A common example would be in the hospital where patients hearken to and heed the advice of their doctors and follow their prescriptions, no matter what the personality of the doctor is. Whether the doctor has four wives, or at times grumpy and temperamental, or even if his looks are unattractive, these do not matter. Why? Because his being the doctor on duty, a rank of authority in the hospital, is completely separate and different from his person and his family backgrounds. His patients would be correct in dealing with him professionally as one of those holding ranks of authority in that medical facility, and not to mix nor confuse his personality with his seat of authority. Likewise, one is required to obey the law regardless of whether the police officer, the judge, the prosecutor or the member of the jury is his relative, neighbor or friend. The persons holding such offices must never be confused with the seats of authority in which they are serving or functioning in. Also, one must never let his own feelings, likes, dislikes, prejudices, individual biases, previous unpleasant experiences, favorites or dislikes conflict or interfere with the duties and functions which his rank of authority is required to render. 'It is wrong to condemn the poor, and let the rich go free. He who says to the wicked, 'You are innocent,' shall be cursed by many people of many nations; but favors shall be showered on those who rebuke sin fearlessly.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 24:21-25 A public official, endowed with the trust as well as confidence of the constituents is required to perform his duties without bias due merely to his own likes, dislikes and regardless whether those involved are his relatives, close friends or former classmates. 'It is a horrible thing for a leader to do evil. His right to rule depends upon his being just. The authority rejoices when his people are truthful and just. If the authority is kind, honest as well as just, his governance remains secure.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 20:28 'Just like water is diverted into irrigation ditches, so YÁOHU UL directs the authority's thoughts. He turns them wherever He wants to.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 21:1 'An upright man loves justice, but it is a calamity to evildoers.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 21:15 A just judge must render his verdicts based upon what the written law requires in every case, and his own tastes or preferences should be disregarded. If it so happens that the accused is one of the richest or the poorest constituents in the community, all these are to be disregarded if criminal offenses are the subject matter of litigation. The ethnic background of the accused is likewise also irrelevant in criminal cases. 'It is wrong for a judge to favor the wicked and condemn the innocent.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 18:5 'Do not favor the rich nor the poor, but render true and just verdicts. A just leader gives stability to his nation, but one who demands bribes ruins it.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 29:4 'A wicked ruler will have wicked aides on his staff.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 29:12 'An authority who is just as well as kind to the poor shall have a long reign.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 29:13 Likewise in the family, the parents must never favor the fair looking but unruly one over the not-so-fine looking but dutiful child. Looks have nothing to do with rearing up children in the fear and Words of YÁOHU UL. What matters most to YÁOHU UL is the character formation process: the fruit, the values, the traits and the quality of the moral fiber that are formed in their lives. And the duty of parents is to raise their children in the reverential fear, words and honor of YÁOHU UL. Parents were not assigned to be their children's entertainers. The YÁOHU UL-given task of parents is to provide loving admonitions, discipline, rebukes, exhortations, support, protection and provisions (plus showing the right examples) to their children, so they will grow up to become exemplary servants and handmaidens of YÁOHU UL in His Kingdom. 'Discipline your son in his early years while there is hope. If you don't you will ruin his life.' - Maush'léi 19:18 'Let YÁOHU UL train you, for He is doing what any loving father does for his children. Whoever heard of a son who was never corrected? If YÁOHU UL doesn't punish you when you need it, same way other fathers punish their children, then it means that you aren't really YÁOHU UL's children at all - that you don't really belong to His family. Since we respect our fathers here on earth, though they punish us, should we not all the more cheerfully submit to YÁOHU UL's method of training so we can begin really to live? Our earthly fathers trained us for a few brief years, doing the best for us that they knew how, but YÁOHU UL's correction is always right and for our best benefit, that we may share His holiness. Being punished isn't enjoyable while it is happening - it hurts! But afterwards we can see the result, a quiet growth in grace and character!' - Hebrews 12:7-11, Holy Scriptures. 'Teach a child to select the right path, and when he is older he will remain upon it.