Dearly-Loved Honest Seeker of the Truth: Peace, love, delight, pleasures, benefits and favors to you in the Name of YAOHÚSHUA the Messiah! We praise, glorify and thank our true, scriptural Creator, YÁOHU UL, for giving you the opportunity to know His original Name and that of His only true Messiah YAOHÚSHUA with His Glorious Message of free forgiveness and pardon to all those who will believe. Yes, we will forward to you daily your free copy of the YAOHÚSHUA Warm Daily Bread releases which we believe will help you greatly in your spiritual walk and growth with the true Messiah YAOHÚSHUA. Please take time to read all the other free yet enlightening guidelines and teachings found in the YAOHÚSHUA website, while tuned in to the 'YAOHÚSHUA Lives' internet broadcasts through the web or Youtube also. May our true Creator, YÁOHU UL, give you all the privileges of belonging to His Kingdom Eternal by His Son YAOHÚSHUA the Messiah, by His 'RÚKHA' or Spirit, always, am-nám! Ohavúl gam shua-oléym (love and peace).... In His Majesty's Sacred Service, OHÓL YAOHÚSHUA Support Team.... P. S. Now please kindly read the attached guideline completely, carefully, open mindedly and heartily for your own enlightenment. ========================== Y A O H Ú S H U A The True Messiah Peace, light, pleasures and favors to you all in the Name of YAOHÚSHUA the true, unique and original Messiah! Herein are some explanations and clarifications that will help you find out and surprisingly discover who our real CREATOR is, what His true Name is, and how to get under His omnipotent protection. You will also get acquainted with the true, honest MESSIAH. This approach will be by the process of elimination until you know and believe the true Name of our Creator, and the Person behind that Name and Who the authentic Messiah is, and what is His genuine Name. Q. Why is the Creator's real Name not 'Yahweh' as many religious people have been led to believe? A. To call the Creator 'Yahweh' will not be in harmony with other scriptural evidences, especially taking into account that the Jewish people are called 'Yaohudim' - being the people who are called by His Name. Which means that this group of selected people, as a whole, bears the magnificent Name of the Creator, as revealed in the Holy Scriptures. If the Maker's Name were 'Yahweh' - as many erroneously presume It to be, then the people who are called by His Name will have to be referred to as 'Yahwehdim' - which is untrue and cacophonous, aside from being contrary to facts currently observable. In the collective name of this selected people, in their own native language, the true Creator's Name is easily discernible, when religious traditions and misconceptions are deleted from one's mind, in order to accurately pinpoint the true Name of our Creator, thus knowing Who the authentic Person is behind that genuine Name. Q. Why not 'Jehovah'? A. If it were so, then the Messiah, Who came in His Father's Name, as the Holy Scriptures say, will have to be called 'JEHOSHUA.' But there is no letter 'J' in the Hebrew language! This cannot be the original Name of the Messiah! Besides, if it were 'Jehovah,' then the prophets' names in the Holy Scriptures should have been translated as follows: Isaiah would have been translated 'Isajeh' Zechariah would have been translated 'Zecharajeh' Zephaniah would have been translated 'Zephanajeh' Yaokhanam would have been translated 'Jehkhanam' by its translators, assuming their methods were reliable. Not only are they cacophonous (unpleasant to hear) for the Jewish people to listen to, but also, they are impossible words in the Hebrew language, again, because there is no letter 'J' in this heavenly language! Hebrew is the language given by our Maker to man in the Garden of Eden, the natural language of man! Original, archaic Hebrew is the purest language and the first spoken by man! Remember, archaic and not the modern, current Hebrew language. So here you are confronted with another clear evidence that 'YÁOHU' is the true, real, and genuine Name of our Creator! 'YÁOHU' (pronounced: 'yao-hoo' - accented on the first syllable, the vowel on the first syllable sounding like that in the English word 'how'). The word 'jehovah' was concocted or invented long ago by transposing the vowels of the word 'adonai' into the 'YHWH' - the tetragramma. In ancient Phoenician-Babylonian cultic communities, the idol 'Adonis' was most popular among the pagan masses, and it was from the name of this idol that the word 'Adonai' was taken from. The vowels of the word 'Adonai' were transposed into the tetragramma (YHWH) and the resultant word was 'jehovah.' Even the word 'Adonai' was not in the original Hebrew Holy Scriptures (Tanakh). This was also an adulteration, an addition. A clear example of the method that was used in adulterating the tetragramma is this: say you have the word 'germany' and among the consonants of this word, you transpose the vowel sounds of another word, say 'uruguay' and you will have the new word: 'gurmunuay'! Silly isn't it? The same way, that's how silly the concocted word 'jehovah' is! The real meaning of the word 'yehovah' is destruction, desolation, perdition (remember there is no letter 'j' in Hebrew, both archaic and modern). A simple research into the meanings and etymologies of these words will clearly reveal this. The word 'jehovah' is nothing but a fiction of man's devices and sleight, and truly not the original name of our unique Creator, YÁOHU UL. The reason for the adulteration? Presumably so the pagans may not blaspheme the original Name of the Most High, YÁOHU UL. Remember what the prophet Jeremiah said in the Tanakh or Hebrew Holy Scriptures? 'How can you say that you are wise, even if you have the Tanakh, when the lying pens of the scribes have altered them?' - Jeremiah 8:8, putting it in a clearer sense. Other possible pronunciations of the tetragramma will no longer be discussed because they are obviously wrong and utterly baseless! 'Tetragramma' means the four-letter sacred Name of our Creator as inscribed in the original Hebrew Scriptures, in archaic Hebrew. Q. Why is it wrong to refer to the true Messiah as 'Yahshua' or 'Yeshua'? A. In archaic Hebrew, the words 'az' and 'eyz' refer to 'a goat.' So when you say 'yahshua' or 'yeshua', it literally means: 'the goat will save' in archaic Hebrew, that is. You can easily check this out by looking up the root words used in the Hebrew Scriptures for the word 'goat.' Specifically, look at concordance item number 5796 in the Hebrew-Chaldee Dictionary or any reliable Concordance. You'll also find out in subsequent sections of this guideline that spellings do not matter. The vital thing is what we speak out, as interpreted through the Hebrew Scriptures, and to which unseen spirits do these sounds refer to, regardless of spelling. Since the name for a goat in archaic Hebrew is 'az' and 'eyz,' one will still be referring to it, whether these archaic words are spelled as 'ahz' or 'ehyz' or 'aaazz' or 'ace,' especially when praying to unseen spirits. Note that the words 'deus,' 'theos,' 'josh' and 'zeus' all refer to the same unseen spirit-being, in the supernatural realm, that is regardless of spelling, since the sounds produced call on the same idol spirit-being. Remember, when two different words are spoken with hardly any difference in the position of the tongue against the palate and the lips, the words are the same, as far as calling out to unseen spirit beings is concerned. For example, if you call out to the unseen enemy, satan, he will reply whether you use the spelling zeytan, or zheytan or z-taan. So when you call out to 'yahshua' or 'yeshua,' the goat indeed will be too glad to be referred to as your redeemer. It is the fulfillment of his mission, to deceive and make the unwary take him as the redeemer. The impostor, and frankly fake. It is therefore erroneous to refer to the genuine Messiah as 'yahshua' or 'yeshua.' The correct and accurate Name of the Messiah is: YAOHÚSHUA (pronounced: 'yao-hóo-shua' - accented on the second syllable, with the vowel of the first syllable sounding like the vowel in the English word 'how'). The Name 'YAOHÚSHUA' clearly means, without doubt, YÁOHU'S POWER TO SAVE! This accurate, original Name indeed bears the real Name of the Creator, the Father. It is the true Name of the authentic Messiah - YAOHÚSHUA! Q. Why not call the Creator plainly as 'god'? A. The origin of this word is the root word: 'KHUDA' - which was an ancient skull idol of the Persians and Babylonians. This can also be easily checked out by checking out the name of the cultic idol 'Baal Gad' mentioned in the Holy Scriptures several times. Another word given as a clue in the Holy Writ is the retained word 'gol-GOT-tha' - which means 'place of the skull.' The word 'GOT' refers to the skeletal remains of the human head, commonly used by mediums and witches! So when anyone prays to 'God' - you now realize whom he is really, actually praying to. By tradition, men have adopted a proper name of an idol to be used as a generic or common name for supernatural beings; like using a famous name brand, and making it the common name for other similar products. Examples: Calling chewing gum 'CHICLET' or calling cameras as 'KODAKS' or toothpastes as 'COLGATE' and so on . This method surely is tricky libertine adaptation, which is very dangerous because it leads to idolatry, whether one realizes it or not! So we must bless, praise, magnify and worship His One and only Holy Name: 'YÁO-HOO' - and not 'KHUDA.' Not what you presumptuously think but what you say with your lips. By our mouths, our confessions are made unto salvation! You get in contact and really communicate with whom you call upon. You may believe that you are in contact with your friend but if you dial the wrong phone number, watch out! Likewise in our prayers! It is seriously forbidden in the Holy Scriptures to even mention the names of idols in one's lips: 'Be sure to obey all of these directives; and remember - never mention the name of any idol!' - Exodus 23:13 Holy Scriptures. It is not a shame to be mistaken; what is a shame is to remain in darkness after the true Light has been seen. Remember, light rejected will lead to utter darkening of the mind! So begin calling your Maker as 'YÁOHU' and never use idolatrous, pagan names any longer. 'YÁOHU' - the Holy One of Israel, is your real Creator and Source of Life! What's in a name? A name represents all the qualities and total personality of the person behind it! Don't be contented with cheap replacements, aliases and nicknames; refer and call to Him by His one and only true Name: YÁOHU UL! 'If there is a prophet among you, or one who claims to foretell the future by dreams, and if his predictions come true but He says, 'Come, let us worship the idols of the other nations,' do not hearken to him. Because YÁOHU UL is proving you to find out whether or not you really love Him with all your heart and soul. You must never worship any idol but YÁOHU UL; obey only His commands and cling to Him!' - Deuteronomy 13:1-4, Holy Scriptures Note: 'UL' (pronounced 'ool') means the 'The All-Powerful Eternal.' Q. Why not 'Ha-Shem' or 'Adonai?' A. Again, the root words of these are idolatrous, to wit: 'Shem' - from the root word 'Shemiramis' the Babylonian goddess 'Adonai - from the root word 'Adonis' - the ancient Phoenician-Greek idol of male fertility, notorious for phallic worship. Check for yourselves! You must really know who you worship and call upon with your mouths. What you say is what you get! Remember that Shemiramis is the mother-wife of Tammuz in Babylonian-Assyrian mythology and primitive, pagan cults. In ancient pagan communities, sun worship was very prevalent. And 'Shem-esh' was the idol which represented the sun. YÁOHU UL seriously forbids the worship of the sun, the moon and the stars, in Ezekiel 8:16-18, Tanakh or Hebrew Holy Scriptures (Biblia Hebraica) We must worship the Creator, and not His mere creatures nor creation, no matter how alluring they may seem to be. Worship of nature itself is likewise prohibited. Has it not been prophesied in the Holy Scriptures that, in the last days, people will base their faith on myths and doctrines of demons? Watch out for ha-satán is the 'God' of this world and he is the deceiver of mankind. He has to deceive in order to be worshiped, for how else could he cunningly get people to worship him? Only by deception! But you are in the Light of the world Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY (pronounced: mol-khee-óol yao-hóo-shua hol-meh-hoosh-kháy) the Messiah, the authentic One! And in Him there is no darkness at all! Q. Why not call the Messiah 'Jesus'? A. This word is the Greek translation from the original Hebrew - used by human translators for easier acceptance in the Greek-speaking world during earlier times; also, the Greeks at that time were so fond of their mythological, pagan worship of 'Zeus' and also 'Dionysius'; so the genuine Name of the Messiah was translated into a more familiar and palatable version, 'Iesous,' from which the very popular 'Jesus' was taken. Another reason was that the original Name of our Savior - 'YAOHÚSHUA' - was quite hard for the Greeks to pronounce, so they thought it better to change it to make it easier to pronounce, not fully realizing then that they were dealing with the Name of the One through Whom all things were made that was made! Such changes were unauthorized and utterly presumptuous. The prophet Jeremiah said in Jeremiah 8:8 - 'How can you say that you are wise, even if you have the words of YÁOHU UL, when the pen of the scribes have altered them?' Let us therefore be truly wise and not mix our pure worship with Greek mythological idolatries! Salvation is of the Jewish people, not of the Greeks, remember? And this is clearly written in the Holy Scriptures. Let us therefore worship the true Holy One of Israel - 'YÁOHU' - and make the real Messiah - 'YAOHÚSHUA' - Savior and Ruler of our lives! There is no other Name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved, except that Name - 'YAOHÚSHUA!' Salvation is found in no one else, I repeat, no one else! See Acts 4:12. 