After YÁOHU UL's will regarding the matter has been known and one still believes that it is YÁOHU UL's will that an appeal be made, then the believer must pray and make the direct appeal to YÁOHU UL Himself, done in the Name of hol-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA. The appeal must be directly to the Supreme Authority above all, none other than YÁOHU UL Himself through prayer which is to be made in the Name of YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY. 'Ask the YÁOHU ABí (the Father) in My Name and I will do it, for this will bring Him praise because of what I will do for you. Yes, ask anything using My Name, and I will do it,' Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA said in YÁOHU-khánam (John) 14:13-14. The subordinate must also pray to YÁOHU UL that He be given the wisdom, knowledge, resourcefulness and advice as to what other desirable alternatives he may suggest or offer his human authority, to achieve the same legitimate results or more beneficial ones but avoiding sin and any violation of the law. The subordinate must also pray that YÁOHU UL move in the mind and heart of the human authority so he will readily approve the alternatives given by the subordinate. After having received confirmation in the believer's heart and in YÁOHU UL's inscribed Word that YÁOHU UL has granted whatever was being appealed for, then the believer can now make the tactful, respectful, humble, gentle yet firm appeal to his human authority using the words and Name of hol-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA as his primary basis for the appeal, and secondarily too, mentioning his concern for the name and office of his own authority and the company as well. For example, words like these may be used in making the formal appeal to your human authorities: 'Forgive me, sir, but much as I would like to please you as unto my Ruler YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, His words inhibit me from obeying this particular order because I cannot violate the prohibition of YÁOHU UL, the Almighty, about this and besides, I would not want to put your name and office at risk by having to obey this unpleasant command, sir, with all due respect and humility. I therefore appeal to you in the Name of hol-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA to either withdraw or change the order into a more acceptable one in the eyes of YÁOHU UL, our Creator and Supreme Authority. Would you approve, sir, that in place of this, may I do it this way to achieve the same legitimate goals but avoiding possible damage to your name, office and reputation? I believe YÁOHU UL is in control of your mind and heart and is now working in you to approve this humble appeal, with all due respect, sir.' When making the appeal, the subordinate must always maintain an attitude of humility, respect and honesty towards his own authority, speaking gently, using tactful words tempered with grace, love and concern for the welfare of your authority, his name and rank in the company. And remember to always use the words and Name of hol-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA. It is important that the subordinate mention the Name and the Words of hol-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA so YÁOHU UL will make sure that the appeal is acted upon favorably, backed up by all of heaven's armies. 'At the mention of the Name YAOHÚSHUA, all beings in heaven, on earth and under the earth must bow their knees and every tongue must confess that YAOHÚSHUA is Molkhiúl of all to be obeyed and followed, to the glory of YÁOHU UL GAVÓHA in heaven!' - Philippians 2:9-10, Holy Scriptures The subordinate must avoid degrading, proud and critical attitudes because the heart attitude of the subordinate is easily discernible in many ways (manners, motions, facial expressions, tonal quality of the voice and so on) by the person in authority. And YÁOHU UL, who examines each one's heart, resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. As much as is practically possible, the appeal to be made must include a legitimate and more beneficial alternative which the authority can readily approve and give in to, because it will also achieve the same goals but through legal and proper means, or the alternative offered do change the undesirable goals with nobler and more beneficial ones which will reflect favorably on the authority's name and rank as well as the company as a whole. Then give time for YÁOHU UL to work on the heart and mind of the authority, if approval is delayed. If necessary, prayer and fasts may be done at the unction of the indwelling 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' (Sanctified Spirit of YÁOHU Ulhím). The book of Hadassah (Esther) will give the subordinate best ideas on how to make proper, tactful and wise appeals. In the case of the exodus of the Yaoshorulítes from Egypt, the whole armies of heaven backed up the appeals spoken by Mehushúa because he used the Name and words of YÁOHU UL Himself, not his own words. There are cases though, when the authority has a stubborn attitude against the known will of YÁOHU UL, and this would require more time for YÁOHU UL to put pressure on him till he finally submits to His expressed will. If, after having done all and having given ample time for YÁOHU UL to work on the authority but still he insists that the subordinate perform the immoral, illegal or wicked command, or to disobey YÁOHU UL, then the subordinate is expected, in such cases, to gracefully and humbly exit from under that domain of authority and transfer to another. YÁOHU UL will highly reward such faithfulness shown Him. The faithful subordinate will be rewarded in another more lucrative, favorable and benevolent company. 'If you reverentially fear YÁOHU UL, you need not fear anyone else.' 'If YÁOHU UL rewards the upright here on earth, how much more the wicked?' ![]()
