None among ordinary humans is perfect, physically and otherwise, for only hol-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA is perfect and sinless among humanity in general. Everyone has some defect in one form or another. Also, wherever one is situated - at home, at work or in any religious institution - one must never expect a perfect environment while on earth. Besides, human behavior cannot be attributed to the surrounding environment because Adam and Khavyáo were in a perfect environment (Garden of Eden), and yet they rebelled against YÁOHU UL. Some are physically tall but are intellectually deficient, some have a part of his/her physical body which is abnormal, or not perfect in his own evaluation; some are superbly intelligent but are physically not so fair-looking, some are excellent in many fields but have different skin colors, or some unusual birth marks, defects and/or abnormalities, physically, mentally or emotionally. When any part of a person's total physical, mental or emotional setup is unacceptable to himself, it leads to an inner conflict with and bitterness against his Maker, YÁOHU UL. And this concealed, hidden anger usually manifests through some negative, rebellious attitudes and behavior towards one's human authorities, against whom he can personally be aggressive, simply because he could not see the real Maker, YÁOHU UL. These creeping rage, anger and hatred against YÁOHU UL, the Creator, are most often discernible in subordinates who are bitter, rebellious and stubborn against their parents, employers, the government or spiritual leaders. The root causes may be their non-acceptance of their big eyes, noses, mouths, teeth, skin colors, physical heights, colors and textures of hair, their bodies, legs or other parts of their bodies. The enemy, ha-satán, the old dragon, and the flesh commonly use these minor differences early in many people's lives, then magnifies them a million times in their own MINDS to make them feel dejected, disappointed, sour, bitter, angry and discontented with whatever YÁOHU UL has given them, if they unknowingly succumb to the lies. Non-acceptance after making stupid comparisons is one of the seedbeds of rebellion. The proper and healthy attitudes regarding these physical, mental or emotional differences among individuals are acceptance, contentment, satisfaction, happiness and the realization that, taken as a whole, each individual is equal with the rest if everything is taken into account, including family backgrounds, environmental surroundings, situations in life, social status, talents, abilities, handicaps and so on. Never reject any part of your physical body, mental capabilities, emotional setup nor family background or any part of your general surroundings, but rather, accept them positively, with genuine gratefulness toward YÁOHU UL, then improve on those you can improve on, focus on your talents, aim toward excellence, and be contented with whatever YÁOHU UL gives you daily. Everyone has some special, unique abilities and talents which YÁOHU UL has given and these should be used and developed to the fullest toward excellence in life. One must focus on his positive talents and accept whatever minor negatives there are with gratefulness as well, knowing that they serve as motivations for improvement, success and excellence. Please carefully think on this parable which hol-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA used to reveal truths about His Kingdom: 'The Kingdom of Heaven can be exemplified by the tale of a man going into another country, who called together his servants and loaned them money to invest for him while he was gone. He gave $5,000 to one, $2,000 to the other, and $1,000 to the last - dividing it in proportion to their abilities - and then left on his long trip. The man who received the $5,000 began immediately to buy and sell with it and soon earned another $5,000. The man with $2,000 went right to work too, and earned another $2,000. But the man who received the $1,000 dug a hole in the ground and hid the money for safekeeping. After a long time their ruler returned from his trip and called them to him to account for the money. The man to whom he had entrusted the $5,000 brought him $10,000. His ruler praised him for his fruitful work. 'You have been faithful in handling this small amount,' he told him, 'so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Begin the glad tasks I have assigned to you.' Next came the man who had received the $2,000, with the report, 'Sir, you gave me $2,000 to use, and I have doubled it.' 'Amazing work!' his ruler said. 