'You shall call His Name 'YAOHÚSHUA' because He will save His people from their sins!' - Matthew 1:21, Holy Scriptures. Q. Is it correct to use the title 'El Shaddai'? A. No. It's incorrect. A simple research into the true person of 'El' in Babylonian and Chaldee mythology, will reveal that 'El' was a very popular pagan idol in the early history of these people. He was an idol associated with incest, lust, immorality and treachery. The word 'Shaddai' refers to seducing spirits of the wicked realm. Using this title activates seducing spirits with the immoral characteristics of 'El' - luring many people into slavery to pagan idolatry. Even witches know this and use this specific title in their incantations, faith healing sessions and satanic worship. Always check it out! You'll avoid the subtle traps and hidden deceptions of the enemy. Don't just go along with the crowd. Wide is the way that leads to destruction and many go thereat! Even birds first examine anything for possible food, before picking and swallowing, and surely you are wiser than birds. Be truly wise. So check them out before you acknowledge and receive God, gee-Zeus, Krayzt, Jehovah, Lord, Shemiramis, Elohim and so on. It's your eternal soul at risk! The correct title of the true Creator YÁOHU UL, based upon archaic Hebrew, is 'UL SHUA-ODÁI' - which literally means 'The All-Powerful Eternal Whose Salvation is Sufficient' - that is, YÁOHU UL, the true One. Remember that there is a fine line between genuine and bogus money bills. You can't find a fake three-dollar bill. The counterfeit is almost similar to the authentic, discernible only through cursory and thorough verification. Much more so when it comes to unseen, supernatural spirit beings. Be very careful, because it's your whole life here and in the afterlife that's at risk. What does it profit anyone if he gains the whole world but suffers the loss of his own soul? What does it profit anyone if he wins out every argument and debate but suffers eternal perdition and torment? The way to heaven is not by winning in arguments and debates. The only way to heaven is YAOHÚSHUA! Q. Is it proper to use the title 'Elohim'? A. Again, it is improper and wrong. Why? Because the word 'Elohim' is just the plural of the word 'El' - the dangers of which have just been discussed above. The correct and accurate title is 'ULHÍM' in archaic Hebrew. This is pronounced: 'ool-héem' - accented on the second syllable. This mistranslation into 'Elohim' of the original 'ULHÍM' was one of the mishaps which was revealed in Jeremiah 8:8, of the Tanakh or Hebrew Scriptures. You can easily check these out in any encyclopedia, Bible concordance, Hebrew-Chaldee dictionary, and other similar reference materials. Q. Is it correct to refer to the Spirit as 'Ruach ha-Qodesh'? A. This is a grievous mistake, frankly. One should be very careful when dealing with the Spirit of YÁOHU UL, because blaspheming the Spirit of YÁOHU UL is unpardonable, in this world and in the world to come, said Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA in Matthew 12:31-32. In archaic Hebrew, the word 'ruah' means 'evil, wicked, bad' - (Hebrew-Chaldee Dictionary #7455). By Gesenius or Strong. On the other hand, the word 'akko' literally means 'wild goat' (Hebrew-Chaldee Dictionary #689). So when you speak out the words 'Ruach ha-Qodesh' - in the unseen spirit world, you are actually referring to and invoking one of the titles of the wicked goat, who is satir, or more commonly known as ha-satán (the dragon, the serpent, the deceiver, the impostor). The correct and right way of calling the Spirit of YÁOHU UL is: 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' (pronounced: róo-kah hol-hod-shúa, accented on the first syllable 'roo' of the first word, and the second to the last syllable 'shoo' of the last word). Or, alternatively: 'RÚKHA-YAOHÚSHUA' or 'RÚKHA-YÁOHU.' Again, you may mean one thing but speak out another entirely different thing. A fine example of this is, supposing you were in a restaurant for a fine dinner. You have decided beforehand that you were going to have 'filet of fish' for that night. However, in your haste and due to some other thoughts in your mind, you mistakenly gave your order to the waiter. Instead of saying out 'filet of fish,' you erroneously said 'filet mignon' - unnoticed, that is. What do you think will the waiter serve on your table, the dish which you had in your mind or the one you actually said and ordered? Surely, what you spoke out is what you'll get. More so when dealing with unseen spiritual, supernatural beings. It is whom you call on and invoke who will actually, really answer and communicate with you, not what you have in your mind. You may be sincere, but sincerely mistaken. Beware because there is that notorious impostor hiding behind all those mistranslations. And besides, translation is changing! No one has ever been authorized to change the Name of our Creator and His Messiah YAOHUSHUA. Indeed, 'My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge,' said YÁOHU UL in Hosea 4:6 of the Tanakh, Holy Scriptures. But you are now all knowledgeable in this regard, so ruin abates. 'You shall call His Name 'YAOHÚSHUA' because He will save His people from their sins!' - Matthew 1:21, Holy Scriptures. Q. Yes, but does not YÁOHU UL look at people's hearts? A. Truly indeed! That is why He is making Himself known to you right now because He can see your sincerity in really getting to know Him Who is true and faithful, your Maker! And He expects you to know Him by Name and to call upon Him and really worship Him, a very jealous YAOHU UL, indeed! You shall not have other fictitious, fake or phony creators or idols before Him! Assuming that instead of 'Jehovah' the name that became popularized, in exchange or as a replacement for the real Name, was, for example, 'saturn.' Then multitudes began praying to and received answers, too, by calling on this bogus name. Does that mean that the real name of our maker is 'saturn'? Does 'saturn' now become our true maker just because millions have accepted it by custom, habit and tradition? Truth is truth and there is no replacement for it, no matter what seemingly appears to alter it. Substitutes are wrong! And a lie is a lie, is a lie, is a lie! Incidentally, the real name of ha-satán or the enemy is 'satir' - based on the Hebrew Scriptures. On knowing this, surely you will immediately abandon calling on that evil name, won't you? And stop calling others as your 'pasator' because this literally means 'the mouth or spokesman of satur, or ha-satán.' Please check the word 'satur,' 'satyr,' and 'satar' in any reliable Hebrew-Chaldee Concordance and you will find out that it refers to the 'goat' - the old serpent, the dragon, ha-satán. Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA warned that we must be well on guard during these last days because ha-satán will try to deceive, even the very elect. So better wake up now! But doesn't YÁOHU UL look at the heart? Now, the query sounds silly, doesn't it? So, be not one of the victims of deception, be really wise and open up to the truth! If His Name is not so vital for our salvation, there would have been no reason revealing it to man through the Holy Scriptures. Or if we really do not need to know it for our salvation, why did He deem it best that His Name be written more than 6,000 times in the entire Tanakh or Holy Scriptures? All that He could have done is just look at the hearts of mankind and save those whose hearts are inclined towards Him, without revealing Who He is and what is His Name! To the unknown Creator in wherever you are, please save us! But He is not unknown! He has revealed Himself to mankind through the Holy Scriptures and introduced Himself with His Name. That is precisely the reason why the Tanakh or Holy Scriptures was given - as the resource through which the Most High YÁOHU UL revealed Himself and His Anointed One, His Messiah: YAOHÚSHUA. Please look at it this way. How would a husband react if he hears his wife often talking to him or calling him daily, but in place of his own name, she keeps on calling him with the name of her former lover? The wife would not even dare mention her former lover's name in his presence or within his hearing, would she? Out of simple respect and loyalty to her husband. And also out of proper respect for her husband and to avoid offending him! Assuming the wife keeps on calling the husband with the name of her former lover, so he gets sore and real angry and very jealous! Then she exclaims, 'but you are really the person who I am referring to in my heart!' Then the husband will insist - 'for out of the abundance of your heart, your mouth speaks! What goes out from your mouth shows who really and honestly is in your heart, not me! If it's really me, why don't you call me by my own name? What's wrong with my name? I gave my name to you, didn't I? That's why you are my wife who is called by my name! You use my family name, don't you?' Likewise when dealing with our YÁOHU UL Yaoshorúl! 'For your Creator will be your Husband. YÁOHU UL is His Name, He is your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, the Maker of ALL the earth!' - Isaiah 54:5, Tanakh or Hebrew Holy Scriptures. 'For you shall worship no other idol, because YÁOHU your UL, Whose Name is 'YÁOHU-QAN-AO' is a very jealous One.' - Exodus 34:14, Tanakh or Hebrew Scriptures. 'Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks!' - Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA said in Matthew 12:34, Holy Scriptures. 'A person's heart determines his speech.' Remember this. There are so many various 'lords' and 'gods' and even fake messiahs being peddled all over the world by several religions, as you may very well know. Who do you acknowledge as your Maker and Source of life? And Savior? Who? And what's his name? A name is an absolute necessity and a requirement to guarantee exact, correct and proper identification. "'YÁOHU' - this is My Name forever by which I am to be remembered from generation to generation!" - Exodus 3:13-15, Tanakh or Hebrew Scriptures. Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA is the truth. He is the way, the truth and the life. No one can come to YÁOHU ABÚ (the Father) except through Him. There is no other Name given under heaven by which we must be saved. 