The authority must be careful never to tolerate nor agree to any kind of disloyalty, rebellion, stubbornness, complaining and other immoral, illegal and sinful actions and wrong attitudes among his subordinates, or in others too, so his service and performance will be highly commended by YÁOHU UL, from which promotions and advancements in life originate. The authority must also never commit the aforementioned rebellious behavior and also avoid having wrong attitudes toward his immediate human authorities so he will not have to harvest any bitter fruit of the same sort, from his own subordinates. The authority must also be the spiritual leader among his subordinates, praying for them, covering them spiritually with regular prayers and purifying them with the words of YÁOHU UL, giving and sharing His words to them which are needed to edify, exhort, purify and encourage them and make them wiser and more diligent in their serving the unseen Manager of managers, YAOHÚSHUA the Messiah. 'You wives, submit yourselves to your husbands, for that is what Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA has planned for you. And you husbands must be loving and kind to your wives and not bitter against them, nor harsh. You children must always obey your parents, for that pleases Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA. Fathers, don't scold your children so much that they become discouraged and quit trying. You workers must always obey your earthly employers, not only trying to please them when they are watching you but all the time; obey them willingly because of your love for YAOHÚSHUA the Ruler, and because you want to please Him. Work hard and cheerfully at all you do, just as though you were working for Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA Himself and not merely for your employers, remembering that it is YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, Who is going to pay you, giving you your full portion of all He owns. He is the One you are really working for. And if you don't do your best for Him, He will pay you in a way that you won't like - for He has no special favorites who can get away with shirking. You employers must be just, fair to all your subordinates. Always remember that you, too, have a Ruler in heaven Who is closely watching you.' - Colossians 3:18-4:1, Holy Scriptures 'For YÁOHU UL's sake, obey every law of your government; those of the president as head of state, and those of his officials, for He has sent them to punish all who do wrong, and to honor those who do right. It is YÁOHU UL's will that your noble lives should silence those who foolishly condemn the Glorious Message without knowing what it can do for them, having never experienced its power. You are free from the law, but that doesn't mean you are free to do wrong. Live as those who are free to do only YÁOHU UL's will at all times. Show respect for everyone. Love your fellow-believers in hol-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA everywhere. Fear YÁOHU UL and honor the government. Subordinates, you must respect your authorities and do whatever they tell you - not only if they are kind and reasonable, but even if they are harsh and cruel. Praise our Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA if you are punished for doing right! Of course, you get no credit for being patient if you are penalized for doing wrong; but if you do right and suffer for it, and are patient beneath the punishments, YÁOHU UL is well pleased. This suffering is all part of the work YÁOHU UL has given you. The Messiah YAOHÚSHUA, Who suffered for you, is your example. Follow in His steps. He never sinned, never told a lie, never answered back when insulted; when He suffered He did not threaten to get even; He left His case in the hands of YÁOHU UL Who is always just.' - 1 Káfos (Peter) 2:13-23, Holy Scriptures YÁOHU UL expects everyone holding a seat of authority to use His Words to reprove, rebuke, correct and exhort his subordinates in any setup of authority. Warnings, rebukes, loving discipline and penalties are to be given and enforced to promote diligence, uprightness, progress, advancements, harmony and success, at the same time fighting evil, laziness and all kinds of wickedness in the home, at work, in the office or anywhere else. Whoever is holding a seat of authority has this obligation of sharing and enforcing His Word with its moral laws among the subordinates, and the authority is principally accountable and answerable to YÁOHU UL, the Supreme Authority, as well as to his immediate human authorities, whose minds YÁOHU UL is in control of. If the authority fails and does not give out His words, warnings, rebukes and admonitions among the subordinates, and does not enforce disciplinary measures when necessary, or does not promote uprightness but on the contrary tolerates evil and wickedness, YÁOHU UL will penalize such a wicked authority with fear and trembling. Fear for his life, fear of his subordinates, fear of the unseen but imagined and other kinds of fears and torments. Why? Because he did not fear YÁOHU UL and His words and so he must be punished by being afraid of the wicked and afraid also of his subordinates. So when an authority sees something which must be corrected, rebuked and rectified, whether in behavior or attitudes, YÁOHU UL expects the authority to give out His word regarding the matter and enforce loving discipline when necessary. 