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Financial Freedom Means - Knowing YÁOHU Ulhím And His Rich Provisions For Me
The Holy Scriptures cite several methods or means by which YÁOHU Ulhím conveys His special revelation to a person or to a specific group of people.
This method of revealing YÁOHU Ulhím's selection, verdict or preference was used by His people early on through time, though it is seldom used these days.
The high priest during the tabernacle and temple periods wore a chestpiece made like a pouch which was embedded with twelve costly gems that bore the names of the twelve tribes of Yaoshorúl. The Urim and Thummim are two pieces of valuable gems which were inside the pouch and these are cast to determine the will, the verdict or the 'yes' or 'no' answer of YÁOHU Ulhím.
People have dreams one way or another, but YÁOHU Ulhím occasionally reveals and conveys His message to a person through them. There are several examples in the Holy Scriptures when YÁOHU Ulhím did so. YÁOHU Ulhím's special revelation through dreams are imparted to believers and non-believers alike, depending on His plan and purpose in each case. YÁOHU Ulhím uses dreams to communicate His message of truth to those whom He wants to, and is often life changing. Not all dreams are from YÁOHU Ulhím though. In order for you to check if the dream is from YÁOHU Ulhím or not, it must agree with what the unadulterated Words of YÁOHU Ulhím declare and must be confirmed by the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' or any of YÁOHU Ulhím's servants, prophets or emissaries, confirming that it indeed is from Him.
A vision from YÁOHU Ulhím may be received while awake, in a trance or while asleep and its main emphasis is on what is spoken and then heard rather than on what is seen. On the other hand, a dream puts more emphasis on what is observed as events or panorama of scenes which convey truths and messages from YÁOHU Ulhím.
Before our Savior Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA actually, physically came in human form, appearances which were attributed to Him occurred during the Old Testament times, but was brought titles such as the Angel of YÁOHU Ulhím, the Rock, and also the name Molkhi-Tzaodóq (Melchizedeq), King of Shua-oléym.
YÁOHU Ulhím has created the angels to be His messengers, orderlies and runners, to deliver His messages, to execute His commands and help those who are heirs to His salvation.
Prophets are holy people of YÁOHU Ulhím Who speak on His behalf and proclaim His messages to the people. Prophets both in the Old and New Testaments fulfilled the same functions and duties to YÁOHU Ulhím and to the people in that they fearlessly and with authority spoke out His Word, His perfect will, verdict and predictions to specific persons or groups of people.
- Kozoqiúl (Ezekiel) 18:32
YÁOHU Ulhím has in many cases in the past displayed His marvelous work, character and power by means of His supernatural intervention in the continuing saga of mankind here on earth. Foremost was YÁOHU Ulhím's delivering His people out of slavery in Egypt, through signs, miracles and wonders. That was a form of special revelation to all who witnessed those events. YÁOHU Ulhím's acts of judgments were also modes of His special revelation in displaying His holy and just character. Though all events are pre-planned by YÁOHU Ulhím, yet those events must be viewed and comprehended through guided inspiration from Him in order to fully grasp the meanings and messages being communicated through those events. For example, there were many criminals who were impaled during the Roman period, how can we be sure that it was the impalement of Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY which wiped away all our sins? The Word of special revelation explains, clarifies and give correct significance and meaning to otherwise perplexing chain of events.
The coming of the Messiah YAOHÚSHUA in the flesh was YÁOHU Ulhím's most notable way of revealing Himself in a special way. Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA, by means of His words, deeds, behavior and attitudes, displayed the character, power, life, wisdom and love of the living YÁOHU ABí (the Father) All throughout His earthly walk, Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA glorified YÁOHU ABí (the Father) and He continually enlightened His disciples in regard to the eternal truths about YÁOHU ABí and the basic principles of His Kingdom.
Almost all that we know about YÁOHU Ulhím comes from the Words inscribed in His Holy Word. Though there were many other deeds that were supernaturally done by Him, yet only those that are inscribed in the Holy Scriptures do we truly get to know about. There are many other deeds which Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA carried out which were not recorded in the Holy Writ, but it is only those which are inscribed do we get information about the activities that were actually done. YÁOHU Ulhím's way of revealing Himself in the Holy Scriptures is exact, progressive and always for a definite purpose. Furthermore, it would be easy to look at evidences today which prove that accounts and events contained in the Holy Scriptures were factual and that they really happened in the past. Prophecies brought previously are occurring at the present time and that prophecies will continue to happen as predicted well into the future, too, proving that His Word is one of His methods of giving special revelation to those whom He has called.
'Long ago YÁOHU Ulhím spoke many times and in many ways to our forebears through the prophets. But now in these final days, He has spoken to us through His Son. YÁOHU Ulhím promised everything to the Son for an inheritance, and through the Son He created the universe and everything in it. The Son reflects YÁOHU Ulhím's own glory, and everything about Him represents YÁOHU Ulhím exactly. He maintains the universe by the mighty power of His command. After He died to cleanse us from the blemish of sin, He in the place of honor sat by the right hand of the majestic YÁOHU Ulhím of heaven. This shows that YÁOHU Ulhím's Son is far greater than the angels, just as the Shúam (Name) YÁOHU Ulhím gave Him is far greater than their names.' - Hebrews 1:1-4, Holy Scriptures 'And anyone who calls on the Shúam (Name) of YÁOHU Ulhím will be saved.' - Yao-Ul (Joel) 2:32a ![]()
You will scan through the Holy Scriptures and find out in what ways YÁOHU Ulhím revealed or imparted His special messages to specific persons or groups of people through the years. You will then find out what people are now doing in their eagerness to receive special messages or specific answers from on high, on whether these are scriptural methods or if they are mere traditional pagan customs and practices. ![]()
There is an old Jewish legend, and it runs like this: When YÁOHU-saf (Joseph) was Deputy Governor to Pharaoh, during the period of the famine, he emptied the chaff of his granaries into the river Nile. It floated far away on the moving current, and the people on the banks afar-off below saw it. It was only chaff, but it meant that there was corn in plenty elsewhere. When they saw the floating chaff they were sure that if their endurance held out, and that if they could only reach the point at which the chaff had been thrown into the river they would find plenty to nourish their life. ![]()
There is an ancient legend that Abruhám invited into his dwelling tent a man, who at mealtime gave no expression of gratefulness to the Eternal Creator for His mercy. Whereupon the patriarch drove him forth into the desert unfed and without any place of refuge. But in the night YÁOHU Ulhím touched Abruhám and awoke him, saying to him, 'Where is the guest?' Abruhám said, 'When he did not fear You, nor was grateful to You, I drove him forth.' YÁOHU Ulhím rebuked him, saying, 'Who made you his judge: I have borne with him all these years. Could you not bear with him one night? Have you learned nothing from my mercy to you?' It would be a miracle indeed if the love of YÁOHU Ulhím for a lost world yielded no love in the hearts of those whom His love bound with Himself. ![]() Knowing YÁOHU Ulhím And His Rich Provisions For Me
Being a spiritually-reborn child of YÁOHU UL does not imply that he will never ever commit any sin from then on, but what it means is that all his sins are forbrought and pardoned. Truth overapplied either to the left or to the right becomes heresy. To the far left end of the scriptural balance is the false doctrine of anti-nomianism (against law) which engenders license and libertine permission to commit sins, wrongly presuming that since we are now under grace, and no longer under law, then we are free to do anything that feels fine. To the far right end of the balance is rigorous slavery and bondage to the Mosaic laws, ceremonies, rituals and traditions. But since YAOHÚSHUA is the Way, the narrow, difficult and moderate way which only a few ever find, the scripturally correct doctrine is freedom from slavery to Mosaic laws, and consequent obligation to obey the law of the Messiah YAOHÚSHUA, that is, to walk in His light, being His follower and true disciple. We now obey and follow the law of life and liberty in the Messiah YAOHÚSHUA, the law of YAOHÚSHUA! Not sinless perfection but walking according to the degree of light that is being shed upon the believer's life at each brought point in time. Each will be judged in accordance to the degree of light that was brought him or her. If we claim that we no longer have the sinful nature in our flesh, we lie and we do not have the truth. If we claim that we no longer commit any sin, we are also lying, for YÁOHU UL knows we still commit sins, because sin is not merely violating YÁOHU UL's laws but also includes missing out on His perfect will or norm. Knowing what is right to be done and not doing it is also sin. And what do the Holy Scriptures say? If we walk in His light, His 'DAM' (blood) cleanses us from all sin. In other words, YÁOHU UL does not expect sinless perfection from us in this life, but submission to His revealed will as we walk in the light that He gives us each step of the way, toward full maturity and completion. And as we walk in His light, we are changed from glory to glory with the goal of being conformed to the image and character of our Savior Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA the Messiah. In summary, the main differences between believers and unbelievers are:
'If we claim we have no sin, we are only deceiving ourselves and refusing to accept the truth. But if we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from every wrong. If we claim we have not sinned, we are calling YÁOHU UL a liar and showing that His Word has really no place in our hearts.' 1 YÁOHU-khánam (John) 1:8-10, Holy Scriptures ![]()
'My dear children, I am writing this to you in order that you will not sin. But if you do sin, there is Someone to plead for you before YÁOHU ABí (the Father). He is YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, the One Who pleases YÁOHU UL completely. He is the sacrifice for our sins. He takes away not only our sins but the sins of all the world.' 1 YÁOHU-khánam (John) 2:1-2, Holy Scriptures 'And anyone who calls upon the Shúam (Name) of YÁOHU Ulhím will be saved.' - Yao-Ul (Joel) 2:32a, Holy Scriptures ![]()
Prayerfully evaluate yourself on how much improvement YÁOHU UL has developed in you, as you see yourself at present much better than what you were in the past; you must believe that you will more and more be conformed to the image and character of Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA as you walk daily in His light. And when you sin, confess immediately to YÁOHU ABí and ask, receive your forbroughtess through the cleansing 'DAM' (blood) of Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY. YÁOHU ABí hearkens to your confessions. He forgives and cleanses you from every wrong you have committed. ![]()
A flippant youth asked the teacher, 'You claim that unsaved people carry a weight of sin. I feel nothing. How heavy is sin? Is it five pounds? Eighty pounds? What about it?' The teacher replied by asking the youth, 'If you laid a four-hundred-pound weight on a corpse, would it feel the load?' The youth replied, 'It would feel nothing, because it is dead.' The teacher concluded, 'That spirit, too, is indeed dead which feels no load of sin or is indifferent to its burden and flippant about its presence.' The youth was silenced! ![]() Knowing YÁOHU Ulhím And His Rich Provisions For Me
1. The World - The world system is defined as that state of affairs in this world which is dominated by ha-satán and whose primary goal is to compete with the affairs and priorities of the Kingdom of YÁOHU Ulhím. As best as it could, it tries very hard to imitate and counterfeit the genuine appeals of the Kingdom of YÁOHU Ulhím. A subtle trick of ha-satán is to tempt the Yaohúshuahee into making borderline compromises with the world system thereby rendering him under the control and influence of the enemy. The main ploy ha-satán is to tempt the Yaohúshuahee (believer) into being obsessed with the allures of the material things in this world, including the feeling of pride and importance that goes along with it. YÁOHU Ulhím provides several defenses against such temptations:
'Why are you sleeping?' He asked them. 'Get up and pray so you will not fall into temptation.' - Luke 22:46 'For we are not ignorant of ha-satán's evil schemes and tactics.' 2 Corinthians 2:11 'Be sober and be always vigilant! Watch out for attacks from ha-satán, your worst adversary. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for some victim to devour.' - 1 Káfos (Peter) 5:8 'For every child of YÁOHU UL defeats this evil world by relying upon hol-MEHUSHKHÁY (the Messiah) to give the victory. And the ones who win this battle against the world are the ones who believe that YAOHÚSHUA is the Son of YÁOHU UL.' - 1 YÁOHU-khánam (John) 5:4-5 'Fight the noble fight for what we believe. Hold tightly to the eternal life that YÁOHU UL has brought you, which you have confessed so well before many witnesses.' - 1 YÁOHU-tam 6:12 ![]()
'For the world offers only the lust for physical pleasure, the lust for everything we see, and pride in our material belongings. These are not from YÁOHU ABí (the Father). They are from this evil world.' - 1 YÁOHU-khánam (John) 2:16 'You can be sure that no immoral, impure, or greedy person will inherit the Kingdom of ha-MEHUSHKHÁY and of YÁOHU UL. For a greedy person is really an idolater who worships the alluring things of this world. Don't be deceived by those who try to excuse these sins, for the terrible anger of YÁOHU UL comes upon all those who disobey Him. Don't participate in the activities these people do. For though your hearts were once full of darkness, now you are full of light from ha-Molkhiúl (the King), and your behavior should show it! For this light within you yields only what is noble and right and true. Try to find out what is pleasing to YÁOHU Ulhím.' - Ephesians 5:5-10, Holy Scriptures 'And anyone who calls upon the Shúam (Name) of YÁOHU Ulhím will be saved.' - Yao-Ul (Joel) 2:32a, Holy Scriptures ![]()
You will examine yourself and analyze in what ways the enemy might be using the alluring things of this world in enticing you to become obsessed with them, to labor for mere material gain and to focus your mind on fleeting temporal matters. You will vigorously reaffirm your resolve in overcoming the vain amusements and attractions of the world system, by means of prayer, going on regular fasts, meditation on the Word and using your faith in Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA. ![]()
'A final word: Be powerful with the YÁOHU UL's mighty power. Put on all of YÁOHU UL's armor so you will be able to remain firm against all the tricks and tactics of ha-satán. For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule this world, and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms. Use every piece of YÁOHU UL's armor to resist the enemy in the time of evil, in order that after the battle you will still be remaining firm. Hold your ground, putting on the durable belt of truth and the body armor of YÁOHU UL's uprightness. For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Glorious Message, in order that you will be fully prepared. In every battle you will need faith as your shield to stop the fiery arrows aimed at you by ha-satán. Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the 'RÚKHA' (Spirit), which is the word of YÁOHU UL. Pray at all times and on every occasion in the power of the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' (Sanctified Spirit of YÁOHU Ulhím). Remain alert and persevere in your prayers for all Yaohúshuahim (believers) everywhere.' - Ephesians 6:10-18 ![]()
I remember as a boy reading Scottish saga and learning that at the famous Battle of Bannockburn the highlanders employed by Bruce leaped onto the horses carrying the heavily-armor-clad English knights and then pierced their deadly spears in the cracks between the pieces of armor. Those chinks in their armor cost the knights their lives. ![]() Knowing YÁOHU Ulhím And His Rich Provisions For Me
Continuation.... 2. The Sinful Nature - When YÁOHU Ulhím created man, he was made in His image, in His likeness, without any blemish of sin. But since Adam rebelled against YÁOHU Ulhím, ha-satán was able to imbue human nature with sin, corruption and death from then on. More often referred to as 'the flesh' or 'the carnal nature' in the Holy Scriptures, the sinful nature refers to the inner operations of sin in the human flesh or corporal body. It refers to the internally operating sin principle in each one. This sin principle works or manifests itself out in several kinds of wicked activities such as adultery, fornication, hatred, jealousy, greed and so on. It is basically characterized by passions, lusts and sensuality. If left on its own, these sensual passions and lusts of the flesh can easily subjugate, enslave and bind the believer. Most of the works of the sinful nature are inherently wicked, immoral and evil but some might seem fine on the outside but if they do not please YÁOHU Ulhím at all, or if they are results of selfish human will, then they are completely useless and vain. The lusts of the flesh can only be subjugated by our actualizing our impalement, death and resurrection with Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY. Since we have died, so to speak, with Him, and rose again to a new life, then we must always reckon ourselves dead to sin and alive unto YÁOHU Ulhím. Sin has no more power to dominate, order nor command us. YÁOHU Ulhím expects us to always walk in the power of the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' (Sanctified Spirit of YÁOHU Ulhím) so we can always do what the 'RÚKHA' tells us to do, overcoming sin, avoiding temptation and rendering the sin nature powerless and crushed. Triumph over the flesh is always possible with the help and empowerment, guidance and leading of the indwelling 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' (Sanctified Spirit of YÁOHU Ulhím).
'I advise you to obey the voice of the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA.' He will tell you where to go and what to do, and then you won't always be doing the wrong things your evil nature wants you to. For we naturally lust to do evil activities that are just the opposite of those deeds that the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' tells us to do. And the upright deeds we want to do when the 'RÚKHA' (Spirit) has His way with us are just the opposite of our natural desires. These two forces within us are continually fighting against one another to win control over us, and our wishes are never free from their internal pressures. When you are guided by the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' you need no longer force yourself to obey YAOHÚ-dim laws. But when you follow your own wrong inclinations your lives will yield these evil results: impure thoughts, eagerness for lustful pleasures, idolatry, spiritism (that is, encouraging the activity of demons), hatred and fighting, jealousy and anger, continual effort to get the best for yourself, complaints and criticisms, factions and divisions - and there will be wrong doctrine, envy, murder, drunkenness, wild parties, and all that sort of sin. Let me tell you again as I have before, that anyone living that sort of life will not inherit the Kingdom of YÁOHU Ulhím.' Galatians 5:16-21, Holy Scriptures ![]()
'When the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' controls our lives He will yield this kind of fruit in us: love, ecstasy, peace, patience, kindness, uprightness, faithfulness, meekness and self-control; and there is no conflict with YAOHÚ-dim (Jewish) laws in this. Those who belong to hol-MEHUSHKHÁY have nailed their natural evil desires to His stake and impaled them there. If we are living now by the power of 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' (Sanctified Spirit), let us follow the leading of the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' in every part of our lives.' Galatians 5:22-25, Holy Scriptures 'And anyone who calls upon the Shúam (Name) of YÁOHU Ulhím will be saved.' - Yao-Ul (Joel) 2:32a, Holy Scriptures ![]()
You will begin practicing to walk upon the leading and power of the indwelling 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' (Sanctified Spirit of YÁOHU Ulhím) to make sure that the passions of the carnal nature in you are actually rendered powerless and crushed. ![]()
'Since we have been united with Him in His death, we will also be raised as He was. Our old sinful selves were impaled with hol-MEHUSHKHÁY in order that sin might lose its power in our lives. We are no longer slaves to sin. For when we died with hol-MEHUSHKHÁY we were set free from the power of sin. And since we died with hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, we know we will also share His new life. We are sure of this because ha-MEHUSHKHÁY rose from the dead, and He will never die again. Death no longer has any power over Him. He died once to defeat sin, and now He lives for the glory of YÁOHU UL. You should therefore reckon yourselves dead to sin and able to live for the glory of YÁOHU UL through hol-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA. Do not let sin control the way you live; do not give in to its lustful desires. Do not let any part of your body become a tool of wickedness, to be used for committing sins. On the contrary, give yourselves completely to YÁOHU UL since you have been brought new life. And use your whole body as an implement to do what is right for the glory of YÁOHU UL. Sin is no longer your ruler, for you are no longer subject to the law, which enslaves you to sin. On the contrary, you are free by the favors of YÁOHU UL.' Romans 6:5-14, Holy Scriptures ![]()
Fears may die, but not remorse. John Randolph, when he was on his death bed in Philadelphia, kept repeating, 'Remorse! Remorse!' He demanded that a dictionary be brought in order that he could find out the meaning of the word; and, when no dictionary could be found, he had the doctor write it out for him on a piece of paper - 'Remorse.' Remorse is like the ground swell in the ocean after a tempest. The tempest has subsided, the sky is blue, the air is balmy, there is not a whitecap to be seen; but the ship heaves and tosses and leaves the traveler in misery because of the mighty swell that has remained after the original commotion has subsided. So remorse heaves the soul as the tides heave the ocean. ![]() Knowing YÁOHU Ulhím And His Rich Provisions For Me
Continuation.... 3. Ha-Satán He is more commonly called the devil, the wicked one, the archenemy, the accuser, but a more precise meaning is 'the adversary' or the one who opposes, accuses, hinders and tempts Yaohúshuahim (believers in Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA) into rebelling against YÁOHU Ulhím. There is only one prince of darkness, ha-satán, and he is the leader of a host of fallen angels commonly called 'demons' or more explicitly 'evil spirits.' Ha-satán is also referred to as the prince of the power of the air, and the 'God' of this present wicked world.