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 22:6 'A young lad's heart is filled with rebellion, but punishment will drive it out of him.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 22:15 'Don't fail to correct your children; discipline won't hurt them! They won't die if you use a stick on them! Punishments will keep them out of sheól (hell).' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 23:13-14 'O my child, be wise and stay in YÁOHU UL paths; don't carouse with drunkards and gluttons, for they are on their way to poverty. And remember that too much sleep clothes a person with rags.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 23:19-21 'My child, watch your steps before YÁOHU UL and your authorities, and don't associate with radicals. For you will go down with them to quick calamity, and who knows where it all will end? It is wrong to condemn the poor, and let the rich go free. He who says to the wicked, 'You are innocent,' shall be cursed by many people of many nations; but favors shall be showered on those who rebuke sin fearlessly.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 24:21-25
The government's main duty is to maintain law and order, to render justice and provide security and protection for its governed. The matter of helping and aiding the poor is better relegated to the religious and charitable institutions, the orphanages and the immediate extended families of the underprivileged. 'But anyone who won't care for his own relatives when they need help, especially those living in his own family, has not right to say he is a believer in hol-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA. Such a person is worse, compared to pagans.' - 1 YÁOHU-tam (Timothy) 5:8 'Kindness should begin at home, supporting needy parents. This is something that pleases YÁOHU UL very much.' - 1 YÁOHU-tam (Timothy) 5:4b 'Little children don't pay for their parents' food, it's the other way around: parents supply food for their children.' - 2 Corinthians 12:14b One must never take the government for his own personal and family savior and redeemer, because there is only one real Savior and Redeemer of humanity - hol-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA. If the government professes and attempts to act as the savior and redeemer of the people, then it is doomed to fail. Why? Because the government or the state is not the Savior; neither is it the healer of the land and its people. There is only one Savior and Healer of nations: YAOHÚSHUA is His one and only Name. Truth overapplied is heresy. Anyone who makes the government or the state as his personal and family savior, healer, redeemer and protector, will terribly be disappointed. Trust ha-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA to care for and protect you and your family because He is the true Savior. And He is able to move through your human authorities in showing forth His overall protection and care for you and your loved ones. Truly, YAOHÚSHUA is your only hope in this world! ![]()
This evil suspicion most often results from making stupid comparisons. YÁOHU UL warns against us making comparisons, because it is not wise, therefore it is a stupid activity to engage in. Each individual has his own talents, gifts and abilities from YÁOHU UL and shortcomings as well. Taken in totality, as a whole being, each individual is equal with everyone else, using a just balance. One may be fine looking yet not so wise. Another may look average physically but more in wisdom and intelligence. Another person may excel in this or in that, each one has different talents, gifts and special, unique abilities. There are many who rebel against duly-constituted authorities, especially against parents and governments, because the rebels mistakenly think that there are things which they deserve that are being withheld from them. In other words, in place of being grateful, they complain and gripe, murmur and scoff, out of dissatisfaction and discontentment. 'The serpent was the craftiest of all the creatures YÁOHU UL had made. So the serpent came to the woman. 'Really?' he asked. 'None of the fruit in the garden? YÁOHU UL says you must not eat any of it?' 'Of course we may eat it,' the woman told him. 'It's only the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden that we are not to eat. YÁOHU UL says we must not eat it or even touch it, or we will die.' 'That's a lie!' the serpent hissed. 'You'll not die! YÁOHU UL knows very well that the moment you eat it, you will become like Him, for your eyes will be opened - you will be able to differentiate virtue from evil!' The woman was convinced. How lovely and fresh looking it was! And it would make her so wise! So she ate some of the fruit and gave some to her husband, and he ate it too. And as they ate it, immediately they became aware of their nakedness, and were embarrassed. So they tied fig leaves together to cover themselves around the hips.' - Genesis 3:1-7 Most of these people who rebel have proud hearts. The proud person always focuses on matters which others are not doing to him. Examples are that he is not being taken fine care of, that he is not being given what he deserves, that he is not being treated fairly, that he is not being given what he needs, and the list goes on and on. The list always containing his gripes, complaints, murmurings and discontentments. The proud has the wrong attitude that the whole world, specially his parents, family and the government owes him a living. That the world will stop rotating without him, that he is the main focus of the universe. This kind of heart must be changed into a humble heart - into a person with an attitude of self-denial and complete trust, dependence upon the Just Provider of All, YÁOHU UL Himself, Who uprightly gives to each one what his deeds rightfully deserves. 