'YAOHÚSHUA' is the genuine Name above every name! Q. Is this important for me personally? A. Think on and ponder upon these words of 'YÁOHU UL' - the Holy One of Israel: 'Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other Name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved!' - Acts 4:12 Holy Scriptures 'Repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in His Name.' - Luke 24:47, Holy Scriptures 'Therefore YÁOHU UL exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him a Name that is above every name.' - Philippians 2:9 'That at the mention of the Name 'YAOHÚSHUA' every knee must bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth.' - Philippians 2:10 'But these are written that you may believe that 'YAOHÚSHUA' is the Messiah, the Son of UL (the All-Powerful One) and that by believing, you may have life in His Name.' - John 20:31 'And I will do whatever you ask using My Name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father.' - John 14:13 'Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the NAME of UL's one and only Son - 'YAOHÚSHUA.'' - John 3:18 "'Y A O H U' - this is My Name F O R E V E R by which I am to be called and remembered from generation to generation!" - Exodus 3:13-15 'This is life eternal: to know You, YÁOHU UL, as the true Creator and YAOHÚSHUA the Messiah Whom You have sent to earth.' - John 17:3 Now you fully realize the meaning of 'eternal life.' And your whole well-being, now and even in the afterlife, depends so much in the saving power of the Name of 'YAOHÚSHUA.' Whether you believe it or not that the sun will rise tomorrow, it will rise. Likewise, whether you believe it or not that your only way to eternal favoredness is the only way - 'YAOHÚSHUA' - it is true because YÁOHU UL Yaoshorúl (poetic name of 'Israel' in the Holy Scriptures) has declared it so. What He says goes. What is He in power for if not to be obeyed? And YÁOHU UL is the Source of your very breath right now. YÁOHU UL has declared that no one can approach Him now except through the mediation of the one and only Mediator between UL and man - Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY (the Messiah, pronounced: 'meh-hoosh-kháy' - accent on the last syllable). Who will dare challenge His decrees and not go unpunished? Surely we will approach our Maker in His terms, not in what we presume to be His ways. He is the most awesome One there is! YÁOHU, the Holy One of Israel. He is the most important Person that you will ever meet in your whole life and afterlife. So unique, so valuable, so great - YÁOHU! 'ULHÍM' is the archaic Hebrew word used as a uni-plural title of the Triune-Person of the Creator-Head, which means 'The All Powerful Eternal' inclusively. Like the English word 'sheep' - both used, as is, in the singular and also in the plural forms. 'ULHÍM' is pronounced: 'ool-héem' with the accent on the last syllable. Q. Who is 'Gallio' and what did he do? A. He was the proconsul of Achaia who, when confronted with these same facts, said in the Holy Scriptures: 'Since this involves arguments about words and names and your own law, settle the matter yourselves. I will have none of it!' - Acts 18:15 Holy Scriptures If he remained unbelieving, I'll give you one guess where he is spending his eternity now. But the words and names he ignored are still here. Don't you imitate him. Be wise, learned and an honest seeker of the truth. Q. How vital is the Name from the Creator's point of view? A. 'Everyone who calls upon the Name of YÁOHU will be saved.' - Joel 2:32 and Acts 2:21, Holy Scriptures 'Turn from your sins and be immersed, everyone of you, in the Name of YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, for the forgiveness of your sins, and then you will receive the gift of the 'RÚKHA-YÁOHU' (or Spirit of YÁOHU UL).' - Acts 2:38 Holy Scriptures ('RÚKHA' - pronounced 'roo-kha' which means 'Spirit'). 'All the prophets testify about Him, that everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins through His NAME!' - Acts 10:43 Holy Scriptures 'I write to you dear children, because your sins have been forgiven you on account of His NAME!' - 1 John 2:12, Holy Scriptures 'You shall call His Name 'YAOHÚSHUA' because He will save His people from their sins.' - Matthew 1:21, Holy Scriptures 'To all who received Him, to those who believed in His NAME, He gave the right to become the children of YÁOHU UL.' - John 1:12 'Because He loves Me, says YÁOHU UL, I will rescue him; I will protect him because he acknowledges My NAME; he will call upon Me and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him; with long life will I satisfy him and show him My salvation.' - Psalms 91:14-16, Tanakh or Hebrew Scriptures. 'Our help is in the NAME of YÁOHU UL, the true Maker of heaven and earth.' - Psalms 124:8 'Who has gone up to heaven and come down? Who has gathered up the wind in the hollow of His hands? Who has wrapped up the waters in His cloak? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is His NAME and the NAME of His Son? Tell me if you know.' - Proverbs 30:4 'They that know your NAME will put their trust in You.' - Psalms 9:10 'Glorify YÁOHU UL with me, let us exalt His NAME together.' - Psalms 34:3, Tanakh or Hebrew Scriptures 'YÁOHU, YÁOHU, how excellent is Your NAME in all the earth.' - Psalms 8:1 "Moses said to YÁOHU UL, 'Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them - the UL of your fathers has sent me to you - and they ask me, 'What is His Name?' Then what shall I tell them?' YÁOHU UL said to Moses, 'I am Who I am. YÁOHU - THIS IS MY NAME FOREVER BY WHICH I AM TO BE CALLED AND REMEMBERED FROM GENERATION TO GENERATION!'" - Exodus 3:13-15, Tanakh or Biblia Hebraica. 'Called, remembered and pronounced from generation to generation,' when amplified. Q. If these are really true, why do not the scholars of theology and other religious experts teach them? A. Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY said: 'I praise you YÁOHU ABÚ (Father), Ruler of heaven and earth, because You have hidden these matters from the worldly wise and the learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, YÁOHU ABÚ (Father), for this was Your fine pleasure.' - Luke 10:21 'But YÁOHU UL selected the foolish things of the world to shame the worldly wise; He chose the lowly things of the world and the despised things - and the things that are not - to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before Him.' - 1 Corinthians 1:27-29, Holy Scriptures AND BESIDES, '....the scribes have changed the word' especially the names! Remember Jeremiah 8:8 from the Tanakh or Holy Scriptures. 'How can you say, 'We are wise because we have the law of the Creator,' when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely?' - Yarmi-YÁOHU (Jeremiah) 8:8, Holy Scriptures Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA also said: 'Woe to you experts in religion! For you hide the truth from the people. You won't accept it for yourselves, and you prevent others from having a chance to believe it.' - Luke 11:52. They have taken away the key to complete spiritual knowledge and eternal salvation - the NAME! Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA also said: 'Narrow is the way and difficult that leads to life, and there are only a few that find it, but wide is the way and broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who go thereat!' - Matthew 7:13-14, Holy Scriptures Difficult, yes, especially to pronounce for those who are not serious about the things of YÁOHU UL, the Creator. Heaven can be entered only through the narrow gate - and Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA is the gate of the sheepfold. No man can approach YÁOHU UL except through Him - and these are expressed truths in the Holy Scriptures! Repeat, no man can approach the Most High except through the mediation of Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY alone. Is that clear? Truly. And also, if you are quite familiar with several historical events in the Tanakh or Hebrew Scriptures, you surely know that the majority is most often wrong. It has always been a remnant whom YÁOHU UL has been pleased with to save and rescue. Remnant! The repentant, law-abiding, the obedient, the righteous, the truth-lovers and haters of all things fraudulent and untrue. So never base your eternal future on polls or public opinions and normal social acceptance. The world is dominated by 'ha-satán,' the wild goat. (In German, 'God' is called 'Gott' - quite similar to 'Goat') Always remember: Narrow is the way. Only a few find it. Narrow is the way. YAOHÚSHUA is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY is His original Name. THE ORIGINAL IS THE BEST! Q. Why are you changing 'god's' name? A. It is not, repeat, not being changed. In fact, we are returning to the real, original, and unchanged Name of our Maker and His Messiah. We are going back to the original and the best. 'YAOHÚSHUA' is the original Hebrew Name of the Messiah/ When the Holy Scriptures were translated into Greek, sad to say but true, the Name of our Maker and His Messiah was also translated. The earth must have trembled with severe tremors. In order to be faithful to the originals in translating the Scriptures, the proper way should have been that the names be transliterated, not translated. That means the names should have transferred sound for sound, syllable for syllable, as far as proper names were concerned, especially that of our Creator and His Anointed One. But, unfortunately, this was not what happened. The names were translated, too - and, in effect, changed! Changed into different names of pagan idols! 'YAOHÚSHUA' is the Name above every name. There is so much power behind this Name. It should and must not have been translated to 'iesous,' sounding like 'zeus' because having done so greatly altered and replaced the unseen Spirit-Being behind this awesome Name. Remember, a name represents all the personality and attached authority of the person behind it. Changing the names of holy beings involves changing the spirit-persons represented by these names, and the personalities and characters, roles in life as well as the spiritual forces that are activated by these names. And besides, did YÁOHU UL, our Creator, authorize such changing of His Most Holy Name? 'This is My Name forever (forever!) by which I am to be called/remembered/pronounced from generation to generation!' - Exodus 3:13-15, Tanakh True, different peoples, different languages have name-correspondences among and between them. For example, the English 'James' has the corresponding 'Santiago' in Spanish, 'George' has its correspondent 'Giorgio' in Italian and so on. These are rudiments of customs and traditions of men, for the sake of expediency, to make them easier to pronounce, as adjusted to the inclinations of their speech patterns, thus making the printed Bibles more salable. Bringing to your remembrance how serious YÁOHU UL was with meanings attached to given names, you will recall how He changed the names of Abraham and Jacob and how He seriously forbade the naming of John the Immerser other than what He has commanded; cf. Luke 1:59-64. Also the changing of Peter's name. Why? Because a personal proper name means a lot. It represents all the character, qualifications, reputation, abilities, authority, attributes and the totality of the person represented by that particular name! And to think that the Name of the Messiah was decreed by the Almighty YÁOHU UL Himself, relayed to the favored virgin Mary by His angel. Always bear in mind, too, that people are dealing with unseen spiritual-beings behind every name which they use in prayers or any other forbidden communication with the supernatural. Remember, they are unseen so we must be very particular and careful to identify who we are dealing with and communicating to. What or who unseen, invisible spiritual beings will respond, in the supernatural world around us, right spirits or wicked spirits, depends solely on which names we call on. Correct names will activate correct spirit beings, wrong names will activate wrong, unwanted familiar evil spirits, who are notorious in pretending or imitating the real ones, to deceive many. Wicked spirits are liars and deceitful. Impostors, actually. Who are we to change YÁOHU UL's declarations without direct authorization and approval from Him? Thy will be done, YÁOHU UL, our true Maker, Source and Creator. Not our will but Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. What is His Name in heaven? Surely not 'God.' Names of idols are forbidden to be spoken in heaven by His creatures. And besides, YÁOHU UL clearly commanded us not to mention the names of idols on our lips! So to use translated names will be like walking on quicksand. It will be acceptable to YÁOHU UL if people were the ones to adjust and conform to His Name and not the other way around. He does not respond when you call Him by another name, especially that which belongs to His rivalling idols. Remember, He is the All-Powerful One. What's more, how can one be sure that he will contact YÁOHU UL if you are calling upon another so-called translation of His Name, which He never authorized in the first place? It's like trying to contact a friend but dialing a different telephone number or sending an E-Mail to a wrong E-Mail address. And an impostor to answer and fool you at the other end of the phone line. It will be April fools day everyday indeed. Watch out! You have been warned. Don't be deceived.... but be truly wise, spiritually and scripturally! Remember, proper names must never be translated, but on the contrary, they must be TRANSLITERATED (transferred, copied sound for sound) in rendering the Holy Scriptures in different languages. 