![]() Part 2 ![]()
Well then, has YÁOHU UL failed to fulfill His promises to the YAOHÚ-dim (Jewish) people? No! For these promises are only to those who are truly YAOHÚ-dim. And NOT everyone born into a YAOHÚ-di (Jewish) family is truly YAOHÚ-di (Jewish)! Just the fact that they descend from Abruhám doesn't make them truly Abruhám's children. For the Scriptures say that the promises apply ONLY to Abruhám's son YÁOHUtz-kaq (Isaac) and his offsprings, though Abruhám had other children too. This means that NOT all of Abruhám's children are children of YÁOHU UL, but only those who believe the promise of salvation which He made to Abruhám. For YÁOHU UL had promised, 'This coming year I will give you and Sarah a son.' And years later, when this son, YÁOHUtz-kaq, was grown up and married, and Rebecca his wife was about to bear him twin children, YÁOHU UL told her that Esau, the child born first, would be a servant to YÁOHU-caf (Jacob), the twin brother. In the words of the Scripture, 'I determined to bless YÁOHU-caf (Jacob), but not Esau.' And YÁOHU UL said this before the children were even born, before they had done anything either upright or bad. This proves that YÁOHU UL was carrying out what He had determined from the beginning; it was not because of what the children did but because of what YÁOHU UL wanted and preferred. Remember what the prophecy of Hoshúa (Hoshea) says? There YÁOHU UL says that He will find other children for Himself who are not from His YAOHÚ-di (Jewish) family and will love them, though no one had ever loved them before. And the pagans, of whom it once was said, 'You are not My people,' shall be called 'children of the living YÁOHU UL.' Yaoshua-YÁOHU (Isaiah) the prophet cried out regarding the YAOHÚ-dim (Jewish) people that though there would be millions of them, only a small number would ever be saved. For YÁOHU UL will execute His verdict upon the earth, quickly ending His dealing, justly cutting them short. And the prophet Yaoshua-YÁOHU (Isaiah) says in another place that except for YÁOHU UL's mercy all the YAOHÚ-dim (Jewish) people would be annihilated - all of them - just like everyone in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah perished. Well then, what shall we say about these matters? Just this: that YÁOHU UL has given the Gentiles the opportunity to be acquitted by faith, even though they had not been really seeking YÁOHU UL. But the YAOHÚ-dim (Jewish) people, who tried so hard to get right with YÁOHU UL by keeping His laws, never achieved it. Why not? Because they were trying to be saved by observing, keeping the law and being upright enough, in place of depending on faith. They have stumbled over the great stumbling 'éban' (sto-e). YÁOHU UL warned them of this in the Scriptures when He said, 'I have put a Rock in the path of the YAOHÚ-dim (Jewish) people, and many will stumble over Him (YAOHÚSHUA). Those who believe in Him will never be disappointed.' Dear brethren, the longing of my heart and my prayer is that the YAOHÚ-dim (Jewish) people might be saved. I know what eagerness they have for the honor of YÁOHU UL, but it is a wrongly-directed zeal. For they don't comprehend that hol-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA had died to make them right with YÁOHU UL. In its place, they are trying to make themselves upright enough to gain YÁOHU UL's favor by observing, keeping the YAOHÚ-dim (Jewish) laws and customs, but that is NO LONGER YÁOHU UL's way of salvation now! They don't comprehend that hol-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA gives to those who trust fully in Him everything they are trying to get by keeping His laws. He ends all of that! For Mehushúa (Moses) wrote that if a person could be perfectly upright and hold out against temptation all his life and never sin even once, only then could he be pardoned and saved. But the salvation that comes through faith says, 'You don't need to search the heavens to find hol-MEHUSHKHÁY and bring Him down to help you,' and, 'You don't need to go among the dead to bring hol-MEHUSHKHÁY back to life again.' For salvation that comes from full trust upon hol-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA - which is what we proclaim - is already within easy reach of each of us; in fact, it is as close to us as our own hearts and mouths. For if you confess with your mouth that YAOHÚSHUA is your Ruler, and believe in your heart that YÁOHU UL had raised Him up from the dead, you will be saved! For it is by believing in his heart that a man becomes right with YÁOHU UL; and by his mouth, his confession is made unto salvation. For the Scriptures tell us that no one who believes in hol-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA will ever be disappointed. YAOHÚ-dim (Jewish) and Gentiles are the same in