'YÁOHU UL resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.' - YÁOHU-caf (James) 4:6; 1 Káfos (Peter) 5:5 'There is no wisdom, no insight, neither a plan that can succeed against YÁOHU UL.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 21:30 Again, why does someone wrongfully presume that he is being deprived of something that rightfully belongs to him? It's the result of making stupid comparisons. To compare is to narrow down and single out a particular quality of another with yourself and if you find yourself better in that regard, then it leads to pride; if you find yourself worse in that regard, then it leads to bitterness and jealousy. Unfair comparisons on specifics usually ignore general, overall and equally admirable qualities in everyone. So it is really not wise to compare yourself with any other human being. You, as you are this moment, are a special, unique and deeply-loved creation of YÁOHU UL, and that He gave His one and only Son (YAOHÚSHUA) to save you, and that if you believe in Him, you shall not perish but have eternal life. YÁOHU UL's words always prove true, no matter who disbelieves or belittles them, it does not matter, because His Words always come out true and correct. So never compare. On the contrary, you must always be grateful to YÁOHU UL for the way you were created and are living in this life! Gladly and gratefully accept whatever YÁOHU UL has given you as His unique creation. 'Oh, don't worry, I wouldn't dare say that I am as admirable as those other men who tell you how fine they are! Their trouble is that they are only comparing themselves with each other, and measuring themselves against their own little ideas. What stupidity!' - 2 Corinthians 10:12, Holy Scriptures Whatever talents, gifts or special abilities YÁOHU UL has given you, use them to serve Him and to succeed and excel in His Kingdom Eternal! You are one His special creations. Nothing can satisfy someone who is discontented with anything and everything. 'Having food and clothing, let us therefore be content,' as it is written in 1 YÁOHU-tam (Timothy) 6:8. A million dollars cannot make a person delightful if he doesn't know the secret of how to be contented with little or with much. The secret of knowing how to be grateful, contented and satisfied with little or with much is the key to happiness, health and wealth in YÁOHU UL's Kingdom to which you now belong! 'I am all that you need,' said YÁOHU UL.
Many do sin and rebel against YÁOHU UL and violate His Words and the laws of the land mainly because of human feelings and emotions. It may be out of envy, jealousy, hatred, anger, rage or lustful pleasures, many have succumbed to ha-satán's temptations to transgress against YÁOHU UL's laws. Many rebel against their parents out of jealousy and envy. Still others rebel against their government out of discontent and dire poverty. There are also those who rebel against their husbands due to uncontrolled sexual urges toward others. Congregants in some religious organizations sometimes do rebel against their spiritual leaders out of personal ambition and pride, or if they have been rebuked or forbidden from marrying someone who is unacceptable to their religious organization for some valid scriptural reason or another. 'Whoever marries a divorced woman is in adultery,' as it is inscribed. 'Obey your spiritual leaders and be willing to do what they say. For their work is to watch over your souls, and YÁOHU UL will judge them on how well they do this. Give them reason to report gladly about you to Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA, and not with sorrow, for then you will suffer for it, too.' - Hebrews 13:17, Holy Scriptures 'Dear brethren, honor the officers of your Congregation who work hard among you and warn you against all that which is wrong. Think highly of them and give them your wholehearted love because they are laboring hard to help you. And remember, no quarreling among yourselves.' - 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13, Holy Scriptures The fruit of the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' which is vital to show forth in the believer's life during cases such as these are self-control and faith. To control one's feelings and emotions and to have full reliance, faith and trust upon YÁOHU UL Who gives grace to the submissive, the humble but Who resists and punishes the proud, the rebellious and the stubborn. 'The person who lacks self-control is like a defenseless city with broken-down walls.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 25:28 'But when you follow your own wrong inclinations, your lives will yield these evil results: impure thoughts, eagerness for lustful pleasure, idolatry, spiritism (that is, encouraging the activity of evil spirits), hatred and fighting, jealousy and anger, continual effort to get the best for yourself, complaints and criticisms, factions with its wrong doctrines, envy, murder, drunkenness, wild parties, orgies and all that sort of thing. Let me tell you again as I have before, that anyone living that sort of life will not inherit the Kingdom of YÁOHU UL. But when the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' controls our lives He will bring forth this kind of fruit in us: love, gladness, peace, patience, kindness, virtue, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control; and here there is no conflict with Jewish laws.' - Galatians 5:19-23