'You are a fine and faithful servant. You have been faithful over this small amount, so now I will give you much more.' Then the man with the $1,000 came and said, 'Sir, I knew you were a hard man, and I was afraid you would rob me of what I earned, so I hid your money in the earth and here it is!' But his ruler replied, 'Wicked man! Lazy slave! Since you knew I would demand you profit, you should at least have put my money into the bank so I could have some interest. Take the money from this man and give it to the man with the $10,000! For the man who uses well what he is given shall be given more, and he shall have abundance. But from the man who is unfaithful, even what little responsibility he has shall be taken from him. And throw the useless servant out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.'' - Man-YÁOHU (Matthew) 25:14-30, Holy Scriptures In other words, what you don't use, you will eventually lose; whatever you hone and perfect, you acquire more expertise in. The Messiah YAOHÚSHUA had Rahab, the prostitute, as one of His human forefather, and He was born poor, in a manger, and grew up in a locale which had an unpleasant reputation among the elite in those days, yet He never was bitter nor did He reject any of what YÁOHU UL had provided for in His whole life. He willingly, appreciatively and gratefully accepted all and did YÁOHU UL's perfect will through them all. From the manger to the throne is His Human-life summary, giving us an exemplary ideal for the way we should live contentedly, always obeying the perfect will of YÁOHU UL, the Father, in heaven in our daily lives. No conflicts, no bitterness, but happiness, peace, contentment and satisfaction in living close to YÁOHU UL and according to His plan for each one - this was the example shown by the life of the Sinless One: YAOHÚSHUA, hol-MEHUSHKHÁY. All that YÁOHU UL gives or allows one to have and experience daily are sufficient for his individual happiness, if only he knows the secret of contentment and of being positive as well as grateful for the way YÁOHU UL deals with him in every case, and what is given him every day. In your daily life, the correct and positive attitude is to always realize what character trait YÁOHU UL is developing in you in any particular task or event. One must not focus on the occurrences themselves but on the character formation or development process which YÁOHU UL is working at in the person while in the midst of all the ongoing events and activities. 'Highly-favored are the pure in heart for they shall see YÁOHU UL.' Those with pure hearts always see the hands of YÁOHU UL in every occurrence, working in each one the process of character formation and development - toward virtue and holiness. Those with this kind of positive attitude are the meek, they never get angry whatever others do, because they realize that to be unjustly angry is to give a mighty foothold to ha-satán in their lives. 'Highly-favored are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.' YÁOHU UL delights in the variety among His creation so it is absurd to expect each one to be born exactly alike everyone else, for that would be a boring society. Everyone has his own unique identifying mark in YÁOHU UL's sight. So be glad in this! You are lovable in YÁOHU UL's sight, no matter what others say, perceive or think about you. You were not born just to please others but primarily to please and praise, give glory to and worship YÁOHU UL throughout your whole life! If you have this as your only purpose in life, then you will be living the kind of life that is really life. Only the upright and those who reverentially fear YÁOHU UL experience this kind of life in hol-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA. Truly, YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY is your only hope in this world, for a quiet, healthy, prosperous, contented and satisfying life! YAOHÚSHUA is the way, the truth and the LIFE. ![]()
The authority therefore must examine his heart and walk by means of YÁOHU UL's inscribed Word and he must first be reconciled with the Supreme Authority Himself, so YÁOHU UL can begin working in bringing about complete reconciliation and harmony among all in that family. ![]()
It sometimes happen that conflicting demands and orders may come from one's subordinates, relatives, friends or work mates as well. Example: The parents want their son to give first priority and importance to his acquiring a college degree, while his spiritual leaders want him to go on a missionary tour of Africa and serve YÁOHU UL full time. Both are in ranks of authority and both are equally demanding the son's time, services and efforts. Whom should he obey? Those holding higher ranks of authority must be obeyed first because the others must also obey those holding higher ranks than they have. In this case, the parents must give way to the desires and will of their spiritual leaders because the parents themselves are obligated to obey their spiritual leaders, if they have previously become members of that congregation, whatever that is. However, the best alternative is for the subordinate to pray and formulate or think of some way by which he can please and obey both these two opposing forces in his chain of command. In this example, he could earn a degree by taking up college courses through computers or correspondence, while at the same time doing evangelistic work in Africa. This is just a practical example because usually, if it really is YÁOHU UL's perfect will, no person in authority in one's life will oppose the assignment or task given by another in authority. If there is a conflict of loyalties, usually, much