The main objective of ha-satán is to steal, to kill and to ruin. He is after all also referred to as the 'Destroyer' or ABADDON in Hebrew (ABBA + ADON = ABADON).
The curses of the law itemized per Deuteronomy 28 are mainly the normal activities of ha-satán and his evil spirits in bringing misery, poverty, sicknesses, conflicts and sorrows in the lives of those who fall for their devious tactics. Ha-satán is a male, not a female, based upon references to him in the Holy Scriptures, and he is a person, not merely a force or some sort of an imaginary being, neither is he inanimate nor inactive. He is most commonly symbolized by representations of a goat, or a five-pointed star (pentagram), or a six-pointed star (hexagram), a hellish pitchfork, trident, lightning, dragon, serpent, snakes and many others. Ha-satán's primary goal is to deceive the whole world so people, as many as possible, would always be under his rule, subjection and domination. Ha-satán plans his tricks and tactics well in advance in his attacks against Yaohúshuahim, and he uses all kinds of deceit, craftiness, lies and seductions to trap the believer in many different ways, using his evil spirits as his agents. Ha-satán also uses money, false religious and the entertainment models, icons and idols of this world to keep his subjects in perpetual bondage and lust. Ha-satán is a stalker and he observes well the activities of his prospective victims to seize upon those moments of weaknesses when it is timely for him to launch his attacks. Ha-satán has power over unbelievers, but he has no power over Yaohúshuahim (believers). Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA has already defeated ha-satán and he has been declared to be our DEFEATED adversary, we being greater than conquerors, but this fact must always be actualized in our faith walk daily, living in the victory of our Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA! Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA has brought us the following as our weapons in overcoming the wiles and attacks of the wicked one:
'You used to live just like the rest of the world, full of sin, obeying ha-satán, the mighty prince of the power of the air. He is the evil spirit at work in the hearts of those who refuse to obey YÁOHU Ulhím.' - Ephesians 2:2 'I am writing to you who are mature because you know ha-MEHUSHKHÁY, the One Who is from the beginning. I am writing to you who are young because you have won your battle against ha-satán.' - 1 YÁOHU-khánam (John) 2:13 'I know about your suffering and your poverty - but you are rich! I know the slander of those opposing you. They say they are Jews, but they really aren't because theirs is a synagogue of ha-satán.' Revelation 2:9 'This great dragon - the ancient serpent called ha-satán, the one deceiving the whole world - was hurled down to the earth with all his fallen angels.' - Revelation 12:9 Note: In archaic Hebrew parsing, the phonemes 'ten, tan, ton, tin or tun' refers to the 'dragon' while the syllable 'ha' means 'the' and the syllable 'sat' means 'rebellious, adversary, opposer or hinderer' hence the title 'ha-satán' or 'the rebellious dragon.' ![]()
YAOHÚSHUA turned to Káfos and said, 'Get away from Me, ha-satán! You are a dangerous trap to Me. You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, and not from YÁOHU UL's.' - Man-YÁOHU (Matthew) 16:23 'Yes,' He told them, 'I saw ha-satán falling from heaven like a flash of lightning!' - Luke 10:18 'YÁOHU UL Shua-oléym (YÁOHU UL of Peace) will soon crush ha-satán under your feet. May the grace of our Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY be with you.' - Romans 16:20 'And anyone who calls upon the Shúam (Name) of YÁOHU Ulhím will be saved.' - Yao-Ul (Joel) 2:32a, Holy Scriptures ![]()
You will examine and check yourself quickly whether, if at all, at any moment, you find yourself opposing the perfect will of YÁOHU Ulhím, for that would mean that you are expressing the satanic pressure which is in continual conflict with YÁOHU Ulhím. Resist the devil, and reject his commands... cling to YÁOHU UL and obey Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA always. Also, you will not pray to nor worship Abba or Adon because now you know their real meanings. Pray to and call on YÁOHU ABí, and never on the dragon. And you will not be punished with the dragon in the lake of fire. Whoever calls upon the Shúam (Name) of YÁOHU UL shall be saved! ![]()
'How you are fallen from heaven, O Hillél (Lucifer), son of the morning! You have been thrown down to the earth, you who ruined the nations of the world. For you said to yourself, 'I will ascend to heaven and set my throne above the cocavím (s-ars) of YÁOHU UL. I will preside upon the mountain of the mighty ones far away in the north. I will climb to the highest heavens and be like the Most High.' But on the contrary, you will be brought down to the place of the dead, down to its lowest depths.' - Yaoshua-YÁOHU (Isaiah) 14:12-15 ![]()
One day I was on such a mission to Damshóq, armed with the authority and commission of the leading priests. About noon, your majesty, a light from heaven brighter than the sun glared down on me and my companions. We all fell down, and I heard a voice saying to me in Hebrew: 'Shaúl, Shaúl, why are you persecuting Me? It is hard for you to fight against My will.' 'Who are You, Sir?' I asked. And ha-Molkhiúl replied, 'I am YAOHÚSHUA, the One you are persecuting. Now rise up! For I have appeared to you to appoint you as My servant and My witness. You are to tell the world about this experience and about other times I will appear to you. And I will protect you from both your own people and the Gentiles. Yes, I am going to send you to the Gentiles, to open their eyes so they may turn from darkness to light, and from the power of ha-satán to YÁOHU UL. Then they will receive forbroughtess for their sins and be brought a place among YÁOHU UL's people, who are set apart by faith in Me.' - Acts 26:12-18, Holy Scriptures ![]() Knowing YÁOHU Ulhím And His Rich Provisions For Me
To be continued....
One day some YAOHÚ-dim (Jewish) religious leaders arrived from Yaohúshua-oléym (Jerusalem) to investigate Him, and noticed that some of His disciples failed to follow the usual YAOHÚ-di (Jewish) rituals before eating. For the YAOHÚ-dim, especially the Pharisees, will never eat until they have sprinkled their arms to the elbows, as required by their ancient traditions. So when they come home from the market they must always sprinkle themselves in this way before touching any food. (This is but one of many examples of laws and regulations they have clung to for years, and do still follow, just like their ceremony of cleansing for pots, pans and dishes.) So the religious leaders asked Him, 'Why don't Your disciples follow our age-old customs? For they eat without first performing the washing ceremony.' YAOHÚSHUA replied, 'You bunch of hypocrites! Yaoshúa-YÁOHU (Isaiah) the prophet described you very well when he said, 'These people speak very prettily about YÁOHU UL but they have no love for Him at all. Their worship is a farce, for they claim that YÁOHU UL commands the people to obey their petty rules.' How right Yaoshúa-YÁOHU (Isaiah) was! For you ignore YÁOHU UL's clear specific orders and replace them with your own traditions. You are simply rejecting YÁOHU UL's laws and trampling them under your feet for the sake of tradition. For example, Mehushúa (Moses) gave you this law from YÁOHU UL: Honor your father and mother. And he said that anyone who speaks against his father or mother must die. But you say it is perfectly all right for a man to disregard his needy parents, telling them, 'Sorry, I can't help you! For I have brought to YÁOHU UL what I could have brought to you.' And so you break the law of YÁOHU UL in order to protect your man-made tradition. And this is only one example. There are many, many others.' Then YAOHÚSHUA called to the crowd to come and hear. 'Hearken all of you,' He said, 'and try to comprehend. Your souls are not contaminated by what you eat, but by what you think and say!' Then He went into a house to get away from the crowds, and His disciples asked Him what He meant by the declaration He had just made. 'Don't you comprehend either?' He asked. 'Can't you see that what you eat won't defile your soul? For food doesn't come in contact with your heart, but only passes through the digestive system.' (By saying this He clarified that every kind of food is 'kósher' - meaning acceptable to eat.) (N.B. Blood is not food) And then He added, 'It is the thought-life that pollutes. For from within, out of men's hearts, come evil thoughts of lust, theft, murder, adultery, wanting what belongs to others, wickedness, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, pride and all other stupidities. All these vile things come from within; they are what pollute you and make you unfit for YÁOHU UL.' Mark 7:1-23, Holy Scriptures ![]()
'For only I, the Son of Man, have come to earth and will return to heaven again. And as Mehushúa lifted up the bronze snake on a pole in the wilderness, so I, the Son of Man, must be lifted up on a pole, in order that everyone who believes in Me will have eternal life. For YÁOHU UL so loved the world that He gave His only Son, in order that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. YÁOHU UL did not send His Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it. There is no judgment awaiting those who trust Him. But those who do not trust Him have already been judged for not believing in the Shúam (Name) of the only Son of YÁOHU UL. Their judgment is based upon this fact: The light from heaven came into the world, but they loved the darkness more than the light, for their activities were evil. They hate the light because they want to sin in the darkness. They keep away from the light for fear their sins will be exposed, thus they will be punished. But those who do what is right come to the light delightfully, so everyone can see that they are doing what YÁOHU UL wants!' YÁOHU-khánam (John) 3:13-21, Holy Scriptures 'And anyone who calls upon the Shúam (Name) of YÁOHU Ulhím will be saved.' - Yao-Ul (Joel) 2:32a, Holy Scriptures ![]()
You will always be on guard to make sure, as much as YÁOHU Ulhím enables you, to avoid committing sins against Him, by carefully watching your thought life, your attitudes, speech and behavior. And do always remember: Whoever calls upon the Shúam (Name) of YÁOHU UL shall be saved! ![]()
Although all kinds of sin leads to death, yet, people through times past have held these seven as the deadly variety: Anger, avarice, envy, gluttony, lust, pride and laziness. Pride is regarded as the sin that most surely separates a sinner from the grace (undeserved favor) of YÁOHU Ulhím. Be sure your sin will find you out. Deliverance is possible only through YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, Whose sacrificial death redeems the repentant sinner from the penalty and power of sin.
When the citizens of High Wycombe, England, elect a new mayor, all the town councilors are weighed in public, following an ancient custom. Those whose weight is less or at least not more than when they took office are warmly applauded - they have not grown fat at public expense! ![]() Knowing YÁOHU Ulhím And His Rich Provisions For Me
Then He told this tale to some who bragged about their virtue and scorned everyone else: 'Two men went to the Temple to pray. One was a proud, self- righteous Pharisee, and the other a dishonest tax collector. The proud Pharisee 'prayed' this prayer: 'I am grateful to YÁOHU UL that I am not a sinner like everyone else, especially like that tax collector over there! For I never cheat, I don't commit adultery, I go without food twice a week, and I give to YÁOHU UL a tenth of everything I earn.' But the corrupt tax collector arose afar off and dared not even lift his eyes to heaven as he prayed, but beat upon his chest, deeply sorrowful, exclaiming, 'YÁOHU UL, be merciful to me, a sinner!' I tell you, this sinner, not the Pharisee, returned home forbrought. For the proud shall be humbled, but the humble shall be honored.' Luke 18:9-14, Holy Scriptures ![]()
'Do not curse the deaf or put a stumbling block in front of the blind, but reverentially fear your YÁOHU Ulhím. I am YÁOHU Ulhím.' - Leviticus 19:14 'Cursed is the person who leads the blind wrongly on the road.' Then all the people shall say, 'Am-nám!'' - Deuteronomy 27:18
'I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, 'The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, plus the Glorious Message is proclaimed to the poor!' - Man-YÁOHU (Matthew) 11:5
'The 'RÚKHA-YÁOHU' (Sanctified Spirit of YÁOHU Ulhím) is upon Me,
He has sent Me to proclaim freedom for the incarcerated ![]()
While YAOHÚSHUA was walking along, He saw a man blind from birth. 'Ódmorul,' His disciples asked Him, 'why was this man born blind? Was it a result of his own sins or those of his parents?' 'Neither,' YAOHÚSHUA answered. 'But to manifest the power of YÁOHU UL. All of us must quickly carry out the tasks assigned us by the One Who sent Me, for there is little time left before the night falls and all work comes to an end. But while I am still here in the world, I give it My light.' Then He spat upon the ground and made mud from the spittle and smoothed the mud over the blind man's eyes, and told him, 'Go and wash in the Pool of Silóakh' (the word 'Silóakh' means 'Sent'). So the man went where he was sent, washed himself over there and came back seeing! His neighbors and others who knew him as a blind beggar asked one another, 'Is this the same fellow - that beggar?' Some said yes, and some said no. 'It can't be the same man,' they thought, 'but he surely looks like him!' And the beggar said, 'I am the same man!' Then they asked him how in the world he could see. What had happened? And he told them, 'A Man they call YAOHÚSHUA, made mud and smoothed it over my eyes and told me to go to the Pool of Silóakh and wash off the mud. I did, and I can see!" 'Where is He now?' they asked. 'I don't know,' he replied. Then they took the man to the Pharisees. Now as it happened, this all occurred on the day of Shábbos (Sa-urday). Then the Pharisees asked him all about it. So he told them how YAOHÚSHUA had smoothed the mud over his eyes, and when it was washed away, he could see! Some of them said, 'Then this Fellow YAOHÚSHUA is not from YÁOHU UL, because He is working on the day of Shábbos.' Others said, 'But how could an ordinary sinner do such miracles?' So a deep division of opinion among them came about. Then the Pharisees confronted the man who had been blind and demanded, 'This Man Who opened your eyes - Who do you say He is?' 'I think He must be a Prophet sent from YÁOHU UL,' the man replied. The YAOHÚ-dim wouldn't believe he had been blind, until they called in his parents and asked them, 'Is this your son? Was he born blind? If so, how can he now see?' His parents replied, 'We know this is our son and that he was born blind, but we don't know what happened to make him see, or who did it. He is old enough to speak for himself. You may ask him.' They said this in fear of the YAOHÚ-dim who had announced that anyone saying YAOHÚSHUA was 'ha-MEHUSHKHÁY' (the Messiah) would be excommunicated. So for the second time, they called in the man who had been blind and told him, 'Give the glory to YÁOHU UL, not to YAOHÚSHUA, for we know YAOHÚSHUA is an evil Person." 'I don't know whether He is upright or bad,' the man replied, 'but I know this: I was blind, and now I can see!' 'But what did He do?' they asked. 'How did He heal you?" 'Look!' the man exclaimed. 'I told you once; didn't you comprehend? Why do you want to hear it again? Do you want to become His disciples, too?' Then they cursed him and said, 'You are His disciple, but we are disciples of Mehushúa (Moses). We know YÁOHU UL has spoken to Mehushúa, but as for this Fellow, we don't know anything about Him.' 'Why, that's very unusual!' the man exclaimed. 'He can heal blind men, and yet you don't know anything about Him! Well, YÁOHU UL doesn't hearken to evil persons, but He has open ears to those who worship Him and do His Will. Since the world began there has never been anyone who could open the eyes of someone born blind. If this Man were not from YÁOHU UL, He couldn't do it!' 'You illegitimate bastard, you!' they yelled. 'Are you trying to teach us?' And they threw him out! When YAOHÚSHUA heard what had happened, He found the man and said, 'Do you believe in 'hol-MEHUSHKHÁY' (the Messiah)?' The man answered, 'Who is He, Maór (Sir), for I want to.' 'You have seen Him,' YAOHÚSHUA declared, 'and He is speaking to you!' 'Yes, Molkhiúl (King, Ruler),' the man said, 'I believe!' And he worshiped YAOHÚSHUA. Then YAOHÚSHUA told him, 'I have come into the world to give sight to those who are spiritually blind and to show those who think they see that they are really blind.' The Pharisees who were arisen there asked, 'Are You saying that we are blind?" 'If you were blind, you wouldn't be guilty,' YAOHÚSHUA replied. 'But your guilt remains because you claim to know what you are doing.' YÁOHU-khánam (John) 9, Holy Scriptures ![]() Knowing YÁOHU Ulhím And His Rich Provisions For Me
Never imagine that I came to bring peace to the earth! No, I came to bring a sword. I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. Your enemies will be right in your own household! If you love your father or mother more than you love Me, you are not worthy of being Mine; or if you love your son or daughter more than Me, you are not worthy of being Mine. If you refuse to take up your stake and follow Me, you are not worthy of being Mine. If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give it up for Me, you will find it. Anyone who welcomes you is welcoming Me, and anyone who welcomes Me is welcoming YÁOHU ABí (the Father) Who sent Me. If you welcome a prophet as one who speaks for YÁOHU UL, you will receive the same reward a prophet gets. And if you welcome noble and holy people because of their holiness, you will be brought a reward like theirs. And if you give even a cup of cold water to one of the least of My followers, you will surely be rewarded.' Man-YÁOHU (Matthew) 10:34-42, Holy Scriptures ![]()
'My dear brethren, be quick to hearken, slow to speak and slow to get angry. Your anger can never make things right in YÁOHU UL's sight. So get rid of all the filth and evil in your lives, and humbly accept the message YÁOHU UL has planted in your hearts, for it is powerful enough to save your souls. And remember, it is a message to obey, not merely to hear. If you don't obey, you are only fooling yourself.' - YÁOHU-caf (James) 1:19-22, Holy Scriptures ![]()
A short temper is a loss of temper. People who fly into a rage always make a bad landing. A fine thing to remember is that you can't save face if you lose your head! Remember the end never really justifies the meanness. An angry person is again angry with himself when he returns to his normal, rational senses. ![]() Knowing YÁOHU Ulhím And His Rich Provisions For Me
'A fine tree can't yield bad fruit, and a bad tree can't yield delectable fruit. A tree is identified by the kind of fruit it yields. Figs never grow on thornbushes or grapes on bramble bushes. A noble person yields noble deeds from a pure heart, and an evil person yields evil deeds from an evil heart. Whatever is in your heart determines what you say.' - Luke 6:43-45, Holy Scriptures ![]()
'If you want a happy life and empowered days,
Turn away from evil and do what is right.
