Know Your Scripture I.Q.



Take your Scripture I.Q. test and find out now how much you really know about the truths contained in the Holy Scriptures. Also to check out whether your individual spiritual beliefs are Scriptural and True or not.

Please select either True or False; when you are finished, please click on the 'Ready' button. May you get all the answers correctly!

1. YAOHUSHUA the Messiah is mere mortal, unlike the Father, YAOHU UL, Who is the only One Creator Immortal, Invisible and Eternal.
True False

2. Actually, the Father in heaven is also the same as the Son Who came to earth as the Messiah, but only in disguise.
True False

3. The doctrine of the 'trinity' is not based on truths contained in the Holy Scriptures.
True False

4. At the end-times, the Christians and Muslims will ultimately unite against the Jews.
True False

5. King Charles of the UK is the apocalyptic 'Anti-Messiah' prophesied in the Holy Scriptures.
True False

6. The King James version of the Holy Scriptures is the only reliable guide to sound, correct and orthodox doctrine and interpretation of the Holy Scriptures.
True False

7. The most common images and representations of 'Je-zeus' nowadays actually portray the Greek idol 'Zeus' without many realizing it.
True False

8. Obeying the Ten Commandments is the only True way to inherit eternal life and be with the Creator in heaven in the afterlife.
True False

9. To violate a single command of YAOHU UL in the Holy Scriptures is the same as breaking all of His commands.
True False

10. When someone who is virtuous enough dies, most probably he'll get to heaven; when someone who has lived a wicked life dies, surely he will suffer in hell in the afterlife.
True False

11. Human beings evolved from apes and other lower forms of animals.
True False

12. Marriage to any person who is already divorced is committing adultery in YAOHU UL's sight.
True False

13. Abortion is a human right and therefore it is not a sin.
True False

14. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, therefore, the Messiah by any other name would be all right.
True False

15. False prophets, teachers and messiahs are highly acclaimed and praised by many, while genuine ones are persecuted and rebuffed by many.
True False

16. The common occult (hidden) term in the words 'Christian' and 'Palestine' has the consonants of 'S-T-N' - which reveals the hidden spirit behind these words.
True False

17. The land of Israel was given by YAOHU UL as an inheritance only for all the children of Abraham.
True False

18. Allah, Elohim, God, Bog and other deities worshiped in the world all refer to the same Eternal Creator, but only called by different names.
True False

19. Modern day Palestinians are True biological offsprings of Abraham, like most Arabs are.
True False

20. Rich people will never get into heaven; only poor people will.
True False

21. Scripturally speaking, it is the government's duty and responsibility to take care and feed the poor among its citizenry.
True False

22. Many false ministries are identified by their emphasis on travel and pilgrimages, because the truth is, they are travel agencies operating under the cloak of religion and the Bible.
True False

23. Sexual immoralities, adulteries and fornications are the real root causes of AIDS and other STD's.
True False

24. Aliens and UFO's are inhabitants from other planets unknown to us, who come to spy and sometimes visit us.
True False

25. When someone prays to dead saints, the dead saints can actually hear what a person says in his prayer and therefore receives the help he needs.
True False

26. You will be considered as belonging to a 'cult' when you come to believe in YAOHUSHUA as the Messiah.
True False

27. Religion is not the Savior, YAOHUSHUA is the Savior. Belonging to a particular religion cannot guarantee anyone's salvation and eternal delights in heaven.
True False

28. Hebrew is the language of holy people in the Holy Scriptures, while Latin is the language used in faith (fake) healing, incantations, spells and witchcraft.
True False

29. Most False religions which came from Babylon use prayer, meditation or devotional stringed beads in their religious practices.
True False

30. The true and correct equivalent of 'Jes-s' in Hebrew is 'Yeshua' or 'Yahshua.'
True False

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