'Then YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY was led out into the wilderness by the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' to be tempted there by ha-satán. For forty days and forty nights He ate nothing and became very hungry. Then ha-satán tempted Him to get food by changing stones into loaves of bread. 'It will prove that You really are the Son of YÁOHU UL,' he said.' But YAOHÚSHUA told him, 'No! For the Scriptures tell us that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes out of YÁOHU UL's mouth.' Then ha-satán took him to Jerusalem to the roof of the Temple. 'Jump off,' he said, 'and prove that you are the Son of YÁOHU UL; for the Scriptures declare, 'YÁOHU UL will send His angels to keep You from harm. They will prevent You from smashing on the rocks below.' YAOHÚSHUA retorted, 'It also says not to put YÁOHU your UL to a foolish test!'' 'Next ha-satán took Him to the peak of a very high mountain and showed Him the nations of the world and all their glory. 'I'll give it all to You,' he said, 'if You will only kneel and worship me.'' 'Get out of here, ha-satán,' YAOHÚSHUA told him. 'It is inscribed: Worship only YÁOHU UL. Obey only Him.' Then ha-satán went away, and angels came and cared for YAOHÚSHUA.' - Man-YÁOHU (Matthew) 4:1-11 The vain attractions and glitter of the cities, amusement and entertainment centers, shopping malls (temples of mammon, actually), pleasure spots and gambling casinos of this world, the luxurious limousines, the stately mansions, the private jets plus all the bevy of beauties and handsome guys galore, with much wine and fine cuisine to boot, the life of the rich and famous - all these glittering allures of this world are what the enemy uses to seduce many to rebel against their authorities. Selling company, trade or government secrets (treason, espionage), going against the express prohibitions of your parents, putting up a competing religious organization, or revealing the embarrassing qualities of your boss, these are common temptations in rebelling against lawful authorities. Presidents have fallen, kings have been beheaded, CEO's have been expelled, parents have been violated by their children mainly because of lust of the eyes, because the rebels wanted to experience life's pleasures and it's allures. Ignorantly the rebels commit such acts of treachery and treason against their authorities because they erroneously presume that the world and its glittering attractions with its material wealth and luxury can make them truly successful, satisfied and delightful. No, because only the truly upright do experience prosperous, peaceful and delightful lives here on earth. The end of rebels, like Abshalom, is severe punishment and penalties from YÁOHU UL. Yes, there is of course the passing pleasure of sin and rebellion, but they are just that: passing, temporary, fleeting but terribly bitter in the end. Always look at their end, especially those rock stars, how they die. Never crave for the passing pleasures and luxuries of sin and rebellion. Remember that it is appointed unto men to die once and after which, the judgment. 'This is my final conclusion: fear YÁOHU UL and obey His commands for this is the entire duty of each person. For YÁOHU UL will judge us for everything we do, and every hidden thing, upright or evil.' - Ecclesiastes 12:13-14, Tanakh or Hebrew Holy Scriptures
Why do many compete and fight for, and will do almost anything just to get into seats of power, influence and importance? Because of their pride of life, lust for power and control, plus of course the lust for public adoration, praise and honor. Where are those people now, I mean, those great men of importance of this world, though wicked, who were thought of as great and wise by the world's norms and were much praised by the crowds? Where are they now in the afterlife and what's happening to them or what are they doing now? The Holy Scriptures give the answer: 'In that glorious day when YÁOHU UL gives His people rest from sorrow and fear, from slavery and chains, you will jeer at the king of Babylon and say, 'You bully, you! At last you have what was coming to you! For YÁOHU UL has crushed your wicked power, and broken your evil rule. You persecuted My people with unceasing blows of rage and held the nations in your angry grip. You were uncontrollable in tyranny. But at last the whole earth is at rest, finally quiet! All the world begins to sing! Even the trees of the woods - the fir trees and cedars of Lebanon - sing out this glad song:
Many do commit fraud, thievery and still others steal and defraud their authorities because they believe that once they're rich, then they can command the praise, adoration, adulation and honor from the crowds. They don't realize the penalties and concomitant sufferings that come with guilt and evil conscience.