'The entrance of YÁOHU UL's words gives light,' it is inscribed. If the authority does not obey this command from YÁOHU UL, and does not rebuke, warn, give out the Word, enforce loving discipline nor penalize when needed, then he will be unjust to the upright, thereby promoting wickedness and evil. Some in ranks of authority err in this manner in their vain and proud attempt to show themselves, in the eyes of their subordinates, to be more merciful to them than YÁOHU UL Himself and their other higher human authorities. Pride and misplaced mercies turn many into wicked authorities, knowingly or not. The bitter fruit? The subordinates will hate such wicked authorities, rebel against them and commit treacheries against them because they did not perform what is expected of them in promoting the well-being of their subordinates. They were leading the subordinates into sin, evil and wickedness in place of protecting them. One of the sure punishments which these wicked authorities will receive from YÁOHU UL is that they will fear and obey their subordinates, in place of their subordinates fearing and respecting them. You will observe in many households, companies or other groups wherein those holding ranks of authority are in continual fear of their subordinates. Now you know the reason why these inversions happen. Those holding ranks of authority revered their subordinates in place of YÁOHU UL, and they surely always get the penalties that they deserve. It is not uncommon to find husbands who are so afraid of their wives and children. There are bosses who are afraid of their subordinates and government officials who are afraid of their constituents, military leaders who dare not enforce discipline for fear of reprisals and insubordinations, and so on. They are receiving their own punishments from YÁOHU UL, which are clearly discernible to those with spiritual eyes of comprehension open to the truth of YÁOHU UL's words. 'But the doom of cowards, the disloyal, the corrupt, idolaters, the immoral, murderers, spiritists and liars is in the lake which burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.' - Revelation 21:8 So the upright authority must speak out the appropriate inscribed words of YÁOHU UL in every case among his subordinates, give out rebukes, reproofs, admonitions, edifications, warnings and enforce loving discipline among them whenever necessary, without fear nor favorites, and this must be done in the fear of and reverence for YÁOHU UL, the Supreme Authority. In return, YÁOHU UL will see to it that the subordinates respect and obey their upright authorities and YÁOHU UL will be the Defender, Avenger and Protector of upright authorities against all forms of rebellions, treacheries and insubordinations, if any. The rule and administration of upright authorities will be long, peaceful, clean, successful, favored as well as prosperous! The reverential fear of YÁOHU UL is to hate wickedness and is the beginning of true wisdom! 'Wicked men are overthrown and are no more, but the house of the upright remains firm.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 12:7 'The house of the wicked will be ruined, but the tent of the upright will flourish.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 14:11 'A greedy man brings trouble to his family, but he who hates bribes will live.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 15:27 'Authorities hate wrongdoing, for a throne (seat of authority) is established through uprightness.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 16:12 'An authority's wrath is a harbinger of death, but a wise person will appease it. When a leader's face brightens, it means life; his favor is like a rain cloud in spring.' - Maush'léi 16:14-15 'Whoever gives heed to teaching prospers, and favored is he who trusts in YÁOHU UL.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 16:20 'Arrogant lips do not befit a fool - how much worse lying lips are to a ruler!' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 17:7 'Acquitting the guilty and condemning the innocent - YÁOHU UL detests them both.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 17:15 'A wicked man accepts a bribe in secret to pervert the course of justice.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 17:23 'It is not proper to punish an innocent man, or to penalize officials for their integrity.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 17:26 'It is not fitting for a fool to live in luxury - how much worse for a slave to rule over princes!' - Maush'léi 19:10 'A hot-tempered man must pay the penalty; if you rescue him, you will have to do it again.' - Maush'léi 19:19 'The upright man leads a blameless life; favored are his children after him.