this respect; they all have the same YÁOHU UL Who generously gives His riches to all those who ask Him for them. Anyone who calls upon the Name of YÁOHU UL will be saved. But what about the YAOHÚ-dim (Jewish) people? Have they heard YÁOHU UL's Word? Yes, for it has gone wherever they are; the Glorious Message has been told to the ends of the earth. And did they comprehend that YÁOHU UL would give His salvation to others if they refused to take it? Yes, for even back in the time of Mehushúa (Moses), YÁOHU UL had said that He would make His people jealous and try to wake them up by giving His salvation to the foolish pagan nations. And later on Yaoshua-YÁOHU (Isaiah) the prophet said boldly that YÁOHU UL would be found by people who weren't even looking for Him! In the meantime, He keeps on reaching out His hands to the YAOHÚ-dim (Jewish) people, but they keep arguing and refusing to come. I ask then, has YÁOHU UL rejected and abandoned His YAOHÚ-dim (Jewish) people? Oh no, not at all! Remember that I myself am a YAOHÚ-di (Jewish), an offspring of Abruhám, and a member of the tribe of Binyamín. No, YÁOHU UL has not discarded His own people whom He selected from the very beginning. Not all the YAOHÚ-dim (Jewish) people have turned away from YÁOHU UL; there are a few being saved as a result of YÁOHU UL's kindness in selecting them. And if it is by YÁOHU UL's kindness, then it is not by their being upright enough. For in that case the free gift would no longer be free - it isn't free when it is earned. So this is the case: Most of the YAOHÚ-dim (Jewish) people have not found the favor of YÁOHU UL they are looking for. A few have - the ones YÁOHU UL has picked out - but the eyes of the others have been blinded. This is what the Scriptures refer to when they declare that YÁOHU UL has put them to sleep, closing their eyes and ears, that they do not comprehend what we are talking about when we tell them of hol-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA. And so it is to this very day. King Dáoud spoke of this same thing when he said, 'Let their delectable food and other benefits trap them into thinking all is well between themselves and YÁOHU UL. Let these fine things boomerang on them and fall back upon their heads to justly crush them. Let their eyes be dim,' he said, 'so they cannot see, and let them walk bent-backed forever with a heavy load.' Does this mean that YÁOHU UL has rejected His YAOHÚ-dim (Jewish) people forever? Absolutely not! His purpose was to make His salvation available to the Gentiles, and then the YAOHÚ-dim (Jewish) people would be jealous and begin to want YÁOHU UL's salvation for themselves. Now if the whole world became rich as a result of YÁOHU UL's offer of salvation, when the YAOHÚ-dim (Jewish) people stumbled over it and turned it down, think how much greater benefit the world will share in later on when the YAOHÚ-dim (Jewish) people, too, come to hol-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA! Oh, what a glorious YÁOHU UL we have! How great are His wisdom and knowledge and riches! How impossible it is for us to comprehend His verdicts and His methods! For who among us can know the mind of YÁOHU UL? Who knows enough to be His counselor and guide? And who could ever offer to YÁOHU UL enough to encourage Him to act? For everything comes from YÁOHU UL alone. Everything lives by His power, and everything is for His glory. To YÁOHU UL be glory forevermore!' - Excerpts taken from the book of Romans All this is given to you in true love and deep humility, 'beh hol-Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám! ![]() We fully believe that, by the favor and mercy of YÁOHU UL, the 'RÚKHA-YAOHÚSHUA' is now teaching all of you, leading you into all truth, reminding you of the words of Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA, is revealing Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA now to each one of you, and that YÁOHU UL always watches over His words to perform them. We also believe that the 'RÚKHA-YAOHÚSHUA' is the One Who is giving life and powerful oiling to YÁOHU UL's words, and He's now convicting your hearts in regard to sin, uprightness and judgment, and we now bind all of you to the full submission to Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, now and forever, 'beh hol-Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, and we all declare, am-nám! Remember, every knee must bow to Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA and every tongue confess that YAOHÚSHUA is the Ruler of all, to the glory of YÁOHU UL, the Most High! And whatever we bind on earth is bound in the heaven immediately! 