The eyes of YÁOHU Ulhím watch over those who do right,
But YÁOHU Ulhím turns His face ![]()
Robert Lewis of Fredricksburg, Virginia, was George Washington's private secretary. During the first part of his executive term, he said that he by chance witnessed George W's private devotions, both morning and evening. He saw him kneeling, with an open Scriptures before him; and he said that he believed such was his daily practice. His custom was to go to his library at four o'clock in the morning for his daily devotions. ![]() Knowing YÁOHU Ulhím And His Rich Provisions For Me
The word 'leaven' literally refers to yeast, sourdough, baking powder or any other agent which causes the dough to ferment and puff or rise up. The leaven causes the lump of dough to expand and appear differently from what it originally was. Such is the property of leaven that the term was used commonly to refer to any wicked impurity or adulteration which contaminates and misrepresents the whole. Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA warned against the leaven of three particular groups of people during His time. He was pointing out what were sinful and wicked within these groups, namely:
While they were going through the lake, YAOHÚSHUA warned them, 'Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and of Herod.' They concluded He was saying this because they hadn't brought any bread. YAOHÚSHUA knew what they were thinking, so He said, 'Why are you so worried about having no food? Won't you ever learn or comprehend? Are your hearts too hard to take it in? You have eyes — can't you see? You have ears — can't you hear?' Don't you remember anything at all? What about the five thousand men I fed with five loaves of bread? How many baskets of leftovers did you pick up afterward?' 'Twelve,' they said. 'And when I fed the four thousand with seven loaves, how many large baskets of leftovers did you pick up?' 'Seven,' they said. 'Don't you comprehend even yet?' He asked them. Mark 8:15-21, Holy Scriptures ![]()
Can you identify which religious groups nowadays still reflect similar kinds of leaven as discussed above? Please kindly pray for their prompt deliverance and purification that they may truly worship YÁOHU Ulhím in spirit and in truth. And do always remember: Whoever calls upon the Shúam (Name) of YÁOHU UL shall be saved! ![]()
This letter is from YAOHÚ-dah, a slave of YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY and a brother of YÁOHU-caf. I am writing to all who are called to live in the love of YÁOHU UL, the Father, and the care of YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY. May you receive more and more of YÁOHU UL's mercy, peace and love. Dearly loved friends, I had been eagerly planning to write to you about the salvation we all share. But now I find that I have to write about something else, urging you to defend the truth of the Glorious Message. YÁOHU UL gave this unchanging truth once for all time to His holy people. I say this because some wicked people have wormed their way in among you, saying that YÁOHU UL's forbroughtess allows us to live immoral lives. The fate of such people was determined long ago, for they have turned against our only Ódmorul and Molkhiúl, YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY. I have to remind you - and you know it well - that even though YÁOHU UL rescued the whole nation of Yaoshorúl from Egypt, He later ruined every one of those who did not remain faithful. And I remind you of the angels who did not remain within the limits of authority YÁOHU UL gave them but left the place where they belonged. YÁOHU UL has kept them chained in prisons of darkness, waiting for the Judgment Day. And don't forget the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and their neighboring towns, which were filled with sexual immorality and every kind of sexual perversion. Those cities were annihilated by fire and are a warning of the eternal fire that will punish all who are evil. Yet these false teachers, who claim authority from their dreams, live immoral lives, defy authority and scoff at the power of the glorious ones. But even Michaúl, one of the mightiest of the angels, did not dare accuse ha-satán of blasphemy, but simply said, 'YÁOHU UL rebuke you!' (This took place when Michaúl was arguing with ha-satán about the corpse of Mehushúa.) But these people mock and curse the things they do not comprehend. Like animals, they do whatever their passions urge them to, and they bring about their own ruin. How terrible it will be for them! For they follow the evil example of Cain, who killed his brother. Like Balaam, they will do anything for money. And like Korah, they will perish because of their rebellion. When these people participate in your fellowship meals celebrating the love of YÁOHU UL, they are like dangerous reefs that can shipwreck you. They are shameless in the way they care only about themselves. They are like clouds blowing over dry land without giving rain, promising much but delivering nothing. They are like trees without fruit at harvest time. They are not only dead but doubly dead, for they have been pulled out by the roots. They are like wild waves of the sea, churning up the dirty foam of their shameful deeds. They are wandering stars, heading for perpetual gloom and darkness. Now Kanóch, who lived seven generations after Adam, prophesied about these people. He said,
These people are grumblers and complainers, doing whatever evil they feel like. They are loudmouthed braggarts, and they flatter others to get favors in return. But you, my dear friends, must remember what the emissaries of our Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY told you, that in the last times there would be scoffers whose purpose in life is to indulge themselves in every evil way imaginable. Now they are here, and they are the ones who are creating divisions among you. They live by natural passions because they do not have YÁOHU UL's 'RÚKHA' (Spirit) living in them. But you, dear friends, must continue to build your lives on the foundation of your holy faith. And continue to pray as you are directed by the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' (Sanctified Spirit). Live in such a way that YÁOHU UL's love can favor you as you wait for the eternal life that our Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY in His mercy is going to give you. Show mercy to those whose faith is wavering. Rescue others by snatching them from the flames of judgment. There are still others to whom you need to show mercy, but be careful that you aren't contaminated by their sins. And now, all glory to YÁOHU UL, Who is able to keep you from stumbling, and Who will bring you into His glorious presence innocent of sin and with great ecstacy. All glory to Him, Who alone is YÁOHU UL our Savior, through YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY our Molkhiúl. Yes, glory, majesty, power and authority belong to Him, in the beginning, now, and forevermore. Am-nám. YAOHÚ-dah (Judah), Holy Scriptures ![]()
Then there is the true tale of madame Modjeska, the Polish tragedienne, who was the special guest at a birthday celebration. The other admiring guests were eagerly convincing her to recite a portion from some play. She at first declined on the ground that memory might not serve her without the usual stage decor, lights, sound effects and so on. However, the guests were so adamant that she finally acquiesced, announcing she would recite but in her own native tongue. Her hearers sat glued seriously hearkening to her, spellbound. Some who were there were even moved to tears! When she finished, she was asked the name of the touching tale she had just related. She smiled and said, 'I simply counted in Polish to one hundred!' ![]() Living By Scriptural Convictions A conviction is the opposite of one's personal preference. A person's preference may vary from time to time, depending upon the prevailing predicament or surrounding events and contrary pressures, while one's own conviction does not. A conviction is something which you believe in no matter what happens, no matter who opposes you, and no matter what the rest of the world thinks about it. A person without any own individual conviction is like someone floating in the midst of the wide ocean, carried by currents in any which way it flows. In other words, he is merely floating in the sea of time and events, without any direction, without any particular point to reach. People who have no individual convictions of their own live futile, meaningless lives and do come in and exit from this world without any significance at all, miserably spending vegetative lives. Those with their own individual convictions live meaningful lives and their lives are spent fruitfully and productively in bringing much glory to our Creator, YÁOHU UL. You must not merely float in this vast sea people and events. You must sail towards YÁOHU UL's purposes for which He has put you here, i.e. to glorify Him and do His will. One who sails toward particular purposes in life are never carried away by contrary currents in life and he resists those pressures that hinder his direct reach towards his goals set forth by YÁOHU UL in His Word. A conviction must be lived by, actually done in everyday life, and not merely subscribed to or brought lip service. And it must not change. If one's conviction was true last week, it is always true this week and will be true next week, till forever. If one's conviction is right for adults, it must be definitely right for children also. No double moral norms are allowed. And not any ordinary worldly conviction will do. Your own primary convictions must be scriptural, in harmony with YÁOHU UL's Word, purposes, plans and goals for your life. If you live by YÁOHU UL's scriptural convictions, you will be living your life that is really life, the eternal kind of life for which Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA came to give you, and reap all its benefits. 'And this is life eternal: to know You, YÁOHU UL, and the Messiah Whom You have sent - YAOHÚSHUA.' - YÁOHU-khánam (John) 17:3 If you don't live your life by YÁOHU UL's scriptural principles, you will in fact be sowing seeds of destruction in your family, your workplace and in your own personal life, and in the lives of your offsprings too. Why? Because one who does not live by YÁOHU UL's scriptural principles would be living by ha-satán's worldly principles, which are inherently ruinous, harmful and destructive. And it is not wise to be conformed to the ways and customs of this world because ha-satán is the God of this world. If you do copy the ways of this world, you will eventually be like the adversary, the devil. And this is the vital truth that now sets you free! What are the scriptural convictions YÁOHU UL gave in His Holy Writ by which you are expected to always live by and never deviate from, no matter what? My Own Primary Scriptural Convictions -
![]() Knowing YÁOHU Ulhím And His Rich Provisions For Me
If you fully obey all of these commands of YÁOHU Ulhím your Creator, the laws I am declaring to you today, YÁOHU Ulhím will transform you into the greatest nation in the world! These are the rewards that will come upon you:
YÁOHU Ulhím will defeat your enemies before you; they will march out together against you but scatter before you in seven directions! YÁOHU Ulhím will favor you with bountiful crops and healthy cattle, and prosper everything you do when you arrive in the land YÁOHU your UL is giving you. He will transform you into a holy people dedicated to Himself; this He has promised to do if you will only obey Him and walk in His ways. All the nations in the world shall observe that you belong to YÁOHU Ulhím, and they will remain in awe. YÁOHU Ulhím will give you an abundance of beneficial things in the land, just as He promised: many children, many cattle, and abundant crops. He will open to you His bountiful treasury of rain in the heavens, to give you fine crops every due time. He will favor everything you do! And you shall lend to many nations, but shall not borrow from them. If you will only hearken and obey the commands of YÁOHU your UL that I am giving you today, He will make you the head and not the tail, and you shall always have the upper hand. But each of these rewards depends on your not deviating in any way from the laws I have brought you; and you never must worship other idols. If you won't hearken to YÁOHU your UL and won't obey these laws I am giving you today, then all of these curses shall come upon you:
For YÁOHU Ulhím Himself will send His curse upon you. You will be confused; you will become a failure in everything you do, until at last you are ruined because of the sin of forsaking Him. He will send disease among you until you are ruined from the face of the land which you are about to enter and possess. He will send tuberculosis, fever, infections, plague and war. He will blight your crops, covering them with mildew. All these ruin shall pursue you until you perish. The heavens above you will be as unyielding as bronze, and the earth beneath will be as iron. The land will become dry as dust for lack of rain, and dust whirlwinds shall ruin you. YÁOHU Ulhím will cause you to be defeated by your enemies. You will march out to battle gloriously, but flee before your enemies in utter confusion; and you will be tossed to and fro among all the nations of the earth. Your dead bodies will be food to the birds and wild animals, and no one will be there to chase them away. He will send upon you Egyptian boils, tumors, scurvy, and itch, for none of which will there be a remedy. He will send madness, blindness, fear and panic upon you. You shall grope in the bright sunlight just as the blind person gropes in darkness. You shall not prosper in anything you do! You will be oppressed, also robbed continually, and nothing will save you. Someone else will marry your fiancee; someone else will live in the house you build; someone else will eat the fruit of the vineyard you plant. Your oxen shall be butchered before your eyes, but you won't get a single bite of the meat. Your donkeys will be driven away as you watch, and will never return to you again. Your sheep will be brought to your enemies. And there will be no one to protect you. You will watch as your sons and daughters are taken away as slaves. Your heart will break with longing for them, but you will not be able to help them. A foreign nation you have not even heard of will eat the crops you will have worked so hard to grow. You will always be oppressed till finally crushed. You will go mad because of all the tragedy you see around you. YÁOHU Ulhím will cover you with boils from head to foot. He will exile you and the king you will select, to a nation to whom neither you nor your forefathers gave a second thought; and while in exile you shall worship idols of wood and stone! You will become an object of horror, a proverb and a byword among all the nations, for YÁOHU Ulhím will thrust you away. You will sow much but reap little, for the locusts will eat your crops. You will plant vineyards and care for them, but you won't eat the grapes or drink the wine, for worms will devour the vines. Olive trees will be growing everywhere, but there won't be enough olive oil to anoint yourselves! For the trees will drop their fruit before it is ripe. Your sons and daughters will be snatched away from you as slaves. The locusts shall ravage your trees and vines. Foreigners living among you shall become richer and richer while you become poorer and poorer. They shall lend to you, not you to them! They shall be the head and you shall be the tail! All these curses shall pursue and overtake you until you are ruined - all because you refuse to hearken to YÁOHU your UL. These horrors shall befall you and your offsprings as a warning: You will become slaves to your enemies because of your failure to praise YÁOHU Ulhím for all that He has brought you. YÁOHU Ulhím will dispatch your enemies against you, and you will be hungry, thirsty, naked and in want of everything. A yoke of iron shall be placed around your neck until you are finished! YÁOHU Ulhím will bring a far-off nation against you, swooping down upon you like an eagle; a nation whose language you don't comprehend - a nation of fierce and angry men who will have no mercy upon young or old. They will devour you out of house and home until your cattle and crops are consumed. Your grain, new wine, olive oil, calves and lambs will all disappear. That nation will lay siege to your cities and knock down your highest walls - the walls you will trust to protect you. You will even eat the flesh of your own sons and daughters in the terrible days of siege that lie ahead. The most kindhearted man among you will be utterly callous toward his own brother and his beloved wife and his children who are still alive. He will refuse to give them a share of the flesh he is devouring - the flesh of his own children - because he is dying of hunger in the midst of the siege of your cities. The most gentle and delicate woman among you - the one who would not so much as touch her feet to the ground - will refuse to share with her beloved husband, son, and daughter. She will hide from them the afterbirth and the new baby she has borne, in order that she herself can eat them. Very terrible will be the hunger during the siege and the awful anguish caused by your enemies at your gates. If you refuse to obey all the laws inscribed in this book, thus refusing reverence to the glorious and fearful Shúam (Name) of YÁOHU your UL, then YÁOHU Ulhím will send perpetual plagues upon you and upon your children. He will bring upon you all the diseases of Egypt which you feared so much, and they shall plague the land. And that is not all! YÁOHU Ulhím will bring upon you every sickness and plague there is, even those not yet mentioned in this book, until you are ruined. There will be few of you left, though before you were as numerous as 'cocavím' (s-ars). All this if you do not hearken to YÁOHU your UL. Just as YÁOHU Ulhím has exulted over you and has performed such glorious deeds for you and has multiplied you, so YÁOHU Ulhím at that time will delight also in ruining you; and you shall disappear from the land. For YÁOHU Ulhím will scatter you among all the nations from one end of the earth to the other. There you will worship heathen idols that neither you nor your forefathers have known, idols made of wood and stone! There among those nations you shall find no rest, but YÁOHU Ulhím will give you trembling hearts, darkness and bodies weakened from sorrow and fear. Your lives will hang in doubt. You will live night and day in fear, and will have no reason to believe that you will see the morning light. In the morning you will say, 'Oh, that night were here!' And in the evening you will say, 'Oh, that morning were here!' You will say this because of the awesome horrors surrounding you. Then YÁOHU Ulhím will send you back to Egypt in ships, a journey I promised you would never need to make again; and there you will offer to sell yourselves to your enemies as slaves - but no one will even want to buy you. Deuteronomy 28, Holy Scriptures ![]()
Well then, should I keep on committing sins, so YÁOHU UL can show me more and more kindness and forbroughtess? YÁOHU UL forbid! Since I have died to sin, how can I continue to live in it? Or have I overlooked the fact that when I became a Yaohúshuahée and was immersed to become one with hol-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA, I died with Him? For I died and was buried with hol-MEHUSHKHÁY by immersion. And just like hol-MEHUSHKHÁY was raised from the dead by the glorious power of YÁOHU ABí, now I also may live a new life. Since I have been united with Him in His death, I will also be raised as He was. My old sinful self was impaled with hol-MEHUSHKHÁY in order that sin might lose its power in my life. I am no longer a slave to sin. For when I died with hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, I was released free from the power of sin. And since I died with hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, I know I will also share His new life. I am sure of this because hol-MEHUSHKHÁY rose from the dead, and He will never die again. Death no longer has any power over Him. He died once to defeat sin, and now He lives for the glory of YÁOHU UL. So I should reckon myself dead to sin and able to live for the glory of YÁOHU UL through hol-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA. I do not allow sin control the way I live; I do not give in to its lustful desires. I do not let any part of my body become a tool of wickedness, to be used for committing sin. On the contrary, I give myself completely to YÁOHU UL since I have been brought new life. And I use my whole body as an implement to do what is right for the glory of YÁOHU UL. Sin is no longer my boss, for I am no longer subject to the law, which enslaves me to sin. Contrariwise, I am free by YÁOHU UL's undeserved favor. Since YÁOHU UL's favor has set me free from the law, does this mean I can go ahead and commit sin? YÁOHU UL forbid! Don't I realize that whatever I decide to obey becomes my boss? I can prefer sin, which leads to death, or I can decide to obey YÁOHU UL and receive His approval. Hodayáo to YÁOHU UL! Once I was a slave of sin, but now I have obeyed with all my heart the new doctrine YÁOHU UL has brought me. Now I am free from sin, my former boss, and I have become a slave to my new boss, uprightness I speak this way, using the examples of slaves and bosses, because it is easy to comprehend. Before, I allowed myself to be a slave of impurity and lawlessness. Now I must decide to be a slave of rectitude, so I will become holy. In former days, when I was a slave of sin, I wasn't concerned with doing what was right. And what was the result? It was not fine, since now I am ashamed of the deeds I used to do, deeds which end in eternal doom. But now I am free from the power of sin and have become a slave of YÁOHU UL. Now I do those activities that lead to holiness and lead to life eternal. For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of YÁOHU UL is life eternal through hol-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA, our Molkhiúl. Romans 6, Holy Scriptures ![]()