prayer is needed to really discern what YÁOHU UL's perfect will is regarding the matter and which one should be obeyed with utmost priority more than the others, and of course, the orders of those holding higher ranks of authority must be obeyed and given first priority because the other opposing demand is also in obligation to obey the higher authority. Another example would be if someone's parents don't want their son to enlist himself in one of the major services of the armed forces but the government has given orders that all able-bodied males among its citizenry, 18 years old and above must serve in any of its armed services. Since the government is the higher authority, and because even one's parents are obliged by law to obey its orders, then the subordinate must obey the government. Everyone must obey the higher authorities, even in one's spouse or children disagree, the higher authority must be obeyed. If a government orders, in rare cases, that all the citizens must ostracize, penalize, humiliate and drive out all the Jewish people in their communities, an order which is against YÁOHU UL's commands that one must love their fellowmen as much as they love themselves, the citizens then must obey the higher moral laws of YÁOHU UL, and not the government's man-made (in this case, inhuman, too!) laws and decrees. Why? Because even government officials are bound to obey YÁOHU UL's laws and decrees. They too must obey the Supreme Authority: YÁOHU UL, the Holy One of Yaoshorúl. The higher moral laws always must prevail. Please carefully think on these events in the Holy Scriptures now: 'In due time YÁOHU-saf and each of his brother died, ending that generation. Meanwhile, their offsprings were very fertile, increasing rapidly in number; there was a veritable population explosion so that they soon became a large nation, and they filled the land of Goshen. Then, eventually, a new king came to the throne of Egypt who felt no obligation to the offsprings of YÁOHU-saf. He told his people, 'These Yaoshorúlis are becoming dangerous to us because there are so many of them. Let's figure out a way to put an end to this. If we don't, and war breaks out, they will side with our enemies and fight against us and escape out of the country.' So the Egyptians made slaves of them and put brutal taskrulers over them to wear them down under heavy burdens while building the cities of Pithom and Raamses as supply depots for the King. But the more the Egyptians maltreated and oppressed them, the more the Yaoshorúlis seemed to multiply! The Egyptians became alarmed, and made the Hebrew slavery more bitter still, forcing them to toil long and hard in the field and to carry heavy loads of mortar and brick. Then Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, ordered the Hebrew midwives (their names were Shiphrah and Puah) to kill all Hebrew male infants as soon as they were born, but to let the girls live. But the midwives reverentially feared YÁOHU UL and didn't obey the king - they let the male infants live, too. The king summoned them before him and demanded, 'Why have you disobeyed my command and let the male infants live?' 'Sir,' they told him, 'the Hebrew women have their babies so quickly that we can't get there in time! They are not slow like the Egyptian women!' And YÁOHU UL rewarded the midwives because they were YÁOHU UL-fearing women. So the people of Yaoshorúl continued to multiply and to become a mighty nation. And because the midwives revered YÁOHU UL, He gave them children of their own.' - Exodus 1:6-21, Holy Scriptures 'When the Council saw the boldness of Káfos (Peter) and YÁOHU-khánam (John), and could see that they were obviously uneducated non-professionals, they were amazed and realized what being with YAOHÚSHUA had done for them! And the Council could hardly discredit the healing when the man they had healed was right beside them there! So they sent them out of the Council chamber and conferred among themselves. 'What shall we do with these men?' they asked each other. 'We can't deny that they have done an awesome miracle, and everybody in Jerusalem knows about it. But perhaps we can stop them from spreading their propaganda. We'll tell them that if they do it again, we'll really throw the book at them.' So they called them back in, and forbade them never again to speak about YAOHÚSHUA. But Káfos and YÁOHU-khánam replied, 'You decide whether YÁOHU UL wants us to obey you in place of Him! We cannot stop proclaiming about the amazing deeds we saw YAOHÚSHUA do and heard Him say.' The Council then threatened them further, and finally let them go because they didn't know how to punish them without igniting a riot. For everyone was praising YÁOHU UL for this amazing miracle - the healing of a man who had been lame for forty years.' - Acts 4:13-22, Holy Scriptures Another common example would be: even if the government allows divorces, gambling casinos and abortions, though these are against YÁOHU UL's decrees and ordinances for all governments regardless, then the citizens must obey the higher moral laws of YÁOHU UL. Governments promulgating policies contrary to YÁOHU UL's decrees and laws will suffer for their disobedience while those who govern according to His laws will be protected by YÁOHU UL and will be greatly rewarded. They will be protected from terrorism, wars, natural calamities, inflations, famines, plagues and the like. These events YÁOHU UL usually allows as means of chastising people to return back to Him and live according to His Word. The Messiah YAOHÚSHUA said: 'The law of Mehushúa says, 'If anyone wants to be rid of his wife, he can divorce her merely by giving her a letter of dismissal.' But I say that a man who divorces his wife, except for fornication, causes her to commit adultery if she marries again. And he who marries her commits adultery.' - Man-YÁOHU (Matthew) 5:31-32, Holy Scriptures. 