, they will return from Assyria. And I will bring them home again!' says YÁOHU Ulhím.

Yaoshorúl surrounds Me with lies and deceit, but YAOHÚ-dah still walks with YÁOHU Ulhím and is faithful to the Holy One.

The people of Yaoshorúl feed on the wind; they chase after the east wind all day long. They multiply lies and violence; they make alliances with Assyria and cut deals with the Egyptians.

Now YÁOHU Ulhím is bringing a lawsuit against YAOHÚ-dah. He is about to punish YÁOHU-caf for all his deceitful ways. Before YÁOHU-caf was born, he vied with his brother; when he became a man, he even fought with YÁOHU Ulhím. Yes, he wrestled with the Angel and won. He wept and pleaded for a benediction from him.

There at Bethul he met YÁOHU Ulhím face to face, and YÁOHU Ulhím spoke to him - YÁOHU Ulhím Tzavulyáo is His Shúam (Name)! So now, come back to your YÁOHU Ulhím! Act on the principles of love and justice, and always live in confident dependence on your YÁOHU Ulhím.

But no, the people are like crafty merchants selling from dishonest scales - they love to cheat. Yaoshorúl boasts, 'I am rich, and I've acquired it all by myself! No one can say I acquired it by cheating! My record is spotless!'

'I am YÁOHU Ulhím your Eternal Creator, Who rescued you from your slavery in Egypt. And I will make you live in tents again, as you do each year when you celebrate the Festival of Tabernacles. I sent My prophets to warn you with many visions and parables.'

But Gilead is filled with sinners who worship idols. And in Gilgal, too, they sacrifice bulls; their altars are lined up like the heaps of rocks along the edges of a plowed field. YÁOHU-caf fled to the land of Aram and earned a wife by tending sheep.

Then YÁOHU Ulhím led YÁOHU-caf's offsprings, the Yaosharúlítes, out of Egypt by a prophet, who guided and protected them. But the people of Yaoshorúl have bitterly provoked YÁOHU Ulhím, so their YÁOHU UL will now consign them to death in payment for their sins.

In the past when the tribe of Ephraim spoke, the people shook with fear because the other Yaosharulíte tribes looked up to them.

But the people of Ephraim sinned by worshiping Baal and thus sealed their doom. Now they keep on committing sins by making silver idols to worship - images shaped skillfully with human hands.

'Sacrifice to these,' they cry, 'and kiss the calf idols!'

Therefore, they will disappear like the morning mist, like dew in the morning sun, like chaff blown by the wind, like smoke from a chimney.

'I am YÁOHU Ulhím your Eternal Creator, Who rescued you from your slavery in Egypt. You have no other YÁOHU Ulhím but Me, for there is no other savior. I took care of you in the wilderness, in that dry and thirsty land. But when you had eaten and were satisfied, then you became proud and ignored Me.

So now I will attack you like a lion, or like a leopard that lurks along the road. I will rip you to pieces like a bear whose cubs have been taken away. I will tear you apart and devour you like a hungry lion.

You are about to be ruined, O Yaoshorúl, though I am your Helper. Where now is your king? Why don't you call on him for support? Where are all the leaders of the land? You asked for them, now let them save you!

In My anger I gave you kings, and in My fury I took them away. The sins of Ephraim have been collected and kept away for punishment. The people have been offered new birth, but they are like a child who resists being born!

How stubborn they are! How foolish! Should I ransom them from the grave? Should I redeem them from death? O death, bring forth your terrors! O grave, bring forth your plagues! For I will not relent!

Ephraim was the most fruitful of all his brothers, but the east wind - a blast from YÁOHU Ulhím - will arise in the desert. It will blow hard against the people of Ephraim, drying up their land. All their flowing springs and wells will disappear. Every valuable thing they have will be plundered and carried away.

The people of Shuamór-YÁOHU must bear the consequences of their guilt because they rebelled against their YÁOHU Ulhím. They will be killed by an invading army, their little ones dashed to death against the ground, their pregnant women ripped open by swords.

Return, O Yaoshorúl, to YÁOHU Ulhím your Eternal Creator, for your sins have brought you down. Bring your supplications, and return to YÁOHU Ulhím.

Say to Him, 'Forgive all our sins and favorably receive us, so we may offer You the sacrifice of praise. Assyria cannot save us, nor can our skill in battle. Never again will we call the idols we have made 'our Creators.' No, in You alone do the orphans find mercy.'

YÁOHU Ulhím says, 'Then I will heal you of your idolatry and faithlessness, and my love will know no bounds, for My anger will be gone forever! I will be to Yaoshorúl like a refreshing dew from heaven. It will blossom like the lily; it will send roots deep into the soil like the 'eresím' (ceda-s) in Lebanon.

Its branches will spread out like those of beautiful olive trees, as fragrant as the 'eresím' forests of Lebanon. My people will return again to the safety of their land. They will flourish like grain and blossom like grapevines. They will be as fragrant as the wines of Lebanon.

'O Yaoshorúl, keep away from idols! I am the One Who looks after you and cares for you. I am like a tree that is always green, giving My fruit to you all through the year.'

Let those who are wise comprehend these matters. Let those who have discernment hearken carefully.

The paths of YÁOHU Ulhím are true and right, and upright people live by walking in them.

But sinners who try will stumble and fall along the way.'

Hoshúa 8-14, Holy Scriptures

To be continued....

YAOHÚSHUA told them, 'Whoever divorces his wife and marries someone else commits adultery against her. And if a woman divorces her husband and remarries, she commits adultery.' - Mark 10:11-12

Given to you in true love and deep humility, 'Ol Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám!

Your Scripture Engrafting Passages for Today -

Return, O Yaoshorúl, to YÁOHU Ulhím your Eternal Creator, for your sins have brought you down. Bring your supplications, and return to YÁOHU Ulhím.

Say to Him, 'Forgive all our sins and favorably receive us, so we may offer You the sacrifice of praise. Assyria cannot save us, nor can our skill in battle. Never again will we call the idols we have made 'our Creators.' No, in You alone do the orphans find mercy.'

YÁOHU Ulhím says, 'Then I will heal you of your idolatry and faithlessness, and my love will know no bounds, for My anger will be gone forever! I will be to Yaoshorúl like a refreshing dew from heaven. It will blossom like the lily; it will send roots deep into the soil like the 'eresím' (ceda-s) in Lebanon.

Its branches will spread out like those of beautiful olive trees, as fragrant as the 'eresím' forests of Lebanon. My people will return again to the safety of their land. They will flourish like grain and blossom like grapevines. They will be as fragrant as the wines of Lebanon.

'O Yaoshorúl, keep away from idols! I am the One Who looks after you and cares for you. I am like a tree that is always green, giving My fruit to you all through the year.'

Let those who are wise comprehend these matters. Let those who have discernment hearken carefully.

Your Character Trait for Today -

Faithfulness which is the opposite of Falseness


Being faithfully devoted to YÁOHU UL and my scripturally legitimate marriage partner, especially so when facing temptations and seductions to commit adulteries.

'For the fruit of the 'RÚKHA' is....FAITHFULNESS.' - Gal. 5:22

Your Faith Assignment for Today -

You will begin making regular quality times with your partner and family so you may begin sowing the seed of the Words of YÁOHU Ulhím in their hearts.

You sow the Words, YÁOHU Ulhím makes the seed grow and all the angels of heaven exult the moment they bear fruit meet for repentance and receive the new birth!

The entrance of YÁOHU Ulhím's Word gives light.

YAOHÚSHUA - the genuine Light of this world!

Your Nuggets of Wisdom for Today -

Call unto Me (YÁOHU UL) in the day of trouble.

Prepare to meet your Eternal Creator, YÁOHU UL, O Yaoshorúl!

When Dayan-Úl knew that the writing was signed, he went home - his window being open in his upper chamber toward Yaohúshua- oléym (Jerusalem) - and he knelt upon his knees three times a day, and prayed and gave 'hodayáo' (thanks) to his YÁOHU UL, as was his custom.

He is my YÁOHU UL, I will glorify Him.

They shall declare My glory among the nations.

Delightful is a psalm sung to YÁOHU UL from a delightful heart!

Be not like those who honor their idols in prosperity and curse them in adversity. In pleasure or pain, give 'hodayáo' (thanks) to YÁOHU UL!

If a YAOHÚ-di breaks a leg, he is grateful to YÁOHU UL he did not break both legs; if he breaks both, he is grateful to YÁOHU UL he did not break his neck!

O YÁOHU UL, please keep my tongue from evil and my lips from speaking deceitfully. Be my support when grief silences my voice and my comfort when woe bends my spirit.

Kindly implant humility in my soul, and fortify my heart with perfect faith in You, my YÁOHU UL.

Help me to be victorious over temptations and trials and to be patient and forgiving when others offend me.

Please guide me by the light of Your face that I may ever find vigor in You, my Rock and my Redeemer.

'Ol Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám!

Anecdote for Today - Chained Together for Twelve Hundred Years

A secluded religious shrine near Mt. Sinai has preserved the remains of three monks in accordance with their last requests made about twelve hundred years ago.

One was a doorkeeper who asked to hold his job forever and whose mummy has since been upon a seat beside the door he guarded in life.

The other two monks took a vow, when young, to devote their lives to perpetual adoration, one praying while the other was asleep and vice versa.

Thereafter, they never saw nor spoke to each other again although they occupied adjoining cells. Their only connection was a chain, that ran through the wall and was locked to their wrists, which each would tug as a signal when ready to begin and end his prayers.

They died together and today their skeletons lying side-by-side in caskets and are still united by the same chain.

Steps You Must Take If Your Partner Continues To Be Rebellious -


YÁOHU UL deems it best for those in direct authority to pray for a 'hedge of thorns' around their immediate subordinates.

It is best for a father to pray for a 'hedge of thorns' around his rebellious wife, son or daughter, as the case may be.

An elder or an undershepherd in the Oholyáo (Congregation) would be more effectual in praying for a 'hedge of thorns' around an erring or wandering rebellious congregant.

The earnest prayers of those in direct authority over rebellious subordinates readily get effectual results from YÁOHU UL, much more than to those who are not.

A casual friend may pray for your rebellious marriage partner or child but YÁOHU UL would give immediate heed to prayers made by those in direct authority.


After praying for a 'hedge of thorns' around your partner or child, or immediate subordinate, once you find out that their rebellious behavior is not due to the machinations of ha-satán nor any of his seductions, then you must seek to lift up and remove such 'hedge of thorns' in order to give way to YÁOHU UL's direct discipline and chastisement.

That is why the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' (Holy Spirit of YAOHÚSHUA) says:

'Today you must hearken to His voice. Don't harden your hearts against Him as Yaoshorúl did when they rebelled, when they tried YÁOHU UL's patience in the wilderness.

There your forefathers tried My patience, even though they saw My miracles for forty years.

So I was angry with them, and I said,

'Their hearts always turn away from Me. They refuse to do what I tell them!' - Hebrews 3:7-10

YAOHÚSHUA replied, 'Mehushúa permitted divorce in recognition of your hard-hearted wickedness, but it was not what YÁOHU UL had originally intended. And I tell you this, a man who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery - unless his wife has been unfaithful.' - ManYÁOHU 19:8-9


In the congregation in Corinth, the emissary Shaúl removed the protective covering of the Oholyáo (Congregation) from that member who was committing adultery with his father's wife. He gave him over to ha-satán in excommunication in order that his flesh may be punished enough to prompt him to repent from his sins.

'Everyone is talking about the terrible thing that has happened there among you, something so evil that even the heathen don't do it; you have a man in your congregation who is living in sin with his father's wife. And are you still so proud, so 'spiritual'?

Why aren't you mourning in sorrow and shame, and seeing to it that this man is removed from your membership?

Although I am not there with you, I have been thinking a lot about this, and 'be hol Shúam' (in the Name of) Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY I have already concluded what to do, just as though I were there.

You are to call a meeting of the Oholyáo (Congregation) - and the power of Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA will be with you as you meet, and I will be there in spirit - and expel this man from fellowship of the Oholyáo (Congregation) and into ha-satán's hands, to punish him, in the hope that his soul will be saved when our Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY returns.

What a terrible thing it is that you are bragging about your purity, and yet you let this sort of thing go on. Don't you realize that if even one person is allowed to go on committing sins, soon all will be affected?

Remove this evil cancer - this wicked person - from among you, in order that you can remain pure. Hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, (the Messiah), YÁOHU UL's Lamb, has been slain for us.

So let us feast upon Him and grow more vigorous in the Yaohúshua-kind of life, leaving entirely behind us the cancerous old life with all its hatreds and wickedness.

On the contrary, let us feast upon the pure bread of honor and wholeheartedness and truth.

When I wrote to you before I said not to mix with evil people. But when I said that I wasn't talking about unbelievers who live in sexual sin, or are greedy cheats and thieves and idol worshipers. For you can't live in this world without being with people like that.

What I meant was that you are not to keep company with anyone who claims to be a brother Yaohúshuahée, but indulges in sexual sins, or is greedy, or is a swindler, or worships idols, or is a drunkard, or abusive. Don't even eat lunch with such a person.

It isn't our duty to judge those outside. But it is definitely our job to judge and deal firmly with those who are members of the Oholyáo (Congregation), and who are committing sins in these ways.

YÁOHU UL alone is the Judge of those on the outside.

But you yourselves must deal with this man and put him out of your Oholyáo (Congregation)!

1 Corinthians 5, Holy Scriptures


Yaoháv (Job) too was an upright man who prayed regularly to YÁOHU UL for a 'hedge of thorns' on all that he was and had, including especially his children.

Even ha-satán was complaining to YÁOHU UL because of the barricade through which he could not trespass.

Yet, YÁOHU UL allowed the 'hedge of thorns' to be removed to try Yaoháv's patience and faith, and secondly, because of the sins of his children against YÁOHU UL.

Scriptural Basis for Removing the Hedge of Protection -

YÁOHU UL expects parents to discipline their children well.

'Children, obey your parents because you belong to YÁOHU UL, for this is the right thing to do. 'Honor your father and mother.' This is the first of the Ten Commandments that ends with a promise. And this is the promise: If you honor your father and mother, 'you will live a long life, full of benefits.' - Ephesians 6:1-3

'Suppose a man has a stubborn, rebellious son who will not obey his father or mother, even though they discipline him.

In such cases, the father and mother must take the son before the leaders of the town.

They must declare: 'This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious and refuses to obey. He is a worthless drunkard.'

Then all the men of the town must 'éban' (s-one) him to death. In this way, you will cleanse this evil from among you, and all Yaoshorúl will hear about it and be afraid.'

- Deuteronomy 21:18-21

YÁOHU UL expects the Oholyáo (Congregation) to discipline those members who rebel against their parents.

'So if anyone eats this bread or drinks this cup of YÁOHU UL unworthily, that person is guilty of committing sin against the body and the blood of YÁOHU UL.

That is why you should examine yourself before eating the bread and drinking from the cup. For if you eat the bread or drink the cup unworthily, not honoring the body of ha-MEHUSHKHÁY, you are eating and drinking YÁOHU UL's judgment upon yourself. That is why many of you are weak and sick and some have even died.' - 1 Corinthians 11:27-30

'And have you entirely neglected the encouraging words YÁOHU UL spoke to you, His children? He said,

'My child, don't ignore it when YÁOHU UL disciplines you, and don't be discouraged when He corrects you.

For YÁOHU UL disciplines those He loves, and He punishes those He accepts as His children.'

As you endure this divine discipline, remember that YÁOHU UL is rightfully treating you as His own children. Whoever heard of a child who was never disciplined?

If YÁOHU UL doesn't discipline you as He does all of His children, it means that you are illegitimate and are not really His children after all.

Since we respect our earthly fathers who disciplined us, should we not all the more cheerfully submit to the discipline of our heavenly YÁOHU ABí and live forever?

For our earthly fathers disciplined us for a few years, doing the best they knew how. But YÁOHU UL's discipline is always right and helpful for us because it means we will share in His holiness.

No discipline is pleasant while it is happening - it is painful! But afterward there will be a quiet harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way.' - Hebrews 12:5-11

'Give honor to marriage, and remain faithful to one another in marriage. YÁOHU UL will surely judge people who are immoral and those who commit adultery. Keep away from the love of money; be satisfied with what you have. For YÁOHU UL has said,

'I will never fail you.
I will never forsake you.'

That is why we can say with confidence,

'YÁOHU UL is my helper, so I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?'

Remember your leaders who first taught you the word of YÁOHU UL. Think of all the benefit that has come from their lives, and trust YÁOHU UL as they do.' - Hebrews 13:4-7

YÁOHU UL has given governments the authority to punish evildoers and criminals by means of judicial sentences.

'Obey the government, for YÁOHU UL is the One Who put it there. All governments have been placed in power by YÁOHU UL. So those who refuse to obey the laws of the land are refusing to obey YÁOHU UL, and punishment will follow.

For the authorities do not frighten people who are doing right, but they frighten those who do wrong. So do what they say, and you will get along well.

The authorities are sent by YÁOHU UL to support you! But if you are doing something wrong, of course you should be afraid, for you will be punished.

The authorities are established by YÁOHU UL for that very purpose, to punish those who do wrong. So you must obey the government for two reasons: to keep from being punished and to maintain a clear conscience.' - Romans 13:1-5

YAOHÚSHUA told them, 'Whoever divorces his wife and marries someone else commits adultery against her. And if a woman divorces her husband and remarries, she commits adultery.' - Mark 10:11-12

Given to you in true love and deep humility, 'Ol Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám!

Your Scripture Engrafting Passages for Today -

'With the support of YAOHÚSHUA, let us continually offer our sacrifice of praise to YÁOHU UL by proclaiming the glory of His 'Shúam' (Name).

Don't forget to do kindness and to share what you have with those in need, for such sacrifices are very pleasing to YÁOHU UL.

Obey your spiritual leaders and do what they say. Their work is to watch over your souls, and they know they are accountable to YÁOHU UL.

Give them reason to do this delightfully and not with sorrow. That would definitely not be for your benefit.' - Hebrews 13:15-17

Your Character Trait for Today -

Responsibility which is the opposite of Negligence


Knowing and doing what YÁOHU UL, my authorities and others are rightfully expecting from me.