'But we have to change the Name of the Most High into the name of a people's local idol, so they will readily accept the Bible. Example: If the tribes in Micronesia worship a local idol whom they call 'Bel' - then it would be wise to use this name for the Creator in translating the scriptures to their own native language. For how else would they receive the word if you do not agree, first of all, that their imagined spirit-idol is correct? So, the first verse of the translated Holy Scriptures will read - 'In the beginning 'BEL' created and made the heavens and the earth.' Shocking blasphemy! Or if in another place, the native idol happened to be called - 'gee-ZEUS,' then words from the Holy Scriptures will have to be altered and translated like this: 'Gee-ZEUS is the way, the truth and the life.' One must also be as shocked as earlier for similar blasphemy. Why not? Because many have heard this for so long a time that they have been used to, so they don't check anymore whether what they heard was true or not! A lie often repeated will be acceptable to unthinking humans after enough time of continual repetition, and for a much longer time, they will even defend it as truth. And even give up their lives for that lie. Truly many people are 'martyred' for lack of knowledge. Though spellings may be different, still the name of the idols are called upon, hidden behind different spellings but giving the same phonemes and sounds. That's what the word 'wicked occult' means: evil which is hidden, unnoticeable to the unwary. Would you name your son 'zheytan'? Why not? Because it sounds like 'satan.' But this one is of a different spelling. Still you won't take the offer, will you? The answer is obvious. Clear? Indeed. So why do most people ignorantly make 'gee-zeus' as their 'baal' or lord? My people are ruined for lack of knowledge. And there's the serpent, cunningly deceiving the whole world. But ha-satán always bows his knees to YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY. Did you know that 'zeus' is the god or idol of storms, tornadoes, thunderstorms, cyclones and all sorts of catastrophic weather disturbances? So if you want to avoid such calamities, better stop now from calling upon this idol-spirit of darkness, deceiving the whole world with his pretensions and deceptions. But Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA is the Light of life, and He was revealed to expunge the works of the devil, ha-satán. And we now bind all the wicked spirits in connection with 'zeus' idolatrous worship in all of you and anywhere else, 'ol Shúam' YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, and we all say, truly, let it be done! Know also that the original name of the book of James in the Holy Scriptures was 'YÁOHU-caf' with the English correspondent-name Jacob, and not 'James.' This was only resorted to by the translators to please King James of England, who paid their wages then. Also, the cousin of the favored virgin Mary was given a translation name of 'Elizabeth' to please the English royalty then. Do you honestly and truly believe that in those days of the Messiah's birth, that Israeli men had names such as 'James'? Come now, you are wise enough to off hand give an honest answer, even without taking up serious Bible studies. Plain common sense will tell you it's an adulteration! So you must keep on searching deeper, to know the honest truths hidden behind these translations, to get to the root archaic Hebrew words and get their originally-intended meanings. Even wild animals search for their roots, parents and sources, and surely you are truly wiser than animals. And one reason for your being alive here on earth is to seek, search and inquire of your Maker, your Creator, your Life-Giver! Plain common sense is enough reason to do this. And you are given so many years to finish this mission of getting back to your Maker. The earlier you do it, the better your whole life on this earth will be. And in the afterlife, too.... Truth is so valuable that it must be surrounded by bodyguards of lies. Because only the truth sets people free from the curses of the enemy, satir and his wicked spirits. YAOHÚSHUA has redeemed you from the curses of the law. YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY is the authentic way, the truth and the life! Not 'gee-ZEUS' of Greek mythological, primitive cults. Now, you see! The same goes for such idolatrous names as 'Shem' (from the goddess 'Shemiramis,' mother-wife of Tammuz, worshiped in primitive Babylonian-Assyrian mythological religions) and 'Adonai' (from the Phoenician-Greek pagan idol 'adonis'). We do not wish to offend nor insult anyone; we just want to let you know of the truth, out of sincere love in our hearts for you. Better the truth which often hurts than lies coated with sugar. Wounds from a friend are better than kisses from an enemy.... so the scriptural proverb says. Ha-Shem-worship is the modern-day sun-worship. While the worship of 'Adonai' is really the adoration of the 'old dragon' with his phallic symbols. Surely you will come to really comprehend now where the Jewish people have gone off the track which led to several unfortunate events in their history as a nation where YÁOHU UL, the true Guardian of Israel, seemed not to be in protective control. But YÁOHU UL knew what was happening all along, and He allowed these events to happen, as means of chastisement, to make the Jewish people return to Him, YÁOHU UL, and really acknowledge that He, not 'Ha-Shem' nor 'Adonai,' is the true Guardian of Yaoshorúl (poetic name of Israel). Truth is truth, and it will be better for us to receive it; then we change, then it will be well with us and our Most High! Who said that to change is difficult? Everything comes easy once we decide to change! Let's decide in favor of the truth, shall we? So call upon Him now and ask forgiveness for such idolatries, though unintentional. Sin is sin. Ignorance of His Word excuses no one. 'My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.' - Hosea 4:6, Tanakh (Biblia Hebraica). 'Anyone who disobeys some law of YÁOHU UL, even without realizing it is guilty anyway.' - Leviticus 5:17 Tanakh. 'Guilty' means one deserves to be punished or penalized. 'He who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy.' - Proverbs 28:13, Tanakh (Biblia Hebraica) 'If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness!' - 1 John 1:9. 'Come now, let us reason together, though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool!' - Isaiah 1:18, Tanakh. 'If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the best of the land; but if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured by the sword (war), for the mouth of YÁOHU UL has spoken.' - Isaiah 1:19-20 So let us repent. In repentance and rest is our salvation. Let us stop praying to, worshiping and praising 'Ha-Shem' and 'Adonai' - because YÁOHU UL detests all sorts of idolatrous practices, regardless of who does it, whether Jewish or Gentile. 'But there are millions doing it,' one may exclaim. Do numbers change lies to truth? Remember, wide is the way that leads to doom and there are many, repeat, many who go thereat, but narrow and difficult is the way that leads to life. REMNANT, REMNANT, REMNANT. Always remember. But many souls have been won by this method, you may say. Maybe so. But souls won for whom? For Bel, Billy, Adonis, Zeus and other idols. All is useless exercise, a terrible loss, unless of course we repent and tell others that the real Person behind all the Holy Scriptures is YÁOHU, the genuine Breath behind it all, the true Almighty One, and that YAOHÚSHUA is the authentic, original and only true Messiah! Now you realize how cunning the line of reasoning which the scribes long ago have followed, to prove what was written that they indeed have taken away the key of knowledge. They have erased, deleted and changed the original Person behind the Book and ascribed the whole Book to have been authored by different idols - but NOT the Holy One of Israel: YÁOHU UL! That's similar to present day consumer-product piracy, or even software piracy, which is actually plagiarism of the worst sort. See what happens when people adjust the Tanakh or Holy Scriptures to the whims and caprices of men just to make it salable, or palatable. The end never justifies the means. That's why we have repented and from now on, we will always truly acknowledge the genuine Source and Prime Mover of all life, the authentic Person behind the books of the Holy Scriptures - YÁOHU UL Yaoshorúl. Praise be to YÁOHU UL, our real Maker. The true Most High. Assuming, without admitting, that name-translations of our Creator or His Anointed One were permissible, then the exact name-correspondent of 'YAOHÚSHUA' in English should have been 'JOSHUA' and not 'gee-zeus.' 'Hearken to Me, YAOHÚSHUA, the High Priest and all you other priests, you are subject lessons of the excellent events to come. Don't you see? YAOHÚSHUA represents My Servant 'THE BRANCH' Whom I will send.' - Zechariah 3:8, Tanakh. 'YÁOHU UL Tzavulyáo says: 'YAOHÚSHUA, you represent the Man Who will come, Whose Name is 'THE BRANCH' - He will grow up from Himself, and will build the Temple of YÁOHU UL. To Him belongs the royal title. He will Rule both as King and Priest, with perfect harmony between the two offices!'' - Zechariah 6:12, Tanakh. These words are from the Most High: YÁOHU UL Gavóha. The Most High. But still, to accept human techniques of translations, making it the basis of our worship and eternal salvation is like building one's house upon sand. So PERILOUS. Remember, you are dealing with the One Who made the heavens and earth. Do media translate the names of presidents, royalties and other dignitaries into different languages, or do they transliterate? No, they don't translate proper names. Yes, they transliterate them. How much more the Name of the Most High? His Most Sacred Name must never be translated too, but simply transliterated, if one really wants to convey pure and holy truth. 'This is My Name forever,' and 'There is no other name given.' So let us worship our Maker in 'RÚKHA' (or Spirit) and in truth, for YÁOHU UL is looking for that kind of worship. Let us praise, worship, pray to, magnify, adore and glorify His NAME! 'Oh YÁOHU, YÁOHU - How excellent is Your NAME in all the earth!' Hallowed be Your NAME, our YÁOHU UL. In what name is your whole life dependent upon? If it is different from 'YAOHÚSHUA' - you must CHANGE now! Because, 'there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved except by that Name above every name - YAOHÚSHUA!' - Acts 4:12, Holy Scriptures. No other name. No other name. No other name. All authority in heaven and on earth is behind this Name. No translation of this most Reverend Name has been authorized by the Holy One of Israel, not even for the sake of expediency or saleability of the published Holy Scriptures. Every creature must learn to call on His Creator. The Name of our Creator must not be adjusted to the whims and caprices of His mere creatures! YÁOHU UL is the Creator, we are His creatures. It is deadly to create other fake and phony creators. To change from the original to some other translated names is to change from the Most Powerful Name to the ordinary, the vulgar, pagan and commonplace! Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY is the One and only Son of our Maker, the Holy One of Israel. Proverbs 30:4 of the Tanakh says He has a Son. 'YAOHÚSHUA' is His SON. Let's give Him the honor due His NAME, please. Since thousands of years ago, it has already been the custom and tradition of the heathen and pagan tribes to worship and serve a piece of icon or idol under different titles and names, usually varying from place to place. Even today, you can see this pagan custom being done by those who do not know the true Holy One of Israel. The mother-and-child idol is called and worshiped in its various names and titles in different countries, and even towns, of the heathen or pagan world. Typically primitive. Work of darkness, to classify it frankly. Let us not do as the pagans do. Do not be conformed to the ways and traditions of this world, because 'ha-satán' or 'satír' is the so-called 'God' of this world!' - 2 Corinthians 4:4, Holy Scriptures. 'Why do you also break the commands of YÁOHU UL for the sake of your traditions?' Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA asked the scribes. - Matthew 15:3, Holy Scriptures 'Inasmuch as these people draw near to Me with their mouths and honor Me with their lips, but have removed their hearts far from Me, and their fear towards Me is taught by the commandments of mere men, therefore, behold, I will again do a marvelous work among this people, a marvelous work and a wonder; for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the comprehension of their prudent men shall be hidden (or occult!).' - Isaiah 29:13-14, Tanakh or Hebrew Scriptures. Let us not put the Words of YÁOHU UL to no effect by means of man-made traditions and practices. It is detestable in YÁOHU UL's sight. YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY is the original Name. The original is honestly the best! Q. Why speak Hebrew when we are not Jewish or Israelis? A. 'At that time, I (YÁOHU UL) will change the speech of My returning, repentant people to pure Hebrew, so that they may worship YÁOHU UL together in harmony and in unity!' - Zephaniah 3:9, Tanakh or Hebrew Holy Scriptures So you see, it has always been the purpose of YÁOHU UL, our Maker, to purify the tongues of His returning (repentant) people, because you will remember that, since that great tower-of-Babylon fiasco, the tongues of men have been cursed, except for archaic, original Hebrew. You cannot avoid Hebrew, if you are really a seeker of the Holy One of Israel, your Maker: YÁOHU UL. Every time you open up your Tanakh or Holy Scriptures, you are in Hebrew ground. Your mere saying of 'amen' is already modern Hebrew. YÁOHU UL, the Source of our life, spoke Hebrew to Adam and Eve in Paradise. Even angels communicate to personages in the Holy Scriptures in Hebrew, our Savior is Hebrew, the apostles and the prophets spoke Hebrew, too. It is the heavenly and sacred language. That is why ha-satán (the dragon, serpent) hates it because he hates anything that is sacred to our Creator, YÁOHU UL. On the other hand, the snake loves Latin because it is the language of witchcraft and the poisonous tongue. Even the flesh is against Hebrew, but we walk in the 'RÚKHA' (or Spirit), because we are regenerated individuals, having received Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA as our one and only personal Ruler and Redeemer. 'Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow-citizens with YÁOHU UL's people and members of YÁOHU UL's household.' - Ephesians 2:19, Holy Scriptures. 'A real Jewish person is anyone whose heart is right with YÁOHU UL.... For YÁOHU UL is looking for those with CHANGED, renewed and regenerated hearts and minds!' - Romans 2:29, Holy Scriptures. 'For this reason, I kneel before YÁOHU UL, from Whom His whole family in heaven and on earth derive its NAME.' - Ephesians 3:1 Holy Scriptures. So if you are truly regenerated spiritually, then, YÁOHU UL reckons you as real Jewish, and if your are reckoned by our YÁOHU ABÚ (Father) as belonging to Him and His race, then isn't it a great privilege to be speaking the King's language? What favor. What grace. What wonder! Do not fret over the imagined difficulty. If there is a will, there is a way. Besides, you have inside you the 'RÚKHA-YAOHÚSHUA' (or the Spirit of YAOHÚSHUA) to help you and give you the desire and ability. He is 'Menachém-nu' (our Comforter). You don't have to learn all of it, just what will be useful in your prayers, worship and praising. Believe me, it's so-ooo ee-easy! Remove that mental block put in by the flesh. Do away with it now. Practice makes perfect. Learning Hebrew is not difficult; what is difficult is to decide whether to go for it or not. Once you have decided in its favor, everything becomes easy. And once we realize that it is YÁOHU UL's will, nothing can stop us from showing Him how much we love and appreciate His kindness by doing our best to please Him! 'You shall love YÁOHU UL, your Maker, with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your power and with all your mind! This is the first gam greatest (greatest!) commandment.' - Matthew 22:37 Holy Scriptures. So begin now by calling upon and using our Father's Hebrew original Name and the Messiah's, too. It is the first step. Everything becomes easy onwards. We can do all things through Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA Who empowers us always. Get to know Him now personally, do it now. Thy will be done, YÁOHU UL, not ours. The Father: YÁOHU UL, the All-Powerful One The Son: YAOHÚSHUA, the Messiah The Spirit: RÚKHA-YAOHÚSHUA, the Teacher, the Comforter These are children's bread. They're very easy to learn. Remember: Continual practice makes perfect. There is not a dull learner as one who refuses to see the truth. But you are in favor of the truth that sets you free from all deceptions of the enemy. The translation of the Messiah's unchangeable Name that is most popularly accepted was based on the Greek translation. Most of them are not Greeks, so why are they calling on a Greek name? Salvation is from the Jewish people, not from the Greeks! Besides, the Most Holy Name of our Maker does not, repeat, does not have to change according to the nationalities and languages of man! This typically is a pagan and heathenish custom in their worship of their idols! Who wrongly taught you that the Name of our Maker should be changed from language to language, or from country to country? What is the scriptural basis of that custom, if any? None whatsoever. Where did one get such teaching? Surely not from the Tanakh or Hebrew Holy Scriptures. It is of the world. So let us reform and begin calling upon our true and real Maker from now on. AM-NÁM! (That's 'amen' in pure, archaic Hebrew!). It's easy! 'I will change the speech of My returning people to pure Hebrew, that they may worship YÁOHU UL in unity.' So declared YÁOHU UL the Holy One of Israel! - Zephaniah 3:9, Tanakh or Hebrew Holy Scriptures. 'In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with YÁOHU UL and the Word was UL. He was with YÁOHU UL in the beginning. Through Him (i.e. Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA) all things were made; without Him, nothing was made that has been made. In Him was life, and that life was the light of humankind.... He was in the world, and though the world was made through Him, the world did not recognize Him. He came to that which was His own, but His own did not receive Him.... The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us.' - John 1:1-14, Holy Scriptures. Q. What do you mean by the phrase 'life eternal'? A. 'This is life eternal: to know You, YÁOHU UL (the Holy One of Israel), as the only true Creator and Omnipotent One, and the One Whom You have sent - Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY.' - John 17:3, Holy Scriptures. Q. But isn't it true that the entire Holy Scriptures was written at the inspiration of the 'RÚKHA-YÁOHU,' therefore inerrant and YÁOHU-UL-breathed? A. The originals, YES. Repeat, the originals, YES. But remember, the Holy Scriptures you have with you now are only man-improvised translations of the originals. Be aware too that the people who translated from the originals or other source documents had their own religious inclinations and biases. You may be surprised but every Bible student knows that translated Bibles or Holy Scriptures are not the ones referred to as 'INSPIRED' and 'Creator-breathed.' These terms refer only to the original manuscripts or autographs. Now you know! Scripturally speaking, the original is always the BEST! So what to do? Receive now the truth, that really sets you free! We have been told to 'keep on asking, keep on seeking and to keep on knocking that we may be given, that we may find and that the door may be opened to us! Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY is the Door to the sheepfold! And we have introduced Him to you. YÁOHU UL Khanyao-am has been so kind and merciful to us to have revealed Himself and His Anointed One - that we may tell everyone about the real truth. It is YÁOHU UL's delight to reveal these to little children. To YÁOHU UL, we are ever grateful. Thanks be to YÁOHU UL! Q. Isn't it true that the original pronunciation of the four-letter (tetragramma) Hebrew Name of the Most High in the Hebrew Scriptures had been lost, forgotten, and that nobody really knows nowadays how it is to be pronounced exactly? A. Rumors say so, yes. But they are merely that - rumors and conjectures. Think now and ponder upon these facts. Until now, His people are still called 'YAOHÚDIM' ('YAOHÚ-DIM' - to show the Name of UL) in the Hebrew language, that means Jewish people refer to themselves as 'YAOHÚDIM.' Several of the Jewish people's adopted names today still reflect the Almighty's Revered Name. Examples are: Eliahu, Khanamyahu, Netanyahu, Uziyahu, etc. Even the names of the prophets in the Tanakh (Hebrew Holy Scriptures) plus other personages and places mentioned therein still always reveal most emphatically His most-glorious Name. English translations Original Hebrew Isaiah Yaoshua-YÁOHU Elijah Uli-YÁOHU Zechariah Zochar-YÁOHU Zephaniah Zafna-YÁOHU John YAOHÚ-khanam Matthew Man-YÁOHU Joshua YAOHÚSHUA So the truth has been there in the Hebrew Scriptures all along. All we have to do is to ask and YÁOHU UL will give us the wisdom and discernment to really know Him, and that is life eternal. So we keep on seeking and we keep on finding out. Until now, many Jewish people still do know the correct and true pronunciation of the NAME, but they dare not mention it in fear of blaspheming the most-awesome Name there is in the whole universe. This is superstition, because in the whole of the Tanakh or Hebrew Scriptures, the prophets always mentioned the Name of the Almighty in their prophesyings to the people, the historical and poetry sections of the scriptures always mention the Name, so why be afraid? Let's not attempt to be holier than the true holy ones. And besides, Joel 2:32 clearly says: whoever calls upon the NAME of YÁOHU UL shall be saved. We'd rather believe and obey what is written in the original Holy Scriptures than traditions of men. YÁOHU UL caused it by His 'RÚKHA' (or Spirit) that His Name be written more than 6,000 times in the Tanakh so that we will realize that it is the most important word in its entirety. What is forbidden is the blaspheming of the Name, not the mere mentioning of it, if done with awesome reverence and total respect. Get it? Am-now! 'You shall not misuse the Name of YÁOHU, your UL, for YÁOHU UL will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses His Name.' - Deuteronomy 5:11, Tanakh or Hebrew Holy Scriptures. Take note: What is forbidden is the misuse, not the reverential use. Do not add, and do not subtract from what is written in the Holy Scriptures. This correct way of saying the Name is being kept secret from the Gentiles by those who know it, to avoid it being blasphemed - maybe true, but definitely neither lost nor forgotten, and surely not unknown. So the correct way of pronouncing the Hebrew Tetragramma is known by many even among the Jewish people, to this day! 'Therefore I (YÁOHU UL) will reveal My NAME to My people and they shall know the power in that NAME. Then at last they will recognize that it is I, yes, I, Who speaks to them.' - Isaiah 52:6, Tanakh To avoid the Name being blasphemed, some early sectarian religious leaders of Israel made it the custom of Judaism to use substitutes, replacements, such as: 'ha-Shem' (the name), 'Adonai' (lord), etc. So what was wrong with that? Where's the catch? 'Lord' means 'baal.' The correct way of saying these in archaic Hebrew are 'hol-Shúam' (the Name) and 'Ódmaor' (Ruler). The replacements that some of these sectarian groups long ago mistakenly used, to replace the original Names and titles with, were adapted from surrounding pagan, cultic and primitive communities, which then referred to popular idols among them. Sincere, maybe, but sincerely mistaken. It's not surprising if many truly sincere souls are now languishing in 'sheol' (or hell) for lack of knowledge then. 