Likewise, many in this world today will commit anything wicked against those who hold ranks of authority just so they can take advantage of and benefit from those around them: from the company where they are working, from their parents and from the government, usually by fraud and deception or betrayal. 'How you have fallen from heaven, O Hillel (Lucifer), son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground - mighty though you were against the nations of the world. For you said to yourself, 'I will ascend to heaven and rule the angels. I will take the highest throne. I will preside upon the Mount of Assembly far away in the north. I will climb to the highest heavens and be like the Most High.' On the contrary, you will be brought down to the pit of hell, down to its lowest depths. Everyone there will glare at you and ask, 'Can this be the one who shook the earth and the kingdoms of the world?' - Yaoshua-YÁOHU (Isaiah) 14:12-16
These lusts of the flesh, inherent in the unregenerate human nature, are most often the breeding grounds for many kinds of sin and rebellion against those in authority. When hol-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA was being tempted by ha-satán, he used the feelings of hunger and thirst as reasons with which he enticed the Messiah YAOHÚSHUA to rebel against the Father, YÁOHU UL: 'Turn these 'ebaním' (s-ones) into bread.' Even in the garden of Eden, the same old tactic was used by the enemy to seduce Khavyáo (Eve) to rebel against YÁOHU UL. 'The forbidden fruit was delectable to the taste and attractive to look at.' Humankind was cursed from then on because of Adam and Khavyáo's rebellion against their authority, YÁOHU UL. Only in being regenerated in hol-MEHUSHKHÁY YAOHÚSHUA can anyone be redeemed from the curses of humanity. 'But a man who commits adultery lacks judgment; whoever does so ruins himself. Blows and disgrace are his lot, and his shame will never be wiped away.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 6:32-33 'The mouth of an adulteress is a deep pit; he who is a subject of YÁOHU UL's wrath will fall into it.' - Maush'léi 22:14 'Moreover, I notice that throughout the earth, justice is giving way to crime and even the judicial courts are corrupt. I said to myself, 'In due time YÁOHU UL will judge everything a person does, both upright and bad.' And then I realized that YÁOHU UL is letting the world go on its sinful way in order that He can test mankind, and so people themselves will see that they are no better than beasts. For men and animals both breathe the same air, and both die. So mankind has no real advantage over the beasts; what an absurdity!' - Ecclesiastes 3:16-19, Holy Scriptures 'If you see some poor man being oppressed by the rich, with miscarriage of justice anywhere throughout the land, don't be surprised! For every official is under orders from higher ups, and the higher officials look up to their superiors. And so the matter becomes obscured in red tape and bureaucracy. And over them all is the head of state. Oh, for a national leader who is devoted to his country! Only he can bring order from this chaos.' - Ecclesiastes 5:8-9, Holy Scriptures
'YÁOHU UL hates unjust weights and balances,' as it is inscribed. 'YÁOHU UL abhors dishonest scales, but accurate weights are His delight.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 11:1 'Differing weights and differing measures - YÁOHU UL detests them both.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 20:10 An object lesson on this is this example: The husband gives his name in marriage to his wife. Then he supports, cares for, nourishes, nurtures and protects his wife and children. He labors hard in order to provide for his wife and family. He is faithful to his wife and children, dutiful, responsible and he gives the kind of care expected from a fine husband in the family. However, he has these negative physical qualities of being short, fat and not being so presentable among friends for his sometimes coarse and rude social behaviors. One of ha-satán's tactics is to magnify in the wife and the children's minds the negative qualities of the husband, to the disregard of the other positive traits, so they would not respect, hearken to nor honor him. They would then fall for the unjust-balance gambit of the enemy. When viewed in the right perspective though, by using just balances and correct weights, the positive qualities of the male parent much more overweighs the negatives in his person as a whole. After all, no mere human is perfect. But if the wife and children succumb to the lies and deceptions of the enemy, they usually rebel against the husband because of unbalanced weights and unjust balances, in the way they evaluate the husband, comparing him to others only in narrowed-down points. 