'For this purpose the Son of YÁOHU UL was revealed, to expunge the works of the wicked one!' - 1 YÁOHU-khánam (John) 3:8, Holy Scriptures And we now release and loose all of you from all the powers of ha-satán and from all his religious wicked spirits, evil spirits of confusion, all lying spirits, and all kinds of seducing spirits and we stop, rebuke and renounce all their wicked influences, deceptions, power and control over your whole person and we now set you free from all the powers of all evil spirits now. We also now tie, bind you to full and immediate submission to Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY now and for always! Whatever we release, let loose on earth is released, loosed likewise in heaven, and whatever we tie, bind on earth is bound also in heaven! 'Beh hol-Shúam' YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, and we all agree, am-nám! Remember, it was Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA Who died for your sins, and not religion. Religion is not the Savior. YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY is the Savior Who is willing and able to help, deliver, heal and save you! For the weapons of our warfare are not the weapons of the world; on the contrary, they are very powerful, through YÁOHU UL, to demolish fortresses. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of YÁOHU UL, and we now take captive every thought to make it submissive to Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA. And we now overcome ha-satán by the 'DAM' (blood) of Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY and by the words of our testimony, and since we resist ha-satán, we win! Hodayáo (thanks) be to YÁOHU UL GABÓR (the Brave Warrior) Who always makes sure that we triumph through Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, and truly we are greater than conquerors! And we do not allow ha-satán to steal in any manner the words of YÁOHU UL sown in your hearts now and forever! 'Beh hol-Shúam' YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám! Now that you believe in His Shúam (Name) and accept Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY as the true Messiah, declare, speak, I repeat, you say and speak this simple prayer right now, from your heart, to formalize your inner faith in Him: ![]()
![]() Now you are free, you are healed, you are delivered, you are whole! Now, glorify YÁOHU UL with me, let us exalt His NAME together! Now begin your new life with YÁOHU ABÚ (Father) by telling others about His LOVE and His NAME and begin loving and helping your neighbors. 'You shall love YÁOHU your Ulhím with ALL your heart, with ALL your soul and with ALL your mind; and you shall love your neighbor as you love yourself.' These are the greatest mitzvót or commandments. So begin loving YÁOHU Ulhím and your neighbors now. 'Beh hol-Shúam' YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám! If you don't have a copy of the 'Biblia Hebraica' or the Holy Scriptures, better get one immediately and begin reading the Word! And this is for your spiritual growth, which is vital. Simply make the necessary corrections as you read, now that you know the truth. Remember, you have to keep on learning the Word or the Holy Scriptures so you'll discover more truths that are important to clean, prosperous and healthy living. Begin reading the Holy Writ now. And when you pray daily, do call on and address it to YÁOHU UL, and always close or end your prayer by using the Name of Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, because He said that we should ask from YÁOHU UL using the His Name. We ask over Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY's signature. Guaranteed genuine results, grants, answers and benefits. No, don't try it; believe it and do it now! If you, or someone else you know, need any kind of help, spiritually or materially, feel free to call us or write us, or if you have any more queries. We are here to serve and we care for you because YÁOHU Ulhím loves you. And Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY has redeemed you. You are in the narrow way, after all, when you receive and make Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY your King and Savior. If you want to receive free copies of bilingual Hebrew Holy Scriptures, New Covenant portion, all in Hebrew, with translations in German, Arabic, Portuguese, Russian, French, Dutch, Romanian, Spanish and other major foreign languages, including English of course, do contact us soonest and we will send them to you, wherever you are, free! You don't have to pay anything. It's our voluntary service unto Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA, proclaiming Him and His Word to multitudes, whatever vernacular they may use. Freely we have received from YÁOHU ABí, freely we also give out, as the Holy Scriptures declare. ![]() In our other free literature which you may request for:
![]() Truly, Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA is the truth that sets you free from all lies, deceptions and curses of the enemy! He is the Light of life! He protects you from the mark of the beast, the anti-messiah. The enemy came to kill, to rob and to ruin; Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA came to give you life and life more enriched! You have now united with, not another religion, but with the Person of the authentic Messiah, Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, Who sets people free from all bondages, lies and deceptions of the enemy! YAOHÚSHUA is now your Deliverer, Redeemer, Healer, Ruler, Protector, Defender, Provider and Chief Shepherd of your souls. Into the hands of YÁOHU UL we entrust fully your whole person as well as your spiritual growth and walk, now and forever, 'Ol Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, and we all declare, am-nám! Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA declared: 'Don't imagine that I came to bring peace on earth! No, rather, a sword! I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law - a man's worst of enemies will be right in his own home. If you love your father and mother more than you love Me, you are not worthy of being Mine, or if you love your son or daughter more than Me, you are not worthy of being Mine. If you refuse to take up your stake and follow Me, you are not worthy of being Mine. If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give it up for Me, you will save it.' - Man-YÁOHU (Matthew) 10:34-39, Holy Scriptures May YÁOHU UL Yaoshúayao and Shuamór favor you and keep you; May YÁOHU UL Khanyao-ám make His face shine upon you and be kind, benevolent to you always; May YÁOHU UL Shua-oléym turn His face toward you and give you peace. 'Ol Shúam' YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY and we all declare, am-nám! Olkém shua-oléym.... ![]() Please request for your complimentary (free) hard copies or electronic text transmissions of these YAOHÚSHUA scriptural guidelines now by post, fax, CD's, diskettes, modem or E-mail. Do it now. Faith without works is dead. Begin telling others now about Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA Who now is your new Ruler and Redeemer! Better yet, download this file and have it printed out, then give out and send photocopies of this to your family, relatives, neighbors, friends and workmates soonest. Tell them you've met, believed and received Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA as your own Life Governor and Deliverer. Be proud of Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA. He is the genuine Messiah! You may also subscribe to our free daily releases of your 'Warm Daily Bread' by giving us your E-Mail or post mailing address. 'No man can live by bread alone but by every word which comes from the mouth of YÁOHU UL,' said Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA. YAOHÚSHUA - the only hope in this world. Other truly enlightening scriptural guidelines are:
These are the most-important guidelines you'll ever read in your entire life. Next to the Holy Scriptures, of course. Be sure to avail of these YAOHÚSHUA scriptural guidelines soonest for in them are spiritual treasures which you need for further spiritual enrichment and growth in the Messiah YAOHÚSHUA. These guidelines are available both in HTML and TEXT formats at: Home WWW website:
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P. O. BOX 1482, JERUSALEM, ISRAEL 91014 ![]() Remember! 'There is no other name under heaven given to humanity for salvation, except the Name: YAOHÚSHUA.' - Acts 4:12 No other name, no other name, no other name, no other name, except: YAOHÚSHUA. This is not a copyrighted material. You may copy, quote or reprint this in whole or in part, as long as Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY is glorified and magnified, that's reason for all of us to exult, delight and celebrate. The greatest reward you can give your loved ones is to reconcile them to their Creator, YÁOHU UL, and the Messiah YAOHÚSHUA. This is the greatest heritage you can give them, more valuable than riches or worldly education. Give them the Word that was made flesh, Whom they have pierced, and Who died for all of humanity's redemption, and the soon coming King and Judge of all. YAOHÚSHUA is His one and only Name. There is no other name.... Magnify and glorify YÁOHU UL with me, let us exalt His Shúam (Name) together! Oh, YÁOHU, YÁOHU, how excellent is Your 'Shúam' in all the earth! Y A O H Ú S H U A - the only hope in this world. All this is brought to you, in true love and deep humility, 'Ol Shúam' YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, and we all declare, am-nám.
Do it now! Every knee must bow at this Name: Fifth Release. Revised October 1, 5761 ![]()