Your Warm Daily Bread for Today.... (Accentuated Version)
Dearly-Loved Faithful Disciple of the Messiah YAOHÚSHUA:
Please be enlightened, edified, delivered, cured, enriched and empowered by your warm spiritual bread for today, courtesy of YÁOHU UL, the real Creator, by the teaching service of the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' (Holy Spirit) and in the original Name of the true Messiah - YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY....
(N.B. - 'UL' means 'The All-Powerful Eternal Creator')
Let all the exuberance of the upright well up in praise to
YÁOHU UL, for it is proper to praise Him.
Play happy melodies upon the lyre and on the harp. Compose new songs of praise to Him, accompanied skillfully on the harp; sing gladly.
For all YÁOHU UL's words are right, and everything He does is worthy of our trust. He loves whatever is just as well as noble; the earth is filled with His gentle love.
He merely spoke, and the heavens were formed, and all the galaxies of 'cocavím' (s-ars). He made the oceans, pouring them into His wide reservoirs.
Let everyone in all the world - men, women and children - reverentially fear YÁOHU UL and arise in awe of Him.
For when He but spoke, the world began! It appeared at His command! And with a breath He can scatter the plans of all the nations who oppose Him, but His own plan remains forever. His purposes are the same for every generation.
Blessed is the nation whose 'UL' is YÁOHU, whose people He has selected as His own.
YÁOHU UL gazes upon mankind from heaven where He lives. He has made their hearts and closely watches everything they do.
The best-equipped army cannot save a king - for great power is not enough to save anyone. A war horse is a poor risk for winning victories - it is powerful, yes, but it cannot save.
But the eyes of YÁOHU UL are watching over those who reverentially fear Him, who rely fully upon His continuing love.
He will keep them from death even in times of famine! We depend upon YÁOHU UL alone to save us. Only He can help us; He protects us like a shield.
No wonder we are happy in YÁOHU UL! For we are fully relying upon Him. We trust His holy 'Shúam' (Name).
Yes, YÁOHU UL, let Your continual love surround us, for our hopes are in You alone.
Tehillím (Psalms) 33, Holy Scriptures
(Yaohúshua Version)
Honor doesn't go with fools any more than snow with summertime
or rain with harvest time!
The curse causeless shall not come. Its intended victim will be no more harmed by it than by a sparrow or swallow flitting through the sky.
Guide a horse with a whip, a donkey with a bridle, and a rebel with a rod to his back!
When arguing with a rebel, don't use foolish arguments as he does, or you will become as foolish as he is! Deflate his conceit with silly replies!
To trust a rebel to convey a message is as foolish as cutting off your feet and drinking poison!
In the mouth of a fool, a proverb becomes as useless as a paralyzed leg.
Honoring a rebel will backfire like a rock tied to a slingshot.
A rebel will misapply a lesson so that its point will no more be felt than a thorn in the hand of a drunkard.
The boss may get better work from an untrained apprentice than from a skilled rebel!
As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly.
There is one thing worse than a fool, and that is a man who is conceited.
The lazy man won't go out and work. 'There might be a lion outside!' he says. He sticks to his bed like a door to its hinges! He is too tired even to lift his food from his dish to his mouth! Yet in his own opinion he is smarter than seven wise men.
Yanking a dog's ears is no more stupid than interfering in an argument that isn't any of your business.
A man who is caught lying to his neighbor and says, 'I was just joking,' is like a madman throwing around firebrands, arrows and death!
Fire goes out for lack of fuel, and tensions disappear when gossip stops.
A quarrelsome man begins fights as easily as a match sets fire to paper.
Gossip is a dainty morsel eaten with great relish.
Pretty words may hide a wicked heart, just as a pretty glaze covers a common clay pot.
A man with hate in his heart may sound pleasant enough, but don't believe him; for he is cursing you in his heart. Though he pretends to be so kind, his hatred will finally come to light for all to see.
The man who sets a trap for others will get caught in it himself. Roll a boulder down on someone, and it will roll back and crush you.
Flattery is a form of hatred and wounds cruelly.
Proverbs of King Shua-ólmoh 26, Holy Scriptures
YÁOHU UL also told Mehushúa (Moses) to tell the people of
Yaoshorúl (Israel), 'You must be holy because I, YÁOHU, your UL,
am holy.
You must respect your mother and father, and obey My Shábbos law, for I am YÁOHU your UL. Do not make or worship idols, for I am YÁOHU your UL.
When you sacrifice a peace offering to YÁOHU UL, offer it correctly so it will be accepted. Eat it the same day you offer it, or the next day at the latest; whatever remains till the third day must be burned.