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 20:7 'When an authority sits on his chair to judge, he winnows out all evil with his eyes.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 20:8 'A wise leader winnows out the wicked; he drives the threshing wheel over them.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 20:26 'Love and faithfulness keep a leader safe; through love his royal throne (seat of authority) is made secure.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 20:28 'The Upright One takes note of the house of the wicked and brings the wicked to ruin.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 21:12 'The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with YÁOHU UL.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 21:31 'A prudent man foresees the danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep on going and suffer for it.' - Maush'léi 22:4 'He who sows wickedness reaps trouble, and the rod of his fury (power to rule and command) will be ruined.' - Maush'léi 22:8 'He who oppresses the poor to increase his wealth and he who gives gifts to the rich - both come to poverty.' - Maush'léi 22:16 'Do not exploit the poor because they are poor and do not crush the needy in court, for YÁOHU UL will take up their case and will plunder those who plunder them.' - Maush'léi 22:22-23 'A wise man has great power, and a man of knowledge increases power; for waging war you need guidance, and for victory, many advisers.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 24:5-6 'For though an upright man falls seven times, he rises again, but the wicked are brought down by a single calamity.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 24:16 'It is glory to YÁOHU UL to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of leaders.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 25:2 'A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 12:16 ![]()
'A man who mocks his father and despises his mother shall have his eye plucked out by ravens and eaten by vultures.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 30:17 'A scoundrel and villain, who goes about with a corrupt mouth, who winks with his eye, signals with his feet and motions with his fingers, who plots evil with deceit deep in his heart - he always incites dissension. Therefore calamity will overtake him quickly; he will unexpectedly be ruined - without remedy.' - Maush'léi 6:12-15 'He who winks with his eye is plotting perversity; he who purses his lips is bent on evil.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 16:30 'A discerning man keeps wisdom in view, but a fool's eyes wander to the ends of the earth.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 17:24 Please read the YAOHÚSHUA guideline on false prophets for more detailed information as regards body language of the wicked. It's a spiritually-awakening guideline for you to read and fully comprehend. ![]()
The kings of Yaoshorúl before were subject to continual checks, admonitions and rebukes from the prophets of YÁOHU UL. In modern times, the president is subject to impeachment by the members of congress if he violates the constitution; the judiciary may nullify congress's laws if unconstitutional; and the president may pardon those convicted by the judiciary. All these are human deterrents against possible abuses of power and authority, because YÁOHU UL knows fully well that ordinary humans are not perfect. The government has the power to punish parents who abuse their children, and families have the power not to elect again those who were inept and abusive while in serving in the government. Spiritual leaders have the authority to excommunicate members who instigate rebellion or are unruly, while the members of the boards of deacons may expel ministers who are immoral or abusive. Those in the military who commit crimes are indicted before its court martial while those convicted may appeal to higher courts if they were victims of injustice or false accusations. In other words, a system which provides for checks and balances between and among those holding seats of authority is an effective deterrent which prevents and combats abuses, corruption and injustices because each one is accountable and answerable to another of higher or equal authority. ![]()
Likewise, the subordinate must cover with intercessory prayers his authorities especially as regards his shortcomings, so the subordinate may be more protected under his jurisdiction. While the subordinate is safely in and under his jurisdiction (umbrella of protection), the enemy cannot activate to steal, kill and ruin the subordinate. So ha-satán needs to bind the authority first, after the authority has been bound by the enemy, then all the subordinates under his jurisdiction would now be open to enemy attacks and ruin. YÁOHU UL forbid! That is why it is important that the subordinates must always pray and intercede for the edification and increased empowerment of their authorities, to safeguard against the fiery darts of the enemy, the dragon. 