'Some Pharisees came to interview him, and tried to trap him into saying something that would ruin Him. 'Do You permit divorce?' they asked. 'Don't you read the Scriptures?' He replied. 'In them it is inscribed that at the beginning YÁOHU UL created man and woman, and that a man should leave his father and mother, and be forever united to his wife. The two shall become one - no longer two, but one!' 'And no man may divorce what YÁOHU UL has united together.' 'Then, why,' they asked, 'did Mehushúa say a man may divorce his wife by merely writing her a letter of dismissal?' YAOHÚSHUA replied, 'Mehushúa did that in recognition of your hard and evil hearts, but it was not what YÁOHU UL had originally planned. And I tell you this, that anyone who divorces his wife, except for fornication, and marries another, commits adultery.'' - Man-YÁOHU (Matthew) 19:3-9, Holy Scriptures ''Why has YÁOHU UL abandoned us?' you cry. I'll tell you why; it is because YÁOHU UL has seen your treachery in divorcing your wives who have been faithful to you through the years, the companions you made the sacred vow to care for and keep. You were united to your wife by YÁOHU UL. In YÁOHU UL's wise plan, when you were married, the two of you became one person in His sight. And what does He want? Holy children from your union. Therefore guard your passions! Be faithful to the wife of your youth.' For YÁOHU UL, the UL of Yaoshorúl, says: 'I hate divorce and cruel men!' Therefore, control your passions - let there be no divorcing of your wives!' - Malachi 2:14-16, Tanakh or Hebrew Holy Scriptures So even if the government allows divorces among married couples, the moral laws of YÁOHU UL supersede man-made laws, especially as regards divorces, abortions and gambling. In passing it may be worthwhile to mention that gambling is wicked because YÁOHU UL forbids anyone to covet or lust after the assets, properties or monies of others, which lead to miseries, losses and bankruptcies of families and their dependents. Of those who lose or of those who win? No one ever wins in gambling, in the long run. Wicked money goes toward wicked purposes and evil pleasures. Only honest money earned through honest labor endures and goes to upright purposes. The sure penalty reserved for gamblers are: 'I will give their wives and their properties to others, for all of them, great and small, prophet and priest, have one purpose in mind - to get what isn't theirs.' - Jeremiah 8:10 'The wages of the upright bring them life, but the income of the wicked brings them punishment.' - Maush'léi 10:16 'Dishonest money dwindles away, but he who gathers money little by little makes it grow.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 13:11 'Wealth from gambling quickly disappears, but wealth from hard work grows!' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 13:11 'Such is the end of all who go after ill-gotten gain; it takes away the lives of those who get it.' - Maush'léi 1:19 One may believe otherwise but it is YÁOHU UL's words which will eventually prevail and occur, no matter who argues with or objects against them. YÁOHU UL's words will always catch up with those who approve, operate and patronize gambling casinos. No one is above YÁOHU UL's moral laws, no one. But what if the government's earnings from gambling casinos (lottos, bingo socials, sweepstakes and the like) are used for parks, educational institutions and other socially-beneficial purposes, could one say that that is bad? Wait for the headline news in the coming days for schoolhouses and other buildings bombed by terrorists, floods, tornados, major earthquakes, plagues and the like which will completely annihilate what the government has presumably gained from gambling sources. And wait for the final judgment, too. Always look at their end, and not in the passing pleasures and seemingly beneficial fruit of wickedness at present. YÁOHU UL's words will always catch up with those who flagrantly violate them. Invitations to argue on these matters are forbidden and so will they be politely declined, if any. The Messiah YAOHÚSHUA forbids His disciples from engaging in useless arguments which only lead to quarrels, wranglings and pride. YÁOHU UL ensures that His children always live in peace and in close fellowship with the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA,' am-nów. In cases of conflicts of loyalties, the subordinate must always defend and side with the higher authority, regardless, and try his best to reconcile the authority lower in rank to the higher authority and not the other way around. 