'For the fruit of the 'RÚKHA' is....LONGSUFFERING.' - Gal. 5:22

Your Faith Assignment for Today -

You will seek YÁOHU UL's guidance and leading in regard to whether you will want to continue with the 'hedge of thorns' around your loved ones who may be wandering away in rebellion, or if their attitudes and behavior call for the lifting of such hedge and giving them over to ha-satán, for the punishment of their flesh, in the hope and expectancy that they would positively respond to YÁOHU UL's enablement and favor, in humble repentance.

Your Nuggets of Wisdom for Today -

Rebuke your neighbor and bear no sin because of him.

Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate you;
reprove a wise man, and he will love you.

To 'reprove' means to 'prove' to a person what his mistake is with the underlying intent to clarify and correct.

Jerusalem was ruined because the inhabitants did not reprove one another.

My friend is he who will tell me my fault in private.

Love your rebuker; beware of and avoid your flatterer.

Better open rebuke than hidden love.

First find out, then rebuke.

It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise man than to hear the adulations of fools.

Anecdote for Today - YÁOHU UL's or Devil's Wages

A preacher was once proclaiming with great effect to a large congregation, principally miners. In that neighborhood there were two mines, one very prosperous and the other quite the reverse, for the work was hard and the wages low.

He represented himself as working at the decrepit mine but on 'pay-day' going to the prosperous mine for his wages.

But had he not been at work at the other mine? The manager inquired. He had, but he liked the wages at the prosperous mine the best. He pleaded very earnestly, but in vain.

He was dismissed at last, with the remark, from which there was no appeal, that he must come there to work if he came there for his wages.

And then he turned upon the congregation, and the effect was almost irresistible, that they must serve hol-MEHUSHKHÁY (the Messiah) here if they would share His Glory hereafter; but if they would serve ha-satán now, to him they must go for their measly wages later on!

What To Do If Your Partner Remarries -

There are cases in which a rebellious marriage partner remarries in spite of the serious efforts of the other to bring about reconciliation and continue the original marriage. Does that mean that YÁOHU UL and His ways have failed?

Absolutely not, for it must be kept in mind that YÁOHU UL's primary purpose in your life is that you be conformed to the image of Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA, and not merely to have a successful marriage.

YÁOHU UL merely uses your marriage or separation, as the case may be, to mold desirable character traits and fruit of the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' in you, such as love, happiness, inner peace, longsuffering, humility, patience and the like.

Whatever it is, whether within a delightful marriage, or in the process of rebuilding your marriage, the character traits that are being molded in you by means of the personalities and events occurring in your life are what really matter in YÁOHU UL's reckoning.

It may happen that your spouse will remarry in order to stop your pressuring her into reconciliation, and to see whether you will still love her, despite all.

To continually be loving and forgiving toward her will prove to your partner the genuineness of your love and sacred vow, and will please YÁOHU UL all the more and He will always be on your side because you remain firm on the moral principles of His Word.

After you have done everything, you must commit everything in the hands of the sovereign YÁOHU UL and trust that He will work out what is best for you in your life with Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA.

Rest assured that all events are working together for your own benefit till you be conformed to the image of Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA!

And no one, nor any eventuality can ever separate you from the love of YÁOHU UL!

'And we know that YÁOHU UL causes everything to work together for the benefit of those who love YÁOHU UL and are the called according to His purpose for them.

For YÁOHU UL knew His people in advance, and He selected them to become like His Son, in order that His Son would be the Firstborn, with many brethren. And having selected them, He called them to come to Him. And He gave them right relationship with Himself, and He promised them His glory.

What can we say about such wonderful things as these?

If YÁOHU UL is for us, who can ever be against us? Since YÁOHU UL did not spare even His own Son but gave Him up for us all, won't YÁOHU UL, Who gave us ha-MEHUSHKHÁY, also give us everything else?

Who dares accuse us whom YÁOHU UL has selected for His own? Will YÁOHU UL? No! He is the One Who has given us right relationship with Himself.

Who then will condemn us? Will hol-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA? No, for He is the One Who died for us and was raised to life for us and is now seated at the place of highest honor next to YÁOHU UL, pleading for us.

Can anything ever separate us from hol-MEHUSHKHÁY's love? Does it mean He no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or are hungry or cold or in danger or threatened with death?

Even the Scriptures say, 'For Your sake we confront death every day; we are regarded as sheep ready to be slaughtered.'

No, despite all these, overwhelming victory is ours by means of ha-MEHUSHKHÁY (the Messiah), Who loved us!

And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from His love. Death can't, and life can't. The angels can't, and the demons can't.

Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow, and even the powers of hell can't keep YÁOHU UL's love away. Whether we are high above the sky or in the deepest ocean, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of YÁOHU UL that is revealed in hol-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA, our Molkhiúl.' - Romans 8:28-39

YAOHÚSHUA told them, 'Whoever divorces his wife and marries someone else commits adultery against her. And if a woman divorces her husband and remarries, she commits adultery.' - Mark 10:11-12

Given to you in true love and deep humility, 'Ol Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám!

Your Scripture Engrafting Passages for Today -

And He (YAOHÚSHUA) healed every kind of sickness and disease!

The report of His miracles spread far beyond the borders of Galilee and therefore sick folks were soon coming to be healed from as far away as Syria.

And whatever their illness and pain, or if they were possessed by evil spirits, or were insane, or paralyzed -

He (YAOHÚSHUA) healed them all!

Your Character Trait for Today -

Meekness which is the opposite of Vindictiveness


Surrendering all my rights and expectations to the all-knowing, sovereign YÁOHU UL, fully convinced that He truly loves me and will do everything that is best for me, till I be conformed to the image of His loved Son, YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY!

'For the fruit of the 'RÚKHA' is....MEEKNESS.' - Gal. 5:23

Your Faith Assignment for Today -

You will fast, pray and read the Holy Scriptures to seek YÁOHU UL's perfect will for you in regard to your prospective spouse or present marriage, and you will obey whatever it is YÁOHU UL directs you to do by His 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' in order that your life may be a well-pleasing sacrifice unto Him.

Your Nuggets of Wisdom for Today -

You shall love YÁOHU your UL with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your might. This is the greatest command.

With all your heart - means with all your inclinations and affections.

With all your soul - means with all your will, mind and emotions.

With all your might - means with everything you have and own.

YÁOHU UL is love and the ultimate objective of our love is YÁOHU UL.

Anecdote for Today - Saved By Undrunk Water

A poor criminal was before his monarch, trembling for his life. A moment later his head was to be severed from his body. He asked for a drink of water. They brought it, but his hand trembled so he could not drink. The king cried to him, 'Do not be so alarmed; your life is safe till you drink that water.'

Immediately the glass was shivered on the pavement and the water untasted, and looking boldly up to the king, the condemned man claimed the royal word.

The monarch smiled bitterly, and said, 'You have fairly won your life: I cannot break my word even to you. You are saved!'

How YÁOHU UL's 'hedge of protection' affects your life and that of your loved ones -

Learn now from what YÁOHU UL reveals in His Holy Writ....

'There was a man named Yaoháv (Job) who lived in the land of Uz. He was blameless, a man of complete integrity. He reverentially feared YÁOHU Ulhím and kept away from evil.

He had seven sons and three daughters. He owned seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred teams of oxen, and five hundred female donkeys, and he employed many servants.

He was, in fact, the richest person in that entire area. Every year when Yaoháv's sons had birthdays, they invited their siblings to come celebrate with them.

On these occasions they would get together to eat and drink. When these celebrations ended - and sometimes they went on for several days - Yaoháv would purify his children. He would get up early in the morning and offer a burnt offering for each of them.

For Yaoháv said to himself, 'Perhaps my children have sinned and have cursed YÁOHU Ulhím in their hearts.' This was Yaoháv's regular practice.

One day the angels came to present themselves before YÁOHU Ulhím, and ha-satán the accuser came with them. 'Where have you come from?' YÁOHU Ulhím asked ha-satán. And ha-satán answered YÁOHU Ulhím, 'I have been going back and forth throughout the earth, observing everything that's going on.'

Then YÁOHU Ulhím asked ha-satán, 'Have you noticed my servant Yaoháv? He is the finest man in all the earth - a man of complete integrity. He reverentially fears YÁOHU Ulhím and will have nothing to do with evil.'

Ha-satán replied to YÁOHU Ulhím, 'Yes, Yaoháv reverentially fears YÁOHU Ulhím, but not without a sensible reason! For You have always protected him and his home and his property from harm. You have made him prosperous in everything he does. Look how rich he is! But take away everything he has, and he will surely curse You to Your face!'

'All right, you may test him,' YÁOHU Ulhím said to ha-satán. 'Do whatever you want with everything he possesses, but don't harm him physically.'

So ha-satán left YÁOHU Ulhím's presence. One day when Yaoháv's sons and daughters were dining at the oldest brother's house, an orderly arrived at Yaoháv's home with this message: 'Your oxen were plowing, with the donkeys feeding beside them, when the Sabeans raided us. They stole all the animals and killed all the farmhands! I am the only one who escaped to tell you.'

While he was yet speaking, another orderly arrived with this report: 'The fire of YÁOHU Ulhím has fallen from heaven and burned up your sheep and all the shepherds. I am the only one who escaped to tell you.'

While he was yet speaking, a third messenger arrived with this report: 'Three bands of Chaldean raiders have stolen your camels and killed your servants! I am the only one who escaped to tell you.'

While he was yet speaking, another messenger arrived with this message: 'Your sons and daughters were celebrating in their oldest brother's home. Surprisingly, a powerful wind swept in from the desert and hit the house on all sides. The house collapsed, and all your children are dead! I am the only one who escaped to tell you.'

Yaoháv rose up and tore his robe in grief. Then he shaved his head and fell to the ground before YÁOHU Ulhím. He said,

'I came naked from my mother's womb,
      and I will be deprived of everything when I die.

YÁOHU Ulhím gave me everything I had,
      and YÁOHU Ulhím has taken it away.

Praise the 'Shúam' (Name) of YÁOHU Ulhím!'

In all of this, Yaoháv did not sin by blaming YÁOHU Ulhím.

One day the angels came again to present themselves before YÁOHU Ulhím, and ha-satán the accuser came with them. 'Where have you come from?' YÁOHU Ulhím asked ha-satán.

And ha-satán answered YÁOHU Ulhím, 'I have been going back and forth throughout the earth, observing everything that's going on.'

Then YÁOHU Ulhím asked ha-satán, 'Have you noticed my servant Yaoháv? He is the finest man in all the earth - a man of complete integrity. He reverentially fears YÁOHU Ulhím and will have nothing to do with evil. And he has maintained his integrity, even though you pleaded with Me to harm him without cause.'

Ha-satán replied to YÁOHU Ulhím, 'Skin for skin - he favors You only because You favor him. A man will give up everything he has to save his life. But take away his soundness, and he will surely curse You to Your face!'

'All right, do with him as you please,' YÁOHU Ulhím said to ha-satán. 'But spare his life.'

So ha-satán left YÁOHU Ulhím's presence, and he infected Yaoháv with a terrible case of boils from head to foot. Then Yaoháv scraped his skin with a piece of broken pottery as he sat among the ashes.

His wife said to him, 'Are you still trying to maintain your integrity? Curse YÁOHU Ulhím and die!'

But Yaoháv replied, 'You talk like a pagan woman! Should we accept only beneficial things from the hand of YÁOHU Ulhím and never anything bad?'

So in all this, Yaoháv said nothing wrong. Three of Yaoháv's friends were Uliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite.

When they heard of the tragedy he had suffered, they banded together and traveled from their homes to comfort and console him. When they saw Yaoháv from afar, they scarcely recognized him. Wailing loudly, they tore their robes and threw dust up into the air over their heads to express their grief. Then they sat upon the ground with him for seven days and nights. And no one said a word, for they saw that his suffering was too intense for words.

At last Yaoháv spoke, and he cursed the day of his birth. He said: 'Cursed be the day of my birth, and cursed be the night when I was conceived. Let that day be turned to darkness. Let it be lost even to YÁOHU Ulhím on high, and let it be shrouded in darkness.

Yes, let the darkness and utter gloom claim it for its own. Let a black cloud overshadow it, and let the darkness terrify it. Let that night be blotted off the calendar, never again to be counted among the days of the year, never again to appear among the months. Let that night be barren. Let it have no delight. Let those who are experts at cursing - those who are ready to rouse the sea behemoth - curse that day.

Let its morning 'cocavím' (s-ars) remain dark. Let it hope for light, but in vain; may it never see the morning light. Curse it for its failure to shut my mother's womb, for letting me be born to all this trouble.

Why didn't I die at birth as I came from the womb? Why did my mother let me live? Why did she nurse me at her breasts? For if I had died at birth, I would be at peace now, asleep and at rest. I would rest with the world's kings and prime ministers, famous for their great building projects. I would rest with wealthy princes whose palaces were filled with gold and silver.

Why was I not buried like a stillborn child, like a baby who never lives to see the light? For in death the wicked cease from troubling, and the weary are at rest. Even prisoners are at ease in death, with no guards to curse them. Rich and poor are there alike, and the slave is free from his employer.

Oh, why should light be given to the weary, and life to those in misery? They long for death, and it won't come. They search for death more eagerly than for hidden treasure. It is a beneficial relief when they finally die, when they find the grave.

Why is life given to those with no future, those designated by YÁOHU Ulhím to live in affliction? I cannot eat for sighing; my groans pour out like water. What I always feared has happened to me! What I dreaded has come to be. I have no peace, no quietness. I have no rest; but on the contrary, only trouble comes.'

Then YÁOHU Ulhím said to Yaoháv, 'Do you still want to argue with YÁOHU UL Tzavulyáo? You are YÁOHU Ulhím's critic, but do you have the answers?'

Then Yaoháv replied to YÁOHU Ulhím, 'I am nothing - how could I ever find the answers? I will put my hand over my mouth in silence. I have said too much already. I have nothing more to say.'

Then YÁOHU Ulhím answered Yaoháv from the whirlwind: 'Brace yourself, because I have some queries for you, and you must answer them.

Are you going to discredit My justice and condemn Me so you can say you are right? Are you as powerful as YÁOHU Ulhím, and can you thunder with a voice like His? All right then, put on your robes of state, your glory and splendor.

Give vent to your anger. Let it overflow against the proud. Humiliate the proud with a glance; walk on the wicked where they are. Bury them in the dust. Imprison them in the world of the dead. Then even I would praise you, for your own vigor would save you.

Take a look at the mighty hippopotamus. I made it, just as I made you. It eats grass like an ox. See its powerful loins and the muscles of its belly. Its tail is as direct as an 'éres' (ce-ar). The sinews of its thighs are tightly knit together. Its bones are tubes of bronze. Its limbs are bars of iron. It is a prime example of YÁOHU Ulhím's amazing handiwork. Only its Creator can threaten it.

The mountains offer it their best food, where all the wild animals play. It lies under the lotus plants, hidden by the reeds. The lotus plants give it shade among the willows beside the river. It is not bothered by raging rivers, not even when the swelling Yardayán rushes upon it. No one can catch it off guard or put a ring in its nose and lead it away.'

Then Yaoháv replied to YÁOHU Ulhím: 'I know that You can do anything, and no one can stop You. You ask, 'Who is this that queries My wisdom with such ignorance?' It is I. And I was talking about matters I did not comprehend, matters far too wonderful for me.

'You said, 'Hearken and I will speak! I have some queries for you, and you must answer them.'

'I had heard about You before, but now I have seen You with my own eyes. I take back everything I said; I sit upon ashes and dust to show my repentance.'

After YÁOHU Ulhím had finished speaking to Yaoháv, He said to Uliphaz the Temanite: 'I am angry with you and with your two friends, for you have not been right in what you said about Me, as My servant Yaoháv was. Now take seven young bulls and seven rams and go to My servant Yaoháv and offer a burnt offering for yourselves.

My servant Yaoháv will pray for you, and I will accept his prayer on your behalf. I will not treat you as you deserve, for you have not been right in what you said about Me, as My servant Yaoháv was.'

So Uliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite did as YÁOHU Ulhím commanded them, and YÁOHU Ulhím accepted Yaoháv's prayer.

When Yaoháv prayed for his friends, YÁOHU Ulhím returned his fortunes! In fact, YÁOHU Ulhím gave him twice as much as before! Then all his siblings and former friends came and celebrated with him in his home.

And they consoled him and comforted him because of all the trials YÁOHU Ulhím had brought upon him. And each of them brought him a gift of money and a gold ring.

So YÁOHU Ulhím favored Yaoháv in the second half of his life even more than in the beginning. For now he had fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, one thousand teams of oxen, and one thousand female donkeys.

He also gave Yaoháv seven more sons and three more daughters. He named his first daughter Yamimah, the second Keziah, and the third Keren-happuch.

In all the land there were no other women as lovely as the daughters of Yaoháv. And their father put them into his will along with their brothers.

Yaoháv lived 140 years after that, living to see four generations of his children and grandchildren. Then he died, an old man who had lived a long, enriched life.

Yaoháv (Job) 1-3;40:1-24;42:1-17

YAOHÚSHUA told them, 'Whoever divorces his wife and marries someone else commits adultery against her. And if a woman divorces her husband and remarries, she commits adultery.' - Mark 10:11-12

Given to you in true love and deep humility, 'Ol Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám!

Your Scripture Engrafting Passages for Today -

'Even though the fig trees have no blossoms, and there are no grapes on the vine; even though the olive crop fails, and the fields lie empty and barren; even though the flocks die in the fields, and the cattle barns are empty, yet I will be delightful in YÁOHU Ulhím! I will be delightful in YÁOHU Ulhím of my salvation.

The Sovereign YÁOHU Ulhím is my power! He will make me as surefooted like a deer and bring me safely over the mountains.' - Habkóak 3:17-19a

Your Character Trait for Today -

Perseverance which is the opposite of Desperation


Bearing all and glorifying YÁOHU Ulhím no matter what happens, fully believing that He is willing and able to give back manyfold whatever the enemy may have stolen.

'For the fruit of the 'RÚKHA' is....LONGSUFFERING.' - Gal. 5:22

Your Faith Assignment for Today -

You will pray to YÁOHU Ulhím and respectfully and humbly request for His hedge of protection around you and your loved ones and around all that He has given you in trust.