'My people are ruined for lack of knowledge!' - Hosea 4:6, Tanakh or Hebrew Holy Scriptures. In His foreknowledge, YÁOHU UL had foreseen that His Name will be blasphemed by some evil men, and that was the reason why He prescribed a severe penalty for anyone blaspheming, mocking or insulting His Most Awesome Name, YÁOHU UL: 'And whoever blasphemes the Name of YÁOHU UL shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall surely stone him, the foreigner as well as him who is born in the land. When he blasphemes the Name of YÁOHU, he shall be put to death.' - Leviticus 24:16, Tanakh. As far as YÁOHU UL is concerned, that is enough deterrent for all against committing such a crime. No need to devise substitutions of names to add to what YÁOHU UL has deemed sufficient. Presumptuous ways and ideas to help our Most High in administering His Kingdom often lead to confusion. The revealed words of YÁOHU UL are sufficient to run his government with justice and righteousness. No need for man's innovative alterations. Do not add to nor subtract from what were originally written in the Holy Scriptures, much more alter, erase, delete or rename! You now decide which is truly blasphemous in YÁOHU UL's sight. So let us now get back to using His original Name in true solemnity and with heartfelt reverence. The mere fact that this tetragramma was written more than 6,000 times in the Hebrew Scriptures or Tanakh implies that the Most High - YÁOHU UL - has deemed it proper that those who read the Holy Scriptures will always refer to Him by His one and only Name, thereby acknowledging Him as the Person behind the Holy Scriptures or the Book. This is My Name forever by which I am to be remembered from generation to generation - YÁOHU UL. Just as the gift without the giver is bare, so are the Holy Scriptures without the Resource Person behind it. Let's now put back the true Author, YÁOHU UL, back to where He properly and rightfully belongs in the Tanakh or the Holy Scriptures. Am-nám. Q. Is 'YÁOHU' an abbreviation of His more complete Name? A. 'YÁOHU' is not an abbreviation. 'YÁOHU' is the Most High's full and only-revealed Name! When mentioned, it sounds like the pleasant sounds of the gentle breeze or gentle wind, especially the second syllable of the Wonderful Name. Not surprising because He is the Giver of our life or breath or wind. Our YÁOHU UL is a 'RÚKHA' (or Spirit). In archaic Hebrew, the word 'rúkha' also refers to wind. It's common nowadays, in formulating names for the citizenry, that this Name is affixed with other descriptive or redemptive titles, that reflect some redeeming or benevolent attributes of the Most High, examples of which are: 'YAOHÚ-khanam' meaning YÁOHU is gracious 'John' 'Yaoshua-YÁOHU' meaning YÁOHU will save 'Isaiah' 'Manaim-YÁOHU' meaning YÁOHU is pleasant 'Matthew' 'Yarmi-YÁOHU' meaning YÁOHU is my exalted 'Jeremiah' 'YAOHÚSHUA' meaning YÁOHU's power to save 'Joshua' Therefore, 'YÁOHU' is the correct and complete Name of our triune ULHÍM, Creator-Head. Not the pagan Yahweh. 'Joshua' is an unacceptable translation because it involves the syllable 'josh' which is homonymous with the idolatrous name 'dios' (Zeus in disguise again). Q. Does our Creator have many Names? Why do many pray to other names much different from this original Name? A. Only one revealed Name, but many different titles used solely or in conjunction with this Awesome Name: YÁOHU. You must now learn the difference between a 'name' and a 'title.' Many titles that people use, when referring to the Holy One, are scriptural but there are also unscriptural titles, some are even idolatrous and even blasphemous. All spirit-beings correspond to and answer to a name, for identification purposes. To particularize their identities. Names are for proper and truthful identification. To names are added titles which signify several attributes of a person such as position, civil status, profession, character, office, degree and so forth. For example - Name: Wilbur Jones Titles: Mister, Architect, Independent, President, State Governor, and so on. Other common titles are: President, Senator, Congressman, Mayor, Colonel, General, Manager, Princess, Queen, King and so on. So only one name, but many possible titles. The name is for identification, the titles are for embellishments or decorations or to inform people more about the persons behind those names and titles and what they do or what ranks or seats of authority they occupy. In the same way, our Maker has only one Name: 'YÁOHU' but many titles: the Most High, the Holy One of Israel, the Almighty, the Creator, the Commander of the Armies, Maker, the Father and so on. For His Son, only one Name: 'YAOHÚSHUA.' Titles are: Molkhiúl (King), hol-MEHUSHKHÁY (Anointed One) or King of kings, also Prince of Peace, the Bread of Life, Advocate, Savior, Redeemer and so on. In the Holy Scriptures, we are told to praise, worship, magnify, glorify and bless His NAME. It is all right to include any or some of His titles but the NAME must always be properly specified, for proper identification. Remember, the name is for exact, precise and accurate identification. The titles serve as qualifiers or modifiers. There are many personages in the Scriptures named 'YAOHÚSHUA.' To whom specifically are you calling to? Whom are you particularly referring to? Which 'YAOHÚSHUA'? To the Messiah or to Moses' auxiliary? So we use 'Molkhiúl' and 'hol-MEHUSHKHÁY' as QUALIFIERS: to particularize the unseen Person we are referring to. Clear enough? Am-now. 'Whoever calls upon the Name of YÁOHU UL shall be saved!' - Joel 2:32 and Acts 2:21, Tanakh, Holy Scriptures Note that they were not written: 'Whoever calls upon the title or titles of YÁOHU UL shall be saved.' It says we must call upon His NAME and not upon any of His titles only, if we really want redemption and deliverance, protection and benefits. Was it more than a coincidence that Moses's successor in the Tanakh or Holy Scriptures was named 'YAOHÚSHUA?' And this name was given to him in place of his old name 'Hosea?' Is this a possible clue as to the identity of the promised 'Prophet' whom YÁOHU UL would send after Moses? YAOHÚSHUA. See Numbers 13:8, Tanakh (Biblia Hebraica). 'YÁOHU UL will raise up a Prophet for you like me, an Israeli, a man whom you must hearken to and whom you must obey. For this is what you yourselves begged that you might not have to hear the terrifying voice of YÁOHU UL again, or see the awesome fire of the mountain, lest you die.' 'All right, YÁOHU UL said to me, I will do as they have requested. I will raise up from among them a Prophet, an Israeli like you. I will tell Him what to say, and He shall be My Spokesman to the people. I will personally deal with anyone who will not hearken to Him and heed His messages from Me!' - Deuteronomy 18:17-19, Tanakh (Biblia Hebraica) There are none so blind as those who refuse to see. 'If there arises among you a prophet or a dreamer of dreams, and he gives you a sign or a wonder, and the sign or the wonder comes to pass, of which he spoke to you, saying, 'Let us go after other idols which you have not known, and let us serve them,' you shall NOT hearken to the words of the prophet or dreamer of dreams, because YÁOHU your UL is just proving you to know whether you love YÁOHU your UL with all your heart and with all your soul.' - Deuteronomy 13:1-3, Tanakh. Please ponder upon these now: Original Scriptural Scriptural Titles Hebrew Name 'YÁOHU' Creator, Almighty, Father, the Most High, the Holy One and Guardian of Israel, and so on. 'YAOHÚSHUA' Messiah, Teacher, Redeemer, Savior, King of kings, Prince of Peace, Advocate, and so on. 'RÚKHA-YÁOHU' Comforter, Spirit of Truth, Spirit of YÁOHU, Spirit of Grace, and so on. Please notice that there is only one Name common to the triune Persons in the Eternal Creator-Head. 'Immerse them in the Name (singular) of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.' It did not say 'names,' which is plural. - Matthew 28:19. 'Holy Father, protect them by the power of Your Name - the Name You gave Me - in order that they may be one just as We are One. While I was with them, I protected them and kept them safe by the NAME You gave Me.' - John 17:11-12. Take note: Just as WE are ONE. Just as WE (plural) are ONE. So our Creator has only One, repeat, only One Name, many titles. And now you know the difference between a title and a name. So helpful for you. Thank YÁOHU UL now for the wisdom and knowledge and light He is now giving you, out of His deep love for you. Remember: Praise and worship His Holy NAME. Not titles.... Q. Do I have to learn to speak Hebrew to be saved? A. You already are using Hebrew words in your vocabulary, whether you realize it or not. You cannot grasp the deeper meanings of the Holy Scriptures without being immersed in Hebrew. The moment you open to read your Tanakh or Holy Scriptures, you are in Hebrew ground! Examples of Hebrew words which are commonly used, especially by those familiar with the Holy Scriptures are: Amen, Bethlehem, Malchizedeq, Zion, Solomon, Abraham, Lemuel, Israel, Jacob, abdomen and even the word Messiah and Immanuel are of the Hebrew genre. Our original ancestors spoke Hebrew, Noah spoke Hebrew, the Messiah is from the Hebrew race, and so were the apostles and the prophets. You cannot ignore Hebrew and really comprehend the Tanakh or the Holy Scriptures in depth! You will encounter it one way or the other. Besides, evidences are cropping up pointing to the fact that the New Testament, which were mostly written by Hebrew individuals, were originally written in Hebrew, and not Greek, especially the book of 'Hebrews.' Although surviving manuscripts are in Greek, these manuscripts were nevertheless translations from the original autographs written in Hebrew. Remember also that the Messiah YAOHÚSHUA was born and raised in Israel, not in Greece. During His time on earth, Israel was ruled and occupied by Rome, and not by the Greeks. Rome's language then was Latin and not Greek, contrary to what others erroneously claim. The Name of the Most High is in Hebrew, the Savior's Name is in Hebrew, most of the Holy Scriptures were written in Hebrew. So Hebrew is important in the sanctification or purifying process of your new regenerated life with Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY. But to be conversant with the language is NOT a precondition to receiving this new life with the Messiah. For those who have already some light of the Holy Writ before you came to know this, this is the fruit of your continual seeking for the absolute truth and not the root. For many, though, this is the beginning of their times of spiritual refreshing, with a new life with YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY for their only personal Life Governor and Redeemer. For others, this is part of your growing up in your spiritual maturation in His family, as you are being changed from glory to glory, to be conformed to the image of His dear Son - YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, Who spoke in Aramaic Hebrew during His earthly mission. Purification of the tongue is part of YÁOHU UL's Covenant of sanctification with His children. Guaranteed by the blood of the Messiah YAOHÚSHUA. But you must believe in and call upon His one and only Name, in order to receive salvation, and His Name is in Hebrew, and not in Latin nor in Greek. The Romans were the first to translate the original Name of the Messiah YAOHÚSHUA into different languages. They were also the ones who ruined the Temple of YÁOHU UL. Not surprising. 'Everyone who calls upon the Name of YÁOHU shall be saved!' - Joel 2:32 Tanakh. 'Salvation is found in no one else, because there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved - except the Name: YAOHÚSHUA.' - Acts 4:12, Holy Scriptures. 'To all who received Him, to all who believed in His NAME, He gave the right to become the children of the Most High - YÁOHU UL.' - John 1:12, Holy Scriptures. 'For YÁOHU UL so loved the world that He gave His one and only SON, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. Because YÁOHU UL did not send His SON into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already because he has not believed in the NAME of YÁOHU UL's One and only Son - 'YAOHÚSHUA'' - John 3:16-18 Holy Scriptures. 'I (YÁOHU UL) will change the speech of My returning, repentant people to pure Hebrew, that they may worship YÁOHU UL together.' - Zephaniah 3:9 Tanakh. So it is written, so it shall be done! Q. In what language did Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA speak when He was serving here on earth? A. Scholars and researchers claim that it was the Aramaic language He spoke in. Believable because Aramaic is the closest to pure, archaic Hebrew, the type which we are using. Pure, archaic Hebrew is slightly different from Biblical or classical Hebrew, only in pronunciation, but basically the same, especially as to root consonants and syllables. Oh YAOHÚSHUA, please make me more like You! Help me speak Your language and let me be more familiar with all things Jewish, that I may truly appreciate the roots of this olive tree to which I have been grafted in or in which I am a natural branch! 