'Pray for the head of country and all others who are in authority over you, or are in places of high responsibility, so you can live in peace and quietness, spending your time in holy living and thinking much about hol-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA. This is fine and pleases YÁOHU UL.' - 1 YÁOHU-tam (Timothy) 2:2-3 'Once, when YAOHÚSHUA expelled a demon from a man who couldn't speak, his voice returned to him. The crowd was exhilarated and thrilled, but some said, 'No wonder he can cast them out. He gets his power from ha-satán, the king of demons.!' Others asked for something to happen in the sky to prove his claim of being hol-MEHUSHKHÁY. He knew the thoughts of each of them, so He said: 'Any kingdom filled with internal conflicts is doomed; so is a home filled with arguments and conflict. Therefore, if what you say is true, that ha-satán is fighting against himself by empowering Me to expel his demons, how can his kingdom survive? And if I am empowered by ha-satán, what about your own followers? For they expel demons, too! Do you think this proves they are possessed by ha-satán? Ask them if you are right! But if I am driving out demons because of power from YÁOHU UL, it proves that the Kingdom of YÁOHU UL has arrived.' For when ha-satán, tough and fully armed, guards his palace, it is safe - until someone more powerful and better-armed attacks and overcomes him and deprives him of his weapons and carries off his belongings. Anyone who is not for Me is against Me; if he isn't helping Me, he is really hurting My cause.' - Luke 11:14-23, Holy Scriptures The converse of the spiritual truth in this object lesson is also valid, i.e., binding of the authority first before the enemy, ha-satán, can attack the subordinates. ![]()
This is the reason why the meek are delightful and wealthy; the meek are the inheritors of the land. The meek person fully realizes that his happiness does not depend on what he receives nor possesses, but in the gladness of the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' - knowing that everything is well between him and YÁOHU UL. To the meek, what is paramount is being with the Messiah YAOHÚSHUA. Everything in his life may disappear, yet he would still be perfectly satisfied, contented and glad so long as ha-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA is in his heart and is always with him. Think on these words of Yaoháv (Job): 'Shall we receive only pleasantness from the hand of YÁOHU UL and never anything unpleasant?' - Yaoháv 2:10 'Even though the fig trees are all dried up, and there is neither blossom left nor fruit; and though the olive crops all fail, and the fields lie barren; even if the flocks die in the fields and the cattle barns are empty, yet I will be glad in YÁOHU UL, I will be happy in the UL of my salvation. YÁOHU UL is my power, and He will give me the speed of a deer and bring me safely over the mountains (i.e. problems)!' - Habkóak (Habakkuk) 3:17-19 In cases where those in seats of authority refuse to give your pay, simply think of it as something you have given. Think of it as your seed of kindness sown which will all return to you later with much more besides (sevenfold return!). Positively think of it as YÁOHU UL's way of giving you an opportunity to sow seeds of love in order that you may be entitled to receive rich harvests in the future, because you have returned kindness for evil. Leave the matter in YÁOHU UL's hands for He has spoken: 'Don't be quick-tempered - that is being stupid.' - Ecclesiastes 7:9 'Never pay back evil for evil. Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honest clear through. Don't quarrel with anyone. Be at peace with everyone, just as much as possible. Dear friends, never avenge yourselves. Leave that to YÁOHU UL, for He has said that He will repay those who deserve it. Don't take the law into your own hands. On the contrary, feed your enemy if he is hungry. If he thirsts, give him something to drink and you will be 'heaping coals of fire on his head.' In other words, he will feel so ashamed of himself for what he has committed against you. Don't let evil get the upper hand but conquer evil with kindness.' - Romans 12:17-21, Holy Scriptures 'A poor man's field may yield abundant food, but injustice sweep it away.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 13:23 'It is not right to be partial to the wicked or to deprive the innocent of justice.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 18:5 'These also are sayings of the wise: To show partiality in judging is not correct: Whoever says to the guilty, 'You are innocent' - people will curse him and nations denounce him. But it will go well with those who convict the guilty, and rich reward will come upon them.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 24:23-25 'Many seek an audience with a leader, but it is from YÁOHU UL that a person gets justice.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 29:26 'The first to present his case seems right, till another comes forward and examines him.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 18:17 'A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who pours out lies will perish.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 19:9 'A man's wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 19:11 'It is to a man's honor to avoid conflicts, but every fool is quick to quarrel.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 20:3 'Do not say, 'I'll pay you back for this wrong!' Wait for YÁOHU UL and He will deliver you.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 20:22 'Do not testify against your neighbor without cause, or use your lips to deceive.