Remember to do everything 'Ol -Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám!

Your Nuggets of Wisdom for Today -

An upright person may fall seven times but rises again each time.

Talents and intellect benefit nothing unless married to perseverance.

Continual dripping will bore even through a rock.

Whoever loves pleasure shall soon become poor.

A person's life does not consist of how much he possesses.

Power and wealth take wings and fly away. These and cleverness are gifts of YÁOHU Ulhím; therefore let no one glory in his own assets and abilities.

Mehushúa expressed it by the name of Cain, meaning 'ownership' - a feeling which is stupid to the core, because in place of regarding all as belonging to YÁOHU Ulhím, Cain wrongly presumed that they were his own, though he could not possess securely even his own self.

Anecdote for Today - Perseverance

There aren't any hard-and-fast rules for getting ahead in the world - simply hard ones.

You don't have to lie awake nights to succeed. Just stay awake days.

There is no poverty that can overtake diligence!

When I was a young man I observed that nine out of ten things I did were failures. I didn't want to become a failure, so I did ten times more work!

Your Marriage Partner Repented and Returned Back to You -

In cases where it was the husband who did repent, you, being his wife, must devote much time and effort to find out what his basic needs are and how to really meet them.

In cases where it was the wife who did repent, you, being her husband (as the case may be), must likewise learn to find out and meet your wife's basic needs.

But what are the basic needs of a husband?

1. A husband needs to be respected and obeyed by his wife.

The more the wife reverentially fears and obeys her husband, the more the manliness of her husband is reinforced and as a result, the more the husband then becomes emotionally secure enough to be gentle, loving, forgiving and humble in dealing with his wife and children.

When the husband feels insecure about his own manliness, he then will begin to try hard to prove his masculinity by usually violent, rough and immoral means, to the disgust of the wife and the whole family.

What must a wife avoid doing in order not to ruin the manliness of her husband?


The wife must avoid expecting that her own husband naturally knows what kind of protection she needs, whether physical, emotional, spiritual or mental protection.

You wife must tell your husband exactly what kind of protection you want and need. Your husband expects you to let him know what sort of protection you need from him.


The wife must avoid being financially independent.

Whoever has the actual control of the money in any relationship automatically controls the leadership as well.

Scripturally, it is the husband who has the rightful control of the family's finances and business affairs, unless he otherwise delegates.

Love and dependence upon one another is obliterated by having independent spirits and harboring selfish motives.


The wife must avoid showing greater loyalty to others who are competing with her husband's role as the head of the family.

Other friends, relatives, teachers and others will sometimes try to usurp the authority of the husband in dealing with his wife and family, and should this occur, the wife must show her absolute loyalty and faithfulness to her husband.

When the wife gives more importance and follows what others say and demand, in place of what her own husband says, she actually undermines the authority of her own husband.

If there's something you need explanations or clarifications on, ask your own husband at home!


The wife must submit to and respect the decisions of her own husband and cooperate fully in his plans, goals and ambitions, for, after all, the wife scripturally is supposed to be his support-meet, subordinated unto him, being the weaker vessel.

Should the wife resist her husband's decisions, such inner negative attitudes would seriously damage and harm the husband's goals, plans and financial pursuits.

The wife must also avoid nagging about the husband's past financial, business or employment failures, if any, and, on the contrary, she must continually encourage and exhort him to greater successes and advancements in life.


One of the most common ways a wife deeply wounds her husband's feelings and belittles his manliness is when she refuses and rejects his physical expressions of love and affection.

A husband actually experiences an inner crushing of his own spirit whenever the wife refuses and rejects his physical expressions of love.

A wife's holiness is her best defense against her husband's abusing her physically or treating her sexually like a pagan wife.

With her continual prayers and pure devotion unto YÁOHU Ulhím, the wife is also expected to positively respond and return the delightful, pleasant amorous expressions of her husband.


The wife should never, in any case, take matters into her own hands. The wife must completely depend upon her own husband for every decision in their married life.

When a wife intrudes into any minor area of the husband's sphere of responsibility, the husband will then begin to surrender other responsibilities as well.

Though a wife may reason that she sometimes intrude into her husband's responsibilities in order to avoid harmful and damaging consequences, yet the ultimate end of her usurpations, should she continue, is the total collapse of their marriage.

You wife must not become your husband's conscience!

A wife must respectfully appeal wrong decisions; then give her husband room to fail. It is, after all, his own responsibility to YÁOHU Ulhím and to others.

In other words, the wife must positively contribute to the increase in the manliness of her own husband and should not do anything that would depreciate it.

Scripture Guidelines:

'You wives must submit to your husbands as you do to ha-Molkhiúl. For a husband is the head of his wife as ha-MEHUSHKHÁY is the Head of His body, the Oholyáo (Congregation); He gave His life to be her Savior.

As the Oholyáo submits to hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, so you wives must submit to your husbands in everything!

And you husbands, show the same kind of love to your wives as ha-Molkhiúl showed to the Oholyáo (Congregation) when He died for her, to make her holy and clean, washed by baptism, and YÁOHU UL's Word; in order that He could give her to Himself as a glorious Oholyáo without a single spot, wrinkle or any other blemish, being holy and without a single fault.

That is how husbands should treat their wives, loving them as parts of themselves. For since a man and his wife are now one, a man is really doing himself a favor and loving himself when he loves his wife!

No one hates his own body but lovingly cares for it, just as ha-MEHUSHKHÁY cares for His body the Oholyáo (Congregation), of which we are members.

(That the husband and wife are one body is proved by the Scripture which says, 'A man must leave his father and mother when he marries, so he can be perfectly joined to his wife, and the two shall be one.')

I know this is deeply enigmatic and hard to comprehend, but it is an object lesson in how we, as parts of the body, and ha-MEHUSHKHÁY are one.

So again I say, a man must love his wife as a part of himself; and the wife must see to it that she deeply respects her husband - obeying, praising and honoring him.

Ephesians 5:22-33, Holy Scriptures
(Yaohúshua Version)

YAOHÚSHUA told them, 'Whoever divorces his wife and marries someone else commits adultery against her. And if a woman divorces her husband and remarries, she commits adultery.' - Mark 10:11-12

Given to you in true love and deep humility, 'Ol Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám!

Your Scripture Engrafting Passages for Today -

'But since there is so much immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband. The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband.

The wife's body does not belong to her alone but also to her husband. In the same way, the husband's body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife.' - 1 Corinthians 7:2-4

'To the married I give this command (not I, but ha-Molkhiúl):

A wife should not separate from her husband! But if she does, she should remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. And a husband should not divorce his wife.

To the rest I say this (I, not ha-Molkhiúl): If any brother has a wife who is not a believer and she is willing to live with him, he must not divorce her.' - 1 Corinthians 7:10-12

'For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy.' - 1 Corinthians 7:14

'How do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband? Or, how do you know, husband, whether you will save your wife?' - 1 Corinthians 7:16

'Are you married? Do not seek a divorce!

Are you unmarried? Do not look for a wife!' - 1 Corinthians 7:27

Your Character Trait for Today -

Wisdom which is the opposite of Stupidity


Doing everything positively in order to encourage and enhance the persons and functions of those whom YÁOHU UL has designated for my own protection and well being.

'For the fruit of the 'RÚKHA' is....UPRIGHTNESS.' - Gal. 5:22

Your Faith Assignment for Today -

If any of the above guidelines apply to you husbands, you must promptly correct and rectify whatever needs to be put right, then ask forgiveness from YÁOHU Ulhím for your shortcomings and negligence, if any, then begin doing things YÁOHU Ulhím's correct and scriptural way, the YAOHUSHUA way!

If any of the above guidelines apply to you wives, you must quickly repent and ask forgiveness from YÁOHU Ulhím and from your husband, and from now on, make sure you do things differently, having known YÁOHU Ulhím's perfect will for you in submitting to and obeying your own husbands, respectively.

Remember to do everything 'Ol -Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám!

Your Nuggets of Wisdom for Today -

A woman full of virtue is a crown to her husband.

A prudent wife is from YÁOHU Ulhím.

Who is really rich? He who has a wife who is rich in noble deeds!

A fine wife is a fine gift. Rich or poor, the husband's heart is always delightful, and his face cheerful at all times.

I would rather dwell in the basement with a lion than to share a house with a wicked woman.

How unfortunate is a bad wife, with whom Scriptures likens to hell itself.

Husbands should treat their wives with tender compassion.

Wife-beating is a heinous crime done only by the demon-possessed.

It is a scandalous disgrace for a wife to be the bread winner in the marriage.

Every man gets the wife he really deserves.

Anecdote for Today - Faithful In Menial Tasks

W. B. Riley used to tell the tale of a man who had walked the thoroughfares of Philadelphia searching for employment. One day he happened to go into the office of a well-known businessman by the name of Girard.

When he asked for a job, Mr. Girard answered, 'Yes, I can give you work. See that pile of bricks out there? Carry them over to the other end of the yard and stack them up.'

By nightfall the man reported that the project was completed and received his pay. When asked if there would be more work the next day, his employer said, 'Yes, come in tomorrow and carry those same bricks back to where you found them.'

The following morning he came in early and began busy without a word. For more than a week he was told to carry bricks back and forth until it was evident that he could be depended on to do exactly what he was told.

Then he was given a new and bigger responsibility - to go downtown and bid on a large quantity of sugar. Not recognizing him, the people at the auction were surprised by the bid of this complete unknown.

When it was accepted, the auctioneer asked who would pay the bill. 'Mr. Girard,' the man replied. 'I am his agent.'

He had earned this reputation by being faithful in a very menial task!

Your Marriage Partner Repented and Returned Back to You -

In cases where it was the husband who did repent, you, being his wife, must devote much time and effort to find out what his basic needs are and how to really meet them.

In cases where it was the wife who did repent, you, being her husband (as the case may be), must likewise learn to find out and meet your wife's basic needs.

But what are the basic needs of a husband?


A husband must be assured that his wife and family accepts him fully as a leader and they must believe that YÁOHU Ulhím is actually working in their lives through him.

The husband, being the leader of the family, needs to be sure that his duties, functions and responsibilities are were delegated to him by YÁOHU Ulhím Himself through His written Word.

a) Husbands are commanded to govern their respective wives.

'To the woman He (YÁOHU Ulhím) said,

'I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing;
      with pain you will give birth to children.

Your desire will be for your husband,
      and he will rule over you.'' - Genesis 3:16

b) Wives are commanded in the Holy Scriptures to submit to their respective husbands.

'Wives, you must submit to your husbands like unto ha-Molkhiúl (the Ruler) Himself.' - Ephesians 5:22

'Wives, submit to your husbands, as is appropriate among those who belong to ha-Molkhiúl.' - Colossians 3:18

'Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands in order that, if any of them do not believe the Word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives.' - 1 Káfos (Peter) 3:1-2

d) The leadership of the husband is exemplified by Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA and His Oholyáo.

'Now I want you to realize that the head of every man is ha-MEHUSHKHÁY, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of ha-MEHUSHKHÁY is YÁOHU UL.' - 1 Corinthians 11:3

It is imperative therefore for you wife to reassure your own husband that you delightfully and gratefully accept him as your leader designated by YÁOHU Ulhím to govern and rule over you as the head of your family, and let him know that you truly believe that YÁOHU Ulhím is working in your family lives through him.

Scripture Guidelines:

'And you should follow my example, just as I follow hol-MEHUSHKHÁY's (the Messiah's).

I am so delightful, dear brethren, that you have been recalling and doing everything I taught you. But there is one matter I want to remind you about: That the head of every man is ha-MEHUSHKHÁY, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of ha-MEHUSHKHÁY is YÁOHU UL.

That is why, if a man refuses to remove his hat while praying or proclaiming, he dishonors 'ha-MEHUSHKHÁY' (the Messiah).

And that is why a woman who publicly prays or prophesies without a covering on her head dishonors her husband for her covering is a sign of her subjection to him.

Yes, if she refuses to wear a head covering, then she should cut off all her hair. And if it is shameful for a woman to have her head shaved, then she should wear a covering.

But a man should not wear anything on his head when worshiping for his hat is a sign of subjection to men.

YÁOHU UL's glory is man made in His image, and man's glory is the woman. The first man didn't come from woman, but the first woman came out of man.

And Adam, the first man, was not made for Khavyáo's benefit, but Khavyáo was made for Adam. So a woman should wear a covering on her head as a sign that she is under man's authority, a fact for all the angels to notice and be delightful about.

But remember that in YÁOHU UL's plan men and women need each other. For although the first woman came out of man, all men have been born from women ever since, and both men and women come from YÁOHU UL, their Creator.

What do you yourselves really think about this? Is it correct for a woman to pray in public without covering her head? Doesn't even natural inclination itself teach us that women's heads should be covered?

For women are proud of their long hair, while a man with long hair tends to be ashamed.

But if anyone wants to argue about this, all I can say is that we never teach anything else different from this - that a woman should wear a covering when prophesying or praying publicly in the Oholyáo (Congregation), and all the other congregations feel the same way about it.' - 1 Corinthians 11:1-16, Holy Scriptures

YAOHÚSHUA told them, 'Whoever divorces his wife and marries someone else commits adultery against her. And if a woman divorces her husband and remarries, she commits adultery.' - Mark 10:11-12

Given to you in true love and deep humility, 'Ol Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám!

Your Scripture Engrafting Passages for Today -

'You wives must submit to your husbands as you do to ha-Molkhiúl. For a husband is the head of his wife as ha-MEHUSHKHÁY is the Head of His body, the Oholyáo (Congregation); He gave His life to be her Savior.

As the Oholyáo submits to hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, so you wives must submit to your husbands in everything!

And you husbands, show the same kind of love to your wives as ha-Molkhiúl showed to the Oholyáo (Congregation) when He died for her, to make her holy and clean, washed by baptism, and YÁOHU Ulhím's Word; in order that He could give her to Himself as a glorious Oholyáo without a single spot, wrinkle or any other blemish, being holy and without a single fault.

That is how husbands should treat their wives, loving them as parts of themselves. For since a man and his wife are now one, a man is really doing himself a favor and loving himself when he loves his wife!

No one hates his own body but lovingly cares for it, just as ha-MEHUSHKHÁY cares for His body the Oholyáo (Congregation), of which we are members.

(That the husband and wife are one body is proved by the Scripture which says, 'A man must leave his father and mother when he marries, so he can be perfectly joined to his wife, and the two shall be one.')

I know this is deeply enigmatic and hard to comprehend, but it is an object lesson in how we, as parts of the body, and ha-MEHUSHKHÁY are one.

So again I say, a man must love his wife as a part of himself; and the wife must see to it that she deeply respects her husband - obeying, praising and honoring him.

Ephesians 5:22-33, Holy Scriptures
(Yaohúshua Version)

'Are you married? Do not seek a divorce!

Are you unmarried? Do not look for a wife!' - 1 Corinthians 7:27

Your Character Trait for Today -

Reverence which is the opposite of Rejection


Maintaining an attitude of respect and gratefulness to YÁOHU Ulhím by submitting delightfully and in all matters to those who are responsible for me.

'For the fruit of the 'RÚKHA' is....MEEKNESS.' - Gal. 5:23

Your Faith Assignment for Today -

To the degree that you husbands do reverence, obey and accept the YÁOHU-Ulhím given authority of those over you, the same way your own subordinates at home will likewise render unto you.

Knowing this, you will therefore show by your behavior and attitudes and express by your words that you fully accept your authorities and that you are confident that YÁOHU Ulhím is actually working in your life through them.

Remember to do everything 'Ol -Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám!

Your Nuggets of Wisdom for Today -

Every husband should bear rule and govern in his own house.

An adulterous husband breeds an adulterous wife and children.

Husband and wife become one flesh, and their purses should be one, too.

A husband who is afraid of his domineering wife is a public shame and a disgrace even in the whole community.

One's wife is like himself.

Wives, honor your own husbands!

Anecdote for Today - Let Men Be Men!

From Brussels, Belgium, comes an item about Otto Brugghe and his wife Martine. When Otto was sleeping one night, his wife cut off his long, curly locks.

For that, Otto left her after two years of marriage.

Explaining her action, Martine said: 'He was trying to look prettier than me! What a wife wants is a man, not a mannequin.'

While she may know nothing about Scriptural principles, Martine has given expression to what is surely a correct emphasis.

Let men be men!

Your Marriage Partner Repented and Returned Back to You -

In cases where it was the husband who did repent, you, being his wife, must devote much time and effort to find out what his basic needs are and how to really meet them.

In cases where it was the wife who did repent, you, being her husband (as the case may be), must likewise learn to find out and meet your wife's basic needs.

But what are the basic needs of a husband?


A husband must be assured that his wife and family accepts him fully as a leader and they must believe that YÁOHU Ulhím is actually working in their lives through him.

The husband, being the leader of the family, needs to be sure that his duties, functions and responsibilities are were delegated to him by YÁOHU Ulhím Himself through His written Word.


The husband must develop self-assurance and confidence that YÁOHU Ulhím is actually working through him in dealing with his wife, children and other subordinates.

The wife's continual submission and obedience to her husband in everything, and as unto Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA Himself, is the major contributing factor in developing this self-assurance.

In practical terms, this would involve the acceptance by both partners that YÁOHU Ulhím actually directs or permissively allows (as the case may be) the husband to make correct or, at times, wrong decisions.

Wrong decisions reveal basic insufficiencies in the husband and is to be used by the wife as opportunities to show forth the fruit of the 'RÚKHA-YAOHÚSHUA' by maintaining a quiet spirit and full dependence upon YÁOHU Ulhím Who, after all, is in control of everything.

When the wife fully trusts and depends upon YÁOHU Ulhím, she can then obey her husband completely, whether the decision seems right or wrong to her, for in every case, she is totally depending upon YÁOHU Ulhím to care for and protect her.

Whenever the husband makes seemingly wrong decisions, these should be taken by the wife as her opportunities to make humble appeals and devise creative alternatives to please her husband as well as fulfill her responsibilities.

If it happens that the husband makes a wrong decision, this should never be used by the wife as her excuse in usurping the authority of her husband to elevate herself as the self- appointed 'head' of the family, ruling over the husband and children. This would be an abomination in YÁOHU Ulhím's sight.