You will, as much as YÁOHU Ulhím's enables and empowers you, avoid committing sins against Him in words, deeds, behavior and attitudes. You will walk by the leading of the indwelling 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' Who teaches you always to say 'No' to sin and 'Yes' to YÁOHU Ulhím's perfect will. And do always remember: Whoever calls upon the Shúam (Name) of YÁOHU UL shall be saved! ![]()
Those who depend on the law to make them right with YÁOHU UL are under His curse, for the Scriptures say, 'Cursed is everyone who does not observe and obey ALL these commands that are inscribed in YÁOHU Ulhím's Book of the Law.' Consequently, it is clear that no one can ever be right with YÁOHU Ulhím by trying to keep the law. For the Scriptures say, 'It is by means of faith that an upright person has life.' How different from this way of faith is the way of law, which says, 'If you wish to find life by obeying the law, you must obey ALL of its commands.' But ha-MEHUSHKHÁY (the Messiah) has rescued us from the curse pronounced by the law. When He was hung on the stake, He took upon Himself the curse for our wrongdoing. For it is inscribed in the Scriptures, 'Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.' Through the work of hol-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA, YÁOHU UL has empowered the Gentiles with the same rewards He promised to Abruhám, and we Yaohúshuahím (believers in YAOHÚSHUA) receive the promised 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' (Sanctified Spirit of YÁOHU UL) through faith.' - Galatians 3:10-14, Holy Scriptures ![]()
Altogether, alcoholism now is said to cost the country around US$25 billion annually! Of this, 10 billion dollars is lost by the nation's employers, because of absenteeism and low productivity of alcoholic employees whose absentee rate is 2 l/2 times more compared to other workers. Law officials estimate the cost for arrest, trial and jailing of drinkers at more than 100 million dollars yearly. Almost half the 5.5 million arrests annually in the US are related to alcoholic abuse. ![]() Knowing YÁOHU Ulhím And His Rich Provisions For Me
And now, brethren, let us relate to you about the coming again of our Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY and how we will be gathered together to meet Him. Please never be so easily shaken and troubled by those who say that the day of YÁOHU Ulhím has already begun. Even if they claim to have had a vision, a revelation, or a letter supposedly from us, do not believe them. Don't be fooled by what they say. For that day will not come until there is a great departure and the man of lawlessness is revealed — the one who brings ruin. He will exalt himself and defy every idol there is and tear down every object of adoration and worship. He will place himself in the Temple of YÁOHU Ulhím, claiming that he himself is the Eternal Creator. Don't you recall that I told you this when I was with you? And you know what is holding him back, for he can be revealed only when his time comes. For this lawlessness is already at work secretly, and it will remain secret until the one who is holding it back steps out of the way. Then the man of lawlessness will be revealed, whom the Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA will consume with the breath of His mouth and ruin by the splendor of His coming. This evil man will come to do the work of ha-satán with counterfeit power and signs and miracles. He will use every kind of wicked deception to fool those who are on their way to perdition because they refuse to believe the truth that would save them. So YÁOHU Ulhím will send great deception upon them, and they will believe all these lies. Then they will be condemned for not believing the truth and for indulging in the evil activities they do. 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12, Holy Scriptures ![]()
YAOHÚSHUA told them, 'Don't let anyone deceive you. For many will come claiming to be the Messiah, and will lead many into error. When you hear of wars beginning, this does not signal My return; these must come, but the end is not yet. The nations and kingdoms of the earth will rise against each other and there will be famines and earthquakes in many places. But all this will be only the beginning of the horrors to come. Then you will be tortured and killed and hated all over the world for the sake of My Shúam (Name), and many of you shall fall back into sin and betray and hate each other. And many false prophets will appear and lead many into error. Sin will be rampant everywhere and will dampen the love of many. But those who endure till the end shall be saved. And the Glorious Message about the Kingdom shall be proclaimed throughout the whole world, so all nations will hear it, and then, finally, the end will come. Man-YÁOHU (Matthew) 24:4-14, Holy Scriptures ![]()
You should also know this, YÁOHU-tam, that in the last days there will be very difficult times. For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at YÁOHU Ulhím, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will treat nothing as sacred. They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control. They will be cruel and have no interest for what is noble. They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than YÁOHU Ulhím. They will act as if they are religious, but they will reject the power that could make them holy. You must keep away from people like that. 2 YÁOHU-tam (Timothy) 3:1-5, Holy Scriptures ![]()
Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the huge Euphrates River, and it dried up in order that the kings from the east could march their armies to the west without hindrance. And I saw three evil spirits that looked like frogs leap from the mouth of the dragon, the beast, also from the false prophet. These miracle-working demons caused all the rulers of the world to gather for battle against YÁOHU Ulhím on that great Judgment Day of YÁOHU UL Tzavulyáo (The Commander of Heaven's Armies). Take note: 'I will come as unexpectedly as a thief! Blessed be all who are watching for Me, who keep their robes ready so they will not need to walk naked and ashamed.' And they gathered all the rulers and their armies to a place called Har-Meggido in Hebrew. Then the seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air. And a mighty shout came from the throne of the Temple in heaven, saying, 'It is finished!' Then the thunder crashed, rolled and lightning flashed. There occurred an earthquake more severe than ever before in human chronology. The great city of Babylon split into three pieces, and cities around the world fell into heaps of rubble. And so YÁOHU Ulhím remembered all of Babylon's sins, and He made her drink the cup that was filled with the wine of His fierce wrath. And every island disappeared, and all the mountains were leveled. There was a terrible hailstorm, and hailstones weighing seventy-five pounds fell from the sky onto the people below. They cursed YÁOHU Ulhím because of the hailstorm, which was a very terrible plague. Khanódgaluth (Revelation) 16:12-21, Holy Scriptures ![]() Knowing YÁOHU Ulhím And His Rich Provisions For Me
This the message YÁOHU UL has brought us to pass on to you: That YÁOHU UL is Light and in Him is no darkness at all. So if we say we are His friends, but go on living in spiritual darkness and sin, we are lying. But if we are living in the light of YÁOHU UL's presence, just like hol-MEHUSHKHÁY does, then we have glorious fellowship and gladness with each other, and the 'DAM' (blood) of YAOHÚSHUA His Son cleanses us from every sin. If we say that we have no sin, we are only deceiving ourselves, and refusing to accept the truth. But if we confess our sins to Him, He can be depended upon to forgive us and to cleanse us from every wrong. And it is perfectly proper for YÁOHU UL to do this for us because ha-MEHUSHKHÁY died to wash away our sins. If we claim we have not sinned, we are lying and calling YÁOHU UL a liar, for He says we have sinned. First Letter of YÁOHU-khánam (John) 1:5-10, Holy Scriptures ![]()
'Now you are free from the power of sin and have become slaves of YÁOHU Ulhím. Now you do those activities that lead to holiness and result to life eternal. For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of YÁOHU Ulhím is life eternal through hol-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA our Molkhiúl.' - Romans 6:22-23, Holy Scriptures ![]()
'Uprightness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.' - Proverbs 14:34 'Unfailing love and faithfulness cover sin; evil is avoided by the reverential fear of YÁOHU Ulhím.' - Proverbs 16:6 'Who can say, 'I have cleansed my heart; I am pure and free from sin'?' - Proverbs 20:9 'When the wicked are in authority, sin increases. But the upright will live to see the tyrant's defeat.' - Proverbs 29:16 ![]()
A man named Simon had been a sorcerer there for many years, claiming to be someone great. The Shomroním people, from the least to the greatest, often spoke of him as 'the Great One — the Power of the Almighty.' He was very influential because of the magic he performed. But now the people believed the Glorious Message proclaimed by Philip about the Kingdom of YÁOHU UL and the Shúam (Name) of YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY. As a result, many people were baptized. Then Simon himself believed and was baptized. He began following Philip wherever he went, and he was amazed by the great miracles and signs Philip performed. When the emissaries back in Yaohúshua-oléym (Jerusalem) heard that the people of Shuamór-YÁOHU had accepted YÁOHU UL's message, they sent Káfos and YÁOHU-khánam there. As soon as they arrived, they prayed for these new Yaohúshuahím (believers in YAOHÚSHUA) to receive the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' (Sanctified Spirit of YÁOHU Ulhím). The 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' had not yet come upon any of them, for they had only been baptized in the Shúam (Name) of Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA. Then Káfos and YÁOHU-khánam laid their hands upon these believers, and they received the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' (Sanctified Spirit). When Simon saw that the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' was brought when the emissaries laid their hands upon people's heads, he offered money to buy this power. 'Let me have this power, too,' he exclaimed, 'so when I lay my hands on people, they will receive the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA'!' But Káfos replied, 'May your money perish with you for thinking YÁOHU Ulhím's gift can be bought! You can have no part in this, for your heart is not right before YÁOHU Ulhím. Turn from your wickedness and pray to YÁOHU Ulhím. Perhaps He will forgive your evil thoughts, for I can see that you are full of bitterness and held captive by sin.' 'Pray to YÁOHU Ulhím for me,' Simon exclaimed, 'that these horrible things won't happen to me!' - Acts 8:9-24, Holy Scriptures ![]()
![]() Now you are free, you are cured, you are delivered and you are whole! Now, glorify YÁOHU UL with me, let us exalt His NAME together! Now begin your new life with YÁOHU ABí (Father) by telling others about His LOVE and His NAME and begin loving and helping your neighbors! 'You shall love YÁOHU your ULHÍM with ALL your heart, with ALL your soul and with ALL your mind; and you shall love your neighbor as you love yourself!' These are the greatest mitzvót or commandments! So begin loving YÁOHU ULHÍM and your neighbors now! Remember, it was Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA Who died for your sins, and not religion. Religion is NOT the Savior. YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY is the Savior Who is willing and able to help, deliver, heal and save you! For the weapons of our warfare are not the weapons of the world; on the contrary, they are so powerful, through YÁOHU UL, to demolish fortresses. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of YÁOHU UL, and we now take captive every thought to make it submissive to Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA. And we now overcome ha-satán by the 'DAM' (blood) of Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY and by the words of our testimony, and as we resist ha-satán, we win! Thanks be to YÁOHU UL GABÓR (the Valiant Warrior) Who always guarantees that we triumph in Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, and truly we are greater than conquerors! And we do not allow ha-satán to steal in any manner the words of YÁOHU UL sown effectually in your hearts now and forever! 'Beh hol Shúam' YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám! ![]() Knowing YÁOHU Ulhím And His Rich Provisions For Me
'In the beginning the Word already did exist. He was with YÁOHU UL, and He was Himself Eternal. He was in the beginning with YÁOHU UL. He created everything there is. Nothing exists that He didn't make. Life itself was in Him, and this life gives light to everyone. The light shines through the darkness, and the darkness can never overshadow it. But although the world was made through Him, the world didn't recognize Him when He came. Even in His own land and among His own people, He was not accepted. But to all who believed Him and accepted Him, He gave the right to become children of YÁOHU UL. They are reborn! This is not a physical birth coming from human passion or plan — this rebirth comes from YÁOHU UL. So the Word became Human and lived here on earth among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen His glory, the glory of the only Son of YÁOHU UL. YÁOHU-khánam pointed Him out to the people. He loudly told the crowds, 'He is the One I was talking about when I said, 'Someone is coming Who is far greater than I am, for He already did pre-exist long before I did. We have all benefited from the rich rewards He brought to us — one favorable rewards after another. For the law was brought through Mehushúa; YÁOHU UL's unfailing love and faithfulness came through YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY. No one has ever seen YÁOHU UL. But His only Son, Who is Himself Creator Eternal, is close to YÁOHU ABí's heart; He has declared to us about Him.' - YÁOHU-khánam (John) 1:1-5;10-18 ![]()
You will continually make time and exert efforts to know Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA closer and closer in a more deeper way, through daily communing with Him in prayers and through reading His Word, together with meditation and engrafting His Word into your heart. And do always remember: Whoever calls upon the Shúam (Name) of YÁOHU UL shall be saved! ![]()
And now, just as you accepted hol-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA as your Life Governor, you must continue to live in obedience to Him. Let your roots grow down into Him and draw up nourishment from Him, so you will grow in faith, tough and vigorous in the truth you were taught. Let your lives overflow with expressions of gratitude for everything He has carried out. Don't let anyone lead you into error with empty philosophy and scholarly nonsense that come from human thinking and from the evil powers of this world, and not from ha-MEHUSHKHÁY. For in hol-MEHUSHKHÁY the fullness of YÁOHU Ulhím lives in a human body, and you are complete through your union with hol-MEHUSHKHÁY. He is the Supreme Head over every ruler and authority in the entire universe. - Colossians 2:6-10 ![]()
Káfos and YÁOHU-khánam went to the Temple one afternoon to take part in the three o'clock daily prayer meeting. As they approached the Temple, they saw a man lame from birth carried along the road and laid beside the Temple gate - the one called 'The Beautiful Gate' - as was his custom every day. As Káfos and YÁOHU-khánam were passing by, he asked them for some money. They looked at him intently, and then Káfos said, 'Look here!' The lame man looked at them eagerly, expecting alms. But Káfos said, 'We don't have any money for you! But I'll give you something else! I command you 'be hol-Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA Nuzrothíy hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, walk!' The Káfos took the lame man by the hand and pulled him to his feet. And as he did, the man's feet and ankle-bones were cured and rejuvenated so he came up with a leap, arose for a moment and began walking! Then, walking, leaping and praising YÁOHU UL, he went into the Temple with them. When the people inside saw him walking and heard him praising YÁOHU UL, and realized he was the lame beggar they had seen so often at The Beautiful Gate, they were inexpressibly surprised! They all rushed out to Shua-ólmoh's Hall, where he was holding tightly to Káfos and YÁOHU-khánam! Everyone watching there was awed by the wonderful miracle that had happened. Káfos saw his opportunity and addressed the crowd. 'Men of Yaoshorúl,' he said, 'what is so surprising about this? And why look at us as though we by our own power and holiness had made this man walk? For it is YÁOHU UL, the Creator of Abruhám, YÁOHUtz-kaq and YÁOHU-caf and of all our forefathers Who has brought glory to His Servant YAOHÚSHUA by doing this. I refer to the YAOHÚSHUA Whom you rejected before Pilate, despite Pilate's determination to release Him. You didn't want Him freed - this Holy, Upright One. On the contrary, you demanded the release of a murderer. And you killed the Author of Life; but YÁOHU UL brought Him back to life again. And YÁOHU-khánam and I are witnesses of this fact, for after you killed Him, we saw Him alive! The 'Shúam' (Name) YAOHÚSHUA has cured this man - and you know how lame he was before. Faith in the 'Shúam' YAOHÚSHUA - faith brought us from YÁOHU UL - has caused this perfect healing. Dear brethren, I realize that what you did to YAOHÚSHUA was carried out in ignorance; and the same can be said of your leaders. But YÁOHU UL was fulfilling the prophecies that hol-MEHUSHKHÁY must suffer all these afflictions. Now change your mind and attitude to YÁOHU UL and turn to Him so He can cleanse away your sins and send you pleasant times of refreshment from the presence of YÁOHU UL and send YAOHÚSHUA your 'MEHUSHKHÁY' (Messiah) back to you again. For He must remain in heaven until the final recovery of all things from sin, as prophesied from ancient times. Mehushúa, for example, said long ago, 'YÁOHU UL will raise up a Prophet among you, Who will resemble me! Take careful heed of everything He tells you. Anyone who will not hearken to Him shall be utterly ruined.' Shamu-Úl and every prophet since have all spoken about what is going on today. You are the children of those prophets; and you are included in YÁOHU UL's promise to your forefathers to favor the whole world through the YAOHÚ-dim (Jewish) race - that is the promise YÁOHU UL gave to Abruhám. And as soon as YÁOHU UL had brought His Servant to life again, He sent Him first of all to you men of Yaoshorúl, to favor you by turning you back from your sins.' Acts 3, Holy Scriptures (Yaohúshua Version) ![]() Knowing YÁOHU Ulhím And His Rich Provisions For Me
'Kind favors and peace from the One Who is, Who always was and Who is to come; from the sevenfold 'RÚKHA' (Spirit) before His royal throne. And from YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, Who is the faithful Witness to these matters, the first to rise from the dead, and the Commander of all the rulers of the world. All praise to Him Who loves us and has freed us from our sins by pouring out His 'DAM' (blood) for us. He has made us His kingdom and His priests who serve before YÁOHU UL, His YÁOHU ABí (Father). Give to Him eternal glory! He reigns forever and ever! Am-nám! Look! He comes with the clouds of heaven. And everyone will see Him — even those who pierced Him. And all the nations of the earth will weep because of Him. Yes! Am-nám! 'I am the Alef and the Tav — the Beginning and the End,' says ha-Molkhiúl. 'I am the One Who is, Who always was and Who is to come, the All-Powerful One.' - Khanódgalut (Revelation) 1:4-8, Holy Scriptures ![]()
In times past, YÁOHU UL spoke in many different ways to our forebears through the prophets, in visions, dreams and even face to face, telling them little by little about His plans. But now in these days He has to us spoken through His Son to Whom He has brought everything, and through Whom He made the world and everything there is. YÁOHU UL's Son shines out with YÁOHU UL's glory, and all that YÁOHU UL's Son is and does marks Him as Himself Eternal. He regulates the universe by the mighty power of His command. He is the One Who died to cleanse us and clear our record of all sin, and then settled down in supreme honor beside the great YÁOHU UL of heaven. Thus He became far greater than the angels, as proved by the fact that His title 'Son of YÁOHU UL,' which was brought to Him from His YÁOHU ABí (Father), is far greater than the names and titles of angels. For YÁOHU UL never said to any angel, 'You are My Son, and today I have brought You the honor that goes with that title.' But YÁOHU UL said it about YAOHÚSHUA. Another time He said, 'I am His YÁOHU ABí (Father) and He is My Son.' And likewise another time - when His firstborn Son came to earth - YÁOHU UL said, 'Let all the angels of YÁOHU UL worship Him.' YÁOHU UL speaks of His angels as runners swift as the wind and as servants made of flaming fire, but of His Son He says, 'Your Kingdom, O UL (the All-Powerful, Eternal Creator), will last forever and ever; its commands are always just as well as right. You love what is right and hate what is wrong; so YÁOHU UL, even your YÁOHU UL, has poured out more gladness upon You than upon anyone else.' YÁOHU UL also called Him 'YÁOHU' when He said, 'YÁOHU, in the beginning You made the earth, and the heavens are the work of Your hands. They will disappear into nothingness, but You will remain forever. They will become worn out like old clothes, and some day You will fold them up and replace them. But You Yourself will never change, and Your years will never end.' Hebrews 1:1-12, Holy Scriptures ![]()
A congregation speaker was speaking from the text, 'The blood of YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY His Son cleanses us from all sin.' Surprisingly he was interrupted by an atheist who asked, 'How can blood cleanse sin?' For a moment the speaker was silent; then he countered, 'How can water quench your thirst?' 'I don't know,' replied the infidel, 'but I know that it does.' 'Neither do I know how the blood of YAOHÚSHUA cleanses sin,' answered the speaker, 'but I know that it does!' ![]() Knowing YÁOHU Ulhím And His Rich Provisions For Me