'And there is not a single person in all the earth who is always upright and never sins.' - Ecclesiastes 7:20 Subordinates must use just weights and balances in dealing with their authorities, be it in the company scene, government realm or at home and in religious organizations.
The word 'guilty' means deserving to be punished and penalized. Guilt in turn is the sure consequence of one violating the moral laws of YÁOHU UL and also those of His duly-constituted authorities. When one violates any of YÁOHU UL's moral laws or any law, rule or regulation of the authorities, he then becomes guilty (punishable). The most common recourse of someone guilty is to blame others under the false notion that his guilt would be erased once he could transfer the blame on someone. In the Scriptures, when Adam rebelled against YÁOHU UL, he tried to defend himself by blaming Khavyáo (Eve) and even blaming YÁOHU UL Himself: 'This woman You gave me, she gave it to me to eat.' When blame and hatred, condemnation and anger is focused upon someone else as a means of erasing one's guilt, then bitterness is its fruit. The one who harbors bitterness in his heart against someone then becomes much like the person whom he condemned and was bitter at, in the first place. Example: a rebellious son hated and condemned his parents because he was a victim of the enemy's 'unjust-balance gambit.' He condemned his male parent for being of low intelligence, and he also condemned his mother for the unpleasant tone of her loud, shrill voice. Minor defects really but magnified a million times in his MIND by the enemy, with the parents' positive qualities being completely ignored in the son's MIND - which then led to his falling victim to this old tactic and for which he rebelled and condemned his parents. As the son's punishment for his rebellion, the bitter fruit of this rebellion is that he himself will someday grow up to have the same negative traits of his parents which he condemned, and his future wife, too, will have the traits which he hated in his mother. That's his well-deserved punishment for using unjust weights and balances. The rebel ignored the fact that he himself is not perfect and that only YÁOHU Ulhím is perfect. If he himself were a perfect son, then perhaps he could claim that he deserves perfect parents. One will receive human authorities which he deserves, according to how he behaves in the sight of YÁOHU UL Who examines the hearts of everyone. What you judge and condemn in others will all bear fruit in your personal life, character and attitudes! And in your mate's or children's lives in the future. So never judge, criticize nor condemn others, neither is it wise to blame and become bitter against anyone for one's personal guilt. The only way for guilt to be erased, removed and deleted is for that violation, transgression or sin to be forgiven by YÁOHU UL, the Father, by confession and admission, and by having it cleansed with the 'DAM' (blood) of the Redeemer YAOHÚSHUA the Messiah, which is the only remedy provided for sinning against YÁOHU UL. The only true remedy. The Messiah YAOHÚSHUA said: 'Do not condemn and you will not be condemned.' 'If we confess our sins, He is just, as well as faithful, to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all inrectitude.' - 1 YÁOHU-khánam (John) 1:9