A husband who notices that his wife dutifully obeys him, in everything and as unto Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA Himself, will be the type who will carefully weigh each decision he makes and will be always encouraged to seek out YÁOHU Ulhím's perfect will in every case.

The best reaction that the wife can make, whenever the husband makes a somewhat wrong decision, would be to voice out her gratefulness unto YÁOHU Ulhím and then explain to her husband how YÁOHU Ulhím is using all the decisions that he makes to bring out and develop fine character traits in her and what positive benefits they actually contribute to her own spiritual growth and development.

In this way, everything then really works out for the benefit of those who love YÁOHU Ulhím and are the called according to His purpose.

Scripture Guidelines -

'Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands in order that, if any of them do not believe the Word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives.

Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes.

On the contrary it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in YÁOHU Ulhím's sight.

For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in YÁOHU Ulhím used to make themselves beautiful.

They were submissive to their own husbands, like Soroáh, who obeyed Abruhám and called him her ruler. You are her daughters if you do what is right and do not give way to fear.

Husbands, in the same way be thoughtful and caring as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the favorable gift of life, in order that nothing will hinder your prayers.

Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brethren, be compassionate and humble.

Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with favors, because to this you were called, in order that you may inherit favors. For,

'Whoever would love life
      and see prosperous days
must keep his tongue from evil
      and his lips from deceitful speech.

He must turn from evil and do what is right;
      he must seek peace and pursue it.

For the eyes of YÁOHU Ulhím are on the upright
      and His ears are attentive to their prayers.

But the face of YÁOHU Ulhím is against those who do evil.'

Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do right? But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are favored.

Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened. But in your hearts set apart hol-MEHUSHKHÁY as Molkhiúl (King).

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.

But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, in order that those who speak wickedly against your pure behavior in hol-MEHUSHKHÁY may be ashamed of their slander.

It is better, if it is YÁOHU Ulhím's will, to suffer for doing what is right than for doing evil.' - 1 Káfos (Peter) 3:1-7

YAOHÚSHUA told them, 'Whoever divorces his wife and marries someone else commits adultery against her. And if a woman divorces her husband and remarries, she commits adultery.' - Mark 10:11-12

Given to you in true love and deep humility, 'Ol Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám!

Your Scripture Engrafting Passages for Today -

'Wives, submit to your husbands as unto ha-Molkhiúl.

For the husband is the head of the wife like hol-MEHUSHKHÁY is the Head of the Oholyáo, His body, of which He is the Savior.

Now as the Oholyáo submits to hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything!

Husbands, love your wives, just like hol-MEHUSHKHÁY loved the Oholyáo and gave Himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the Word, and to proffer her to Himself as a radiant Oholyáo, without spot or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.

In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just like hol-MEHUSHKHÁY does the Oholyáo - for we are members of His body.

'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.'

This is a profound enigma - but I am talking about hol-MEHUSHKHÁY and the Oholyáo (Congregation).

However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.' - Ephesians 5:22-33

Your Character Trait for Today -

Purity which is the opposite of Evilmindedness


In everything, delightfully obeying and submitting to those whom YÁOHU Ulhím has designated to be my authorities, with full trust upon YÁOHU Ulhím Who is in control of their minds; humbly and prayerfully making respectful appeals when necessary, fully realizing that right or wrong decisions, all are opportunities for my spiritual growth and development in fruit bearing.

'For the fruit of the 'RÚKHA' is....PATIENCE.' - Gal. 5:22

Your Faith Assignment for Today -

You will find out when is it proper to make a respectful appeal to your authorities and when it is not appropriate to make an appeal.

Also, when and how to make creative alternatives to please your authorities and fulfill your responsibilities unto YÁOHU Ulhím and to those whom He has placed to care for and safekeep you.

You will likewise learn and practice making actual appeals to your authorities, using scriptural guidelines about the matter as your reference, found on this webpage:

Remember to do everything 'Ol -Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám!

Your Nuggets of Wisdom for Today -

To obey is better than sacrifice.

A stubborn heart shall become ill.

Men generally love those who want to be in submission to them and are repulsed by women who want to dominate them.

'Though he was oppressed, yet he opened not his mouth' is characteristic of the genuine YAOHÚ-di, which means that though he is more upright than his tormentor, yet he entrusts his case into the hands of YÁOHU Ulhím and he therefore need not open his mouth to protest, complain nor curse.

It is not why I suffer that I wish to know but whether I suffer for Your sake.

The sun shall not smite you by day nor the moon by night.

Anecdote for Today - Blame Me Not!

You call Me Ruler and obey Me not,
You call Me Light and see Me not;
You call Me Way and walk by Me not;
You call Me Life and desire Me not;
You call Me Wise and follow Me not;
You call Me Fair and love Me not;
You call Me Rich and ask Me not;
You call Me Eternal and seek Me not;
You call Me Full of Favors and trust Me not;
You call Me Noble and serve Me not;
You call Me Mighty and honor Me not;
You call Me Just though you fear Me not;
If I condemn you, BLAME ME not!

Your Marriage Partner Repented and Returned Back to You -

In cases where it was the husband who did repent, you, being his wife, must devote much time and effort to find out what his basic needs are and how to really meet them.

In cases where it was the wife who did repent, you, being her husband (as the case may be), must likewise learn to find out and meet your wife's basic needs.

But what are the basic needs of a husband?


A husband must be assured that his wife and family accepts him fully as a leader and they must believe that YÁOHU Ulhím is actually working in their lives through him.

The husband, being the leader of the family, needs to be sure that his duties, functions and responsibilities were delegated to him by YÁOHU Ulhím Himself through His Word.


The husband expects his wife and children to show loyalty to him especially in times of need, in times of intense pressure and in times of adversity.

Everyone claims and seems to be loyal to the head of the family but the real test comes when the husband begins to undergo severe difficulties in his life, and it then becomes the right opportunity for those who are genuinely loyal to remain by him in times of need, supporting, aiding and defending him.

For richer or poorer, in sickness and in wellness, in times of plenty as well as in times of deprivation, the wife is expected to always be supportive of and faithful to her own husband.

Those are the kind of wives YÁOHU Ulhím richly rewards.

The wife and children's loyalty also is tried and proven when the husband commits mistakes, makes wrong decisions and renders unjust conclusions.

No husband is perfect, neither are there wives and children who are, and in cases where the husband errs, YÁOHU Ulhím expects the wife and children to depend fully upon Him to handle and correct the matter, He being YÁOHU UL Gavóha, the Most High.

To trust fully in YÁOHU Ulhím with all of your heart is the key to maintaining your loyalty to the authority regardless of his frailties and insufficiencies, and especially in times of difficulties and pressures.

The wife's loyalty must be unsullied and beyond doubt, and she must avoid all appearances to the contrary, like for example asking others for advice in regard to marital or family matters, without the husband's prior approval and consent.

Better if she would always go to YÁOHU Ulhím for advice and counsel, through prayers and the reading of His Word.

Scripture Guidelines -

YÁOHU UL had told Abram, 'Leave your own country behind you, and your own people, and go to the land I will guide you to. If you do, I will cause you to become the father of a great nation; I will favor you and make your name famous, and you will be beneficial to many others. I will favor those who favor you and curse those who curse you; and the entire world will be benefited because of you.'

So Abram departed as YÁOHU UL had ordered him, and Lot went too; Abram was seventy-five years old at that time. He took his wife Sarai, his nephew Lot, and all his wealth - the cattle and slaves he had recruited in Haran - and finally arrived in Canaan. Traveling through Canaan, they came to a place near Shechem, and set up camp beside the oak at Maoro-éh. (This area was inhabited by Canaanites at that time.)

Then YÁOHU UL appeared to Abram and said, 'I am going to give this land to your offsprings. And Abram built an altar there to commemorate YÁOHU UL's visit. Afterwards Abram left that place and traveled southward to the hilly country between Bayit-Ul on the west and Ai on the east. There he made camp, and made an altar to YÁOHU UL and prayed to him. Thus he continued slowly southward to the Negev, pausing frequently.

There was at that time a terrible famine in the land: and so Abram went on down to Egypt to live. But as he was approaching the borders of Egypt, he asked Sarai his wife to tell everyone that she was his female sibling!

'You are very beautiful,' he told her, 'and when the Egyptians see you they will say, 'This is his wife. Let's kill him and then we can have her!' But if you say you are my female sibling, then the Egyptians will treat me well because of you, and spare my life!'

And sure enough, when they arrived in Egypt everyone spoke of her beauty. When the palace aides saw her, they praised her to their king, the Pharaoh, and she was taken into his harem. Then Pharaoh gave Abram many gifts because of her - sheep, oxen, donkeys, men and women slaves, and camels.

But YÁOHU UL sent a terrible plague upon Pharaoh's household on account of her being there. Then Pharaoh called Abram before him and accused him sharply. 'What is this you have done to me?' he demanded. 'Why didn't you tell me she was your wife? Why were you willing to let me marry her, saying she was your sibling? Here, take her and be gone!' And Pharaoh sent them out of the country under armed escort - Abram, his wife, and all his household and properties.

Bereshít (Genesis) 12, Holy Scriptures

YAOHÚSHUA told them, 'Whoever divorces his wife and marries someone else commits adultery against her. And if a woman divorces her husband and remarries, she commits adultery.' - Mark 10:11-12

Given to you in true love and deep humility, 'Ol Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám!

Your Scripture Engrafting Passages for Today -

'If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and female siblings - yes, even his own life - he cannot be My disciple.' - Luke 14:26

'If you want to be My follower you must love Me more than your own father and mother, wife and children, brothers and female siblings - yes, more than your own life.

Otherwise, you cannot be My disciple.' - Luke 14:26

And YAOHÚSHUA replied, 'I assure you that everyone who has given up house or brothers or female siblings or mother or father or children or property, for My sake and for the Glorious Message, will receive now in return, a hundred times over, houses, brothers, female siblings, mothers, children, and property - with persecutions.

And in the world to come they will have eternal life!' - Mark 10:29-30

Your Character Trait for Today -

Loyalty which is the opposite of Treachery


Remaining devoted to, supportive of and in defense of my authority especially in times of his need.

'For the fruit of the 'RÚKHA' is....FAITHFULNESS.' - Gal. 5:22

Your Faith Assignment for Today -

You will now make a firm resolve that you will always remain faithful by the side of your authorities especially during times of pressure and difficulties, times when the genuineness of your own loyalty is being tried and proven.

You will also avoid seeking counsel and advice from others without the prior consent of those who are responsible for your well being.

Remember to do everything 'Ol -Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám!

Your Nuggets of Wisdom for Today -

Whoever is on YÁOHU Ulhím's side, let him come to me. - Ex. 32:26

We are of them who are peaceable and loyal in Yaoshorúl. - 2 Sam. 20:19

Woe unto you who despise the humble dwelling and inheritance of your forefathers.

I could pass on no greater honor to my children than my loyalty to Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA.

Anecdote for Today - Learning From Mistakes

The man who is incapable of making a mistake is incapable of accomplishing anything.

The biggest mistake is the fear that you will make one.

It's wise to apologize to a man if you're wrong - and to a woman if you're right.

A mistake denied is twice committed.

The only complete mistake is the mistake from which you learn nothing.

Experience is a wonderful thing. It helps you to recognize a mistake when you commit it again.

Mistakes will happen but must you give them so much support?

Don't fear mistakes. Ford neglected to put a reverse gear in his first automobile. Edison once spent $2,000,000 on an invention which proved of little value.

Your Marriage Partner Repented and Returned Back to You -

In cases where it was the husband who did repent, you, being his wife, must devote much time and effort to find out what his basic needs are and how to really meet them.

In cases where it was the wife who did repent, you, being her husband (as the case may be), must likewise learn to find out and meet your wife's basic needs.

But what are the basic needs of a husband?


A husband must be assured that his wife and family accepts him fully as a leader and they must believe that YÁOHU Ulhím is actually working in their lives through him.

The husband, being the leader of the family, needs to be sure that his duties, functions and responsibilities were delegated to him by YÁOHU Ulhím Himself through His Word.


The husband needs to know that his leadership functions in the marriage partnership and family affairs are well appreciated and even admired by those whom YÁOHU Ulhím has given him to tenderly love, support and care for.

Times when husbands need the wife and children's encouragement, appreciation and emulation -


When he walks uprightly according to the Word


When he does what is correct and deals justly


When he speaks the truth in his heart


When he refuses to accept nor pass along
gossip, slander and evil reports


When he does no evil to others


When he does not take up offenses


When he rejects the 'delightful-hour' company of wicked individuals


When he honors, respects and remain in fellowship with others who reverentially fear YÁOHU Ulhím


When he keeps his word and promises made though it may cost him much


When he rejects flatteries, bribes and seductions


Expressions of appreciation and encouragement are different from flatteries. You have to know the difference. Do you?

Scripture Guidelines -

'Who may worship in Your Temple, O YÁOHU Ulhím?

Who may enter Your presence on Your holy hill?

Those who lead blameless lives
      and do what is right,
      speaking the truth from pure hearts.

Those who refuse to slander others
      nor harm their neighbors
      nor speak evil of their friends.

Those who despise malignant sinners,
      and honor the faithful followers of YÁOHU Ulhím,
      and keep their promises even when it hurts.

Those who do not charge interest on the money they lend,
      and who refuse to accept bribes to testify against the innocent.

Such men will remain firm forever!'

- Tehillím (Psalms) 15, Holy Scriptures

YAOHÚSHUA told them, 'Whoever divorces his wife and marries someone else commits adultery against her. And if a woman divorces her husband and remarries, she commits adultery.' - Mark 10:11-12

Given to you in true love and deep humility, 'Ol Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám!

Your Scripture Engrafting Passages for Today -

'If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and female siblings - yes, even his own life - he cannot be My disciple.' - Luke 14:26

'If you want to be My follower you must love Me more than your own father and mother, wife and children, brothers and female siblings - yes, more than your own life. Otherwise, you cannot be My disciple.' - Luke 14:26

And YAOHÚSHUA replied, 'I assure you that everyone who has given up house or brothers or female siblings or mother or father or children or property, for My sake and for the Glorious Message, will receive now in return, a hundred times over, houses, brothers, female siblings, mothers, children, and property - with persecutions.

And in the world to come they will have eternal life!' - Mark 10:29-30

'Do You permit divorce?' the Pharisees asked YAOHUSHUA.

'Don't you read the Scriptures?' He replied. 'In them it is written that in the beginning YÁOHU UL created man and woman, and that a man should leave his father and mother, and be forever united to his wife.

The two shall become one - no longer two, but one! And no man may divorce what YÁOHU UL has united together.'

'Then, why,' they asked, 'did Mehushúa (Moses) say a man may divorce his wife by merely writing her a letter of dismissal?'

YAOHÚSHUA replied, 'Mehushúa did that in recognition of your hard and evil hearts, but it was not what YÁOHU UL had originally intended. And I tell you this, that anyone who divorces his wife, except for fornication, and marries another, commits adultery.'

Then, the disciples of YAOHÚSHUA said to Him, 'If that is how it is, it is better not to marry!'

'Not everyone can accept this statement,' YAOHÚSHUA said. Only those whom YÁOHU UL helps. Some are born without the ability to marry, and some are disabled by men, and some refuse to marry for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven. Let anyone who can, accept My statement.'

Manaím-YÁOHU (Matthew) 19:3-12, Holy Scriptures

Your Character Trait for Today -

Integrity which is the opposite of Deceitfulness


Making sure that what I say and express to others is what really is in my mind, heart and emotions as I deal with others honestly truly and transparently, without any pretense or hypocrisy whatsoever.

'For the fruit of the 'RÚKHA' is....TAVYÁO.' - Gal. 5:22

Your Faith Assignment for Today -

You will write down whenever you see positive, exemplary qualities and character traits shown by your authority and specify exactly in what way does each virtue come forth by means of his behavior, attitudes, speech and in the way he deals with you and others.

Then begin expressing kind words of appreciation to him for those admirable qualities and character traits he shows. Give honor to whom it is due, the Scriptures say.

Remember to do everything 'Ol -Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám!

Your Nuggets of Wisdom for Today -

Upright people do not covet what is not theirs.

Whoever walks uprightly shall dwell on high, while those who walk wickedly shall dwell among the depths.

I have not seen the upright forsaken, nor their children begging for bread.

The upright shall flourish like the palm tree.

The ways of the upright is like the light of dawn that shines more and more brightly till the perfect day!

Even in His fury and wrath, YÁOHU Ulhím remembers the upright.

Only he is really upright in the sight of YÁOHU Ulhím who is also just, fair and true in dealing with his fellowmen.

Rectitude or uprightness casts out hatred.

Rectitude exalts a nation.

Anecdote for Today - Do You Know What Sin Really Is?

People call it an accident; YÁOHU UL calls it an abomination.
People call it a blunder; YÁOHU UL calls it spiritual blindness.
People call it a defect; YÁOHU UL calls it a malignant disease.
People call it a chance; YÁOHU UL calls it a individual choice.
People call it an error; YÁOHU UL calls it a hateful enmity.
People call it a fascination; YÁOHU UL calls it a fatality.
People call it an infirmity; YÁOHU UL calls it an iniquity.
People call it a luxury; YÁOHU UL calls it a leprosy.
People call it a liberty; YÁOHU UL calls it lawlessness.
People call it a trifle; YÁOHU UL calls it a tragedy.
People call it a mistake; YÁOHU UL calls it a madness.
People call it a weakness; YÁOHU UL calls it self-willfulness.

Your Marriage Partner Repented and Returned Back to You -

In cases where it was the husband who did repent, you, being his wife, must devote much time and effort to find out what his basic needs are and how to really meet them.

In cases where it was the wife who did repent, you, being her husband (as the case may be), must likewise learn to find out and meet your wife's basic needs.

But what are the basic needs of a husband?


A husband must be assured that his wife and family accepts him fully as a leader and they must believe that YÁOHU Ulhím is actually working in their lives through him.

The husband, being the leader of the family, needs to be sure that his duties, functions and responsibilities were delegated to him by YÁOHU Ulhím Himself through His Word.


The husband needs to know that his leadership functions in the marriage partnership and family affairs are well appreciated and even admired by those whom YÁOHU Ulhím has given him to tenderly love, support and care for.