For any of it eaten on the third day is repulsive to Me, and will not be accepted. If you eat it on the third day you are guilty, for you profane the holiness of YÁOHU UL, and you shall be excommunicated from YÁOHU UL's people.
When you harvest your crops, don't reap the corners of your fields, and don't pick up gleanings of wheat from the ground.
It is the same with your grape crop - don't pick every last piece of fruit from the vines, and don't pick up the grapes that fall to the ground. Leave them for the poor and for those traveling through, for I am YÁOHU your UL.
You must not steal nor lie nor defraud. You must not swear to a falsehood, thus bringing reproach upon the 'Shúam' of your UL, for I am YÁOHU, your UL.
You shall not rob nor oppress anyone, and you shall pay your hired workers promptly. If something is due them, don't even keep it overnight.
You must not curse the deaf nor trip up a blind man as he walks. Reverentially fear your UL; I am YÁOHU!
Judges must always be just as they render their verdicts, ignoring whether a person is poor or rich; they must always be perfectly fair.
Don't gossip. Don't falsely accuse your neighbor of some crime, for I am YÁOHU.
Don't hate your brother. Rebuke anyone who sins; don't let him get away with it, or you will be equally guilty.
Don't seek vengeance. Don't bear a grudge; but love your neighbor as yourself, for I am YÁOHU.
Obey My laws: Do not mate your cattle with a different kind; don't sow your field with two kinds of seed; don't wear clothes made of half wool and half linen.
If a man seduces a slave girl who is engaged to be married, they shall be tried in a court but not put to death, because she is not free.
The man involved shall bring his guilt offering to YÁOHU UL at the entrance of the Tabernacle, the offering shall be a ram. The priest shall make atonement with the ram for the sin the man has committed, and it shall be forgiven him.
When you enter the land and have planted all kinds of fruit trees, do not eat the initial three crops, for they are reckoned to be ceremonially defiled. And the fourth year, the entire crop shall be devoted to YÁOHU UL, and shall be given to YÁOHU UL in praise of Him. Finally, the fifth year, the crop is yours.
I am YÁOHU your UL! You shall not eat meat with undrained blood; nor use fortune telling or witchcraft.
You shall not trim off your hair on your temples or clip the edges of your beard, as the heathen do. You shall not cut yourselves nor put tattoo marks upon yourselves in connection with funeral rites; I am YÁOHU UL.
Do not violate your daughter's sanctity by making her a prostitute, lest the land become full of enormous wickedness.
Keep My Shábbos laws and reverence My Tabernacle, for I am YÁOHU UL.
Do not defile yourselves by consulting mediums and wizards, for I am YÁOHU your UL.
You shall give due honor and respect to the elderly, in the reverential fear of YÁOHU UL. I am YÁOHU.
Do not take advantage of foreigners in your land; do not wrong them. They must be treated like any other citizen; love them as yourself, for remember that you too were foreigners in the land of Egypt. I am YÁOHU your UL.
You must be impartial in judgment. Use exact measurements - lengths, weights and volumes - and give full measure, for I am YÁOHU your UL Who brought you from the land of Egypt.
You must heed all of My commands and ordinances, carefully obeying them, for I am YÁOHU UL.
Leviticus 19, Holy Scriptures
In a vision, YÁOHU UL showed Awód-YÁOHU the future of the
land of Edom.
'A report has come from YÁOHU UL,' he said, 'that YÁOHU UL has sent an emissary to the nations with this message:
'Attention! You are to send your armies against Edom and ruin her!''
You are proud because you live in those high, inaccessible cliffs. 'Who can ever reach us way up here?' you boast. Don't fool yourselves! Though you soar as high as eagles, and build your nest among the 'cocavím' (s-ars), I will bring you plummeting down, says YÁOHU UL.
Far better it would be for you if thieves had come at night to plunder you - for they would not take everything! Or if your vineyards were robbed of all their fruit - for at least the gleanings would be left! Every nook and cranny will be searched and robbed, and every treasure found and taken.
All your allies will turn against you and help to push you out of your land. They will promise peace while plotting your ruin. The friends you trust will set traps for you and all your counterploys will fail.
In that day not one wise man will be left in all of Edom! says YÁOHU UL. For I will fill the wise men of Edom with stupidity. The mightiest soldiers of Teman will be confused, and helpless to prevent the slaughter.
And why? Because of what you did to your brother Yaoshorúl (Israel)! Now your sins will be exposed for all to see; ashamed and defenseless, you will be cut off forever.
For you abandoned Yaoshorúl in his time of need. You remained aloof, refusing to lift a finger to help him when invaders carried off his wealth and divided Yaohúshua-oléym (Jerusalem) among them by lot; you were as one of his enemies.
You should not have done it. You should not have gloated when they took him far away to foreign lands, you should not have rejoiced in that day of his misfortune; you should not have mocked in his time of need.