'Highly-favored are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of the living YÁOHU UL.' - Man-YÁOHU (Matthew) 5:9 Those who remain on the middle ground, who sit upon fences, by not taking the side of or defending their higher authority, especially during times of need, are in reality the hidden enemy of both conflicting parties. Fence sitters are always the real losers after confrontations among authorities have been resolved. Why? Because both parties will not trust neither reward them for their being unreliable in times of need. The subordinate must act as the mediator and peacemaker during conflicts by prayerfully, gently, humbly and respectfully reconciling the authority lower in rank to the higher authority. A common example is the conflict between husband and wife. The child must side with, be loyal to and always defend his male parent while doing his best to reconcile his mother to him, by prayer and by sharing with her YÁOHU UL's Word regarding the predicament. While honoring both parents and obeying them, the child is also bound to obey the higher authority, the husband. The entrance of YÁOHU UL's words gives light in every case. If the child sides with and defends his mother against the husband, it will not take long before the mother and his child will become bitter enemies because they both rebelled against the higher authority, the husband, and such rebellion is punishable in YÁOHU UL's sight. Bitter seeds yield bitter harvests. A perfect example of proper mediation is hol-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA Who reconciled lost humanity to YÁOHU UL, but He was always on YÁOHU UL's side, if and when conflicts of loyalty arose, continually defending the Father, YÁOHU ABí. 'Now his mother and brothers arrived at the crowded house where He was teaching, and they sent word for Him to come out and talk with them. 'Your mother and brothers are outside and want to see You,' He was told. He replied, 'Who is My mother? Who are My brothers?' Looking at those around Him He said, 'These are My mother and brothers! Anyone who does YÁOHU UL's will is My brother, and My female sibling, and My mother.' - Mark 3:31-35, Holy Scriptures 'Anyone who wants to be My follower must love Me far more than he does his own father, mother, wife, children, brothers, or female siblings - yes, more than his own life - otherwise, he cannot be My disciple. And no one can be My disciple who does not carry his own stake and follow Me.' - Luke 14:26-27, Holy Scriptures One may apply these same principles in conflicts of loyalty between governments and citizens, parents and children, educators and students, management and labor, and so on. The subordinate must always pray for guidance and wisdom on what to do during trials and tests in his life. ![]()
The more one resists and goes against the will and commands of his authorities, the more rigorous and harsher will they deal with the subordinate. On the other hand, the more the subordinate pleases and obeys his/her authorities, the more would they be willing to grant the subordinate more freedom and liberty. Freedom gained by means of rebellion, on the other hand, will become bitter in the end, and much suffering and penury lie ahead of those who achieve freedom by force, treachery, rebellion, coup or armed uprising. 'There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 14:12 'Don't go with the majority who are intent on evil. When on the witness chair, never be swayed by the mood of the majority present; likewise, never slant your testimony in favor of anyone simply because he is poor.' - Exodus 23:2,3 Witness many of the countries in Africa which attained freedom by means of rebellion and armed uprisings, and you will see the sufferings and penury they are experiencing now. Civil wars, inflations, plagues, natural calamities, unstable governments, coups and so on. These are their bitter harvests for rebelling against their authorities. They become bitter enemies against one another because they united in rebellion against their former authorities. Their common bond is their guilt in YÁOHU UL's sight. Real freedom is when people are really free to obey and serve YÁOHU UL in peace, uprightness, happiness, health and prosperity. People may gain freedom by force from some kind of military, family or governmental rule, but they will not be free from poverty, indebtedness, hunger, plagues, natural calamities, illiteracy as well as internal strifes and conflicts, if they use violence, terrorism and rebellion as their way of achieving such kind of superficial freedom. Immediately or later, the words of YÁOHU UL will catch up with them, when harvest time comes. The more a child is obedient and dutiful towards his parents, the more is he depended on and given more freedom by the parents. The more the child is stubborn and unruly, the more the parents become rigorous with him, and the more his freedom is curtailed. This principle is applicable and is effectual in any case wherever 'authority-subordinate' relationships are found. ![]()