The wife and children must also recognize the fine qualities of the husband, especially when he exhibits the exemplary character traits of those who are recognized as active model workers and servants-leaders in the Oholyáo (Congregation), such as

1. Have a clear conscience
2. Only one wife
3. Spiritual alertness
4. Gift of wisdom
5. Humble and simple
6. Hospitable
7. Desire to teach others
8. Not a drunkard
9. Diligent and a hard worker
10. Generous; cheerful giver
11. Patient and longsuffering
12. Peacemaker
13. Not selfish; not greedy
14. A fine manager of his own household
15. A maturing believer
16. Has a fine reputation

Scripture Guidelines -

'So I want men everywhere to pray with holy hands lifted up to YÁOHU Ulhím, free from sin and anger and resentment. And the women should be the same way, quiet and sensible in manner and clothing.

Yaohúshuayao (believing) women should be noticed for being kind and upright, not for the way they fix their hair or because of their jewels or fancy clothes. Women should hearken and learn quietly and humbly.

I never permit women teach men nor rule it over them. Let them be silent in your Oholyáo (Congregation) meetings. Why? Because YÁOHU Ulhím made Adam first, and afterwards He made Khavyáo (Eve).

And it was not Adam who was deceived by ha-satán, but Khavyáo, and sin was the result.

So YÁOHU Ulhím sent pain and suffering to women when their children are born, but He will save their souls if they trust upon Him, living quiet, pure and loving lives.

It is a veritable saying that if a man wants to be an undershepherd, he has a noble ambition.

For an undershepherd must be an fine man whose life cannot be spoken against. He must have only one wife, and he must be hard working and thoughtful, orderly, and full of noble deeds.

He must be delightful about having guests in his home, and must be a fine teacher of the Holy Scriptures. He should not be a drunkard or quarrelsome, but he must be gentle and kind, and not be one who is greedy for money.

He must have a well-behaved family, with children who obey quickly and quietly. For if a man can't make his own little family behave, how can he support the whole Oholyáo (Congregation)?

The undershepherd should not be a new Yaohúshuahée, because he might become proud of being appointed so early, and pride comes before a fall. Ha-satán's downfall is an example.

Also, he must be well spoken of by people outside the Oholyáo - those who aren't Yaohúshuahím - so ha-satán can't trap him with many accusations, and leave him without freedom to lead his flock.

The auxiliaries (deacons - helpers) must be the same sort of upright, stable men as the undershepherds. They should not be heavy drinkers and should not be greedy for money.

They must be earnest, wholehearted followers of ha-MEHUSHKHÁY Who is the covert Source of their faith.

Before they are asked to be auxiliaries they should be given other jobs in the Oholyáo as a test of their character and ability, and if they do well, then they may be appointed as auxiliary helpers.

Their wives must be thoughtful, not heavy drinkers, not gossipers, but faithful in everything they do.

Auxiliaries should have only one wife and they should have delightful, obedient families. Those who do well as auxiliaries will be amply rewarded both by respect from others and also by developing their own confidence and bold trust upon Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA.

I am now writing these matters to you, even though I hope to be with you soon, so if I don't come for awhile you will know what kind of men you should select as officers for the Oholyáo (Congregation) of the living YÁOHU UL, which contains and holds high the truth of YÁOHU UL.' - 1 YÁOHU-tam (Timothy) 2:8-3:15

YAOHÚSHUA told them, 'Whoever divorces his wife and marries someone else commits adultery against her. And if a woman divorces her husband and remarries, she commits adultery.' - Mark 10:11-12

Given to you in true love and deep humility, 'Ol Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám!

Your Scripture Engrafting Passages for Today -

Yet true religion with contentment is great wealth. After all, we didn't bring anything with us when we came into the world, and we absolutely cannot carry anything with us when we die.

So if we have enough food and clothing, let us be content.

But people who long to be rich fall into temptation and are trapped by many foolish and harmful desires that plunge them into ruin and doom.

For the love of money is at the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows.

But you, YÁOHU-tam, belong to YÁOHU Ulhím; so run from all these evil things, and follow what is right and pure. Pursue a holy life, along with faith, love, perseverance and gentleness.

Fight the noble fight for what we believe. Hold tightly to the eternal life that YÁOHU Ulhím has given you, which you have confessed so well before many witnesses.

And I command you before YÁOHU Ulhím, Who gives life to all, and before hol-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA, Who gave a fine testimony before Pontius Pilate, that you obey His commands with all purity.

Then no one can find fault with you from now until our Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY returns.

For at the right time, hol-MEHUSHKHÁY (the Messiah) will be revealed from heaven by the magnificent gam unique all-powerful YÁOHU Ulhím, the King of kings and Ruler of rulers.

He alone can never die, and He lives in light so brilliant that no human can approach Him. No one has ever seen Him, nor ever will. To Him be honor and power forever. Amnáo.

Your Character Trait for Today -

Moral Purity which is the opposite of Reprobation


Maintaining my conscience, mind, heart and soul free from all guilt, blame and wickedness, while I walk by the precepts of the indwelling 'RÚKHA-YAOHÚSHUA.'

'For the fruit of the 'RÚKHA' is....TAVYÁO.' - Gal. 5:22

Your Faith Assignment for Today -

You will examine yourself, your thoughts, behavior, attitudes and overall character on how near or far are you from that exemplified by our Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY when He served and glorified YÁOHU UL during His earthly mission, so you will know where you need more improvement.

May the 'RUKHA-YAOHUSHUA' always lead you into all truth as promised, am-nám!

Your Nuggets of Wisdom for Today -

Woe to him who increases on what is not his!

The upright promise little and do much; the wicked promise much and does not even a little.

The promise of a generous person is a gift! And the greedy person's gift is merely his promise.

Do not enter without permission into someone else's room or home, even to take something which belongs to you.

Be morally pure in private even as in the open marketplace, for your walls are witnesses against you.

O YÁOHU Ulhím, please keep my tongue from evil and my lips from speaking guile. Be my support when grief silences my voice, and my comfort when my spirit yearns for it.

Please implant humility in my soul, and fortify my heart with perfect faith in You. Help me, please, to be tough in the midst of temptations and trials and to be patient and forgiving when others offend me.

Please guide me by the light of Your countenance that I may ever find vigor in You, my Rock and my Redeemer, YÁOHU Ulhím!

Anecdote for Today - Like Scrubbing Of Doctor's Hands

The respected elder of a religious congregation in New York, M. Hanson was approached by a medical practitioner, a member of his congregation, who was concerned about his soundness. Handing him some theater tickets he said, 'Take these. You need the recreation of going to this play.'

The surprised elder looked at them. Seeing they were tickets to a play of the kind he could not in his conscience attend, he said kindly, 'Thank you, but I can't take them. I can't go.'

'Why not?' the medical practitioner asked.

'It's this way. You're a medical man; a surgeon, in fact. When you operate, you scrub your hands meticulously until you are especially clean. You wouldn't dare operate with dirty hands.

I'm a servant of the Messiah. I deal with valuable human souls. I wouldn't dare render my services with a dirty life.'

Your Marriage Partner Repented and Returned Back to You -

In cases where it was the husband who did repent, you, being his wife, must devote much time and effort to find out what his basic needs are and how to really meet them.

In cases where it was the wife who did repent, you, being her husband (as the case may be), must likewise learn to find out and meet your wife's basic needs.

But what are the basic needs of a husband?

3. A husband needs the encouragement, patience and interest of his wife and children in all his pursuits, goals, plans and ambitions which he believes are in line with YÁOHU Ulhím's perfect will, confirmed by His Word.

The husband shows his real manliness when he does whatever YÁOHU Ulhím expects him to do as the head of the family, as he fulfills the roles of being the prophet, priest as well as king of the family ('king' in the sense of the being the servant-leader, like the example shown by King YAOHÚSHUA).

The wife should encourage the husband to adhere to his YÁOHU- Ulhím given tasks, duties and responsibilities, which usually takes time to mature and come to fruition, for the benefit of the whole family. This is in contrast to the wife's projects which are usually achievable in short periods of time.

The wife should be patient in times of difficulties and trials because visions from YÁOHU Ulhím often must go through the process of birth, death and supernatural fulfillment by the hand of YÁOHU Ulhím.

Patience means that one does not give YÁOHU Ulhím a timeline to remove difficult predicaments and pressures. Patience bears all and endures all without prescribing any time limit.

The wife must learn to appreciate whatever achievement the husband makes in pursuing his goals and responsibilities, because to reject even the minor accomplishments of the husband would be taken by him as equivalent to the wife's personally rejecting him and his efforts.

The wife must share in the excitement and challenges that each of the husband's roles and duties involve, in the spirit of being supportive, encouraging and helpful in every way.

And finally, the wife must give her full attention to the husband especially when he is talking to the children and others, as this will inspire them to respect him and take what he says seriously.

Scripture Guidelines -

Now about those queries you asked in your last letter: My answer is that if you do not marry, it is fine. But usually it is best to be married, each man having his own wife, and each woman having her own husband, because otherwise you might fall back into sin.

The man should give his wife all that is her right as a married woman, and the wife should do the same for her husband: for a girl who marries no longer has full right to her own body; for her husband then has his rights to it, too; and in the same way the husband no longer has full right to his own body, for it belongs also to his wife.

So never refuse these conjugal rights to one another. The only exception to this rule would be the agreement of both husband and wife to refrain from the rights of marriage for a limited time, so they can give themselves more completely to prayer.

Afterwards, they should come together again so ha-satán won't be able to tempt them because of their lack of self-control.

I'm not saying you must marry; but you surely may if you wish. I wish everyone could get along without marrying, just as I do. But we are not all the same.

YÁOHU UL gives some the gift of a husband or wife, and other He gives the gift of being able to remain happily unmarried.

So I say to those who aren't married, and to widows - better remain unmarried if you can, just as I am. But if you can't control yourself, go ahead and marry. It is better to marry than to burn with lust.

Now, for those who are married I have a command, not just a recommendation. And it is not a command from me, for this is what ha-Molkhiúl (the King) Himself has said: A wife must not leave her husband!

But if she is separated from him, let her remain single or else go back to him. And the husband should not divorce his wife.

Here I want to add some recommendations of my own. These are not direct commands from ha-Molkhiúl (the King), but they seem right to me: If a Yaohúshuahée (male believer in the Messiah YAOHÚSHUA) has a wife who is not a believer, but she wants to remain with him anyway, he must not leave her or divorce her.

And if a Yaohúshuayao (female believer) has a husband who isn't a Yaohúshuahée, and he wants her to remain with him, she must not leave him.

For perhaps the husband who isn't a Yaohúshuahée may become a believer with the support of his Yaohúshuayao wife. And the wife who isn't a believer may become one with the support of her believing Yaohúshuahée husband.

Otherwise, if the family separates, the children might never come to know ha-Molkhiúl; whereas a united family, in YÁOHU UL's plan, may lead to the children's salvation.

But if the husband or wife who isn't a Yaohúshuahée (believer) is eager to leave, it is permitted. In such cases the Yaohúshuahée husband or wife should not insist that the other stay, for YÁOHU UL wants His children to live in peace and harmony.

For, after all, there is no assurance to you wives that your husbands will be converted if they remain; and the same may be said to you husbands about your wives.

But be sure in making conclusions about these matters that you are living as YÁOHU UL intended, marrying or not marrying in accordance with YÁOHU UL's direction and support, and accepting whatever appointment has put you into. This is my rule for all the congregations.

For example, a man who already has gone through the YAOHÚ-dee (Jewish) ceremony of circumcision before he became a Yaohúshuahée should never worry about it; and if he hasn't been circumcised, he should not do it now.

For it doesn't make a difference at all whether a Yaohúshuahée has gone through this ceremony or not. But it makes a lot of difference whether he is pleasing YÁOHU UL and keeping YÁOHU UL's commands. That is the important matter.

Usually a person should keep on with the work he was carrying out when YÁOHU UL called him. Are you a slave? Don't let that worry you - but of course, if you get a chance to be free, take it.

If ha-Molkhiúl calls you, and you are a slave, remember that hol-MEHUSHKHÁY (the Messiah) has set you free from the awful power of sin; and if He has called you and you are free, remember that you are now a slave of hol-MEHUSHKHÁY.

You have been bought and paid for by ha-MEHUSHKHÁY, and so you actually belong to Him - be free now from all those earthly prides and fears.

So my dear brethren, whatever appointment a person is in when he becomes a Yaohúshuahée (believer in the Messiah YAOHÚSHUA), let him remain there, for now ha-Molkhiúl is with him to support.

Now I will try to answer your other query. What about young ladies who are not yet married? Should they be permitted to do so?

In answer to this query, I have no special command for them from ha-Molkhiúl (the King). But ha-Molkhiúl in His kindness has given me wisdom that can be relied upon, and I will be delightful to tell you what I think.

Here is the problem: We Yaohúshuahím are facing imposing dangers to our lives at present. In times like these I think it is best for a person to remain unmarried.

Of course, if you already are married, don't separate just because of this. But if you aren't, don't rush into it this time.

But if you men decide to go ahead anyway and get married now, it is all right; and if a girl gets married in times like these, it is no sin. However, marriage will bring additional problems that I wish you didn't have to face right now.

The important thing to remember is that our remaining time is very short and so are our opportunities for doing the work of ha-Molkhiúl.

For that reason those who have wives should remain as free as possible for ha-Molkhiúl; happiness or sorrow or wealth should not keep anyone from doing YÁOHU UL's work!

Those in frequent contact with the alluring things the world offers should make beneficial use of their opportunities without stopping to take delight in them; for the world in its present form will soon be gone.

In all you do, I want you to be free from worry. An unmarried man can spend his time doing the work of ha-Molkhiúl and thinking of ways to please Him.

But a married man can't do that so well; he has to attend to his earthly responsibilities and how to please his wife. His attention is divided. It is the same with the lady who marries. She faces the same problem.

A maiden who is not married is eager to please ha-Molkhiúl in all she is and does. But a married woman must pay attention to other things such as housekeeping and the likes and dislikes of her husband.

I am saying this to support you, not to try to keep you from marrying. I want you to do whatever will support you serve ha-Molkhiúl best, with as few other matters as possible to grab your attention from Him.

But if anyone feels he ought to marry because he has trouble controlling his passions, it is all right, it is not a sin; let him marry.

But if a man has the willpower not to marry and decides that he doesn't need to and won't, he has made a wise conclusion.

So the person who marries does well, and the person who doesn't marry does even better.

The wife is part of her husband as long as he lives; if her husband dies, then she may marry again, but only if she marries a Yaohúshuahée (believer).

But in my opinion she will be happier if she doesn't marry again; and I think I am giving you counsel from the 'RÚKHA-YÁOHU' (Spirit of YÁOHU UL) when I say this.

1 Corinthians 7, Holy Scriptures
(Yaohúshua Version)

YAOHÚSHUA told them, 'Whoever divorces his wife and marries someone else commits adultery against her. And if a woman divorces her husband and remarries, she commits adultery.' - Mark 10:11-12

Given to you in true love and deep humility, 'Ol Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám!

Your Scripture Engrafting Passages for Today -

'You wives will submit to your husbands as you do to ha-Molkhiúl.' - Ephesians 5:22

'As the Oholyáo (Congregation) submits to ha-MEHUSHKHÁY, so you wives must submit to your husbands in everything! And you husbands must love your wives with the same love hol-MEHUSHKHÁY showed the Oholyáo. He gave up His life for her.' - Ephesians 5:24-25

'You wives should remember that your husbands might be converted because of you. And you husbands should remember that your wives might be converted because of you.' - 1 Corinthians 7:16

'In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as they love their own bodies. For a man is actually loving himself when he loves his wife.' - Ephesians 5:28

'You wives must submit to your husbands, as is proper for those who belong to ha-Molkhiúl. And you husbands must love your wives and never treat them harshly.' - Colossians 3:18-19

'In the same way, their wives must be respectable and must not speak evil of others. They must exercise self-control and be faithful in everything they do.' - 1 YÁOHU-tam (Timothy) 3:11

'In the same way, you wives must accept the authority of your husbands, even those who refuse to accept the Glorious Message. Your pure lives will speak to them better than any words. They will be won over by observing your pure, holy behavior.' - 1 Káfos (Peter) 3:1-2

'In the same way, you husbands must give honor to your wives. Treat her with comprehension as you live together. She may be weaker than you are, but she is your equal partner in YÁOHU Ulhím's gift of new life.

If you don't treat her as you should, your prayers will not be heard.' - 1 Káfos (Peter) 3:7

'Dear brethren, you must be patient as you wait for the return of ha-Molkhiúl. Think of the farmers who eagerly look for the rains in the fall and in the spring. They patiently wait for the valuable harvest to ripen.

You, too, must be patient. And take courage, for the coming of ha-Molkhiúl is close by. Don't grumble about each other, my brethren, or YÁOHU Ulhím will judge you. For look! The Great Judge is coming. He is already at the door!

For examples of patience in suffering, look at the prophets who spoke 'be hol-Shúam' (in the Name of) YÁOHU UL. We give great honor to those who endure under suffering.

Yaoháv is an example of a man who endured patiently. From his experience we see how YÁOHU Ulhím's plan finally led to something beneficial; for He is full of tenderness and mercy.' - YÁOHU-caf (James) 5:7-11

Your Character Trait for Today -

Patient Endurance which is the opposite of Impatience


Husband doing the perfect will of YÁOHU Ulhím with the patient support, encouragement and support from wife in pursuing the objectives set forth by Him.

'For the fruit of the 'RÚKHA' is....PATIENCE.' - Gal. 5:22

Your Faith Assignment for Today -

You husband must express to your own wife the specific goals and objectives which you believe YÁOHU Ulhím wants you to achieve for yourself and your family, and explain to your wife in practical terms how she can best contribute to the success of these YÁOHU- Ulhím given pursuits.

Doing all 'Ol -Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám!

Your Nuggets of Wisdom for Today -

Who withholds from himself gathers for another.

A greedy person once dreamed he had given away some bread to a beggar, and he woke up deeply bothered; so he solemnly swore that he would never sleep again.

A person who is greedy and one who is in deep want experience the same quality of living.

A greedy person and a fat cow are useful to others only after their deaths.