Because YÁOHU UL's children are human beings — made of flesh and blood — YAOHÚSHUA also became flesh and blood by being born in human form. For only as a human being could He die, and only by dying could He break the power of ha-satán, who had the power of death. Only in this way could He deliver those who have lived all their lives as slaves to the fear of dying. We all know that YAOHÚSHUA came to help the offsprings of Abruhám, not to help the angels. Therefore, it was necessary for YAOHÚSHUA to be in every respect like us, His brethren, in order that He could be our merciful and faithful High Priest before YÁOHU UL. He then could offer a sacrifice that would take away the sins of the people. Since He Himself has gone through suffering and temptation, He is well able to help us when we are being tempted. Hebrews 2:14-18, Holy Scriptures ![]()
Then what's the use of being a YAOHÚ-dee (Jew)? Are there any special benefits for them from YÁOHU UL? Is there any value in the YAOHÚ-dee (Jewish) circumcision ceremony? Yes, being a YAOHÚ-dee (Jew) has many advantages! First of all, YÁOHU UL gave them His laws so they could know and do His will. True, some of them were unfaithful, but just because they broke their promises to YÁOHU UL, does that mean YÁOHU UL will break His promises? Absolutely not! Though everyone else in the world is a liar, YÁOHU UL is not. Do you remember what the book of Tehillím (Psalms) says about this? That YÁOHU UL's words will always prove true and correct, no matter who objects to them. 'But,' some say, 'our breaking faith with YÁOHU UL is fine, our sins serve a fine purpose, for people will notice how kind YÁOHU UL is when they see how bad we are. Is it fair, then, for Him to punish us when our sins are helping Him?' (That is the way some people talk.) YÁOHU UL forbid! Then what kind of YÁOHU UL would He be, to overlook sin? For He could not judge and condemn me as a sinner if my dishonesty brought Him glory by pointing up His honesty viewed in contrast to my lies. If you follow through with that idea you come to this: the worse we are, the better YÁOHU UL likes it! But the damnation of those who say such is just. Yet some claim that this is what I proclaim! Well, then, are we YAOHÚ-dim (Jews) better than others? No, not at all, for we have already shown that all men alike are sinners, whether YAOHÚ-dim (Jews) or Gentiles. As the Scriptures declare, 'No one is upright - no one in all the world is innocent.' No one has ever really followed YÁOHU UL's paths, or even truly wanted to. Every one has deviated away; all have gone wrong. No one anywhere has kept on doing what is right; not one. Their talk is foul and filthy like the malodor from an open grave. Their tongues are loaded with lies. Everything they say has in it the bite and poison of deadly snakes. Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness. They are quick to kill, hating anyone who disagrees with them. Wherever they go they leave misery and trouble behind them, and they have never known what it is to feel secure or be glad with YÁOHU UL's rewards. They care nothing about YÁOHU UL nor what He thinks of them. So the judgment of YÁOHU UL speaks to those under the law; not one of them has any excuse; in fact, all the world remains hushed as well as guilty before the Almighty YÁOHU UL. Now do you see it? No one can ever be made right in YÁOHU UL's sight by doing what the law commands! For the more we know of YÁOHU UL's laws, the clearer it becomes that we aren't obeying them; His laws serve only to make us see that we are sinners! But now YÁOHU UL has shown us a different way to heaven - not by 'being upright enough' and trying to keep His laws, but by a new way (though not new, really, for the Scriptures told about it long ago.) Now YÁOHU UL says He will accept and acquit us - declare us 'not guilty' - if we trust YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY (the Messiah) to take away our sins. And we all can be saved in this same way, by coming to ha-MEHUSHKHÁY (the Messiah), no matter who we are or what we have been like. Yes, all have sinned; all fall short of YÁOHU UL's glorious ideal; yet now YÁOHU UL declares us 'not guilty' of offending Him if we trust fully in YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, Who in His kindness freely takes away our sins. For YÁOHU UL sent YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY to take the punishment for our sins and to end all YÁOHU UL's anger against us. He used the 'DAM' (blood) of ha-MEHUSHKHÁY and our faith as the means of saving us from His wrath. In this way He was being entirely fair, even though He did not punish those who sinned in former times. For He was looking forward to the time when ha-MEHUSHKHÁY (the Messiah) would come and take away those sins. And now in these days also He can receive sinners in this same way, because YAOHÚSHUA took away their sins. But isn't this unfair for YÁOHU UL to let criminals go free, and say that they are innocent? No, for He does it on the basis of their reliance upon YAOHÚSHUA Who took away their sins. Then what can we boast about doing, to earn our salvation? Nothing at all! Why? Because our acquittal is not grounded on our noble deeds; it is based upon what ha-MEHUSHKHÁY has carried out and our faith in Him. So it is that we are saved by faith in ha-MEHUSHKHÁY and not by the upright things we do. And does YÁOHU UL save only the YAOHÚ-dim (Jews) in this way? No, the Gentiles, too, may come to Him in this same manner. YÁOHU UL treats us all the same; all, whether YAOHÚ-dim (Jews) or Gentiles, are acquitted if they have faith. Well then, if we are saved by faith, does this mean that we no longer need obey YÁOHU UL's laws? Just the opposite! In fact, only when we trust YAOHÚSHUA can we truly obey Him. Romans 3, Holy Scriptures (Yaohúshua Version) ![]()
In the New Testament there are 290 references to the love of YÁOHU UL, 290 times when YÁOHU UL had declared His love for man. But in the same chapters and the same verses there are more than 1,300 references to the atonement, 1,300 assurances that salvation can be had through the 'DAM' (blood) of the Savior YAOHÚSHUA! ![]() Knowing YÁOHU Ulhím And His Rich Provisions For Me
'I don't want you to forget, dear brethren, what happened to our forefathers in the wilderness long ago. YÁOHU UL guided all of them by means of a cloud that moved along ahead of them, and He brought them all safely through the waters of the sea on to dry ground. As followers of Mehushúa, they were all baptized in the cloud and the sea. And all of them ate the same miraculous food, and all of them drank the same miraculous water. For they all drank from the miraculous Rock that traveled with them, and that rock was ha-MEHUSHKHÁY (the Messiah). Yet after all this, YÁOHU UL was not pleased with most of them, and He slew them in the wilderness. These events happened like a warning to us, in order that we would not crave for evil things as they did or worship idols as some of them did. For the Scriptures say, 'The people celebrated with feasts and drinking, and they indulged themselves in pagan revelry.' And we must not engage in sexual immorality as some of them did, causing 23,000 of them to die in one day. Nor should we put ha-MEHUSHKHÁY to the test, as some of them did and then died from snakebites. And don't grumble nor complain, as some of them did, for that is why YÁOHU UL sent His angel of death to ruin them. All these events happened to them as examples for us. They were written down to warn us, who live at the time when this age is drawing to a close.' - 1 Corinthians 10:1-11, Holy Scriptures ![]()
Who has gone up to heaven and come down? Who has gathered up the wind in the hollow of His hands? Who has wrapped up the waters in His cloak? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is His Name, and the Name of His Son? Tell me if you know! Maush'láy (Proverbs) 30:4, Holy Scriptures ![]()
A sailor in a shipwreck was hurled upon a rock where he clung in terrible danger until the tide went down. Later a friend asked him, 'Jim, didn't you tremble with fear when you were hanging on that rock?' 'Yes, but the rock didn't!' was the meaningful reply. YAOHÚSHUA is the Rock of Ages. ![]() Knowing YÁOHU Ulhím And His Rich Provisions For Me
'YÁOHU-saf, son of Dáoud,' the angel said, 'don't doubt to take Maoro-ém as your wife! For the Child within her has been conceived by the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA.' And she will have a Son, and you shall call His Name: Y A O H Ú S H U A (meaning: YÁOHU's power to save), for He will save His people from their sins. This will fulfill YÁOHU UL's message through His prophets - 'Hearken! The virgin shall conceive a Child! She shall give birth to a Son, and He shall be called 'Immanu-UL' (meaning 'The Eternal UL Creator is with us').'' - Man-YÁOHU (Matthew) 1:20-23, Holy Scriptures ![]()
Dear friends, do not believe everyone who claims to speak by the 'RÚKHA' (Spirit). You must test them to see if the spirit they have comes from YÁOHU UL. For there are many false prophets in the world. This is the way to find out if they have the 'RÚKHA-YÁOHU' - If a prophet acknowledges that YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY became a human being, that person has the 'RÚKHA-YÁOHU' (Sanctified Spirit of YÁOHU Ulhím). If a prophet does not acknowledge YAOHÚSHUA, that person is not from YÁOHU UL. Such a person has the spirit of the anti-Messiah. You have heard that he is going to come into the world, and he is already here. But you belong to YÁOHU UL, my dear children. You have already won your fight with these false prophets, because the 'RÚKHA' Who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world. These people belong to this world, so they speak from the world's viewpoint, and the world hearkens to them. But we belong to YÁOHU UL; that is why those who know YÁOHU UL hearken to us. If they do not belong to YÁOHU UL, they won't hearken to us. That is how we know if someone has the 'RÚKHA' (Spirit) of Truth or the spirit of deception. 1 YÁOHU-khánam (John) 4:1-6, Holy Scriptures ![]()
A splendid book of anecdotes tells the tale of a rich man who died and left no heirs. When his household assets being were auctioned off, an elderly lady wearing shabby garments was the only one to bid on the portrait painting of the dead man's son. It had been greatly cherished by the wealthy father because his only child had died at an early age. But the crowd that had gathered for the sale showed no interest in it. When the woman who bought the portrait was asked why she wanted it, she said she had been the boy's nurse many years before, and had loved him dearly. Later she examined the portrait closely and noticed a bulge in the heavy paper on the back. Making a small cut, she removed an envelope which turned out to be the man's missing will. The document very clearly indicated that he wanted to leave all his property to the person who held dear the memory of his beloved son. Which means, the woman who bought the portrait inherits all! Whoever takes the son takes everything else! ![]() Knowing YÁOHU Ulhím And His Rich Provisions For Me
To be continued....
Then He (YAOHÚSHUA) was filled with ecstasy of the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' and said, 'I praise You, O YÁOHU ABí, the Supreme Ruler of all heaven and earth, for hiding these matters from the intellectuals and worldly wise and for revealing them to those who have faith as little children. Yes, hodayáo (thanks) ABí, for that is the way You wanted it. I am the Agent of YÁOHU ABí (My Father) in everything; and no one really knows ha-BÓR (the Son) except YÁOHU ABí, and no one really knows YÁOHU ABí except ha-BÓR and those to whom ha-BÓR decides to reveal Him.' Then, turning to the twelve disciples, He said quietly, 'How privileged you are to see what you have seen. Many a prophet and king of old has longed for these days, to see and hear what you have seen and heard!' Luke 10:21-24, Holy Scriptures ![]()
YAOHÚSHUA told him, 'I am the Way - yes, and the Truth and the Life. No one can get to YÁOHU ABí except by means of Me. If you had known Who I am, then you would have known Who My YÁOHU ABí is. From now on you know Him - and have seen Him!' Philip said, 'Maór (Sir), show us YÁOHU ABí and we will be satisfied.' YAOHÚSHUA replied, 'Don't you even yet know Who I am, Philip, even after all this time I have been with you? Anyone who has seen Me has seen YÁOHU ABí! YÁOHU-khánam (John) 14:6-9a, Holy Scriptures ![]()
I, Wisdom, live together with sound judgment. I know where to discover knowledge and discernment. All who reverentially fear YÁOHU Ulhím will hate evil. That is why I hate pride, arrogance, corruption and perverted speech. Sound advice and success belong to me. Insight as well as enduring toughness are mine. Because of me, kings reign, and rulers make just laws. Rulers lead with my help, and nobles make correct judgments. I love all who love me. Those who search for me will surely find me. Unlimited riches, honor, wealth and justice are mine to give out. My gifts are better than the purest gold, my wages better than valuable silver! I walk in uprightness, in the paths of justice. Those who love me inherit wealth, for I fill their treasuries. Maush'láy (Proverbs) 8:12-21, Holy Scriptures ![]()
Stealing other people's time is as wicked as robbing him of his money or property. When you promise to meet someone at a specific time and then you don't come on time, making him wait for you, you are in fact stealing time from him. And what's worse, stolen money or property may be returned but stolen time could never be brought back! ![]() Knowing YÁOHU Ulhím And His Rich Provisions For Me
'For unto us a Child is born; unto us a Son is given. And the government will rest upon His shoulders. These will be his royal titles: Wonderful Counselor, UL Gabór (The Valiant UL), the Source of Eternal Life, the Prince of Peace. His ever expanding, peaceful government will never end. He will rule forever with fairness and justice from the throne of His forefather Dáoud. The passionate commitment of YÁOHU UL Tzavulyáo (The Commander of Heaven's Armies) will guarantee this! Yaoshúa-YÁOHU (Isaiah) 9:6-7 'In that day the heir to Dáoud's royal throne will be a Banner of Salvation to all the world. The nations will rally to Him, for the land where He lives will be a glorious place.' - Yaoshúa-YÁOHU (Isaiah) 11:10 ![]()
'There is no judgment awaiting those who trust Him (YAOHÚSHUA). But those who do not trust Him have already been judged for not believing in the Shúam (Name) of the only Son of YÁOHU UL. Their judgment is based upon this fact: The light from heaven came into the world, but they loved the darkness more than the light, for their activities were evil.' - YÁOHU-khánam (John) 3:18-19 'And YÁOHU ABí, the Father, leaves all judgment to His Son.' - YÁOHU-khánam (John) 5:22 'And they will rise again. Those who have done right will rise to life eternal, and those who have continued in evil will rise to judgment. But I do nothing without first referring to YÁOHU ABí. I judge as I am told. And My judgment is absolutely just, because it is in agreement with the will of YÁOHU UL Who sent Me; it is not merely My own.' - YÁOHU-khánam (John) 5:29-30 ![]()
'Young man, it's amazing to be young! Enjoy every minute of it! Do everything you want to do; take it all in! But remember that you must give an account to YÁOHU UL for everything you do.' - Qeholóth (Ecclesiastes) 11:9, Holy Scriptures 'Don't let the excitement of your youth cause you to forget your Eternal Creator. Honor Him in your youth before you grow old and no longer enjoy living.' - Qeholóth 12:1, Holy Scriptures 'Here is my final conclusion: Reverentially fear YÁOHU UL and obey His commands, for this is the whole duty of every person. For YÁOHU UL will judge us for everything we do, including every secret thing, whether upright or bad. Qeholóth (The Preacher) 12:13-14, Holy Scriptures ![]()
![]() Knowing YÁOHU Ulhím And His Rich Provisions For Me
'There is no judgment awaiting those who trust Him (YAOHÚSHUA). But those who do not trust Him have already been judged for not believing in the Shúam (Name) of the only Son of YÁOHU UL. Their judgment is based upon this fact: The light from heaven came into the world, but they loved the darkness more than the light, for their activities were evil.' - YÁOHU-khánam (John) 3:18-19 'And YÁOHU ABí, the Father, leaves all judgment to His Son.' - YÁOHU-khánam (John) 5:22 'And they will rise again. Those who have done right will rise to life eternal, and those who have continued in evil will rise to judgment. But I do nothing without first referring to YÁOHU ABí. I judge as I am told. And My judgment is absolutely just, because it is in agreement with the will of YÁOHU UL Who sent Me; it is not merely My own.' - YÁOHU-khánam (John) 5:29-30 ![]()
'Trust fully in YÁOHU UL with all your heart; do not depend on your own comprehension. Seek His will in all you do, and He will direct your paths. Do not be impressed with your own wisdom. On the contrary, reverentially fear YÁOHU UL and turn your back on evil. Then you will gain renewed health and vitality! Honor YÁOHU UL with your wealth and with the best part of everything your land yields. Then He will fill your barns with grain, and your vats will overflow with the finest wine. Maush'léi (Proverbs) 3:5-10, Holy Scriptures ![]()
When James Calvert went out to cannibal Fiji with the Glorious Message, the captain of the ship in which he traveled sought to dissuade him. 'You will risk your life and all those with you if you go among such savages,' he said. Calvert's magnificent reply was, 'We died before we came here.' And yet he would have been the last to talk about a sacrifice; it was not a life of sacrifice, but of real pleasure in serving the Savior Who died to pay for the sin of all mankind! ![]() Knowing YÁOHU Ulhím And His Rich Provisions For Me
To be continued....
Who has believed our message? To whom will YÁOHU UL reveal His saving power? My Servant grew up in YÁOHU UL's presence like a tender green shoot, sprouting from a root in dry and barren ground. There was nothing beautiful or majestic about His appearance, nothing to attract us to Him. He was despised and rejected — a Man of sorrows, acquainted with bitterest grief. We turned our backs on Him and looked the other way when He went by. He was hated, but we did not care. Yet it was our weaknesses He carried; it was our sorrows that weighed Him down. And we thought His troubles were a punishment from YÁOHU UL for His own sins! But He was wounded and crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we might have peace. He was whipped, and we were cured! All of us have gone away like sheep. We have abandoned YÁOHU UL's paths to follow our own. Yet YÁOHU UL laid on Him the guilt and sins of us all. He was oppressed, was harshly treated, yet He never said a word. He was led like a lamb to the slaughter. And like a sheep is silent before the shearers, He did not open his mouth. From prison and trial they led Him away to His death. But who among the people realized that He was actually dying for their sins — that He was suffering their punishment? He had done no wrong, and He never deceived anyone. But he was buried like a criminal; He was put in a rich man's grave. But it was YÁOHU UL's noble plan to crush Him and fill Him with grief. Yet when His life is made an offering for sin, He will have a multitude of children, many heirs! He will delight in a perpetual life, and YÁOHU UL's plan will prosper in His hands. When He sees all that is perfected through His anguish, He will be satisfied. And because of what He has experienced, my upright Servant will make it possible for many to be counted upright, for He will bear all their sins. I will give Him the honors of one who is mighty and great, because He offered Himself to death. He was counted among those who were sinners. He bore the sins of many and pleaded for sinners. Yaoshúa-YÁOHU (Isaiah) 53, Holy Scriptures ![]()
YAOHÚSHUA told her, 'I am the One Who raises the dead and gives them life again. Anyone who believes in Me, even though he dies like anyone else, shall live again. He is given eternal life for believing in Me and shall never perish...' - YÁOHU-khánam (John) 11:25a, Holy Scriptures ![]()
'Then I observed an angel come down from heaven with the key to the bottomless pit and a heavy chain in his hand. He seized the dragon — that old serpent, the devil, ha-satán — and bound him in chains for a thousand years. The angel threw him into the bottomless pit, which he then shut locked so ha-satán could not deceive the nations anymore until the thousand years were finished. Afterward he would be released again for a little while. Then I witnessed thrones, and the people who sat upon them had been brought the authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their testimony about YAOHÚSHUA, for proclaiming the word of YÁOHU UL. And I saw the souls of those who had not worshiped the beast, neither his statue, nor accepted his mark on their forehead or their hands. They came to life again, and they reigned with hol-MEHUSHKHÁY for a thousand years. This is the first resurrection. (The rest of the dead did not come back to life until the thousand years had ended.) Blessed, happy and holy are those who share in the first resurrection. For them the second death holds no power, but they will be priests of YÁOHU UL and of ha-MEHUSHKHÁY and will reign with Him a thousand years.' Kanódgaluth (Revelation) 20:1-6, Holy Scriptures ![]()
Someone once pictured a crowd of grieving caterpillars carrying the corpse of a cocoon to its final burial place. The poor, weary caterpillars, clad in black raiment, were weeping, and all the while the beautiful butterfly fluttered happily above the muck and mire of earth, forever freed from its earthly shell. Needless to say, he had the average common funeral in mind and sought to convey the idea that when our saved loved ones pass away, it is foolish to remember only the cocoon and fix our attention on the remains, while forgetting the bright butterfly up above! ![]() Knowing YÁOHU Ulhím And His Rich Provisions For Me
To be continued....