Example is if the older child usurps (grabs or takes away) the authority of their parents and begin ordering the younger siblings against the spoken policies, rules and regulations set forth by the parents. Another example is mutiny in the air or at sea. A lower-ranking officer usurps power when he entices others to disobey the captain and follow his own orders, for some alleged reason or another, and this is what is called mutiny. Another example is when officials in the executive branch of government tries to usurp the powers of the legislative body and the judiciary. Or if the military usurps power from the civilian government by staging a coup then appointing itself as the legitimate governing power. In the company, the supervisor may incite the other employees to stage a strike against the management and demand that he be made the manager in his place. In religious institutions, the leader of the women's fellowship may begin accusing their chief spiritual leaders and perform priestly duties by themselves. Or this scriptural example of Shaúl performing the duties which only the prophet Shamu-Ul was qualified by YÁOHU UL to do: 'By this time Shaúl reigned for one year. In the second year of his reign, he selected three thousand special troops and took two thousand of them with him to Michmash and Mount Bayit-Ul while the other thousand remained with Jonathan, Shaúl's son, in Gibe-ah in the land of Benjamin. The rest of the army was sent home. Then Jonathan attacked and ruined the garrison of the Palestinians at Geba. The news spread quickly throughout the land of the Palestinians, and Shaúl sounded the call to arms all over Yaoshorúl. He announced that he had smashed the Palestinian garrison and warned his men that the army of Yaoshorúl smelled badly to high heavens as far as the Palestinians were concerned. So the whole Yaoshorúli army mobilized again and assembled at Gilgal. The Palestinians recruited a mighty army of three thousand chariots, six thousand horsemen, and so many soldiers that they were as thick as sand along the shoreline; and they camped at Michmash east of Beth-Aven.' When the men of Yaoshorúl saw the vast mass of enemy troops, they lost their nerve entirely and tried to hide in caves, thickets, coverts, among the rocks, and even in tombs and underground reservoirs. Some of them went over the Yardayán River and escaped to the land of Gaóld and Gilead. Meanwhile, Shaúl remained at Gilgal, and those who were with him trembled with fear at what awaited them. Shamu-Ul had told Shaúl earlier to wait seven days for his arrival, but when he still didn't come, and Shaúl's troops were rapidly slipping away, he determined to sacrifice the burnt offering and the peace offerings himself. But just as he was finishing, Shamu-Ul arrived. Shaúl went out to meet him and to receive his benediction, but Shamu-Ul said, 'What is this you have done?' 'Well,' Shaúl replied, 'when I saw that my men were scattering from me, and that you hadn't arrived by the time you said you would, and that the Palestinians were at Michmash, ready for battle, I said, 'The Palestinians are ready to march against us and I haven't even asked for YÁOHU UL's help! So I reluctantly offered the burnt offering without waiting for you to arrive.' 'You fool!' Shamu-Ul exclaimed. 'You have disobeyed the commandment of YÁOHU your UL. He was planning to make you and your offsprings kings of Yaoshorúl forever, but now your dynasty must surely end; for YÁOHU UL wants a man who will obey Him. And He has discovered the man He wants and has already appointed him as king over His people; for you have not obeyed YÁOHU UL's commandment.'' - 1 Shamu-Ul 13:1-14, Holy Scriptures Remember also how Abshalom was horribly punished by YÁOHU UL after he usurped the throne of king Dáoud. Please read 2 Shamu-Ul in the Holy Scriptures. In the home scene, if the husband is spiritually weak and is rebellious against YÁOHU UL, one of his punishments will be that his wife will eventually usurp his powers. One often observes families where the wife is the boss who makes the final decisions, who controls the finances, who decides on disciplinary measures and who orders everyone around. The wife has usurped the husband's authority. YÁOHU UL detests usurpation of authority of every sort. Usurpation of authority is often disguised with a seemingly reasonable basis for contention which often leads the unwary into rebelling against his or her authorities. Accusations are hurled against those holding seats of authority, complaints are aired, breeding discontent and murmurings among the ignorant, and finally installing a lower-ranking authority as replacement for the fallen one. Work of ha-satán undoubtedly, because he came to kill, to steal (one's job or seat of authority) and to ruin (one's reputation and control over his subordinates). Find out now what the usual modus operandi of these wicked spirits involved with usurpations of authority and how YÁOHU UL dealt with the people who committed such wickedness....