There are three whose life is no life: he who depends on another's table to eat; he who has to go through another's apartment to reach his own, and a husband who is kept in submission by his domineering and loud-mouthed wife.

Some people mistakenly believe that they are worth a lot of money simply because they have some of it.

Anecdote for Today - Life's Waiting Stages

Life is composed of waiting periods. The child must wait until he is old enough to have a bicycle, the young man until he is old enough to drive a car, the college student must wait for his diploma, the husband for his promotion, the young couple for savings to buy a new home. The art of waiting is not learned at once!

A Husband Needs a Wife Who Will Continue to Develop Her Inward and Outward Beauty -

Yes, a wife can more and more become the wife of her husband's dreams as she continues to develop her inner and outward beautiful traits, manners and appearance.

When the husband marries the wife, she becomes the perfect marriage partner for him, as a gift from YÁOHU UL, and she no longer has complete ownership of her body, but the husband now has the right to her body, as well.

It is natural for the husband to keep looking at his wife whom he loves and adores, and the more beautiful and pleasant she appears (inwardly and outwardly), the more his affections and liking for her is enhanced and further developed.

It is vital therefore that the wife always behave in a gentle, pleasing and refined manner, and to show forth the inner exemplary qualities and traits of an upright, dutiful and holy handmaiden of YÁOHU UL, to make herself increasingly attractive to her husband.

How the wife and children dress, talk and behave reflect the taste, moral norms and provisions of the husband. It is important therefore that the wife and children maintain proper behavior, and always be decent, pleasing and refined in the way they speak, dress and act.

Face -

The overall temperament, emotions and feelings of the wife are always initially discerned from her facial expressions and look.

The wife should make it a habit to always wear a comely, serene, delightful and a lovely facial expression that will radiate wonderfully to everyone in the household.

It is always the emotional temperament of the wife that determines the overall mood of the entire household.

The wife must avoid garish makeups that would embarrass her husband and children.

A wife who always wears a frown or whose each half of the face always is wrestling with the other half, would find it hard to keep a man for her husband because of her repulsive facial expressions.

The wife's face must always cheerfully glow with the inner beauty imbued by the noble character traits from the indwelling 'RÚKHA-YAOHÚSHUA' (Spirit of YAOHÚSHUA).

Hair -

The way the wife fixes her hair reflects the degree of her devotion, love and respect for her husband.

The wife should fix her hair in a way that is pleasing and appealing to her husband. Her hairstyle must reflect the husband's wishes.

Is her hairstyle masculine or feminine? Is she trying to look more masculine than her husband?

Does her hairstyle reflect submission or stubbornness?

Can one discern neatness in the way she fixes her hair or carelessness and untidiness?

Does the way she fixes her hair reflect orderliness or confusion and chaos?

Is her hair clean and pleasant to smell or is it full of lice, dandruff and grime?

Wives, make sure your hair is pleasing and appealing to your husband! And fix it in a way he likes you to appear.

Dress -

The overall keynote of the wife's dressing is modesty and simplicity.

The wife's dress should draw attention to her face and not to the other parts of her body, such as the buttocks, groin area or the breasts.

The wife should dress herself in a decent, modest, refined and respectable manner, and not in ways that would mistake her for a part-time prostitute.

Clothes should be changed after a day's reasonable wearing before they begin to smell. Freshly changed clothes are always pleasant to look at and smell.

It is best to ask, find out and discover from the husband what sort of dresses he loves and appreciates the wife to wear, and avoid wearing those kinds he dislikes and disapproves of.

Remember wife, you must dress for the respectable and loving appreciation of your own husband and family, and not to sexually stimulate others.

You are the wife to your husband, and the mother to your children, so please dress decently, modestly and respectably, that they will be proud of having you in the family unit.

Neatness -

The wife must see to it that she keeps herself and her surroundings clean, orderly and tidy at all times.

Teeth, gums and tongue brushed clean, fresh breath, fingernails cut and tidy, clean ears, nose, toenails, insides of the knees and elbows, and make sure unwanted hair in the body are trimmed or shaven.

Also, the toilets and bedrooms, closets and cabinets, and every room in the house must always be kept clean, orderly and well organized, including the back and front yards, if any.

No dirt comes from heaven.


It is easy to be born a female but it takes fine breeding and continual training to learn how to work, talk and behave like a respectable handmaiden of YÁOHU UL.

Even the woman who has beautiful outside features would appear as a boar if her speech, manners and attitudes are those of the unrefined, rude type.

Refined social graces plus beautiful inner attitudes and character traits are enduring lovable qualities in any wife that would keep the husband enamored through time.

The wife should therefore find time in improving her personality, character traits and appearance because they are expressions of her love and reverence for the husband.

Remember that what your husband delights in seeing often, his affections and attention there will be enhanced.

The wife's caring for her clothes, plus the clothes of the husband and children reflect her gratefulness to YÁOHU UL and her husband for the kind provisions.

Get rid of all pieces of clothing with wicked occult designs in them, and those which are sleazy and sexually immoral in appearance.

Anything that would disgust YÁOHU UL or your husband, you must get rid of now.

Clothes which are no longer being used may be given to charity, to counter greed and avoid unnecessary clutter in your closets.

You must always be clean, pure and holy, because YÁOHU Ulhím is clean, pure and holy.

Scripture Guidelines -

'If you can find a truly noble wife, she is worth more than valuable gems!

Her husband can trust fully in her, and she will richly satisfy his needs.

She will not hinder him, but support him all her life.

She finds wool and flax and busily spins it. She buys imported foods, brought by ship from far-away ports.

She gets up before dawn to prepare breakfast for her household, and plans the day's work for her servant girls.

She goes out to inspect a field, and buys it; with her own hands she plants a vineyard.

She is energetic; a hard worker, and watches for bargains.

She works far into the night!

She sews for the poor, and generously helps those in need.

She has no fear of winter for her household, for she has made warm clothes for them all.

She also makes coverings for her bed; her own clothing is beautifully made - a purple gown of pure linen.

Her husband is well known, for he takes his seat among the civic leaders in the council chamber.

She makes belted linen garments to sell to the merchants.

She is a woman of energy and dignity, and has no fear of old age.

When she speaks, her words are wise, and kindness is the rule for everything she says.

She watches carefully all that goes on throughout her household, and is never lazy.

Her children rise up and praises her; so does her husband.

He praises her with these words: 'There are many fine women in the world, but you are the best of them all!'

Charm can be deceptive and beauty doesn't last, but a woman who reverentially fears YÁOHU UL shall be greatly praised.

Praise her for the many excellent deeds she does.

These kind, noble deeds of hers shall bring her honor and recognition from people of importance.' - Proverbs 31:10-31

YAOHÚSHUA told them, 'Whoever divorces his wife and marries someone else commits adultery against her. And if a woman divorces her husband and remarries, she commits adultery.' - Mark 10:11-12

Given to you in true love and deep humility, 'Ol -Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám!

Your Scripture Engrafting Passages for Today -

'Her children rise up and praises her; so does her husband.

He praises her with these words: 'There are many fine women in the world, but you are the best of them all!'

Charm can be deceptive and beauty doesn't last, but a woman who reverentially fears YÁOHU UL shall be greatly praised.

Praise her for the many excellent deeds she does!

These kind, noble deeds of hers shall bring her honor and recognition from people of importance.' - Proverbs 31:28-31

Your Character Trait for Today -

Modesty which is the opposite of Conceited Shamelessness


Maintaining propriety, decorum, humility and meekness, purity and holiness, in the way the wife walks, works, talks and behaves to reflect her deep respect for YÁOHU UL and her husband and other authorities.

'For the fruit of the 'RÚKHA' is....SELF-CONTROL.' - Gal. 5:23

Your Faith Assignment for Today -

The husband must daily vocally confess Proverbs 31:10-31 in regard to her wife, like so:

'Since I have found a truly noble wife, she is worth more to me than valuable gems!

I, her husband, can trust fully in her, and she always richly satisfies my needs.

She does not hinder me, but helps me all throughout her life.

She finds wool and flax and busily spins it. She buys imported foods, brought by ship from far-away ports....'

....and so on, till the end.

Single gentlemen may likewise vocally recite the same passages but personalized in the future tense, like so:

'Since I will find a truly noble wife, she will be worth more to me than valuable gems!

I will be able to trust fully in her, and she will richly satisfy my needs....'

....and so on, till the end.

Wives must also vocally recite the same passages daily, but in the personalized form, like so:

'Since I am found to be a truly noble wife, I am worth more to my husband than valuable gems!

My husband trusts fully in me, and I richly satisfy his needs....'

....and so on, till the end.

Single handmaidens will likewise vocally recite the passages daily but in personalized, future tense form, like so:

'Since I will be found to be a truly noble wife, I will be worth more to my husband than valuable gems!

My husband will trust fully in me, and I will richly satisfy his needs....'

....and so on, till the end.

Faith grows by your continual hearing, and according to your faith, it will happen unto you.

Do it now, please.

Always remember to do everything 'Ol -Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám!

Your Nuggets of Wisdom for Today -

The noblest of all ornaments is modesty.

Modesty is meekness and wisdom combined.

If you cannot be UliYÁOHU, be content with being Ulishúa.

The brazen, proud and shameless faced go to hell; the humble, meek and shame-faced go to paradise.

A small act done modestly is a thousand-fold more acceptable to YÁOHU Ulhím than a monumental act done in pride and conceit.

Hands must be busy to work, with hearts toward YÁOHU Ulhím.

Sickness and poverty are found in dirty dwellings.

Cleanliness is the genius of prosperity; filth is of poverty.

Dirt and uncleanness is the source of sorrow and sadness.

Who shall ascend to the mountain of YÁOHU Ulhím? He who has cleans hands and a pure heart!

Wash yourself, make yourself clean, put away the evil of your doings!

Anecdote for Today - Fashion Made In Hell

There is a curious fable or myth, either Italian or German in its origin, which represents the devil as plotting to corrupt the image of YÁOHU UL in man, and conferring with his grandmother in hell.

He forms four successive plans before he satisfies himself and his grandame. First, he proposes to implant in man's heart the lust for evil. But this plan has the defect that evil will be recognized as such and be repelled.

Then he plans to make him a monster of self-love and self-will; but even selfishness will appear to him to be foolish and hateful.

Then ha-satán plans to pervert his moral nature, in order that he shall mistake right for wrong, and wrong for right. But the difficulty again, is how shall man be so perverted?

The fourth plan is a tricky device. He will ensnare humans by things seemingly innocent - love of clothes and worldly things. He will feed humankind with vanity and make him the slave of fashion and the latest worldly accessories.

People will say all this is not in itself wrong; there can be no wrong except in excess; and, while they are philosophizing, they shall be drawn into over-indulgence and binging.

The old grandame is portrayed as removing her old serpent skin, glowing with rainbow hues, and Satyr (the wild goat) takes them as the material out of which to form the gay attire of fashion.

And then there was merriment in hell over the triumph of satanic ingenuity through fashion!

A Husband Needs a Wife Who Will Maintain a Well Organized, Lively and Pleasant Home Where Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA Is Glorified -

The family home principally reflects the taste, moral norms, spirituality, provisions and breeding of the husband, and his wife, secondarily.

The home is where the basic character traits, acculturation, behavior, values and convictions of the children are formed and as such, should highly reflect the teachings and principles of YÁOHU UL in His Word.

The husband is the one who sets out the scriptural policies that are to be maintained in the household, while the wife sees to it that the commands of the husband are obeyed by the children.

The husband also enforces disciplinary measures for those who go against the rules and regulations set forth.

Scriptural passages should be put in conspicuous or highly noticeable places to visually inculcate the word in the hearts and minds of everyone.

The wife is responsible to keep the house clean, orderly, neat and pleasant, for it is the spiritual temperament of the wife that determines the overall emotional mood, atmosphere and spiritual level of the family home.

Orderliness means everything is in its rightful and proper place. Everything in its proper place is best.

Everyone, especially the children, should always be clean, neat and tidy. Teach and train the children how to be orderly and clean all throughout, and how to behave properly.

How a husband maintains his own home will determine the impact and effectiveness of his life message to the outside world.

A husband who maintains a well-organized and highly-successful household will earn the respect and emulation of the community.

The wife should see to it that no pornographic, sensual or violent television programs, magazines, or other gadgets are allowed entry into the home, to prevent the onslaught of demons.

Pleasant music which enhances the spirituality of everyone should continually be played in the home to stimulate and encourage each one to devotional and prayerful pursuits.

The husband and wife should give primary emphasis to the prayer, devotional and Word study room or location, more than what is given to the recreational area.

And the wife should make humble, wise and respectful appeals to the husband for needed home repairs, to which the husband must see to it that they are done promptly.

Why must you do all this?

To glorify YÁOHU UL in your family home and so YÁOHU UL and Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY will always dwell with you and be with you and your entire household at all times.

And where YÁOHU UL and Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA dwell, prosperity, wellness and soundness, happiness and satisfaction, life and truth, harmony and peace, wealth and overflowing benefits richly abound!

Scripture Guidelines -

Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA speaking....

'Let not your hearts be troubled. And since you trust fully in YÁOHU UL, now trust, rely upon Me, too.

There are many homes up there where My YÁOHU ABí (Father) lives, and I am going to prepare them for your coming.

When everything is ready, then I will come and get you, so you can always be with Me where I am. If this weren't so, I would tell you plainly. And you know where I am going and how to get there.'

'No, we don't,' Thomas said. 'We haven't any idea where You are going, so how can we know the way?'

YAOHÚSHUA told him, 'I am the Way - yes, and the Truth and the Life. No one can get to YÁOHU ABí except by means of Me.

If you had known Who I am, then you would have known Who My YÁOHU ABí is. From now on you know Him - and have seen Him!'

Philip said, 'Maór (Sir), show us YÁOHU ABí and we will be satisfied.'

YAOHÚSHUA replied, 'Don't you even yet know Who I am, Philip, even after all this time I have been with you? Anyone who has seen Me has seen YÁOHU ABí!

So why are you asking to see Him? Don't you believe that I am in YÁOHU ABí and YÁOHU ABí is in Me? The words I say are not My own but are from My YÁOHU ABí Who lives in Me.

And He does His work through Me. Just believe it - that I am in YÁOHU ABí and YÁOHU ABí is in Me. Or else believe it because of the mighty miracles you have seen Me do.

In solemn truth I tell you, anyone believing in Me shall do the same miracles I have done, and even greater ones, because I am going to be with YÁOHU ABí.

You can ask Him for anything, using My Shúam (Name), and I will do it, for this will bring praise to YÁOHU ABí because of what I, ha-BÓR (the Son), will do for you. Yes, ask anything, using My 'Shúam' (Name), and I will do it!

If you love Me, obey Me; and I will ask YÁOHU ABí and He will give you another Menáchem (Comforter), and He will never leave you.

He is the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' (Holy Spirit of YAOHÚSHUA), the 'RÚKHA' Who leads into all truth. The world at large cannot receive Him, for it isn't looking for Him and doesn't recognize Him. But you do, for He lives with you now and some day shall be within you.

No, I will not abandon you or leave you as orphans in the tempest - I will come to you. In just a little while I will be gone from the world, but I will still be present with you. For I will live again - and you will too.

When I come back to life again, you will know that I am in My YÁOHU ABí, and you in Me, and I in you. The one who obeys Me is the one who truly loves Me; and because he loves Me, My YÁOHU ABí will love him; and I will too, and I will reveal Myself to him.'

YAOHÚ-dah (not Judas Ish-Kerioth, but His other disciple with that name) said to Him, 'Maór, why are You going to reveal Yourself only to us disciples and not to the world at large?'

YAOHÚSHUA replied, 'Because I will only reveal Myself to those who really love Me and obey Me. YÁOHU ABí will love them too, and We will come to them and live with them.

Anyone who doesn't obey Me doesn't really love Me.

And remember, I am not making up this answer to your query! It is the answer given by YÁOHU ABí Who sent Me.

I am telling you these now while I am still with you. But when YÁOHU ABí sends ha-Menáchem in My behalf - and by ha-Menáchem I mean the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' - He will teach you much, as well as remind you of everything I Myself have told you.

I am leaving you with a gift - peace of mind and heart! And the peace I give isn't fragile like the peace the world gives.

So never be troubled nor afraid. Remember what I told you - I am going away, but I will come back to you again.

If you really love Me, you will be very delightful for Me, for now I can go to YÁOHU ABí, Who is greater than I am. I have told you these before they happen so when they do, you will believe in Me.

I don't have much more time to talk to you, for the evil prince of this world approaches. He has no power over Me, but I will freely do what YÁOHU ABí requires of Me in order that the world will know that I love YÁOHU ABí.

Come, let's be going.'

YÁOHU-khánam (John) 14, Holy Scriptures
(Yaohúshua Version)

YAOHÚSHUA told them, 'Whoever divorces his wife and marries someone else commits adultery against her. And if a woman divorces her husband and remarries, she commits adultery.' - Mark 10:11-12

Given to you in true love and deep humility, 'Ol -Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám!

Your Scripture Engrafting Passages for Today -

We who dwell within the shadow of YÁOHU UL Tzavulyáo (the Commander of Heaven's Armies), safekept by YÁOHU UL Who is above all lo-ulhím (idols).

This I declare, that He alone is My refuge, my place of safety; He is my Creator, and I trust fully in Him.

For He rescues you from every trap, and protects you from the lethal plague. He will shield you with His wings! They will cover you.

His faithful promises are your armor. So now you don't need to be afraid of the dark any more, nor fear the dangers of the day; nor dread the plagues of darkness, nor calamities in the morning.

Though a thousand fall at my side, though ten thousand are dying around me, the evil will not touch me.

I will see how the wicked are punished but I will not share it.

For YÁOHU UL is my refuge! I prefer YÁOHU UL above all 'lo-ulhím' to protect me.

How then can evil overtake me or any plague come near?

For He orders His angels to protect you wherever you go. They will make you stable with their hands to keep you from stumbling against the rocks on the trail.

You can safely meet a lion or step on poisonous snakes, yes, even trample them beneath your feet!

For YÁOHU UL says:

'Because He loves Me, I will rescue him; I will make him great because he acknowledges My 'Shúam' (Name).

When he calls on Me I will answer; I will be with him in trouble, and rescue him and honor him.