'Now let me remind you, dear brethren, of the Glorious Message I proclaimed to you before. You welcomed it then and still do now, for your faith is built solidly on this Glorious Message. And it is this Glorious Message that saves you if you firmly believe it — unless, of course, you believed something that was never true in the first place. I relayed on to you what was most important and what had also been relayed on to me — that hol-MEHUSHKHÁY died for our sins, just like the Scriptures said. He was buried, and He was raised from the dead on the third day, like the Scriptures said. He was seen by Káfos and then by the twelve emissaries. After that, He was seen by more than five hundred of His followers at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have died by now. Then He was seen by YÁOHU-caf and later by all the emissaries. Last of all, I saw Him, too, long after the others, as though I had been born at the wrong time.' 1 Corinthians 15:1-8, Holy Scriptures ![]()
For we died and were buried with hol-MEHUSHKHÁY by baptism. And just like hol-MEHUSHKHÁY was raised from the dead by the glorious power of YÁOHU ABí (the Father), now we also may live new lives. Since we have been united with Him in His death, we will also be raised as He was. Our old sinful selves were impaled with hol-MEHUSHKHÁY in order that sin might lose its power in our lives. We are no longer slaves to sin. For when we died with hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, we were set free from the power of sin. And since we died with hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, we know we will also share His new life. We are sure of this because ha-MEHUSHKHÁY rose from the dead, and He will never die again. Death no longer has any power over Him. He died once to defeat sin, and now He lives for the glory of YÁOHU UL. So you should reckon yourselves dead to sin and able to live for the glory of YÁOHU UL through hol-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA! - Romans 6:4-11, Holy Scriptures ![]()
In 1879 an experimental steam-driven submarine bearing the proud name, Resurgam ('I Shall Rise Again') was launched with much confidence and celebration. During its trials, however, the submarine sank and never rose again. 'Resurgam' was merely an empty boast. ![]() Knowing YÁOHU Ulhím And His Rich Provisions For Me
'If there is no resurrection of the dead, then hol-MEHUSHKHÁY has not been raised up. And if hol-MEHUSHKHÁY has not been raised up from the dead, then your faith is useless, and you are still under condemnation for your sins. In that case, all who have died believing in hol-MEHUSHKHÁY have perished! And if we have hope in hol-MEHUSHKHÁY only for this life, we are the most miserable people in the world. But the fact is that hol-MEHUSHKHÁY has been raised from the dead. He has become the first of a great harvest of those who will be raised up back to life again. So you see, just as death came into the world through a man, Adam, now the resurrection from the dead has begun through another Man, ha-MEHUSHKHÁY. Everyone dies because all of us are related to Adam, the first man. But all who are related to hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, the other Man, will be brought new life. But there is a proper order to this resurrection: Hol-MEHUSHKHÁY was raised first; but when hol-MEHUSHKHÁY comes back, all His people will be raised up. After that the end will come, when He will turn the Kingdom over to YÁOHU ABí (the Father), having put down all enemies of every kind. For hol-MEHUSHKHÁY must reign until He humbles all His enemies beneath His feet. And the final enemy to be defeated is death.' - 1 Corinthians 15:13-26, Holy Scriptures ![]()
'Men of Yaoshorúl,' he said, 'and all others here who reverence YÁOHU UL, let me begin my remarks with a bit of chronology. YÁOHU UL of this nation Yaoshorúl selected our forefathers and honored them in Egypt by gloriously leading them out of their slavery. And He nursed them through forty years of wandering around in the wilderness. Then He ruined seven nations in Canaan, and gave Yaoshorúl their land as an inheritance. Judges ruled for about 450 years, and were followed by Shamu-Úl the prophet. Then the people begged for a king, and YÁOHU UL gave them Shaúl (son of Kish), a man of the tribe of Binyamin, who reigned for forty years. But YÁOHU UL removed him and replaced him with Dáoud as king, a man about whom YÁOHU UL said, 'Dáoud (son of YÁOHU-shái) is a man after My own heart, for he will obey Me.' And it is one of king Dáoud's offsprings, YAOHÚSHUA, Who is YÁOHU UL's promised Savior of Yaoshorúl! But before He came, YÁOHU-khánam the Immerser proclaimed the need for everyone in Yaoshorúl to turn from sin to YÁOHU UL. As YÁOHU-khánam was completing his work he asked, 'Do you think I am 'hol-MEHUSHKHÁY' (the Messiah)? No! But He is coming soon - and in comparison with Him, I am utterly worthless.' Brethren - you sons of Abruhám, and also all of you Gentiles here who reverence YÁOHU UL - this salvation is for all of us! The YAOHÚ-dim in Yaohúshua-oléym (Jerusalem) and their leaders fulfilled prophecy by killing YAOHÚSHUA; for they didn't recognize Him, nor realize that He is the One the prophets had written about, though they heard the prophets' words read every Shábbos (sa-urday). They found no just cause to execute Him, but asked Pilate to have Him killed anyway. When they had fulfilled all the prophecies about His death, He was taken from the tree and placed in a tomb. But YÁOHU UL brought Him back to life again! And He was seen many times during the next few days by the men who had accompanied Him to Yaohúshua-oléym from Galilee - these men have continually testified to this in public witness. And now Barnabas and I are here to bring you this Glorious Message - that YÁOHU UL's promise to our forefathers has come true in our own time, in that YÁOHU UL brought YAOHÚSHUA back to life again! This is what the second Psalm is talking about when it says about YAOHÚSHUA, 'Today I have honored You as My Son.' For YÁOHU UL had promised to bring Him back to life again, no more to die. This is mentioned in the Scripture that says, 'I will do for You the wonderful thing I promised Dáoud.' In another Psalm He explained more fully, saying, 'YÁOHU UL will not let His Holy One decay.' This was not a reference to Dáoud, for after Dáoud had served his generation according to the will of YÁOHU UL, he died and was buried, and his body decayed. No, it was a reference to Another - Someone YÁOHU UL brought back to life, Whose body was not touched at all by the ravages of death. Brethren! Hearken to me! In this Man YAOHÚSHUA, there is forbroughtess for your sins! Everyone who trusts in Him is freed from all guilt and declared upright, something the YAOHÚ-dim law could never do. Oh, be careful! Don't let the prophets' words apply to you. For they said, 'Look and perish, you despisers of the truth, for I am doing something in your day - something that you won't believe when you hear it announced.'' - Acts 13:16-41, Holy Scriptures ![]()
Four hundred years before the birth of the Messiah YAOHÚSHUA, Socrates, the renowned Greek Philosopher, drank the poison hemlock and lay down to die. 'Shall we live again?' his friends asked. The dying philosopher could only reply, 'I hope so, but no man can really know.' ![]() Knowing YÁOHU Ulhím And His Rich Provisions For Me
See how very much our heavenly YÁOHU ABí (Father) loves us, for He allows us to be called His children - think of it - and we really are! But since most people don't know YÁOHU UL, naturally they don't comprehend that we are His children. Yes, my dear friends, we already are His children, right now, and we can't even imagine what it is going to be like later on. But we know this, that when He comes we will be like Him, as a result of seeing Him as He really is. And everyone who really believes this will try to remain pure because ha-MEHUSHKHÁY (the Messiah) is pure. But those who keep on committing sins are against YÁOHU UL, for every sin is committed against the will of YÁOHU UL. And you know that He became a Man so that He could take away our sins, and that there is no sin in Him, no missing of YÁOHU UL's will at any time in any way. So if we keep close to Him, obedient to Him, we won't be committing sins also, but as for those who keep on committing sins, they should realize this: They sin because they have never really known Him or become His. Oh, dear children, don't let anyone deceive you about this: if you are continually doing what is right, it is because you are upright, even as He is. But if you keep on committing sins, it shows that you belong to ha-satán, who since he first began to sin has been relentless at it. But hol-BAÓR (the Son) of YÁOHU UL came to obliterate the works of the wicked one. The person who has been born into YÁOHU UL's family does not make a practice of committing sins, because now YÁOHU UL's life is in him; so he can't keep on committing sins, for this new life has been born into him and controls him - he has been spiritually reborn! So now we can identify who is a child of YÁOHU UL and who belongs to ha-satán. Whoever is living a life of sin and doesn't love his brother shows that he is not in YÁOHU UL's family, for the message to us from the beginning has been that we should love one another. We are not to be like Cain, who belonged to ha-satán and killed his brother. Why did he kill him? Because Cain had been doing wrong and he knew very well that his brother's life was better than his. So never be surprised, dear friends, if the world hates you. If we love other Yaohúshuahím (believers in the Messiah YAOHÚSHUA), it proves that we have been delivered from hell and brought eternal life. But a person who doesn't have love for others is headed for eternal death. Anyone who hates his Yaohúshuahee (believing) brother is really a murderer at heart; and you know that no one wanting to murder really has life eternal within. We know what real love is from the example of ha-MEHUSHKHÁY (the Messiah) in dying for us. And so we also ought to lay down our lives for our Yaohúshuahim brethren. But if someone who is supposed to be a Yaohúshuahee has money enough to live well, and sees a brother in need, and won't help him - how can YÁOHU UL's love be within him? Little children, let us stop just saying we love people; let us really, truly love them, and show it by our actions! Then we will know for sure, by our actions, that we are on YÁOHU UL's side, and our consciences will be clear, even when we arise before ha-Molkhiúl (the King). But if we have bad consciences and feel that we have done wrong, ha-Molkhiúl will surely feel it even more, for He knows everything we do. But, dearly-loved friends, if our consciences are clear, we can come to ha-Molkhiúl with perfect assurance and trust - receiving whatever we ask for because we are obeying Him and doing those activities that please Him. And this is what YÁOHU UL says we must do: Believe on the Shúam (Name) of His Son YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY (the Messiah), and love one another. Those who do what YÁOHU UL says - they are living with YÁOHU UL and He with them. We know this is the truth because the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' (Sanctified Spirit of YÁOHU Ulhím) He has brought us tells us so. First Letter of YÁOHU-khánam (John) Chapter 3, (Yaohúshua Version) ![]()
'For ha-MEHUSHKHÁY has gone into heaven itself to appear now before YÁOHU UL as our Advocate. He did not go into the earthly place of worship, for that was merely a copy of the real Temple in heaven. Nor did He enter heaven to offer Himself again and again, like the earthly high priest who enters the Most Holy Place year after year to offer the blood of an animal. If that had been necessary, He would have had to die again and again, ever since the world began. But no! He came once for all time, at the end of the age, to remove the power of sin forever by His sacrificial death for us. And just as it is predetermined that each person dies only once and after that comes judgment, so also ha-MEHUSHKHÁY died only once as a sacrifice to take away the sins of many people. He will come again but not to deal with our sins again. This time, He will bring salvation to all those who are eagerly waiting for Him.' - Hebrews 9:24-28, Holy Scriptures ![]()
I am pleading for Your help, O YÁOHU Ulhím; for I have been honest, I have done what is right, and You must hearken to my earnest cry! Publicly acquit me, YÁOHU Ulhím, for You are always just. You have examined me and seen that I am all right. You have come even in the night and found nothing wrong and know that I have told the truth. I have followed Your commands and have not gone along with cruel and evil men. My feet have not slipped from Your paths. Why am I praying like this? Because I know You will answer me, O YÁOHU Ulhím! Yes, please hearken as I pray. Show me Your ardent love in amazing ways, O Savior of all those seeking Your help against their foes. Protect me as You would the pupil of Your eye; please hide me in the shadow of Your wings as You hover over me. My enemies encircle me with murder in their eyes. They are pitiless and arrogant. Hear their boasts. They close in upon me and are ready to throw me to the ground. They are like lions eager to tear me apart, like young lions lurking and waiting for their chance. YÁOHU Ulhím, arise and fight against them. Push them back! Please come and save me from these people of the world whose only concern is earthly profit - these guys whom You have filled with Your treasures and that's why their children and grandchildren are rich and prosperous. But as for me, my contentment is not in wealth but in seeing You and knowing all is well between us. And when I awake in heaven, I will be fully satisfied, for I will see You face to face. Tehillím (Psalms) 17, Holy Scriptures (Yaohúshua Version) ![]()
According to one medical missionary to the Ryuku islands of Japan, a huge grave has been discovered on the island of Amakusa, where a marker reads that the heads of 11,111 believers are buried there. The date of the grave is 1637, in which year the Japanese government ordered all Bible believers to be executed, and the inscription above this grave reads that 11,111 believers were killed, and that their bodies were buried separately. The purpose in this was that the missionaries who had brought the Glorious Message to Japan had proclaimed the resurrection of the body, and the Japanese rulers supposed that by separating the heads from the rest of the bodies in burial, there could be no possibility of the believers coming forth back from their graves! ![]() Knowing YÁOHU Ulhím And His Rich Provisions For Me
Seven weeks had gone by since the death and resurrection of YAOHÚSHUA, and the Day of Shavúos (Feast of Weeks - Pentecost) had now arrived. As the believers met together that day, unexpectedly there was a sound like the roaring of a mighty whirlwind from the skies over them and it filled the house where they were gathered. Then, what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on their heads. And everyone present was filled with the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' (Sanctified Spirit of YAOHÚSHUA) and began speaking in languages they didn't know, for the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' gave them this empowerment. Many upright YAOHÚ-dim (Jews) were in Yaohúshua-oléym (Jerusalem) that day for the religious celebrations, having arrived from many nations. And when they heard the roaring in the sky above the house, crowds came running to see what it was all about, and were shocked to hear their own languages being spoken by the disciples. 'How can this be?' they exclaimed. 'For these men are all from Galilee, and yet we hear them speaking all the native languages of the lands where we were born! Here we are - Parthians, Medes, Elamites, men from Mesopotamia, YAOHÚ-dah, Cappadocia, Pontus, Ausia, Phrygia, Pamphylia, Egypt and the Cyrene language areas of Libya, guests from Rome - both YAOHÚ-dim and YAOHÚ-dim converts - Cretans and Arabians. And we all hear these men telling in our own languages about the mighty miracles of YÁOHU UL!' They were up on their feet amazed as well as perplexed. 'What can this mean?' they asked one another. But others in the crowd were mocking. 'They're drunk, that's all!' they said. Then Káfos (Peter) stepped forward with the eleven emissaries, and said loudly to the crowd, 'Hear me, all of you, guests and dwellers of Yaohúshua-oléym alike! Some of you are saying these men are drunk! That isn't true! It's much too early for that! People don't get drunk by nine in the morning! No! What you see this morning was predicted hundreds of years ago by the prophet Yao-Úl (Joel) - 'In the last days,' YÁOHU UL said, 'I will pour out My 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' upon all mankind, and your sons and daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men dream dreams. Yes, the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' shall come upon all My servants, men and women alike, and they shall prophesy. And I will cause unusual occurrences in the heavens and on the earth - blood and fire and clouds of smoke; the sun shall turn black and the moon blood-red before that awesome Day of YÁOHU UL arrives. Anyone who calls upon the 'Shúam' (Name) of YÁOHU UL shall be saved! O men of Yaoshorúl, take heed! YÁOHU UL publicly endorsed YAOHÚSHUA of Nazareth by doing great miracles through Him, as you well know. But YÁOHU UL, following His predetermined plan, let you use the Roman government to nail Him to the stake and murder Him. Then YÁOHU UL released Him from the horrors of death and brought Him back to life again, for death could not keep this Man within its grip.