You yourselves went into the land of Yaoshorúl (Israel) in that day of his calamity and looted him. You made yourselves rich at his expense. You watched at the junctions and killed those trying to escape; you captured the survivors and returned them to their enemies in that terrible time of his affliction.
YÁOHU UL's vengeance will soon fall upon all Gentile nations. As you have done to Yaoshorúl, so will it be done to you. Your deeds will backfire upon your own heads.
You drank My cup of punishment upon My holy mountain, and the nations round about will drink it, too; yes, drink and stagger back and disappear from history, no longer nations anymore.
But Yaohúshua-oléym (Jerusalem) will become a refuge, a way of escape. Yaoshorúl will reoccupy the land. Yaoshorúl will be a fire that sets the dry fields of Edom aflame. There will be no survivors, for YÁOHU UL has spoken.
Then My people who live in the Négev shall occupy the hill country of Edom; those living in the Judean lowlands shall possess the Palestinian plains, and repossess the fields of Ephraim and Shomrón. And the people of Benyamin shall possess Gilead.
The Yaoshorúli (Israeli) exiles shall return and occupy the Phoenician coastal lands as far north as Zarephath.
Those exiled in Asia Minor shall return to their homeland and conquer the Négev's outlying villages.
For deliverers will come to Yaohúshua-oléym (Jerusalem) and rule all Edom.
And YÁOHU UL shall be King!
Awód-YÁOHU (Obadiah), Holy Scriptures
Given to you in true love and deep humility, 'ol Shúam'
(in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY - ahm-nów!
Please always remember:
"'YÁOHU' - this is My Name forever by which I am to be called, remembered from generation to generation." - Exodus 3:15, Holy Scriptures
'Salvation is found in no one else for there is no other name under heaven given to humanity by which we must be saved except the unique Name: YAOHÚSHUA.' - Acts 4:12, Holy Scriptures
'At that time, I (YÁOHU UL) will change the speech of My repentant people into pure Hebrew, that they may worship YÁOHU UL together in harmony and unity.' - Zephaniah 3:9, Holy Scriptures
Be sure you hearken to 'This Week's Special' and 'The Premier' transmissions of the 'YAOHÚSHUA Lives!' Internet (Audio-on-Demand) broadcasts.
Faith comes by continual hearing the words of YÁOHU UL.
You may hearken to these broadcasts anytime at these YAOHÚSHUA WWW RealAudio server sites:
You'll surely be empowered by the YAOHÚSHUA Internet worldwide broadcasts.
Tell everyone about the Messiah YAOHÚSHUA and His Glorious Message!
Y A O H Ú S H U A - the only hope in this world....
In reply to those who are asking about Ohól YAOHÚSHUA, and what our Congregation of Yaohúshuahím is all about, here is what Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA says about this Oholyáo:
'This message is sent to you by the One Who is Holy and
True, and has the key of Dáoud to open what no one can close
and to close what no one can open.
I know you well; you aren't so powerful, but you have tried to obey and have not denied My Shúam (Name). Therefore I have opened a door to you that no one can close.
Note this: I will force those supporting the causes of ha-satan while claiming to be Mine (but they aren't - they are lying!) to fall at your feet and acknowledge that you are the ones I really love.
Because you have patiently obeyed Me despite the persecution, therefore I will protect you from the time of Great Tribulation and temptation, which will come upon the world to test everyone alive.
Look, I am coming soon! Hold tightly to the little power you have - so that no one will take away your crown.
As for the one who conquers, I will make him a pillar in the Temple of My YÁOHU UL; he will be secure, and will go out no more; and I will write My YÁOHU UL's 'Shúam' (Name) on him, and he will be a citizen in the City of My YÁOHU UL - the New Yaohúshua-oléym (Jerusalem), coming down from heaven from My YÁOHU UL; and he will have My new Shúam inscribed upon him.
Let all who can hear, hearken to what the 'RÚKHA' (Spirit) is saying to the congregations!'
Revelation 3:7b-13
Háolul-YÁOHU UL Yaoshúayao, for His lovingkindness to all His children, who call upon His original Shúam, is forever!
Mah-ór-nah-otáh! (corrupted to: 'maranatha' - which originally meant: 'Sir, please, now!')
Please do always keep on spreading the Word about our YÁOHU UL, the true Creator, and His genuine Messiah YAOHÚSHUA!
May YÁOHU UL favor, enrich, prosper, empower and highly reward all those among you who actively and prayerfully support His work through these humble services of proclaiming His original 'Shúam' (Name) to the world!
Glorify YÁOHU UL with me, let us exalt His Shúam together!
YÁOHU, YÁOHU, how excellent is Your Shúam in all the earth!
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