I will satisfy him with a long, enriched life; and give him My salvation.

Tehillím (Psalms) 91, Holy Scriptures
(Yaohúshua Version)

Your Character Trait for Today -

Cleanliness which is the opposite of Uncleanness


Keeping myself and my surroundings clean, orderly and neat at all times, to enhance everyone's hunger and desire to be closer to YÁOHU Abihúl at all times, by means of prayer, reading and meditation upon His Word and communing with the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA.'

'For the fruit of the 'RÚKHA' is....Uprightness.' - Gal. 5:22

Your Faith Assignment for Today -

You will inspect and make sure that your dwelling place is free of clutter, filth and demonic gadgets, magazines, music tapes and other worldly things.

You will make time to do this if you really want to please YÁOHU UL by observing cleanliness and orderliness.

Anything that you know is not pleasing in YÁOHU UL's sight, you will quickly dispose of.

We believe the 'RÚKHA-YAOHÚSHUA' always leads you into all truth for He is the 'RÚKHA' (Spirit) of Truth.

Always remember to do everything 'Ol -Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám!

Your Nuggets of Wisdom for Today -

No dirt comes from heaven.

Filth breeds poverty, while purity leads to prosperous benefits.

You can readily evaluate whether the man of the house is spiritual or sensual by observing the furnishings and items inside his house.

The homes of the upright are full of light and are bright, while the homes of the wicked are kept dark and are lighted dim.

How noble are your tents, O YÁOHU-caf, your dwellings O Yaoshorúl!

I will walk within my house in the integrity of my heart.

The purity and cleanliness of the YAOHÚ-dim home life is the sure antidote against the filth and disease of life in the slums.

Your dwelling place is the measure of how civilized you really are.

Be not like a lion in your own home.

Do not allow your private dwelling to be used as the wicked's pad to commit their evil.

Anecdote for Today - Beauty Of A House

The beauty of a house is peace and harmony,
The security of a house is prayer and loyalty,
The happiness of a house is love and kindness,
The plenty of a house is in children and in giving,
The rule of a house is service and humility, and
The comfort and foundation of a holy home is YÁOHU UL Himself!

A Husband Needs a Wife Who Will Exercise Self-Control in Eating to Reflect the Husband's Prudent and Wise Leadership -

The husband and wife must realize that YÁOHU Ulhím is much concerned about how much they eat, the kinds of food eaten, (whether they are beneficial to the soundness of the body or not), and also the number times the family eats as well as go on fasts.

Weight is the visible expression and symbol of the individual's tastes and degree of self-control.

Being overweight conveys lack of self-control and the choice of the wrong kinds of food, or lack of wisdom in selecting the food to prepare and eat.

A balanced diet, coupled with a moderate appetite, and more on grains, seafood, fruits and vegetables, will lead to well yet not overweight physical bodies.

Weight control requires continual adhering to YÁOHU UL's principles on moderation, self-control and prudent consumption.

Bitterness, wrong kinds of food, wrong mealtimes and digestive malfunctions are the common causes of obesity.

The wife should let the husband know that she really cares about controlling her weight and that of the children, by avoiding gluttony and overeating.

The husband must identify the root causes of obesity in the family, if any, and implement the necessary control measures to remove and prevent it.

It would be a pleasing sight every day for the husband to go home to his wife who knows how to maintain a moderate weight.

The whole family will delight in having joint workouts together to keep weights in check and promote vibrant, sparkling soundness.

Scripture Guidelines -

When dining with a rich man, be on your guard and don't stuff yourself, though it all tastes so well; for he is merely trying to bribe you, and no benefit is going to come of his invitation.

Don't weary yourself trying to get rich. Why waste your time? For riches can disappear as though they had wings of a bird!

Don't associate with evil men; don't long for their favors and gifts. Their kindness is a trick; they want to use you as their pawn.

The delectable food they serve will turn sour in your stomach and you will vomit it, and have to take back your words of gratitude for their 'kindness.'

Don't waste your breath on a rebel for he will despise the wisest advice.

Don't steal the land of defenseless orphans by moving their ancient boundary marks, for their Redeemer is powerful; He Himself will accuse you.

Don't refuse to accept positive criticism; get all the support you can.

Don't fail to correct your children; discipline won't hurt them! They won't die if you use a flexible stick on them! Punishment will keep them out of hell.

My son, how I will rejoice if you become a man of common sense. Yes, my heart will thrill to your thoughtful, wise words.

Don't envy evil men but continue to reverence YÁOHU UL all the time, for surely you have a wonderful future ahead of you. There is hope for you yet!

O my son, be wise and remain in YÁOHU UL's paths; don't carouse with drunkards and gluttons, for they are on their way to poverty.

And remember that too much sleep clothes a man with rags.

Listen to your father's advice and don't despise an old mother's experience.

Get the facts at any price, and hold on tightly to all the fine sense you can get.

The father of an upright man has cause for delight - what pleasure a wise son is! So give your parent delight!

O my son, trust my advice - keep away from prostitutes. For a prostitute is a deep and narrow grave. Like a robber, she waits for her victims as one after another become unfaithful to their wives.

Whose heart is filled with anguish and sorrow? Who is always fighting and quarreling? Who is the man with bloodshot eyes and many wounds?

It is the one who spends long hours in the taverns, trying out new concoctions. Don't let the sparkle and the smooth taste of potent wine deceive you.

For in the end it bites like a poisonous serpent; it stings like an adder. You will see hallucinations and have delirium tremens, and you will say stupid, silly things that would embarrass you no end when sober.

You will stagger like a sailor tossed at sea, clinging to a swaying mast. And afterwards you will say, 'I didn't even know it when they beat me up.... Let's go and have another drink!'

Maush'lei (Proverbs) 23, Holy Scriptures

YAOHÚSHUA told them, 'Whoever divorces his wife and marries someone else commits adultery against her. And if a woman divorces her husband and remarries, she commits adultery.' - Mark 10:11-12

Given to you in true love and deep humility, 'Ol -Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám!

Your Scripture Engrafting Passages for Today -

'Do not let sin control the way you live; do not give in to its lustful desires. Do not let any part of your body become a tool of wickedness, to be used for committing sins.

On the contrary, give yourselves completely to YÁOHU UL since you have been given new life. And use your whole body as a vessel to do what is right for the glory of YÁOHU UL.

Sin is no longer your boss, for you are no longer subject to the law, which enslaves you to sin. On the contrary, you are now free by YÁOHU UL's favor.

Since YÁOHU UL's favor has set us free from the law therefore, does this mean we can go on ahead and continue committing sins?

Absolutely not! Don't you realize that whatever you prefer to obey becomes your boss? You can select sin, which leads to death, or you can prefer to obey YÁOHU UL and receive His approval.

Hodayáo to YÁOHU UL! Once you were slaves of sin, but now you have obeyed with all your heart the new teaching YÁOHU UL has given you.

Now you are free from sin, your old boss, and you have become slaves to your new boss, uprightness.' - Romans 6:12-18

'Now, dear friends - you who are familiar with the law - don't you know that the law applies only to a person who is still living? Let me clarify.

When a woman marries, the law binds her to her husband as long as he is alive. But if he dies, the laws of marriage no longer apply to her.

So while her husband is alive, she would be committing adultery if she married another man. But if her husband dies, she is free from that law and does not commit adultery when she remarries.' - Romans 7:1-3

'But you are not controlled by your sinful nature. You are now controlled by the 'RÚKHA' (Spirit) if you have the 'RÚKHA-YÁOHU' living in you. (And remember that those who do not have the 'RÚKHA-MEHUSHKHÁY' living in them are not Yaohúshuahím at all.)

Since ha-MEHUSHKHÁY lives inside you, even though your body will die because of sin, your spirit is alive because you have been made right with YÁOHU UL.

The 'RÚKHA-YÁOHU' Who raised YAOHÚSHUA from the dead, lives in you.

And just as He raised ha-MEHUSHKHÁY from the dead, He will give life to your mortal body by this same 'RÚKHA' living within you.

So, my dear Yaohúshuahím friends, you have no obligation whatsoever to do what your sinful nature urges you to do. For if you keep on following it, you will perish.

But if, through the power of the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' you turn from it and its evil deeds, you will live! For all who are led by the 'RÚKHA-YÁOHU' are children of YÁOHU UL.' - Romans 8:9-14

'And so my dear Yaohúshuahím friends, I plead with you to give your bodies to YÁOHU UL. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice - the kind He will accept.

When you think of what He has accomplished for you, is this too much to ask?

Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let YÁOHU UL transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.

Then you will know what YÁOHU UL wants you to do, and you will know how noble and pleasing and perfect His will really is.' - Romans 12:1-2

Your Character Trait for Today -

Moderation which is the opposite of Gluttony


Applying prudence, wisdom and self-control in everything I do, especially in eating, in order to avoid gluttony and obesity, so I can offer my body as a pleasing sacrifice unto my YÁOHU Ulhím.

'For the fruit of the 'RÚKHA' is....SELF-CONTROL.' - Gal. 5:23

Your Faith Assignment for Today -

You will begin to implement wise dietary controls in order to ensure that the whole family is fed with a balanced, delectable and beneficial diet at all times, avoiding those which are detrimental to the physical body, and those which only lead to laziness and obesity. Workouts and physical-exercise schedules for everyone must be adhered to.

We believe the 'RÚKHA-YAOHÚSHUA' always leads you into all truth for He is the 'RÚKHA' (Spirit) of Truth.

Always remember to do everything 'Ol -Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám!

Your Nuggets of Wisdom for Today -

Food for the stomach, stomach for the food, but both will perish.

You shall not boil a kid in its mother's milk.

Eat neither fat nor blood.

Eat nothing that will prevent you from eating later on.

Dainty dishes promote over-indulgence of the soul and body.

Guard against heavy meals; more heinous than homicide is suicide.

Work before eating; rest after eating. Eat not ravenously, filling the mouth gulp after gulp without breathing in between.

The YAOHÚ-dim begin a meal with the Word and a benediction; the pagans begin with frivolous talk and gossip about the news.

You eat to live; do not live to eat.

The less you eat, the less you ail.

Anecdote for Today - Feeding One Another In Heaven

A man had just arrived in heaven, told Káfos how grateful he was to be in such a glorious place, and asked Káfos to give him one glimpse into hell in order that he might appreciate his fine new dwelling place even more. This Káfos did.

In hell he saw a long table which went as long as the eye could reach, laden down with the most delectable of all varieties of foods.

But everyone around the table was dying of hunger. When asked for an explanation, Káfos said, 'Everyone is required to take food from the table only with four-foot-long chopsticks. They are so long that no one can reach the food from the table to his mouth, and therefore each one is dying of hunger.'

Quickly they returned to heaven, and behold, the new arrival saw an identical table, laden down with identical foods, but everyone around the table was delightful and well fed.

Then he said to Káfos: 'With what do they take the food from the table?' and Káfos answered, 'Only with four-foot-long chopsticks.'

At that the new arrival inquired: 'Then why are all those in hell dying of hunger while all those up here are so well fed and delightful?'

Whereupon Káfos replied: 'Here in heaven, we feed each other!'

A Husband Needs a Wife Who Maintains a Meek and Quiet 'Rúkha' or Spirit Upon Which Her Real Beauty Depends -

The word 'meek' means mild, gentle, lowly, unassuming, tame, patient, forbearing, longsuffering, humble and modest, all wrapped up into one fine character trait.

Meekness requires the turning of the other cheek whenever hurts and offenses come, quietly and quickly forgiving; never seeking revenge nor retaliation.

A quiet 'rúkha' or spirit means one that is free of evil suspicions, worries, fears, anxieties, jealousies, envies and doubts.

A quiet 'rúkha' sees no evil, hearkens to no evil reports, speaks no evil, and does not entertain any evil thoughts.

A wife who is meek always gently submits to her husband willingly and delightfully.

A wife who has a quiet 'rúkha' (spirit) will not harbor any evil thoughts nor suspicions against her own husband, because of her full trust upon YÁOHU Ulhím.

Meekness coupled with a quiet 'rúkha' comprise the real beauty of the wife which highly endears her to her own husband and to the whole family.

YÁOHU Ulhím values much such rare, exemplary character traits among His handmaidens.

Such beauty never fades, never ages and it truly befits YÁOHU Ulhím's daughters, for holy women since ages past wore this kind of enduring and worthy inner beauty of the soul and spirit.

Scripture Guidelines -

'Blessed be all who are poor in spirit,
      for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed be all who mourn,
      for they will be comforted.
Blessed be all who are meek,
      for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed be all who hunger and thirst for uprightness,
      for they will be filled.
Blessed be all who are merciful,
      for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed be all who are pure in heart,
      for they will see YÁOHU UL.
Blessed be all the peacemakers,
      for they will be called children of YÁOHU UL.
Blessed be all who are persecuted because of uprightness,
      for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed you really are when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me.

Exult! Be delightful! Because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.' - Manaim-YÁOHU (Matthew) 5:3-12

'Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest for your souls.' - Manaim-YÁOHU 11:29

'Likewise, you wives must always be in submission to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the Word, they also may without the word be won by the behavior of the wives; while they behold your upright demeanor coupled with reverential fear.

Let not your adornment be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; but let it be the hidden man of the heart, which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of YÁOHU Ulhím is of great price.

For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who relied upon YÁOHU Ulhím, adorned themselves, being in submission unto their own husbands.' - 1 Káfos (Peter) 3:1-5

YAOHÚSHUA told them, 'Whoever divorces his wife and marries someone else commits adultery against her. And if a woman divorces her husband and remarries, she commits adultery.' - Mark 10:11-12

Given to you in true love and deep humility, 'Ol -Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám!

Your Scripture Engrafting Passages for Today -

Love is very patient and kind, never jealous or envious, never boastful nor proud, never haughty nor selfish nor rude. Love does not demand its own way.

It is not irritable or touchy. It does not hold grudges and will hardly even notice when others do it wrong.

It is never delightful about injustice, but exults whenever truth wins out.

If you love someone you will be loyal to him no matter what the cost. You will always believe in him, always expect the best of him and always stake your ground in defending him.

Love never fails.

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Your Character Trait for Today -

Meekness which is the opposite of Arrogance


Separating my rights from my responsibilities, and yielding my rights and expectations to YÁOHU Ulhím, fully realizing that positive character traits are reinforced even when mistakes or offenses do occur.

'For the fruit of the 'RÚKHA' is....MEEKNESS.' - Gal. 5:23

Your Faith Assignment for Today -

You will train yourself in meekness and having a quiet 'rúkha' (spirit) and select someone close to you to whom you will be accountable daily in reporting to what degree were you tried and how successful you were, by YÁOHU Ulhím's support, in bearing much fruit, unto which you were called.

We believe the 'RÚKHA-YAOHÚSHUA' always leads you into all truth for He is the 'RÚKHA' (Spirit) of Truth.

Always remember to do everything 'Ol -Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám!

Your Nuggets of Wisdom for Today -

YÁOHU Ulhím has made me fruitful and prosperous in the land of my affliction.

Whoever shall smite you on your right cheek, offer him the other cheek also.

Suffering should lead the person to self-inspection, to admission of sins, and to repentance, prayer and forgiveness.

He who suspects innocent people will be punished.

Innocent suspects will have successful children.

One is not suspected unless he has committed it and went unpunished; or at least some of it, or had intended once to commit it, or delighted in others who were committing it.

Anecdote for Today - The True Nobility of the Land

The great leaders of men in all fields have not been the arrogant and the greedy, but the servants. The real servants are the true nobility! The greatest of all, the Son of YÁOHU UL Himself, declared that He had come not to be served but to be a servant, and to give His life a ransom for many!

A Husband Needs a Wife Who Has a Respectable Poise and Stability Which Reflect the Husband's Training and Encouragement -

What others see in the wife are mostly reflections of the husband's ways and methods of teaching and training.

Poise and stability are attained by nurturing inner satisfaction and contentment in the wife.

Honorable bearing and confident poise are results of inner peace, contentment, trust, dependence and reliance upon YÁOHU Ulhím, and not upon one's own comprehension.

The wife will develop contentment, satisfaction and happiness as she learns to accept all that YÁOHU Ulhím allows in her life with gratefulness, such as her own physical appearance, social background, intellect, abilities as well as weaknesses, and especially grateful acceptance of her own husband and children.

When the wife fully accepts herself and all that is in her life with gratefulness to YÁOHU Ulhím, then she learns to truly take care of herself and practice maintaining her poised, prim and proper appearance and behavior with inner confidence and correct attitudes.

The wife should always appear prim and proper in order to avoid self-embarrassment; she also must learn how to communicate love, acceptance, encouragement, kindness, mercy and high moral norms.

Scripture Guidelines -

I will sing of Your love and justice.
      I will praise You, YÁOHU Ulhím, with songs.

I will be careful to live a blameless life -
      when will You come to my aid?

I will lead a life of integrity
      in my own home.

I will refuse to look at
      anything vile and vulgar.

I hate all crooked dealings;
      I will have nothing to do with them.

I will reject perverse ideas
      and keep away from every evil.

I will not tolerate people who slander their neighbors.
      I will not endure conceit, pride.

I will keep a protective eye on the upright,
      so they may dwell with me in safety.

Only those who are above reproach
      will be allowed to serve me.

I will not allow deceivers to serve me,
      and liars will not be allowed to enter my presence.

My daily task will be to ferret out criminals
      and free the city of the YÁOHU Ulhím from their grip.

Tehillím (Psalms) 101, Holy Scriptures

YAOHÚSHUA told them, 'Whoever divorces his wife and marries someone else commits adultery against her. And if a woman divorces her husband and remarries, she commits adultery.' - Mark 10:11-12

Given to you in true love and deep humility, 'Ol -Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám!

Your Scripture Engrafting Passages for Today -

'In the same way, you wives must accept the authority of your husbands, even those who refuse to accept the Glorious Message. Your holy lives will speak to them better than any words.

They will be won over by watching your pure, holy behavior. Don't be concerned about the outward beauty that depends on fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry or beautiful clothes.

You should be known for the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a meek and quiet spirit, which is so valuable to YÁOHU Ulhím.

That is the way the holy women of old made themselves beautiful. They depended upon YÁOHU Ulhím and accepted the authority of their husbands.