Dear brethren, think! Dáoud wasn't referring to himself when he spoke these words I have quoted, for he died and was buried, and his tomb is still here among us. But he was a prophet, and knew YÁOHU UL had promised with an irrevocable oath that One of Dáoud's own offsprings would be 'hol-MEHUSHKHÁY' (the Messiah) and sit upon Dáoud's royal throne. Dáoud was looking far into the future and predicting the resurrection of 'ha-MEHUSHKHÁY,' and saying that the soul of 'ha-MEHUSHKHÁY' would not be left in sheól and His body would not decay. He was speaking of YAOHÚSHUA, and we all are witnesses that YAOHÚSHUA rose from the dead. And now He sits upon the throne of supreme honor in heaven, next to YÁOHU UL. And just as promised, YÁOHU ABí (the Father) gave Him the authority to send the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' - with the results you are seeing and hearing today. No, Dáoud was not speaking of himself in these words of his I have quoted, for he never ascended into the skies. Moreover, he further said, 'YÁOHU UL spoke to my Ódmorul, the Messiah, and said to Him - Sit beside Me here in honor, until I bring Your enemies into complete subjection.' Therefore I clearly say to everyone in Yaoshorúl that YÁOHU UL has made this YAOHÚSHUA you impaled to be ha-Molkhiúl (the King) and 'hol-MEHUSHKHÁY' (the Messiah)!' These words of Káfos moved them deeply, and they said to him and to the other emissaries, 'Brethren, what should we do?' And Káfos replied, 'Each one of you should turn from sin, return to YÁOHU UL, and be immersed 'be hol-Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY for the forbroughtess of your sins; then you also shall receive this gift, the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA.' Because 'ha-MEHUSHKHÁY' promised Him to each one of you who has been called by YÁOHU UL our Creator, and to your children and even to those in far-away lands!' Then Káfos proclaimed a long powerful message, telling about YAOHÚSHUA and seriously urging all his hearers to save themselves from the evils of their nation. And those who believed Káfos were immersed - about 3,000 in all! They participated with the other believers in regular attendance at the emissaries' teaching seminars and at the breaking of bread services and prayer meetings. A deep sense of awe was on them all, and the emissaries did many miracles. And all the believers met together continually and shared everything with one another, selling their properties and dividing with those in need. They worshiped together regularly at the Temple each day, met in small groups in homes for breaking of bread, and shared their meals with great gladness and gratefulness, praising YÁOHU UL. The whole city was favorable to them, and each day YÁOHU UL added to them all who were being saved. Acts 2, Holy Scriptures ![]()
'And I turned to see the voice that was speaking with me. And having turned I saw seven golden lampholders; and in the middle of the lampholders One like a Son of Man, clothed in a robe reaching to the feet, and girded at His breast with a golden girdle. And His head and His hair were white like white wool, like snow; and His eyes were like a flame of fire; and His feet were like burnished bronze, when it has been caused to glow in a furnace, and His voice was like the sound of many waters. And in His right hand He held seven cocavím (s-ars); and out of His mouth came a sharp two-edged sword; and His face was like the sun glowing in its fullness. And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as a dead man. And He laid His right hand upon me, saying, 'Do not be afraid; I am the First gam the Last, I'm the living One; and I was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of death and of sheól.' - Khanódgalut (Revelation) 1:12-18 ![]()
The emperor Theodosius having on a great occasion opened all the prisons and released his prisoners, is reported to have said: 'And now would to the Most High Creator I could open all the tombs and give life to the dead, too!' ![]() Knowing YÁOHU Ulhím And His Rich Provisions For Me
'Now let me remind you, dear brethren, of the Glorious Message I proclaimed to you before. You welcomed it then and continue to do so now, for your faith is built on this Glorious Message. And it is this Glorious Message that saves you if you firmly believe it — unless, of course, you believed something that was never true in the first place. I relayed on to you what was most important and what had also been relayed on to me — that hol-MEHUSHKHÁY died for our sins, just like the Scriptures said. He was buried, and He was raised from the dead on the third day, as the Scriptures said. He was seen by Káfos and then by the twelve emissaries. After that, He was seen by more than five hundred of His followers at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have died by now. Then He was seen by YÁOHU-caf and later by all the emissaries. Last of all, I saw Him, too, long after the others, as though I had been born at the wrong time. For I am the least of all the emissaries, and I am not worthy to be called an emissary after the way I persecuted the Oholyáo (Congregation) of YÁOHU UL. - 1 Corinthians 15:1-9, Holy Scriptures ![]()
But, oh, how few believe it! Who will hearken to it? To whom will YÁOHU UL reveal His saving power? In YÁOHU UL's eyes, He was like a tender green shoot, sprouting from a root in dry and infertile ground. But in our eyes there was no attractiveness at all, nothing to make us want Him. We despised Him and rejected Him - a Man of sorrows, acquainted with bitterest grief. We turned our backs on Him and looked the other way when He passed by. He was despised, yet we didn't care. But it was our grief He bore, our sorrows that weighed Him down. And we thought His troubles were a punishment from YÁOHU UL for His own sins! But He was wounded and bruised for our sins. He was beaten that we might have peace; He was lashed - and we were cured! We - every one of us - have meandered away like sheep! We, who left YÁOHU UL's paths to follow our own. Yet YÁOHU UL laid on Him the guilt and sins of every one of us! He was oppressed; He was afflicted, yet He never said a word. He was brought as a lamb to the slaughter; and as a sheep before its shearers is dumb, so He remained silent before the very ones condemning Him. From prison and trial they led Him away to His death. But who among the people of that day realized it was their sins that He was really dying for - that He was suffering their own punishment? He was buried like a criminal, but in a rich man's grave; but He had done no wrong, and had never spoken an evil word. But it was YÁOHU UL's plan to bruise Him and fill Him with grief. However, when His soul has been made an offering for sin, then He shall have a multitude of children, many heirs! He shall live again and YÁOHU UL's program of government shall prosper in His hands. And when He sees all that is accomplished by the anguish of His soul, He shall be satisfied; and because of what He has experienced, My upright Servant shall make many to be counted upright before YÁOHU UL, for He shall bear their sins. Therefore I will give Him the honors of One Who is mighty and great, because He has poured out His soul unto death. He was reckoned as a sinner, and He bore the sins of many, and He pled with YÁOHU UL for sinners. - Yaoshua-YÁOHU (Isaiah) 53, Holy Scriptures ![]()
It is said that when members of the British parliament went into one of the ancient burial sites in the middle east, they were permitted to open one of the royal caskets, and they saw dried bulbous and tuberous roses beside the corpse. They determined that the person had been encased perhaps three thousand years. And as soon as the air touched the corpse, the roses all crumbled to the finest dust except the seed of the rose, which was gathered and brought to England and planted in the garden of one of them. And it shot up a stalk to bear a beautiful flower. The query was asked what it should be called. Nothing in the range of their botany was ever similar to it. And the member of parliament said, 'We will name it for the Swedish botanist. We will call it Dahl.' And this is the origin of the name of one of the species of dahlia. Coming through three thousand years, it still lives! ![]() Knowing YÁOHU Ulhím And His Rich Provisions For Me
YÁOHU-khánam (John) replied, 'YÁOHU UL in heaven appoints each person's work. You yourselves know how plainly I told you that I am not hol-MEHUSHKHÁY (the Messiah). I am here to prepare the way for Him - that is all. The bride will go where the Bridegroom is. A Bridegroom's friend exults with Him. I am the Bridegroom's friend, and I am filled with gladness at His success. He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less. He has come from above and is greater than anyone else. I am of the earth, and my comprehension is limited to the things of earth, but He has come from heaven. He speaks of what He has observed and heard, but how few believe what He tells them! Those who believe Him discover that YÁOHU UL is true. For He is sent by YÁOHU UL. He speaks YÁOHU UL's words, for the 'RÚKHA-YÁOHU' (Sanctified Spirit of YÁOHU Ulhím) is upon Him without measure or limit. YÁOHU ABí loves His Son, and He has brought Him authority over everything. And all who believe in YÁOHU UL's Son have eternal life. Those who don't obey the Son will never experience eternal life, but the wrath of YÁOHU UL remains upon them.' - YÁOHU-khánam (John) 3:27-36, Holy Scriptures ![]()
'The chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin were looking for evidence against YAOHÚSHUA so they could put Him to death, but they did not find any. Many testified falsely against Him, but their allegations did not agree. Then some rose up and gave this false testimony against Him: 'We heard Him say, 'I will ruin this man-made Temple and in three days will build another, not made by man!' Yet even then their testimony did not tally. Then the high priest rose up before them and asked YAOHÚSHUA, 'Are You not going to answer? What is this testimony that these men are bringing against You?' But YAOHÚSHUA remained silent and gave no answer. Again the high priest asked him, 'Are you hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, the Son of the Blessed Most High?' 'I am,' said YAOHÚSHUA. 'And you will see the Son of Man seated by the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.' - Mark 14:55-62, Holy Scriptures ![]()
A speaker once announced that he would be speaking the following weekend on 'Heaven.' During that week, a heart-warming letter was received from an old man who was very ill. The following is part of his letter: 'This coming weekend you are to talk about Heaven. I am very eager to know more about that place, because I have held a clear title to a bit of property there for over fifty-five years. I did not buy it. It was brought to me without money and without price. But the Donor purchased it for me at a terrible sacrifice. I am not holding it for speculation since the title is not transferable. It is not a vacant lot. For more than fifty years I have been dispatching materials out of which the greatest Architect and Builder of the Universe has been building a home for me which will never need to be remodeled nor repaired because it will suit me perfectly, individually, and it will never grow old. Termites can never undermine its foundations for they rest upon the Rock of Ages. Fire cannot consume it. Floods cannot wash it away. No locks or bolts will ever be placed upon its doors, for no evil person can ever enter that land where my dwelling is, now almost completed and almost ready for me to enter in and abide in peace forever, without fear of being ejected. There is a valley of deep shadow between the place where I live in California and that to which I shall journey in a very short time. I cannot reach my home in that City of Gold without passing through this dark valley of shadows. But I am not afraid because the best Friend I ever had went through the same valley long, long ago and drove away all its gloom. He has stuck by me through thick and thin, since we first became acquainted fifty-five years ago, and I hold His promise in printed form, never to forsake me or leave me alone. He will be with me as I walk through the valley of shadows, and I shall not lose my way when He is with me. I hope to hear your discourse on Heaven this weekend from my home in Los Angeles, California, but I have no assurance that I shall be able to do so. My ticket to Heaven has no date marked for the journey - no return coupon - and no permit for baggage. Yes, I am all ready to go and I may not be here while you are talking this weekend, but I shall meet you there some day.' ![]() Knowing YÁOHU Ulhím And His Rich Provisions For Me
'During the forty days after His impalement, He appeared to the emissaries from time to time, actually alive, and proved to them in many ways that it was really He Himself they were seeing. And on these occasions He talked to them about the Kingdom of YÁOHU UL. In one of these encounters, He told them not to leave Yaohúshua-oléym (Jerusalem) until the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' had come upon them in fulfillment of the promise of YÁOHU ABí (the Father), a matter He had previously discussed with them. 'YÁOHU-khánam immersed you with water,' He reminded them, 'but you shall be immersed in the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' in just a few days.' And another time when He appeared to them, they asked Him, 'Molkhiúl (King, Ruler), are You going to free Yaoshorúl (Israel) from Rome now and renew us as an independent nation?' 'YÁOHU ABí (the Father) sets those dates,' He replied, 'and they are not for you to know. But when the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' has come upon you, you will receive power to testify about Me with great effect, to the people in Yaohúshua-oléym, throughout YAOHÚ-dah (Judea), in Shuamor-YÁOHU (Samaria), and to the ends of the earth, about My death and resurrection. It was not long afterwards that He rose into the sky and disappeared into a cloud, leaving them gazing after Him. As they were beaming their eyes for another glimpse, unexpectedly two white-robed men were arisen there among them, and said, 'Men of Galilee, why are you up here gazing at the sky? YAOHÚSHUA has gone away to heaven, and some day, just as He went, He will return!' They were at the Mount of Olives when this happened, so now they walked the half mile back to Yaohúshua-oléym and held a prayer meeting in an upper room of the house where they were at.' - Acts 1:3-13, Holy Scriptures ![]()
YAOHÚSHUA replied, 'The truth of the matter is that you want to be with Me because I fed you, not because you believe in Me. But you should not be so concerned about perishable things like food. No, spend your energy seeking the eternal life that I, hol-MEHUSHKHÁY (the Messiah), can give you. For YÁOHU ABí has sent Me for this very purpose.' They replied, 'What should we do to satisfy YÁOHU UL?' YAOHÚSHUA told them, 'This is the will of YÁOHU UL, that you believe in the One He has sent.' They replied, 'You must show us more miracles if you want us to believe that You are the Messiah. Give us free bread every day, like our foreparents had while they journeyed through the wilderness! As the Scriptures say, 'Mehushúa (Moses) gave them bread from heaven.'' YAOHÚSHUA said, 'Mehushúa was not the one who gave it to them. My YÁOHU ABí did. And now He offers you true Bread from heaven. The true Bread is a Person - the One sent by YÁOHU UL from heaven, and He gives life to the world.' 'Maór (Sir),' they said, 'give us that bread every day of our lives!' YAOHÚSHUA replied, 'I am the Bread of Life. No one coming to Me will ever be hungry again. Those believing in Me will never thirst. But the trouble is, as I have told you before, you haven't believed even though you have seen Me. But some will come to Me - and I will never, never reject them. For I have come here from heaven to do the will of YÁOHU UL Who sent Me, not to have My own way. And this is the will of YÁOHU UL, that I should not lose even one of all those He has brought Me, but that I should resurrect them to eternal life at the Last Day. For it is My YÁOHU ABí's will that everyone who sees His Son and believes on Him should have eternal life - that I should raise him at the Last Day. Then the YAOHÚ-dim (Jews) began to murmur against Him because He claimed to be the Bread from heaven. 'What?' they exclaimed. 'Why, He is merely YAOHÚSHUA, Son of YÁOHU-sáf (Joseph), whose father and mother we are familiar with. What is this He is saying, that He came down from heaven?' But YAOHÚSHUA replied, 'Don't murmur among yourselves about My saying that. For no one can come to Me unless YÁOHU ABí Who sent Me draws Him to Me, and at the Last Day, I will cause all such to rise again from the dead. As it is inscribed in the Scriptures, 'They shall all be taught of YÁOHU UL.' Those YÁOHU ABí speaks to, who learn the truth from Him, will be attracted to Me. (Not that anyone actually sees YÁOHU ABí, for only I have really seen Him.) How truthfully I tell you this - anyone who believes in Me already has life eternal! Yes, I am the Bread of Life! When your fathers in the wilderness ate bread from the skies, they all died. But the Bread from heaven gives life eternal to everyone who eats it. I am the Living Bread that came down out of heaven. Anyone eating this Bread shall live forever, this Bread is My flesh brought to redeem humanity.' Then the YAOHÚ-dim (Jews) began arguing with each one about what He meant. 'How can this Man give us His flesh to eat?' they asked. So YAOHÚSHUA said it again, 'With all the integrity I have I tell you this: Unless you eat the flesh of ha-MEHUSHKHÁY (the Messiah) and drink His 'DAM' (blood), you cannot have life eternal within you. But anyone who does eat My flesh and drink My 'DAM' (blood) has life eternal, and I will raise him up at the Last Day. For My flesh is the true food, and My 'DAM' (blood) is the true drink. Everyone who eats My flesh and drinks My 'DAM' is in Me, and I in him. I live by the power of the living YÁOHU ABí Who sent Me, and in the same way those who partake of Me shall live because of Me! I am the true Bread from heaven; and anyone who eats this Bread shall live forever, and not die as your foreparents did - though they ate bread from heaven.' (He proclaimed this message in the synagogue in Kefár-Naokhém.) Even His disciples said, 'This is very hard to comprehend. Who can tell what He means?' YAOHÚSHUA knew within Himself that His disciples were complaining and said to them, 'Does this offend you? Then what will you think if you see Me, hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, return to heaven again? Only the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' (Sanctified Spirit of YÁOHU Ulhím) gives life eternal. Those born only once, with physical birth, will never receive this gift. But now I have told you how to get true spiritual life. But some of you don't believe Me.' (For YAOHÚSHUA knew from the beginning who didn't believe and knew the one who would betray Him.) And He remarked, 'That is what I meant when I said that no one can come to Me unless YÁOHU ABí attracts him to Me.' - YÁOHU-khánam (John) 6:26-65, Holy Scriptures ![]()
When YÁOHU UL was about to take Uli-YÁOHU up to heaven in a whirlwind, Uli-YÁOHU and Ulishúa were traveling from Gilgal. And Uli-YÁOHU said to Ulishúa, 'Remain here, for YÁOHU UL has told me to go to Bayit-Ul.' But Ulishúa replied, 'As surely as YÁOHU UL lives and you yourself live, I will never leave you!' They therefore went on together to Bayit-Ul. The group of prophets from Bayit-Ul came to Ulishúa and asked him, 'Did you know that YÁOHU UL is going to take your chief away from you today?' 'Quiet!' Ulishúa answered. 'Of course I know it.' Then Uli-YÁOHU said to Ulishúa, 'Remain here, for YÁOHU UL has told me to go to Yericho.' But Ulishúa replied again, 'As surely as YÁOHU UL lives and you yourself live, I will never leave you.' They therefore went on together to Yericho. Then the group of prophets from Yericho came to Ulishúa and asked him, 'Did you know that YÁOHU UL is going to take your chief away from you today?' 'Quiet!' he answered again. 'Of course I know it.' Then Uli-YÁOHU said to Ulishúa, 'Remain here, for YÁOHU UL has told me to go to the Yardayán River.' But again Ulishúa replied, 'As surely as YÁOHU UL lives and you yourself live, I will never leave you.' They therefore went on together. Fifty men from the group of prophets also went and watched afar-off as Uli-YÁOHU and Ulishúa stopped beside the Yardayán River. Then Uli-YÁOHU folded his cloak together and hit the water with it. The river divided, and the two of them went through on dry ground! When they came to the other side, Uli-YÁOHU said to Ulishúa, 'What can I do for you before I am taken away?' And Ulishúa replied, 'Please let me become your rightful heir.' 'You have asked a difficult thing,' Uli-YÁOHU replied. 'If you see me when I am taken from you, then you will get your request. But if not, then you won't.' While they were walking along and talking, surprisingly a chariot of fire appeared, drawn by horses of fire. It drove between them, separating them, and Uli-YÁOHU was carried by a whirlwind into heaven! Ulishúa saw it and cried out, 'My father! My father! The chariots and charioteers of Yaoshorúl!' And as they disappeared from sight, Ulishúa tore his robe in two. He hit the water with the cloak and cried out, 'Where is YÁOHU UL, the Eternal Creator of Uli-YÁOHU?' Then the river divided, and Ulishúa went through! When the group of prophets from Yericho saw what happened, they exclaimed, 'Ulishúa has become Uli-YÁOHU's heir!' And they went to meet him and bowed down before him. - 2 Kings 2:1-15, Holy Scriptures ![]() Knowing YÁOHU Ulhím And His Rich Provisions For Me
Without doubt, this is the great enigma of our faith:
'The Son reflects YÁOHU UL's own glory, and everything about Him represents YÁOHU UL exactly. He maintains the universe by the mighty power of His command. After He died to cleanse us from the blemish of sin, He sat upon the place of honor at the right hand of the majestic YÁOHU UL of heaven.' - Hebrews 1:3 'He is the kind of High Priest we need because He is holy and blameless, unblemished by sin. He has now been set apart from sinners, and He has been brought the highest place of honor in heaven.' - Hebrews 7:26, Holy Scriptures 'Here is the main point: Our High Priest sat upon the place of highest honor in heaven, at YÁOHU UL's right hand.' - Hebrews 8:1 'So ha-MEHUSHKHÁY has now become the High Priest over all the noble things that have come. He has come into that great, perfect shrine in heaven, not made by human hands and not part of this created world.' - Hebrews 9:11, Holy Scriptures 'Look! He comes with the clouds of heaven. And everyone will see Him — even those who pierced Him. And all the nations of the earth will weep because of Him. Yes! Am-now!' - Kanódgaluth (Revelation) 1:7, Holy Scriptures ![]()
A scripture scholar received one day a copy of Andrew Bonar’s Commentary on Leviticus. It so empowered him that he returned it, saying, 'Mr. Bonar, please place herein your autograph and your photograph.' The book was returned to him with the following note from Mr. Bonar: 'Dear friend, here is the book with my autograph and with my photograph. If you had been willing to wait a longer time, you could have had a better likeness, for I shall be like Him; I shall see Him as He is - (1 YÁOHU-khánam - John 3:2).' ![]() Knowing YÁOHU Ulhím And His Rich Provisions For Me
'But now YÁOHU UL has shown us a different way of being right in His eyes — not by obeying the law but by the way promised in the Scriptures long ago. We are made right in YÁOHU UL's eyes when we trust upon YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY to take away our sins. And we all can be saved in this same way, no matter who we are or what we have done. For all have sinned; all fall short of YÁOHU UL's glory. Yet now YÁOHU UL in His benevolent kindness declares us not guilty. He has performed this through hol-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA, Who has freed us by taking away our sins. For YÁOHU UL sent YAOHÚSHUA to take the punishment for our sins and to satisfy YÁOHU UL's anger against us. We are made right with YÁOHU UL when we believe that YAOHÚSHUA shed His 'DAM' (blood), sacrificing His life for us. YÁOHU UL was being entirely fair and just for not punishing those who sinned in former times. And He is absolutely fair and just this present time when He declares sinners to be right in His sight because they believe in YAOHÚSHUA.' - Romans 3:21-26, Holy Scriptures ![]()
'YÁOHU UL saved you by His unmerited favor when you believed. And you can't take credit for this; it is a gift from YÁOHU UL. Salvation is not a reward for the upright things we have done, therefore none of us can boast about it. For we are YÁOHU UL's workmanship. He has created us anew in hol-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA, in order that we can do the noble deeds He planned for us long ago.' - Ephesians 2:8-10, Holy Scriptures ![]()