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 24:28 Always be positive and never bear grudges against those who have caused you harm or injustice. Love them, pray for them and talk nicely about them; then your rewards from YÁOHU UL will be very great! These are opportunities to reveal one's true character to those around, for it is only during pressures and trying predicaments do true character traits of the individual surface and are fully revealed (to oneself and to those people around him). If they prefer to glorify the enemy by means of their misdeeds, then you in turn glorify YÁOHU UL by your meekness and forbearing attitudes. 'If you must suffer for being right, you are favored.' Forgive them, pray for them, treat them well and don't curse them. Then go and transfer to another job or work which will give you the payments due the services you have rendered honestly. Be careful not to allow any root of bitterness to grow in your heart against those who didn't give what was due you. Think also that some time in the past, perhaps you also withheld payments from those who were deserving to be paid. The case might be a simple test. It may also be the bitter fruit of bad seeds sown previously. Only you will know the root cause after prayerfully reviewing your past conduct. Once someone is out of a business entity or company, he must never backbite his former employers or managers, for that would be returning evil for the past kindness which they have shown the subordinate. That would be an ungrateful and treacherous attitude because had one's employers known at the outset that the subordinate would one day backstab them, they would never have come to trust him to belong to their group in the first place. The subordinate must always honor the trust given him by his former employers when he was hired, believing in his integrity and loyalty, whether in or out of the company. That's the desirable character trait which YÁOHU UL always surely rewards with future advancements, wealth and honor! 'YAOHÚSHUA knew their thoughts and replied, 'A divided kingdom ends in ruin. A town or home divided against itself cannot remain. And if ha-satán is driving out ha-satán, he is fighting himself, and dismantling his own kingdom. And if, as you claim, I am expelling demons by invoking the powers of ha-satán, then what power do your own people use when they cast them out? Let them answer your charges! But if I am expelling demons by the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA,' then the Kingdom of YÁOHU UL has arrived among you. One cannot rob ha-satán's kingdom without first binding ha-satán. Only then can his demons be expelled! Anyone who isn't helping Me is hurting My cause.' - Man-YÁOHU (Matthew) 12:25-30 'A tree is identified by its fruit. A tree from a select variety yields delectable fruit; poor varieties never.' - Man-YÁOHU 12:33 'Then Káfos (Peter) came to him and asked, 'Sir, how often should I forgive a brother who sins against me, seven times?' 'No!' YAOHÚSHUA replied, 'seventy times seven!' The Kingdom of Heaven can be compared to a king who determined to bring his accounts up to date. In the process, one of his debtors was brought in who owed him $10,000,000! He couldn't pay, so the king ordered him sold for the debt, also his wife and children and everything he had. But the man fell down before the king, his face in the dust, and said, 'Oh, sir, be patient with me and I will pay it all.' Then the king was filled with pity for him and released him and forgave his debt. But when the man left the king, he went to a man who owed him $2,000 and grabbed him by the throat and demanded immediate payment. The man fell down before him and begged him to give him a little time. 'Be patient and I will pay it,' he pled. But his creditor wouldn't wait. He had the man apprehended and jailed until the debt would be paid in full. Then the man's friends went to the king and told him what had happened. And the king called before him the man he had forgiven and said, 'You evil-hearted wretch! Here I forgave you all that huge debt, just because you asked me to - should you not have mercy on others, just as I had mercy on you?' Then the angry king sent the man to the torture chamber until he had paid every last cent due. Likewise shall My heavenly YÁOHU ABí (Father) do to you if you refuse to truly forgive your brethren.' After YAOHÚSHUA had finished this address, He left Galilee and circled back to YAOHÚ-dah from over the Yardayán River. Vast crowds followed Him, and He healed their sick. Some Pharisees came to interview Him, and tried to trap Him into saying something that would ruin Him. 'Do you permit divorce?' they asked. 'Don't you read the Scriptures?' He replied. 'In them it is inscribed that at the beginning YÁOHU UL created man and woman, and that a man should leave his father and mother, and be forever united to his wife. The two shall become one - no longer two, but one!' 'And no man may divorce what YÁOHU UL has united together.' 'Then, why,' they asked, 'did Mehushúa say a man may divorce his wife by merely writing her a letter of dismissal?' YAOHÚSHUA replied, 'Mehushúa did that in recognition of your hard and evil hearts, but it was not what YÁOHU UL had originally planned. And I tell you this, that anyone who divorces his wife, except for fornication, and marries another, commits adultery.' - Man-YÁOHU (Matthew) 18:21-19:9, Holy Scriptures ![]()