For example, Soroáh obeyed her husband, Abruhám, when she called him her boss. You are her daughters when you do what is right, without fear of what your husbands might do.

In the same way, you husbands must give honor to your wives. Treat her with comprehension as you live together. She may be weaker than you are, but she is your equal partner in YÁOHU Ulhím's gift of new life.

If you don't treat her as you should, your prayers will not be heard.

1 Káfos (Peter) 3:1-7

Your Character Trait for Today -

Poise & Stability which is the opposite of Insecurity


Accepting with gratefulness all that YÁOHU Ulhím allows in my life, without any hint of rejection or bitterness, knowing fully well that they are all sufficient for my present happiness.

'For the fruit of the 'RÚKHA' is....GLADNESS.' - Gal. 5:22

Your Faith Assignment for Today -

You will make sure that you really are grateful to YÁOHU Ulhím for everything which He has allowed in your life, including your own physical appearance, family background, intellectual ability, marriage partner and children (if any), and all the other benefits which He daily provides, expressing such gratefulness with words of praise, honor, adoration and glory unto YÁOHU Ulhím.

We believe the 'RÚKHA-YAOHÚSHUA' always leads you into all truth for He is the 'RÚKHA' (Spirit) of Truth.

Always remember to do everything 'Ol -Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám!

Your Nuggets of Wisdom for Today -

Fine manners is thoughtfulness of YÁOHU Ulhím and of fellowmen.

Manners is the hardened form of morality.

Without the Word, there is no fine manners.

The acid test of fine manners is to bear patiently with bad ones.

Moral conduct is a pre-requisite to worship.

Morality is more important than learning.

Whoever loves pleasure shall become poor.

When pleasure-seekers multiply, morality deteriorates.

Anecdote for Today - Calmness Even Under Real Fire

Thomas Higgins, of Quebec, deserves an award for calmness even under real fire. He calmly answered his phone and assured a reporter that his house was really on fire.

'It can't be a bad fire,' the reporter said. 'Your phone's still connected.'

Mr. Higgins replied that the inside of his house was being razed. The reporter could hear the crackle of flames and the shouts of firemen.

After estimating the damage to his furniture at $3000, Mr. Higgins said he'd have to hang up as he had some things to attend to.

'Oh, and before you go,' said Mr. Higgins, 'would you call your circulation office and cancel my paper until further notice? I won't be living here anymore....'

A Husband Needs a Wife Who Knows Not Only How to Make an Appeal to Her Husband but Also When Is She Correct in Doing So -

Do you know WHEN to make an appeal to your authority?

When you, the subordinate, notices that the husband or any among your authorities are going beyond their limitations and coverage, this is not an opportunity to rebel nor go against him but your chance to make a humble, respectful, gentle and meek appeal.

A husband or authority, on the other hand, must have enough humility and gentleness to wisely respond to those who may have doubts, queries or insecurities in regard to his decisions and policies.

Subordinates, in general, or the wife, in particular, may humbly make an appeal only when any of the following exists:


a serious injustice is being committed;


human lives and property would be exposed to serious yet avoidable risks;


the spiritual condition or spiritual services of the subordinate would be seriously damaged;


when the policy or decision is contrary to the written Words of YÁOHU Ulhím.

When none of the above legitimate grounds for appeal exists, the subordinate, in this case, the wife, would have no valid reason at all to make an appeal; YÁOHU Ulhím would then expect her to fully submit to and obey her husband delightfully.

The wife cannot be a support-meet to her husband if she doesn't properly submit to the authority of her husband.

The wife should not make frequent frivolous appeals to her authority for that would only wear out her welcome and cause her future legitimate appeals to be unresponded to.

Make respectful and humble appeals only when really justified and you really have a valid ground for making such.

Do not confuse making an appeal with self-will in disguise.

Self-will in disguise rears its ugly head whenever the subordinate contradicts the commands given her, or replaces them with her own ideas of doing it, while wearing the disguise of 'appealing' - but which is actually stubbornness and self-willfulness.

Lo, do not be deceived. If conditions are not present for making valid, legitimate appeals, the subordinate has no other choice but to excellently, promptly and delightfully obey her husband, like unto Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA Himself.

And the grounds for making an appeal should be real, not imaginary.

And if the appeal really has valid scriptural grounds, then the husband or the authority should seek YÁOHU Ulhím's verdict regarding the matter and follow whatever is His final conclusion.

Scriptural Guidelines -

Then the heads of the sub-clan of Gilead (of the clan of Machir, of the tribe of Manasseh, one of the sons of YÁOHU-saf) came to Mehushúa and the leaders of Yaoshorúl with an appeal:

'YÁOHU Ulhím directed you to divide the land by lot among the people of Yaoshorúl,' they reminded Mehushúa, 'and to give the inheritance of our brother Zelophehad to his daughters. But if they marry into another tribe, their land will go with them to the tribe into which they marry. In this way the total area of our tribe will be reduced, and will not be returned at the Year of Yabulyáo (Jubilee).'

Then Mehushúa replied publicly, giving them these directives from YÁOHU Ulhím: 'The men of the tribe of YÁOHU-saf have a proper ground for appeal.

This is what YÁOHU Ulhím has further commanded in regard to the daughters of Zelophehad: 'Let them be married to anyone they prefer, so long as it is within their own tribe. In this way none of the land of the tribe will shift to any other tribe, for the inheritance of every tribe is to remain permanently as it was first allotted.

The girls throughout the tribes of Yaoshorúl who are heiresses must marry within their own tribe, in order that their land won't leave the tribe. In this way no inheritance shall move from one tribe to another.''

The daughters of Zelophehad did as YÁOHU Ulhím commanded Mehushúa.

These girls, Mahlah, Tirzah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Nokha, were married to men in their own tribe of Manasseh (son of YÁOHU-saf); therefore their inheritance remained in their tribe.

Numbers 36:1-12, Holy Scriptures

YAOHÚSHUA told them, 'Whoever divorces his wife and marries someone else commits adultery against her. And if a woman divorces her husband and remarries, she commits adultery.' - Mark 10:11-12

Given to you in true love and deep humility, 'Ol -Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám!

Your Scripture Engrafting Passages for Today -

You wives will submit to your husbands as you do to ha-Molkhiúl. For a husband is the head of his wife like ha-MEHUSHKHÁY is the Head of His body, the Oholyáo (Congregation); He gave His life to be her Savior.

As the Oholyáo submits to hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, so you wives must submit to your husbands in everything.

And you husbands, show the same kind of love to your wives like ha-Molkhiúl showed to the Oholyáo (Congregation) when He died for her, to make her holy and clean, washed by baptism, and YÁOHU UL's Word; in order that He could give her to Himself as a glorious Oholyáo without a single spot, wrinkle or any other blemish, being holy and without a single fault.

That is how husbands should treat their wives, loving them as parts of themselves. For since a man and his wife are now one, a man is really doing himself a favor and loving himself when he loves his wife!

No one hates his own body but lovingly cares for it, just like ha-MEHUSHKHÁY cares for His body the Oholyáo (Congregation), of which we are members.

(That the husband and wife are one body is proved by the Scripture which says, 'A man must leave his father and mother when he marries, so he can be perfectly united to his wife, and the two shall be one.')

I know this is deeply enigmatic and hard to comprehend, but it is an object lesson in how we, as parts of the body, and hol-MEHUSHKHÁY are one.

So again I say, a man must love his wife as a part of himself; and the wife must see to it that she deeply respects her husband - obeying, praising and honoring him.

Ephesians 5:22-33, Holy Scriptures
(Yaohúshua Version)

Your Character Trait for Today -

Deference which is the opposite of Self-Willfulness


Gladly, promptly and excellently doing the will of my YÁOHU ABí, as relayed to me through my chain of command, in my serving Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA, disregarding and doing away with any tinge of self-willfulness and stubbornness in my flesh.

'For the fruit of the 'RÚKHA' is....PATIENCE.' - Gal. 5:22

Your Faith Assignment for Today -

You will, from now on, find out and discover how your authorities really want you to do habitual commands, in your trying to please YÁOHU Abihúl in the way you serve Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA through them.

We believe the 'RÚKHA-YAOHÚSHUA' always leads you into all truth for He is the 'RÚKHA' (Spirit) of Truth.

Always remember to do everything 'Ol -Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám!

Your Nuggets of Wisdom for Today -

The most important command given by YÁOHU Ulhím to the husband is: LOVE your wife!

But you must temper this love for the wife with the utmost loyalty, devotion and faithfulness to YÁOHU Ulhím, not making your wife nor your children your idols in the process, in cases of conflicts of loyalty.

YÁOHU Ulhím is our All-Powerful Protector!

YÁOHU your Ulhím, Who goes before you, shall fight for you.

Underneath are the eternal arms of YÁOHU Ulhím.

He drew me out of many waters.

YÁOHU Ulhím is with us!

You have been a fortress to the needy in his difficulty.

You, O YÁOHU Ulhím, are a shield about me.

YÁOHU Ulhím also will be a high tower for the oppressed.

YÁOHU Ulhím preserves the faithful.

YÁOHU Ulhím shall guard your going out and your coming in.

YÁOHU Ulhím is called the Protector of Yaoshorúl, though He really protects all mankind from utter ruin.

If YÁOHU Ulhím is for us, who can be against us?

Anecdote for Today - Five Words Properly Defined

Surrender isn't giving up something you don't want....
      It's giving up what you do want.

Victory isn't merely walking through the goal line....
      It's going through opponents to make a goal.

Trust isn't going just where the lights are....
      It's following even through the dark valleys.

Love isn't giving when others are giving....
      It's giving when others are not giving.

Faith isn't overflowing to others....
      It's emptying oneself to others.

A Husband Needs a Wife Who Knows How to Make Respectful, Humble Appeals to Her Husband When He Goes Beyond Limits -

What are the factors that will enhance the chances that your appeal will be granted?


Your own individual relationship with YÁOHU Ulhím must be in perfect harmony and at peace.

When one's own fellowship and communion with YÁOHU Ulhím is right and in harmony, then YÁOHU Ulhím could readily grant her appeal through her human authority, in this case, the husband.

But when one is disengaged with YÁOHU Ulhím or not in real fellowship with Him, then the enemy has openings to hinder or block one's request.


The principal basis of your appeal must be the individual reputation and name of your authority.

The subordinate's major ground in making the appeal or request should be the name, reputation, authority and goals of the husband or the person in authority, and not merely his or her selfish interests or concerns.


You must depend upon YÁOHU Ulhím to give you the right timing on when to actually make your appeal.

The subordinate, in this case, the wife should give enough time for YÁOHU Ulhím to prepare and work on the mind and heart of her authority, and depend upon Him to let her know when the time is right and proper.


Your appeal must carry with it the right attitudes of humility, reverence, gentleness, meekness and honesty.

YÁOHU Ulhím at times allows your authority to exceed their limitations to give you the opportunity to make humble appeals and develop desirable character traits in the process.

The way you make the appeal, the character traits that go with it, determines to a large degree the outcome of your request.


You must use the right words tactfully and politely.

Thinking about and planning beforehand the right words to use in actually making your appeal would highly influence the way in which your authority would receive it. The use of positive, encouraging and polite words are very effective in getting his favor and approval.

Additional Reminders:


Those who have humbled themselves under Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA and have received Him as their own individual Life Governor and Savior always receives favors and approvals from YÁOHU UL, so make sure that you are truly a regenerated believer in Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY for it would fare you well in this life and in the world to come, life eternal!


You must have made a quality decision to always be in the perfect will of YÁOHU Ulhím at all times, doing His own will and living according to His plan for your life.


Do not tolerate sin in your life in whatever form. When you happen to commit one, quickly get rid of it and let the 'DAM' (blood) of Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY keep you always free from all guilt and blemish of sin (1 YÁOHU-khánam 1:9)


And finally, and this is important, be sure you clearly express to your authority, when making an appeal, to what degree you are willing to make your own self-sacrifice just to meet his goals and achieve the same ends he originally intended.

Let him know that you are very willing to obey and cooperate fully towards his purposes, and to sacrifice your time, effort or whatever, just so his own success could be ensured.

Scriptural Guidelines -

What is causing the quarrels and fights among you? Isn't it because there is a whole army of evil desires within you?

You want what you don't have, so you kill to get it.

You long for what others have, and can't afford it, so you begin a fight to take it away from them.

And yet the reason you don't have what you want is that you don't ask YÁOHU UL for it.

And even when you do ask you don't get it because your whole aim is wrong - you want only what will give you pleasure.

You are like an unfaithful wife who loves her husband's enemies!

Don't you realize that making friends with YÁOHU UL's enemies - the evil pleasures of this world - makes you an enemy of YÁOHU UL?

I say it again, that if your aim is to indulge in the evil pleasure of the unsaved world, you cannot also be a friend of YÁOHU UL.

Or what do you think the Scripture means when it says that the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' (Holy Spirit of YAOHÚSHUA), Whom YÁOHU UL has given within us, watches over us with tender jealousy?

But He gives us more and more power to endure against all such evil cravings. As the Scripture says, YÁOHU UL gives favor to the humble, but sets Himself against the proud and haughty.

So give yourselves humbly to YÁOHU UL. Resist ha-satán and he will flee from you. And when you draw close to YÁOHU UL, YÁOHU UL, in turn, will draw close to you.

Wash your hands, you sinners, and let your hearts be filled with YÁOHU UL alone to make them pure and true to Him.

Let there be tears for the wrong deeds you have done.

Let there be sorrow and real grief. Let there be remorse in place of laughter, and gloom in place of merriment.

Then when you realize your worthlessness before YÁOHU UL, He will lift you up, encourage and support you.

Don't criticize and speak evil about each other, dear brethren. If you do, you will be fighting against YÁOHU UL's law of loving one another, declaring it is wrong.

But your duty is not to decide - whether this law is right or wrong, but to obey it.

Only He Who made the law can rightly judge among us. He alone decides to save us or ruin. So what right do you have to judge or criticize others?

Look here, you people who say, 'Today or tomorrow we are going to such and such a town, remain there a year, and open up a profitable business.'

How do you know what is going to happen tomorrow? For the length of your lives is as precarious as the morning fog - now you see it; soon it is gone.

What you ought to say is, 'If YÁOHU UL wants us to, we shall live and do this or that.'

Otherwise you will be bragging about your own plans, and such self-confidence never pleases YÁOHU UL.

Remember, too, that knowing what is right to do and then not doing it is sin.

YÁOHU-caf (Jacob - James) 4, Holy Scriptures
(Yaohúshua Version)

YAOHÚSHUA told them, 'Whoever divorces his wife and marries someone else commits adultery against her. And if a woman divorces her husband and remarries, she commits adultery.' - Mark 10:11-12

Given to you in true love and deep humility, 'Ol -Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám!

Your Scripture Engrafting Passages for Today -

You wives will submit to your husbands as you do to ha-Molkhiúl. For a husband is the head of his wife like ha-MEHUSHKHÁY is the Head of His body, the Oholyáo (Congregation); He gave His life to be her Savior.

As the Oholyáo submits to hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, so you wives must submit to your husbands in everything.

And you husbands, show the same kind of love to your wives like ha-Molkhiúl showed to the Oholyáo (Congregation) when He died for her, to make her holy and clean, washed by baptism, and YÁOHU UL's Word; in order that He could give her to Himself as a glorious Oholyáo without a single spot, wrinkle or any other blemish, being holy and without a single fault.

That is how husbands should treat their wives, loving them as parts of themselves. For since a man and his wife are now one, a man is really doing himself a favor and loving himself when he loves his wife!

No one hates his own body but lovingly cares for it, just like ha-MEHUSHKHÁY cares for His body the Oholyáo (Congregation), of which we are members.

(That the husband and wife are one body is proved by the Scripture which says, 'A man must leave his father and mother when he marries, so he can be perfectly united to his wife, and the two shall be one.')

I know this is deeply enigmatic and hard to comprehend, but it is an object lesson in how we, as parts of the body, and hol-MEHUSHKHÁY are one.

So again I say, a man must love his wife as a part of himself; and the wife must see to it that she deeply respects her husband - obeying, praising and honoring him.

Ephesians 5:22-33, Holy Scriptures
(Yaohúshua Version)

Your Character Trait for Today -

Discretion which is the opposite of Recklessness


Being careful, prudent and wise and applying forethought in selecting best courses of action in order to achieve the best goals set out for me by my authorities.

'For the fruit of the 'RÚKHA' is....MEEKNESS.' - Gal. 5:23

Your Faith Assignment for Today -

You will make sure that you will use the right timing, words, attitudes and reasons whenever you make a humble, respectful appeal to any of your authorities.

We believe the 'RÚKHA-YAOHÚSHUA' always leads you into all truth for He is the 'RÚKHA' (Spirit) of Truth.

Always remember to do everything 'Ol -Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám!

Your Nuggets of Wisdom for Today -

Review your lessons twice the next day, for each time you will discover something you did not know before.

The Word abides only with him who regards himself as insignificant.

The lessons of youth are not easily removed from memory.

Who begins to learn the Word in old age is like an old man married to a young, beautiful maiden.

Be not ashamed to learn the truth.

A foolish pupil will say: 'Who can possible learn the whole Scriptures?' But a wise pupil will say: 'I'll learn two principles a day, till I am conversant with the whole Scriptures!'

I learned much from my teachers, more from my colleagues, and most from my pupils.

Learning must be sought; it will not come of itself.

The road to learning is endless.

Cursed be he who does the work of YÁOHU Ulhím with laziness!

Anecdote for Today - The Unclaimed Box

A brief news item told how an express package from England came to a South African town. The man to whom the box was consigned refused to pay the delivery charges, and for about fourteen years the box was used as a footrest at the express office.

The consignee died, and later the box was put up at auction with other unclaimed articles. Out of curiosity a man bid it in at a very low price.

When he opened it he was greatly surprised to find several thousand pounds of silver in English banknotes. Because the consignee had refused to pay comparatively trifling delivery charges, he had missed a huge wealth!

All this is given to you in true love and deep humility, 'Ol Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, and we all say, ahm-nám!

YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY is the original Name!

The original really is the best!

Let's continue to receive more scriptural wisdom and knowledge in the NEXT segment of this spiritually-awakening guideline now....