These lusts are often the triggering factors which lead many to commit rebellion, treachery, disloyalty and treason against their authorities. 'He who loves money shall never have enough. The foolishness of thinking that wealth brings happiness! The more you have, the more you spend, right up to the limits of your income, so what is the advantage of wealth - except perhaps to watch it as it runs through your fingers!' - Ecclesiastes 5:10-11, Holy Scriptures 'These arguers - their minds warped by sin - don't know how to tell the truth; to them the Glorious Message is just a means of making money. Keep away from them! Do you want to be truly rich? You already are if you are delightful and upright! After all, we didn't bring any money with us when we came into the world, and we can't carry away a single penny when we die. So we should be well satisfied without money, if we have enough food and clothing. But people who long to be rich soon begin to do all kinds of wrong things to get money, things that hurt them and make them evil-minded and finally send them to hell itself. For the lust for money is the root of all kinds of evil. Some people have even turned away from YÁOHU UL because of their lust for money, and as a result have pierced themselves with many sorrows.' - 1 YÁOHU-tam (Timothy) 6:5-10 Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA now told this parable to His disciples: 'A rich man hired a business manager to handle his affairs, but soon a rumor went around that the business manager was thoroughly dishonest. So his employer called him in and said, 'What's this I hear about your stealing from me? Get your report in order, for you are to be dismissed.' The business manager thought to himself, 'Now what? I'm through here, and I haven't the power to go out and dig ditches, and I'm too proud to beg. I know just the thing! And then I'll have plenty of friends to take care of me when I leave!' So he invited each one who owed money to his employer to come and discuss the predicament. He asked the first guy, 'How much do you owe him?' 'My debt is 850 gallons of olive oil,' the man replied. 'Yes, here is the contract you signed,' the business manager told him. 'Tear it up and write another one for half that much!' 'And how much do you owe him?' he asked the next man. 'A thousand bushels of wheat,' was the reply. 'Here,' the business manager said, 'take your note and replace it with one for only 800 bushels!'' The rich man had to admire the rascal for being so shrewd. And it is true that the people of this world are more clever in dishonesty compared to the upright ones. But shall I tell you to behave that way, to buy friendship through cheating? Will this ensure your entry into an eternal home in heaven? No! For unless you are honest regarding small matters, you won't be in large ones. If you cheat even a little, you won't be honest with greater responsibilities.' And if you are unreliable with worldly wealth, who will trust you with the true riches of heaven? And if you are not faithful with other people's money, why should you be relied upon with money of your own? For neither you nor anyone else can serve two bosses. You will hate one and show loyalty to the other, or else the other way around - you will be very eager about one and hate the other. You cannot serve both YÁOHU UL and money. The Pharisees, who dearly loved their money, naturally scoffed at all this. Then He said to them, 'You wear a noble, pious expression in public, but YÁOHU UL knows your evil hearts. Your pretense brings you honor from the people, but it is an abomination in the sight of YÁOHU UL. Until YÁOHU-khánam the Immerser began to preach, the laws of Mehushúa and the messages of the prophets were your guides. But YÁOHU-khánam proclaimed the Glorious Message that the Kingdom of YÁOHU UL would come soon. Now eager multitudes are pressing in. But that doesn't mean that the Law has lost its force in even the smallest point. It is as firm and unshakable as heaven and earth. So anyone who divorces his wife and marries someone else commits adultery, and anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.' - Luke 16:1-18, Holy Scriptures 'A tree from fine stock doesn't yield scrub fruit nor do trees from poor stock yield select fruit. A tree is identified by the kind of fruit it yields. Figs never grow on thorns, or grapes on bramble bushes. An upright person brings forth noble deeds from a pure heart. And an evil person brings forth evil deeds from his concealed wickedness. Whatever is in the heart overflows into speech.' - Luke 6:43-45, Holy Scriptures 'Pride goes before ruin and haughtiness before a fall.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 16:18 'The wicked live for rebellion; they shall be severely punished.' - Maush'léi (Proverbs) 17:11