'I will change the speech (purify the tongue) of My returning, repentant people to pure Hebrew!' So said YÁOHU UL, the Holy One of Israel in Zephaniah 3:9, Tanakh. Q. Won't I be labeled as belonging to a cult once I believe in His original Name? A. Wonderful! You're in the right exclusive company of believers in the genuine Almighty One and the true Messiah. The early believers in the Messiah were also branded as belonging to the cult or sect of the Nazarenes! See Acts 24:5, the Holy Scriptures Whatever label or brand people may tag on you does not matter. What matters is WHO is your Savior and Redeemer, to whom is your whole life here and afterlife entrusted, WHO do you really praise and worship; who is your Protector and Defender and Provider? These are the vital things in one's life. The most important factor in your being alive is to know YÁOHU UL, your Creator. 'This is life eternal: To know You, YÁOHU UL, the only true All-Powerful One and the One Whom You have sent, i.e., YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY!' - John 17:3, Holy Scriptures. 'I have told you these matters so you won't be surprised by all that lies ahead, for you will be excommunicated from the synagogues, and indeed the time is coming when those who kill you will think they are doing a service for the Most High. This is because they have never known YÁOHU ABÚ (the Father) or Me. Yes, I am telling you these matters now so when they happen, you will remember I warned you,' said Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA in John 16:1-4. To live is basically to engage in trading or exchange. You give your time to studies, you get a degree. You give your talents in service to your employer, you receive a salary, which in turn you give away to get your basic daily needs, like food, clothing and so on. Likewise, if you want to gain eternal life, or heavenly life, you must give up something in exchange, say for example, your earthly pleasures or unproductive living. You must give in order to get. You must sow before you reap. It's a universal principle! So if you want to belong to that body of believers whom the Most High reckons as being truly His own, co-heirs with YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, you must give up many things. You have to engage in a trade or exchange with your Maker. 'Whoever seeks to withhold his life shall lose it, but whoever gives up his life for My sake, shall all the more find it,' said YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY in Matthew 10:39, Holy Scriptures. 'So no one can become My disciple unless he first sits down and counts his favors - and then renounces them all for Me,' said Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY in Luke 14:33. 'But all these that I once thought very worthwhile - now I've thrown them all away so I can put my trust and hope in YAOHÚSHUA the Messiah alone. Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the priceless gain of knowing the Messiah, YAOHÚSHUA, my Life Governor. 'I have put aside all else, counting it worth less than nothing, in order that I can have the Messiah, and become one with Him, no longer counting on being saved by being upright enough but by relying upon Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY to save me; for YÁOHU UL's way of making us right with Himself depends on faith - counting on Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY alone. Now I have given up everything else - I have found it to be the only way to really know the Messiah and to experience the mighty power that brought Him back to life again, and find out what it means to suffer and to die with Him. So, whatever it takes, I will be one who lives in the fresh newness of life of those who are alive from the dead,' said Emissary Shaúl (Paul) in Philippians 3:7-11, Holy Scriptures. What then does one get in exchange for all these giving up? 'Let no one glory in men because YÁOHU UL has given you everything you need.... He has given you the whole world to use, and life and even death are your servants. He has given you all of the present and all of the future. All are yours, and you belong to the Messiah, and the Messiah belongs to YÁOHU UL,' said Emissary Shaul in 1 Corinthians 3:21-23, Holy Scriptures. 'Let me assure you that no one has ever given up anything - home, brothers, female siblings, mother, father, children, or property for love of Me and to tell others the Glorious Message, who won't be given back, a hundred times over, homes, brothers, female siblings, mothers, children, and lands - with persecutions. All these will be his here on earth in this present age, and in the world to come he shall have eternal LIFE,' said Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA in Mark 10:29-30, Holy Scriptures. Fair exchange? What an excellent bargain. Surely you'll take it now. Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY asks everything from YOU because He gave up everything, even His own life, so He can redeem YOU. And He surely would have done all that was necessary, even if you were the only person here on earth to redeem - that's how great His love for you is. YÁOHU UL, the UL of true, eternal love is the One Who really loves you. Because you are so highly-valued by the Father, YÁOHU ABÚ. Our YÁOHU UL is the UL of Love. He is LOVE. Remember: Life is but an EXCHANGE. Q. What do you mean by the Hebrew word 'Nuzrothíy'? A. Here's the meaning of the archaic Hebrew word 'Nuzrothíy': 'Nuzor' means 'the Branch' 'Zoro' means 'the Seed' from which the modern word 'zero' comes from. Look at the symbol used to represent it, 0, which looks like a seed. 'Rothiy' means 'the mark of my Shepherd' Note: 'UL' (pronounced 'ool') means the 'All-Powerful One.' All based on the original meanings of these archaic, pure Hebrew words. 'Hearken to Me, YAOHÚSHUA, the High Priest, and all you other priests, you are illustrations of the wonderful things to come. Don't you see? YAOHÚSHUA represents My Servant - the Branch, Whom I will send!' said YÁOHU UL in Zechariah 3:8, Tanakh. 'Put the crown on the head of YAOHÚSHUA, the High Priest. This is what YÁOHU UL says about YAOHÚSHUA, the High Priest: You represent the Man Who will come, Whose Name is 'The Branch' (Nuzor) - He will grow up from Himself (zoro - seed) and will build the Temple of YÁOHU UL. To Him belongs the royal title. He will Rule both as King and Priest, with perfect harmony between the two offices!' - Zechariah 6:11-12, Tanakh or Hebrew Holy Scriptures 'This fulfilled the prediction of the prophets: He shall be called the Nazarene (or the Branch)' - Matthew 2:23, Holy Scriptures 'And I fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to me, 'Shaul, Shaul, why are you persecuting Me?' 'Who is speaking to me, Sir?' I asked. And He replied, 'I AM YAOHÚSHUA NUZROTHÍY (of Nazareth), the One you are persecuting!' - Acts 22:7-8, Holy Scriptures. 'And you no doubt know that YAOHÚSHUA NUZROTHÍY (of Nazareth) was anointed by YÁOHU UL with the 'RÚKHA hol-HODSHÚA' and with power, and He went around doing well and curing all who were possessed by demons, for YÁOHU UL was with Him!' - Acts 10:38 Holy Scriptures. Q. What do you mean by the archaic Hebrew words 'hol-MEHUSHKHÁY'? A. Here is the meaning of the archaic Hebrew word 'hol-MEHUSHKHÁY': 'hol-MEHUSHKHÁY' is the archaic Hebrew word which means 'ANOINTED ONE' translated as 'the MESSIAH' in English. In modern Hebrew, this archaic word was corrupted into 'Moshiyach.' This modern rendition of the original archaic word is unacceptable because the phonemes of this word 'Moshiyach' denote and connote wicked spirits. As always, the original is always the safest and the best! Incidentally, the original name of Moses in archaic Hebrew is 'MEHUSHUA' - so they all fit nicely together like a jigsaw puzzle arranging themselves nicely to come up with a revealing total image or picture of the true and authentic triune Creator-Head! YÁOHU UL said that He will send 'the PROPHET' just like Mehushúa (Moses), to whom we must hearken and obey,' and He's none other than Molkhiúl (King) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, the promised Messiah, Savior, Prophet and King! Q. Is it correct to use the title 'El Shaddai'? A. No. It's incorrect. A simple research into the true personality of 'El' in babylonian and chaldee mythology, will reveal that 'El' was a very popular pagan idol in the early history of those people. He was an idol associated with incest, lust, immorality and treachery. The word 'Shaddai' refers to seducing spirits of the wicked realm. Using this title activates seducing spirits with the immoral characteristics of 'El' - luring many people into slavery to pagan idolatry. Even witches know this and use this specific title in their incantations, faith healing sessions, and satanic worship. Always check it out! You'll avoid the subtle traps and hidden deceptions of the enemy. Don't just go along with the crowd. Wide is the way that leads to destruction and many go thereat! Even birds first examine anything for possible food, before picking, and surely you are wiser than birds. Be really wise. The correct title of the true Creator YÁOHU UL, based upon archaic Hebrew, is 'UL SHUA-ODÁI' - which literally means 'The All-Powerful One Whose Salvation is Sufficient' - that is, YÁOHU UL, the true One. Remember that there is a fine line between genuine and bogus money bills. You can't find a fake three-dollar bill. The counterfeit is almost similar to the authentic, discernible only through the eyes of the thorough visual examiner. Much more so when it comes to unseen, supernatural spirit beings. Be very, very careful, because it's your whole life here and in the afterlife that's at stake. What does it profit anyone if he gains the whole world but suffers the loss of his own soul? Q. Is it correct to call on the Creator as 'Allah'? A. No, it's absolutely wrong. The word 'allah' refers to the Arabian moon idol in the ancient Middle East. That's why it's not surprising to discern the occult meanings of the quarter moon symbol with the star used by those who call on this Arabian moon idol. To the true, chosen, elect and faithful ones, no evidence is necessary; but to those who refuse to believe, no evidence is enough! There are none so blind as those who decide not to see! The Tanakh or Hebrew Scriptures clearly point to YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY as the promised Messiah. But you belong to the elect generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. So now you believe. We fully believe that, by the favor and mercy of YÁOHU UL, the 'RÚKHA-YAOHÚSHUA' is now teaching all of you, leading you into all truth, reminding you of the words of Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA, is revealing Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA now to each one of you, and that YÁOHU UL always watches over His words to perform them. We also believe that the 'RÚKHA-YAOHÚSHUA' is the One Who is giving life and powerful oiling to YÁOHU UL's words, and He's now convicting your hearts in regard to sin, uprightness and judgment, and we now bind all of you to the full submission to Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, now and forever, 'ol Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, and we all delight-nám! Remember, every knee must bow to Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA and every tongue confess that YAOHÚSHUA is the Ruler of all, to the glory of YÁOHU UL, the Most High! And whatever we bind on earth is bound in the heaven immediately! 'For this purpose the Son of YÁOHU UL was revealed, to expunge the works of the wicked one!' - 1 YÁOHU-khánam (John) 3:8, Holy Scriptures And we now release and loose all of you from all the powers of ha-satán and from all his religious wicked spirits, evil spirits of confusion, all lying spirits, and all kinds of seducing spirits and we stop, rebuke and renounce all their wicked influences, deceptions, power and control over your whole person and we now set you free from all the powers of all evil spirits now. We also now tie, bind you to full and immediate submission to Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY now and for always! Whatever we release, let loose on earth is released, loosed likewise in heaven, and whatever we tie, bind on earth is bound also in heaven! 'Ol Shúam' YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, and we all agree, am-nám! Remember, it was Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA Who died for your sins, and not religion. Religion is not the Savior. YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY is the Savior Who is willing and able to help, deliver, heal and save you! For the weapons of our warfare are not the weapons of the world; on the contrary, they are very powerful, through YÁOHU UL, to demolish fortresses. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of YÁOHU UL, and we now take captive every thought to make it submissive to Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA. And we now overcome ha-satán by the 'DAM' (blood) of Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY and by the words of our testimony, and since we resist ha-satán, we win! Hodayáo (thanks) be to YÁOHU UL GABÓR (the Brave Warrior) Who always makes sure that we triumph through Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, and truly we are greater than conquerors! And we do not allow ha-satán to steal in any manner the words of YÁOHU UL sown in your hearts now and forever! 'Ol Shúam' YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám! Now that you believe in His Shúam (Name) and accept Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY as the true Messiah, say, speak, I repeat, you say and speak this simple prayer right now, from your heart, to formalize your inner faith in Him: ========================== Sinner's Prayer of Repentance YÁOHU UL, Who dwells in shamulyáo (heavenly heights), I now believe that You are the real Maker of all, my Creator; I believe that You are the true Holy One of Yaoshorúl, no one else; You are the 'UL' of Abruhám, YÁOHUtz-kaq (Isaac) and YÁOHU-caf; I acknowledge that I have sinned against You, and I do now forgive all those who have offended me in the past; I truly repent before You. Please forgive me of all my sins and cleanse me now, by the 'DAM' (blood) of Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, Who, I believe, died in my behalf, as my own individual replacement; I now make YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY as my only individual Ódmorul (Ruler) and 'Mée-hoo-shúa-yao' (Savior); I believe that He died to pay for all my sins, was buried, became alive again, went to be with YÁOHU UL, and will soon return to rule as the King of kings; I believe with perfect faith in the soon-coming return of Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY; It is inscribed: 'Everyone who calls upon the Name of YÁOHU UL shall be saved,' and I believe in the resurrection of the upright to eternal rewards, and the damnation of the wicked to eternal punishment and perdition; Please give me now the 'RÚKHA-YAOHÚSHUA' to indwell me as Your newly-born child in Your eternal Kingdom of uprightness, love and holiness; And please also now immerse me in the 'RÚKHA-YAOHÚSHUA' so I may freely receive His gifts for empowerment in my new life as a Yaohúshua-hée (faithful believer); I believe that I now receive the 'RÚKHA-YAOHÚSHUA' into my heart, as my life Ruler, Governor and Maoro-éh (Teacher), as I do also believe that I now receive Your mercy, forgiveness and cleansing and the empowerment gifts of and immersion in the 'RÚKHA-YAOHÚSHUA'; I praise, glorify, worship You and express my 'hodayáo' (thanks) for the free redemption and salvation You have given me. I pray all this, 'ol-Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám! ========================== Now you are free, you are healed, you are delivered, you are whole! Now, glorify YÁOHU UL with me, let us exalt His NAME together! Now begin your new life with YÁOHU ABÚ (Father) by telling others about His LOVE and His NAME and begin loving and helping your neighbors. 'You shall love YÁOHU your Ulhím with ALL your heart, with ALL your soul and with ALL your mind; and you shall love your neighbor as you love yourself.' These are the greatest mitzvót or commandments. So begin loving YÁOHU Ulhím and your neighbors now. 'Ol Shúam' YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, am-nám! ========================== If you don't have a copy of the 'Biblia Hebraica' or the Holy Scriptures, better get one immediately and begin reading the Word! And this is for your spiritual growth, which is vital. Simply make the necessary corrections as you read, now that you know the truth. Remember, you have to keep on learning the Word or the Holy Scriptures so you'll discover more truths that are important to clean, prosperous and healthy living. Begin reading the Holy Writ now. And when you pray daily, do call on and address it to YÁOHU UL, and always close or end your prayer by using the Name of Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, because He said that we should ask from YÁOHU UL using the His Name. We ask over Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY's signature. Guaranteed genuine results, grants, answers and benefits. No, don't try it; believe it and do it now! If you, or someone else you know, need any kind of help, spiritually or materially, feel free to call us or write us, or if you have any more queries. We are here to serve and we care for you because YÁOHU Ulhím loves you. And Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY has redeemed you. You are in the narrow way, after all, when you receive and make Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY your King and Savior. If you want to receive free copies of bilingual Hebrew Holy Scriptures, New Covenant portion, all in Hebrew, with translations in German, Arabic, Portuguese, Russian, French, Dutch, Romanian, Spanish and other major foreign languages, including English of course, do contact us soonest and we will send them to you, wherever you are, free! You don't have to pay anything. It's our voluntary service unto Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA, proclaiming Him and His Word to multitudes, whatever vernacular they may use. Freely we have received from YÁOHU ABÚ, freely we also give out, as the Holy Scriptures declare. ========================== In our other free literature which you may request for: Q. How many Persons are there in the Creator-Head, 1, 2 or 3? Q. Why do we believe that the original Hebrew Holy Scriptures are the inspired Words of YÁOHU UL? Q. What do you mean by the terms 'spiritual regeneration'? Q. Why do we believe YAOHÚSHUA to be the Promised Messiah? Q. What immersions does YÁOHU Ulhím require of each believer to undergo? Q. Why atheists cannot answer simple queries regarding the first-cause or the prime mover of the universe, the origin of everything and the final end of everything? Who caused the first motion in the universe, who began everything moving? Who created all the elements in the universe? Who made the basic elements of the universe? What will the final end be, if any? Q. Why are there many who are poor and why are some rich? What is the secret behind it all? Or does everything depend on the idols of money, success, fortune and fate? Q. What are wicked occult objects and symbols and what are their ill-effects on those who have them? Q. Why are there so much turmoil and problems in our family? How do I relate to my parents and employers to gain all the benefits in this life? ========================== Truly, Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA is the truth that sets you free from all lies, deceptions and curses of the enemy! He is the Light of life! He protects you from the mark of the beast, the anti-messiah. The enemy came to kill, to rob and to ruin; Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA came to give you life and life more enriched! You have now united with, not another religion, but with the Person of the authentic Messiah, Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, Who sets people free from all bondages, lies and deceptions of the enemy! YAOHÚSHUA is now your Deliverer, Redeemer, Curer, Ruler, Protector, Defender, Provider and Chief Shepherd of your souls. Into the hands of YÁOHU UL we entrust fully your whole person as well as your spiritual growth and walk, now and forever, 'Ol Shúam' (in the Name of) YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, and we all delight-nám! Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA declared: 'Don't imagine that I came to bring peace on earth! No, rather, a sword! I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law - a man's worst of enemies will be right in his own home. If you love your father and mother more than you love Me, you are not worthy of being Mine, or if you love your son or daughter more than Me, you are not worthy of being Mine. If you refuse to take up your stake and follow Me, you are not worthy of being Mine. If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give it up for Me, you will save it.' - Man-YÁOHU (Matthew) 10:34-39, Holy Scriptures May YÁOHU UL Yaoshúayao and Shuamór favor you and keep you; May YÁOHU UL Khanyao-ám make His face shine upon you and be kind, benevolent to you always; May YÁOHU UL Shua-oléym turn His face toward you and give you peace. 'Ol Shúam' YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY and we all declare, am-nám! Olkém shua-oléym.... ========================== Please request for your complimentary (free) hard copies or electronic text transmissions of these YAOHÚSHUA scriptural guidelines now by post, fax, CD's, diskettes, modem or E-mail. Do it now. Faith without works is dead. Begin telling others now about Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA Who now is your new Ruler and Redeemer! Better yet, download this file and have it printed out, then give out and send photocopies of this to your family, relatives, neighbors, friends and workmates soonest. Tell them you've met, believed and received Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA as your own Life Governor and Deliverer. Be proud of Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA. He is the genuine Messiah! You may also subscribe to our free daily releases of your 'Warm Daily Bread' by giving us your E-Mail or post mailing address. 'No man can live by bread alone but by every word which comes from the mouth of YÁOHU UL,' said Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA. YAOHÚSHUA - the only hope in this world. Other truly enlightening scriptural guidelines are: Titles Filenames 'YAOHÚSHUA - The Messiah' YAOHUSH.TXT 'YAOHÚSHUA in the Triune Eternal! TRIUNE.TXT 'Facts Incredible Yet True' INCRED.TXT 'Messiah's Qualifications' QUALI.TXT 'YAOHÚSHUA - The Curer & Exorcist' CURE.TXT 'The YAOHÚSHUA Exposés' FALSE.TXT 'Dealing with Authorities' AUTHOR.TXT These are the most-important guidelines you'll ever read in your entire life. Next to the Holy Scriptures, of course. Be sure to avail of these YAOHÚSHUA scriptural guidelines soonest for in them are spiritual treasures which you need for further spiritual enrichment and growth in the Messiah YAOHÚSHUA. These guidelines are available both in HTML and TEXT formats at: Home WWW website: E-mail Address: Cohanul@YAOHUSHUA.ORG WWW Mirror Sites: http://Ohol-Yaohushua.Org/index.html Microsoft Network (MSN) - Religious Resources Library America Online (AOL) - Religion & Ethics Forum - Interfaith Library CompuServe Religion Forum Library: Library (6) - Interfaith Dialogue Section Library (22) - Messianic Believers Section CompuServe E-Mail Address: YAOHUSHUA@CompuServe.Com Post Mailing Address: OHOL YAOHUSHUA P. O. BOX 1482, JERUSALEM, ISRAEL 91014 ========================== Remember! 'There is no other name under heaven given to humanity for salvation, except the Name: YAOHÚSHUA.' - Acts 4:12 No other name, no other name, no other name, no other name, except: YAOHÚSHUA. This is not a copyrighted material. You may copy, quote or reprint this in whole or in part, as long as Molkhiúl YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY is glorified and magnified, that's reason for all of us to be glad and exult. The greatest favor you can give your loved ones is to reconcile them to their Creator, YÁOHU UL, and the Messiah YAOHÚSHUA. This is the greatest heritage you can give them, more valuable than riches or worldly education. Give them the Word that was made flesh, Whom they have pierced, and Who died for all of humanity's redemption, and the soon coming King and Judge of all. YAOHÚSHUA is His one and only Name. There is no other name.... Magnify and glorify YÁOHU UL with me, let us exalt His Shúam (Name) together! Oh, YÁOHU, YÁOHU, how excellent is Your 'Shúam' in all the earth! Y A O H Ú S H U A - the only hope in this world. All this is given to you, in true love and deep humility, 'ol Shúam' YAOHÚSHUA hol-MEHUSHKHÁY, and we all declare, am-nám. Contact us now at this E-mail address: Do it now! Every knee must bow at this Name: Y A O H Ú S H U A ! ========================== Fifth Release. Revised October 1, 5761 ==== End of File ====