'For we know that when this earthly tent we live in is taken down — when we die and leave these bodies — we will have a home in heaven, an eternal body made for us by YÁOHU UL Himself and not by human hands. We grow weary in our present bodies, and we long for the day when we will put on our heavenly bodies like new clothing. For we will not be spirits without bodies, but we will put on new heavenly bodies. Our dying bodies make us groan and sigh, but it's not that we want to die and have no bodies at all. We want to slip into our new bodies in order that these dying bodies will be swallowed up by eternal life. YÁOHU UL Himself has prepared us for this, and as a guarantee, He has brought us His 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' (Sanctified Spirit of YÁOHU Ulhím). So we are always confident, even though we know that as long as we live in these bodies we are not at home with ha-Molkhiúl. That is why we live by believing and not by seeing. Yes, we are fully confident, and we would rather be away from these bodies, for then we will be at home with ha-Molkhiúl. So our aim is to please Him always, whether we are here in this body or away from this body. For we must all arise before hol-MEHUSHKHÁY to be judged. We will each receive whatever we deserve for the noble or evil deeds we have done while in our bodies.' - 2 Corinthians 5:1-10, Holy Scriptures ![]()
A lad was in real danger of being drowned while bathing in a river. Seeing a passerby on the bank, he called to him for help; but the man began to lecture him on his rashness. 'Rescue me now,' cried the lad, 'you can lecture me later on when I am safe!' ![]() Knowing YÁOHU Ulhím And His Rich Provisions For Me
'For only I, the Son of Man, have come to earth and will return to heaven again. And as Mehushúa lifted up the bronze snake on a pole in the wilderness, so I, the Son of Man, must be lifted up on a pole, so everyone who believes in Me will have eternal life. For YÁOHU UL so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. YÁOHU UL did not send His Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it. There is no judgment awaiting those who trust Him. But those who do not trust Him have already been judged for not believing in the Shúam (Name) of the only Son of YÁOHU UL. Their judgment is based upon this fact: The light from heaven came into the world, but they loved the darkness more than the light, for their activities were evil. They hate the light because they want to sin in the darkness. They keep away from the light for fear their sins will be exposed, for then they will be punished. But those who do what is right come to the light delightfully, so everyone can observe that they are doing what YÁOHU UL wants.' - YÁOHU-khánam (John) 3:13-21, Holy Scriptures ![]()
'Once we, too, were foolish and disobedient. We were misled by others and became slaves to many wicked desires and evil pleasures. Our lives were full of evil and envy. We hated others, and they hated us back in return. But then YÁOHU UL our Savior showed us His kindness and love. He saved us, not because of the upright things we did, but because of His mercy. He washed away our sins and gave us a new life through the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' (Sanctified Spirit of YÁOHU Ulhím). He generously poured out the 'RÚKHA' (Spirit) upon us because of what YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY our Savior did. He declared us not guilty because of His great kindness! And now we know that we will inherit eternal life. These matters I have told you are all true. I want you to insist upon them so everyone who trusts in YÁOHU UL will be careful to do upright deeds all the time. These matters are noble and beneficial for everyone.' - Titus 3:3-8, Holy Scriptures ![]()
'As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our sinful nature and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature objects of wrath. But because of His great love for us, YÁOHU UL, Who is rich in mercy, made us alive with hol-MEHUSHKHÁY even when we were dead in transgressions - it is by grace you have been saved. And YÁOHU UL raised us up with hol-MEHUSHKHÁY and made us sit with Him in the heavenly realms in hol-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA, in order that in the coming ages He might show the incomparable riches of His grace, displayed by means of His kindness to us in ha-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of YÁOHU UL - not by works, therefore no one can boast. For we are YÁOHU UL's workmanship, created in hol-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA to do noble deeds, which YÁOHU UL prepared in advance for us to do.' - Ephesians 2:1-10, Holy Scriptures ![]()
According to 'It Happened in Canada,' during the early days of northern Ontario's gold rush (1909), Sandy McIntyre found what is now the famous mine bearing his name. He sold out for $25 in order to buy some liquor. Years later he still passed his time crying in pubs and bars, while the mine he discovered yielded gold worth 230 million dollars. ![]() Knowing YÁOHU Ulhím And His Rich Provisions For Me
'If anyone does not love ha-Molkhiúl (the King), let that person be accursed (anáthema). Maór-nah-otá!' - 1 Corinthians 16:22, Holy Scriptures 'I am shocked that you are turning away so quickly from YÁOHU UL, Who in His love and mercy called you to share the eternal life He gives through hol-MEHUSHKHÁY. You are already following a different way that pretends to be the Glorious Message but is NOT the Glorious Message at all. You are being deceived by those who corrupt and change the truth about hol-MEHUSHKHÁY. Let YÁOHU UL's curse fall on anyone, including myself, who proclaims any other message than the one we told you about. Even if an angel comes from heaven and proclaims any other message, let him be forever cursed. I will say it again: If anyone proclaims any other Glorious Message different from the one you welcomed, let YÁOHU UL's curse fall upon that person! Obviously, I'm not trying to be a people pleaser! No, I am trying to please YÁOHU UL. If I were to continue trying to please people, I would not be a servant of hol-MEHUSHKHÁY.' - Galatians 1:6-10, Holy Scriptures ![]()
YAOHÚSHUA came and told His disciples, 'I have been brought complete authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the peoples, baptizing them in the Shúam (Name) of YÁOHU ABí, hol-BAÓR (the Son) and the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' (Sanctified Spirit). Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have brought you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of this age.' - Man-YÁOHU (Matthew) 28:18-20, Holy Scriptures ![]()
'Hodayáo (thanks) be to YÁOHU UL, Who made us His captives and leads us along in hol-MEHUSHKHÁY's victorious parade. Now wherever we go He uses us to tell others about ha-Molkhiúl and to spread the Glorious Message like a sweet perfume. Our lives are a fragrant offering by hol-MEHUSHKHÁY to YÁOHU UL. But this fragrance is perceived differently by those being saved and by those perishing. To those who are perishing we are a fearful smell of death and doom. But to those who are being saved, we are a life-giving perfume.' - 2 Corinthians 2:14-16a, Holy Scriptures ![]()
And there was a man named Ananiah (with his wife Saphir) who sold some property, and brought only part of the money, claiming it was the full price. (His wife had agreed to this deception.) But Káfos said, 'Ananiah, ha-satán has filled your heart. When you claimed this was the full price, you were lying to the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' (Holy Spirit). The property was yours to sell or not, as you wished. And after selling it, it was yours to decide how much to give. How could you do a thing like this? You weren't lying to us, but to YÁOHU UL. As soon as Ananiah heard these words, he fell to the floor, dead! Everyone was shocked, and the younger men covered him with a sheet, took him out and buried him. About three hours later his wife came in, not knowing what had happened. Káfos asked her, 'Did you both sell your land for such a price?' 'Yes,' she replied, 'we did.' And Káfos said, 'How could you and your husband even think of doing a thing like this - conspiring together to test the ability of the 'RÚKHA-YÁOHU' (Spirit of YÁOHU UL) to know what is going on? Just outside that door are the young men who buried your husband, and they will carry you out too.' Quickly she fell to the floor, dead, and the young men came in and, seeing that she was dead, carried her out and buried her beside her husband. Reverential fear gripped the whole Congregation and all others who heard what had happened. Meanwhile, the emissaries were meeting regularly at the Temple in the area known as Shua-ólmoh's Hall, and they did many miracles among the people. The other believers didn't dare participate with them, though, but all had the highest regard for them. And more and more believers were added to ha-Molkhiúl (the King, Ruler), crowds both of men and women. Sick people were brought out along the roads on beds and mats so at least the shadow of Káfos would fall upon some of them as he passed by! And crowds came in from the suburbs of Yaohúshua-oléym, bringing their sick folk and those possessed by evil spirits, and every one of them was cured! The High Priest with his relatives and friends among the Tzadiqím reacted with violent jealousy and apprehended the emissaries, and put them in the public jail. But an angel of YÁOHU UL came at night, opened the gates of the jail and brought them out. Then he told them, 'Go over to the Temple and proclaim about this Life!' They arrived at the Temple about daybreak, and immediately began proclaiming! Later that morning the High Priest with his courtiers arrived at the Temple, and, convening the YAOHÚ-dee (Jewish) Council and the entire Senate, they sent for the emissaries to be brought for trial. But when the police arrived at the jail, the men weren't there, so they returned to the Council and reported. 'The jail doors were locked, and the guards were up on their feet outside, but when we opened the gates, they were not there!' When the police captain and the chief priests heard this, they were frantic, wondering what would happen afterwards, and where all this could lead to! Then someone arrived with the report that the men they had jailed were out in the Temple, proclaiming to the people! The police captain went with his officers and apprehended them (without violence though, for they were afraid the people would kill them if they roughed up the disciples) and brought them in before the Council. 'Didn't we tell you never again to proclaim about this Shúam YAOHÚSHUA?' the High Priest demanded. 'And contrariwise, you have filled all Yaohúshua-oléym (Jerusalem) with your doctrine and intend to bring the blame for this Man's death on us!' But Káfos and the emissaries replied, 'We must obey YÁOHU UL rather than men. YÁOHU UL of our forefathers brought YAOHÚSHUA back to life again after you had killed Him by hanging Him on a tree. Then with mighty power, YÁOHU UL exalted Him to be a Prince and Savior, so the people of Yaoshorúl (Israel) would have an opportunity for repentance, and for their sins to be forbrought. And we are witnesses of these events, and so is the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' (Sanctified Spirit), Who is given by YÁOHU UL to all who obey Him.' At this, the Council was furious, and determined to kill them. But one of their members, a Pharisee named Gamaliúl (an expert in religious law and very popular with the people), arose and asked that the emissaries be sent outside the Council chamber while he talked. Then he addressed his colleagues as follows: 'Men of Yaoshorúl, take care what you are planning to do to these men! Sometime ago, there was that fellow Theudas, who pretended to be someone great. About 400 others joined him, but he was killed, and his followers were harmlessly dispersed. After him, at the time of the taxation, there was Judas of Galilee. He drew away some people as disciples, but he also died, and his followers scattered. And so my advice is, leave these men alone. If what they teach and do is merely on their own, it will soon be overthrown. But if it is of YÁOHU UL, you will not be able to stop them, lest you find yourselves fighting even against YÁOHU UL.' The Council accepted his advice, called in the emissaries, had them beaten, and then told them never again to speak in the 'Shúam' (Name) of YAOHÚSHUA, and finally let them go. They left the Council chamber full of gladness that YÁOHU UL had counted them worthy to suffer humiliation for the sake of His Shúam (Name)! And every day, in the Temple and in their home Scripture classes, they continued to teach and proclaim that YAOHÚSHUA is the true Messiah: hol-MEHUSHKHÁY! Acts 5, Holy Scriptures (Yaohúshua Version) ![]() Knowing YÁOHU Ulhím And His Rich Provisions For Me
What is faith? Faith is the confident assurance that what we want is going to happen. It is the surety that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead. Men of YÁOHU UL in days of old were famous for their faith. By faith - by believing YÁOHU UL - we know that the world and the celestial lights - in fact, all creation - were made at YÁOHU UL's command; and that they were all made out from what can't be seen. It was by faith that Abúl obeyed YÁOHU UL and brought an offering that pleased YÁOHU UL more than Cain's offering did. YÁOHU UL accepted Abúl and proved it by accepting his gift; and though Abúl is long dead, we can still learn lessons from him about depending fully upon YÁOHU UL. Kan-ókh (Enoch) put his full trust upon YÁOHU UL too, and that was why YÁOHU UL took him away to heaven without dying; unexpectedly he was gone because YÁOHU UL took him away. Before this happened YÁOHU UL had said how pleased He was with Kan-ókh. You can never please YÁOHU UL without faith, without depending fully upon Him. Anyone who wants to come to YÁOHU UL must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who truly search for Him. Nokh (Noah) was another who relied upon YÁOHU UL. When he heard YÁOHU UL's warning about the future, Nokh believed Him even though there was no sign of a flood then, and redeeming the time, he quickly built the ark and saved his family. Nokh's belief in YÁOHU UL was in direct contrast to the sin and disbelief of the rest of the world - which refused to obey - and because of his faith he became one of those whom YÁOHU UL has accepted. Abruhám relied fully upon YÁOHU UL, and when YÁOHU UL told him to leave home and go far away to another land which He promised to give him, Abruhám obeyed. Away he went, not even knowing where he was going. And even when he reached YÁOHU UL's promised land, he lived in tents like a mere traveler, as did YÁOHUtz-kaq (Isaac), and YÁOHU-caf (Jacob), to whom YÁOHU UL gave the same promise. Abruhám did this because he was confidently waiting for YÁOHU UL to bring him to that durable heavenly City whose Architect and Builder is YÁOHU UL. Soroáh, too, had faith, and because of this she was able to become a mother in spite of her old age, for she realized that YÁOHU UL, Who gave her His promise, would surely do what He said. And so a whole nation came from Abruhám, who was too old to have even one child - a nation with so many millions of people that, like the evening skylights and the sand upon the ocean shores, there is no way to count them. These men of faith I have mentioned died without ever receiving all that YÁOHU UL had promised them; but they saw it all awaiting them on ahead and were glad, for they agreed that this earth was not their real home but that they were mere travelers who are down here on a visit. And quite obviously when they talked like that, they were looking forward to their real home in heaven. If they had wanted to, they could have gone back to the pleasurable things of this world. But they didn't want to. They were living for heaven! And now YÁOHU UL is not ashamed to be called their UL (the All-Powerful, Eternal Creator), for He has made a heavenly City for them. While YÁOHU UL was trying him, Abruhám continued to depend fully upon YÁOHU UL and His promises, and so he offered up his son, YÁOHUtz-kaq (Isaac), and was ready to slay him on the altar of sacrifice; yes, to slay even YÁOHUtz-kaq, through whom YÁOHU UL had promised to give Abruhám a whole nation of offsprings! He believed that if YÁOHUtz-kaq died YÁOHU UL would bring him back to life again; and that is just about what happened; for as far as Abruhám was concerned, YÁOHUtz-kaq was doomed to death, but he came back again alive! It was by faith that YÁOHUtz-kaq knew YÁOHU UL would give future rewards to his two sons, YÁOHU-caf (Jacob) and Esau. By faith, YÁOHU-caf, when he was old and dying, empowered each of the two sons of YÁOHU-saf (Joseph) as he arose and prayed, leaning on the top of his cane. And it was by faith that YÁOHU-saf, as he neared the end of his life, confidently spoke of YÁOHU UL bringing the people of Yaoshorúl (Israel) out of Egypt; and he was so sure of it that he made them promise to carry his bones with them when they left! The parents of Mehushúa (Moses) had faith too. When they saw that YÁOHU UL had brought them an unusual child, they relied upon YÁOHU UL to save him from death which the king commanded, and they hid him for three months, and were not afraid. It was by faith that Mehushúa, when he grew up, refused to be treated as the grandson of the king, but preferred to share ill-treatment with YÁOHU UL's people, in place of enjoying the passing pleasures of sin. He thought that it was better to suffer for the promised ha-MEHUSHKHÁY (Messiah) than to own all the treasures of Egypt, for he was looking forward to the great reward that YÁOHU UL would give him. And it was because he fully relied upon YÁOHU UL that he left the land of Egypt and wasn't afraid of the king's anger. Mehushúa kept right on going; it seemed as though he could see YÁOHU UL right there with him. And it was because he believed YÁOHU UL would save His people that he commanded them to kill a lamb as YÁOHU UL had told them to and sprinkle the blood on the doorposts of their homes, so YÁOHU UL's terrible Angel of Death could not touch the oldest child in those homes, as he did among the Egyptians. The people of Yaoshorúl (Israel) fully relied upon YÁOHU UL and went right through the Red Sea as though they were on dry ground. But when the Egyptians pursuing them tried it, they all were drowned! It was faith that brought the walls of Yericho tumbling down after the people of Yaoshorúl had walked around them seven days, as YÁOHU UL had commanded them. By faith - because she believed in YÁOHU UL and His power - Rahab the prostitute did not die with all the others in her city when they refused to obey YÁOHU UL, for she gave a friendly welcome to the spies. Well, how much more do I need to say? It would take too long to recount the tales of the faith of Gideon and Barak and Shuamshon and Yaptakh and Dáoud and Shuam-Ul and all the other prophets. These people all fully relied upon YÁOHU UL and as a result won battles, overthrew kingdoms, ruled their people well, and received what YÁOHU UL had promised them; they were kept from harm in a den of lions, and in a fiery furnace. Some, through their faith, escaped death by the sword. Some were made vigorous again after they had been weakened. Others were brought great power in battle; they made whole armies turn and run away. And some women, through faith, received their loved ones back again from death. But others fully relied upon YÁOHU UL and were beaten to death, preferring to die rather than turn from YÁOHU UL and be free - confident that they would resurrect to a better life afterwards. Some were laughed at and their backs cut open with whips, and others were chained in dungeons. Some died by thrown rocks, and some by being sawed in two; others were promised freedom if they would renounce their faith, then were killed with the sword. Some went about in skins of sheep and goats, wandering over deserts and mountains, hiding in dens and caves. They were divested, persecuted and maltreated - too upright for this world! And these men of faith, though they fully relied upon YÁOHU UL and won His approval, none of them received all that YÁOHU UL had promised them; for YÁOHU UL wanted them to wait and share the even better rewards that were prepared for us. - Hebrews 11, Holy Scriptures ![]()
'We are made right in YÁOHU UL's point of view when we trust upon YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY to take away our sins. And we all can be saved in this same way, no matter who we are or what we have done.' - Romans 3:22, Holy Scriptures 'For if you confess with your mouth that YAOHÚSHUA is Molkhiúl and believe in your heart that YÁOHU UL raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with YÁOHU UL, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved.' - Romans 10:9-10, Holy Scriptures 'Anyone who calls on the Shúam (Name) of YÁOHU UL will be saved.' - Romans 10:13, Holy Scriptures ![]()
'Where is Your father?' they asked. YAOHÚSHUA answered, 'For the simple reason that you do not know Who I am, you don't know Who My YÁOHU ABí is. If you knew Me, then you would know My YÁOHU ABí, too.' YAOHÚSHUA made these declarations while He was teaching in the section of the Temple known as the Treasury. But He was not arrested, because His time had not yet come. Later YAOHÚSHUA said to them again, 'I am going away. You will search for me and die in your sin. You cannot come where I am going.' The YAOHÚ-dim leaders asked, 'Is He planning to commit suicide? What does He mean, 'You cannot come where I am going'?' Then he said to them, 'You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not. That is why I said that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am Who I say I am, you will die in your sins!' 'Tell us Who You are,' they demanded. YAOHÚSHUA replied, 'I am the One I have always claimed to be. I have much to say about you and much to condemn, but I won't. For I say only what I have heard from the One Who sent me, and He is real.' But they still didn't comprehend that He was talking to them about His YÁOHU ABí (Father). So YAOHÚSHUA declared, 'When you have lifted up the Son of Man on the stake, then you will realize that I am He and that I do nothing on My own, but I speak what the YÁOHU ABí taught me. And the One Who sent Me is with Me — He has not forsaken Me. For I always do those activities that are pleasing to Him.' Then many who heard Him say these matters believed in Him. YAOHÚSHUA said to the people who believed in Him, 'You are truly My disciples if you keep obeying My teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.' - YÁOHU-khánam (John) 8:19-32, Holy Scriptures ![]()
One day as we were going down to the place of prayer, we met a demon-possessed slave girl. She was a fortune-teller who earned a lot of money for her bosses. She followed along behind us yelling, 'These men are servants of the Most High, and they have come to tell you how to be saved!' This continued on day after day until Shaúl became so exasperated that he turned and spoke to the evil spirit within her. 'I command you 'be hol-Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY to come out of her,' he said. And it left her quickly. Her employers' hopes of wealth were now dashed, so they grabbed Shaúl and Silwan and dragged them before the authorities at the marketplace. 'The whole city is in a tumultuous uproar because of these YAOHÚ-dim (Jews)!' they yelled. 'They are teaching the people to do things that are against Roman customs!' A mob quickly formed against Shaúl and Silwan, and the city officials ordered them disrobed and beaten with wooden rods. They were severely beaten, and then they were thrown into prison. The jailer was commanded to make sure they didn't escape. So he took no chances but put them into the inner dungeon and clamped their feet in the stocks. Around midnight, Shaúl and Silwan were praying and singing hymns to YÁOHU UL, and the other prisoners were hearing them. Unexpectedly, there was a great earthquake, and the prison was shaken to its foundations. All the doors flew open, and the chains of every prisoner fell off! The jailer woke up to see the prison doors wide open. He assumed the prisoners had escaped, so he drew his sword to kill himself. But Shaúl hollered to him, 'Don't do it! We are all here!' Trembling with fear, the jailer called for lights and ran to the dungeon and fell down before Shaúl and Silwan. He brought them out and asked, 'Sirs, what must I do to be saved?' They replied, 'Believe in Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA and you will be saved, along with your entire household!' Then they shared the Word of YÁOHU Ulhím with him and all who lived in his household. That same hour the jailer washed their wounds, and he and everyone in his household were immediately immersed in water. Then he brought them into his house and set a meal before them. He and his whole household were delightful because they all believed in YÁOHU UL. - Acts 16:16-34, Holy Scriptures All this is given to you in true love and deep humility, 'Ol Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, and we all declare, am-nám! YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY is the original Name! The original is really the best!